The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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1/18/2020 7:36 pm  #1

HWL presents New Year's Revolution (01/18/20)

Pyros erupt throughout the Viejas Arena in San Diego, California, as we kick off the first HWL Pay Per View of 2020, New Year’s Revolution, and hanging ominously above the ring is the Elimination Chamber structure, where seven men will compete for the World Heavyweight Championship. Before we get there, three other title matches will take place tonight. Five women will be whittled down one by one in Four Stages of Hell with the last one left standing leaving the Women’s World Championship. Four cruiserweights will climb to new height in pursuit of the vacant championship in a Ladder Match. But before all that, three teams are set to do battle in our opening contest for the Tag Team Championship.

Don’t you dare be sour as Kofi Kingston and Big E make their way to the ring along with Xavier Woods and the New Day are followed out to the ring by The Briscoes and then the defending Tag Team Champions, War Machine.

Match #1 – HWL Tag Team Championship – Triple Threat Elimination Match – War Machine vs. The Briscoes vs. New Day

Jay Briscoe, Kingston and Ray Rowe start out for their respective teams and Briscoe kicks Rowe in the gut and then elbows Kingston in the face. Jay whips Rowe into the corner and then whips Kingston in after him and Kingston connects with a Spinning Heel Kick. Kingston then ducks a Big Boot from Briscoe and takes him down with the S.O.S. into the cover, but Briscoe kicks out. Kingston then ducks a Discus Clothesline from Rowe and makes a diving tag to Big E, who charges in and knocks Rowe down with a Running Shoulder Block. Big E then bounces off the ropes as Rowe regains his feet and he hits both Rowe and Briscoe with a Flying Crossbody. He then pins Briscoe, who kicks out and then tries to pin Rowe, who not only kicks out, but wraps Big E up in an Armbar. Big E struggles to regain his feet with Rowe hanging from his arm. Big E fails to reach the ropes, but falls toward his corner and makes a tag to Kingston with his free hand. Kingston then nails Rowe with the Boom Drop, but is then Clotheslined out over the top rope by Briscoe. Rowe makes the tag to Hanson, who comes in takes Briscoe down with a Leaping Leg Lariat. Hanson then goes for a Running Senton, but Briscoe drives both knees up into his back.  Briscoe then follows up with a Jay Driller on Hanson and makes the tag to Mark, who follows up with a Froggy Bo as Jay knocks Rowe to the floor and Mark covers Hanson for the three count and the elimination. That leaves just New Day and the Briscoes and we will have new champions crowned. Kingston and Big E slide back into the ring and all four men brawl and Big E ultimately Clotheslines Jay out over the top rope, but falls out with him and both men crash to the floor. Kingston presses Mark back against the ropes with a series of Double-hand Chops. Kingston then tries to whip Mark off into the ropes, but Mark counters and sends Kingston off into the ropes instead and connects with a Double-A Spinebuster. Big E then trips Mark and drags him out to the floor and grabs him in a Bear Hug before ramming his spine into the ring post. Jay then levels Big E with a Bicycle Kick and then hits him with the Jay Driller on the floor. Jay rolls back into the ring and has to duck to avoid Kofi’s Trouble in Paradise. Jay then takes Kingston by the legs and connects with a Wheelbarrow Suplex. Jay then follows up with an Atomic Leg Drop and then hoists Kofi up onto his shoulders as Mark heads up to the top turnbuckle, but Big E climbs up onto the ring apron and grabs Mark by the boot to prevent him from going for the Doomsday Device. Kofi then frantically hammers Jay with big right hands, but can’t get free and Jay drops him hard to the mat with an Electric Chair ride. Mark then kicks himself free of Big E and Jay nails Big E with a Discus Punch, knocking him back to the floor and Mark follows up with a Froggy Bo onto Kofi and makes the cover, but Kofi kicks out for a near fall. Both Briscoes then go out to the floor and hurl Big E through the corner of the barricade to take him further out of the match. Mark then goes back into the ring and tries to pull Kofi back up, but Kofi counters into a Jawbreaker. Kofi then tries for the S.O.S., but Mark fights him off and shoves him into a Bicycle Kick from Jay. Jay then hoists Kofi up onto his shoulders again as Mark heads back up to the top turnbuckle and the Briscoes connect with the Doomsday Device and Mark covers Kingston for the three count.

The Briscoes are your winners and once again the NEW Tag Team Champions. In the back, our broadcast colleague is joined by another former champion, two-time Women’s World Champion Nikki Cross. Cross says that Shayna stole her favorite toy. She says that didn’t turn out so well for Bayley in the end when she did the same thing. Nikki said this is a good start, with the tag team championships going back home to the Briscoes after those dirty Vikings stole them away last month. She says it bodes well that her favorite toy will find its way home tonight as well, but not before she gets to put some of her old playmates – Lacey, Bayley and Shayna, through hell first. As for Sasha, Nikki says she’ll find out too, that Nikki is always ready to play, but Nikki doesn’t play very nice.

Back at ringside, ladders have been leaned against the barricade down on the floor, awaiting these four cruiserweights to set them up and make use of them as we crown a new champion tonight. Jack Gallagher, Finn Balor, Jungle Boy and Marty Scurll each make their way to the ring and we’re ready to get started.

Match #2 – HWL Cruiserweight Championship – Fatal 4-Way Ladder Match – Jack Gallagher vs. Finn Balor vs. Jungle Boy vs. Marty Scurll

Scurll goes after Gallagher right away, but Gallagher takes him down with an Armdrag and then applies a Leg Scissors across his chest. Meanwhile, Balor and Jungle Boy tie up and Jungle Boy overpowers Balor and puts him up into a Gorilla Press and drops him down onto Gallagher and Scurll, breaking them apart. Balor and Scrull roll out to the floor and Jungle Boy goes up to the top rope and lets out a primal yell before diving to the floor, taking them both down with a Flying Crossbody. Jungle Boy then grabs a ladder and tosses it into the ring. Jungle Boy then stars setting up the ladder, but is waylaid by a German Suplex from Gallagher. Gallagher then tries to follow up with a Falling Headbutt, but Jungle Boy rolls out of the way and drags the ladder in his place and Gallagher Headbutts the ladder. Jungle Boy then pitches Gallagher out to the floor and then sets up the ladder and begins to climb, but both Balor and Scurll come in behind him and together Double Powerbomb him off the ladder and to the mat. Balor then nails Scurll with a Pele Kick and Scrull falls through the ropes and out to the ring apron and Balor heads up to the top turnbuckle and hits Jungle Boy with a Coup de Grace. Balor starts to scramble up the ladder, but Scurll comes back in and shoves over the ladder and Balor comes down crotch first across the top rope. Scurll then takes the ladder and rams it into the side of Balor’s head, knocking him out to the floor. Scurll works to set the ladder back up as Gallagher now slides into the ring with a second ladder and sets it up beside Scrurll’s and the two men each climb opposite sides of the two ladders and meet at the top, both getting their fingers on the title belt. Scurll then elbows Gallagher in the face, but Gallagher hangs on and swings the title back into Scurll’s face and Scurll nearly loses his balance, but manages to hang on to the top of his ladder by one hand. Gallagher reaches up to try to unhook the title with one hand as he holds it in place with the other, but Scurll fires back with a big right hand to the jaw and then hits a Swinging Neckbreaker from the top of the ladder all the way back down to the mat. Scurll then regains his feet and begins climbing one ladder, but now Jungle Boy and Balor are back on their feet and climbing the ladder that Scurll was using and all three men reach the top at the same time and look back and forth between each other and every man throws a punch to the person on their right in this awkward triangle 10-15 feet up in the air above the ring. All three men loopily cling to their ladders and now all three men throw a punch to the man on their left. Scurll then frantically kicks at the other ladder and it begins to tip over and Balor drops down to the floor, but lands on his feet as Jungle Boy leaps from the falling ladder and lands on the other ladder, now standing face to face with Scurll at the top of it. Jungle Boy then hooks Scurll and tries to Suplex him from the top of the ladder, but Scurll blocks it and pokes Jungle Boy in the eye. Scurll then reaches for the title, but now Balor has the other ladder set back up and has climbed halfway up to where he can reach Scurll and clubs him across the lower back. Jungle Boy then swings one leg up over the top of the ladder, kicking Scurll in the side of the head and sending him crashing down the mat. The move leaves Jungle Boy sitting astride the top of the ladder and Balor grabs one of his legs and hooks it under one of the rungs of the ladder, trapping Jungle Boy there as Balor now climbs to the top of his ladder and kicks Jungle Boy’s ladder over sideway and the ladder flops over on the top rope and stands there at a 45 degree angle with Jungle Boy hanging upside down from it outside the ring by his caught leg. The path is now clear for Balor, who reaches up and unhooks the title.

Finn Balor is your winner and the NEW Cruiserweight Champion. In the back, our broadcast colleague is standing by with Austin Aries, who claims that over the past six months, he has shown everybody in the HWL why he is God’s Gift to Wrestling. Aries said he dominated the cruiserweight division and the only reason he’s not the champion right now is that he has bigger things in mind. Aries says he has a greater responsibility, not just to share his Gift with the cruiserweight division, but with the heavyweight as well and thus the entirety of the HWL. Aries says the man who wins the Elimination Chamber tonight won’t be the biggest wrestler. It won’t be the most extreme wrestler. It won’t be the smartest wrestler. It won’t even be the best wrestler. It’ll just simply be The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived… Austin Aries.

Back at ringside, it’s time for the Women’s Championship to be defended as Bayley, Sasha Banks, Lacey Evans, Nikki Cross and Shayna Baszler each make their entrances and all five women have been left in the dark as to what each stage of the match will be. Instead of each round being predetermined, each stage will be determined at random. One stage will only end when one of the women is eliminated and only then will the next stage commence.

Match #3 – HWL Women’s World Championship – Four Stages of Hell – Shayna Baszler vs. Nikki Cross vs. Bayley vs. Lacey Evans vs. Sasha Banks

The five women wait warily in the ring as it is revealed that the first stage will be a Tables match. The first of the five women to be put through a table will be eliminated. Cross makes a beeline for Baszler as the match gets, but Lacey steps between them and flattens Cross with the Woman’s Right. Baszler then hooks Evans’ arms behind her back and holds her defenseless as Bayley and Sasha both pummel her in the gut. Bayley and Sasha then follow up with a Double DDT on Evans and Baszler rolls out to the floor and collects a table and sets it up perpendicular to the barricade, barely fitting between the barricade and the ring apron. Baszler then takes a second table and puts it into the ring and sets it up in the corner as Bayley and Sasha have continued to pummel both Evans and Cross in the ring. Baszler then takes Evans by the hair and she and Bayley both pitch Evans out over the top rope toward the table set up out there, but Evans holds on to the top rope and is able to land on the ring apron. Baszler tries to kick through the ropes and stomp Evans down to the table, but Evans grabs her boot and tangles Baszler up in the ropes and slides back in under the bottom rope. Bayley then tries to Spear Evans through the table in the corner, but Evans leapfrogs her and Bayley stops just short of crashing through the table herself. Cross then nails Evans from behind with a Bulldog and rolls out to the floor, pulling her out with her. Baszler unties herself from the ropes, but is now left two-on-one in the ring against Bayley and Sasha. Baszler kicks Bayley in the gut and takes a big swing at Banks, but Banks ducks and then hits Baszler with a Lung Blower and puts her in the Bank Statement. Banks eventually lets Bazler go and she and Bayley take Baszler by the hair and drag her back up to her feet before pitching her out over the top rope and send her crashing through the table out on the floor and Baszler is the first woman eliminated. It is then announced that the second stage will be a Bra and Panties match. Bayley and Sasha renew their plan to work together as the go out to the floor after Cross and Evans, who are rolling around on the floor, pulling each others’ hair and throwing wild punches. Bayley then takes Evans by the hair and pulls her off Cross and Sasha kicks Evans in the gut and they throw her into the ring post. Cross then tries to fight them both off, but the numbers advantage is too much and they wear her down and pitch her headlong into the barricade. They then work together to pull Cross’ shirt off over her head and Cross is halfway to elimination. They then try to pull at her pants, but Cross fights them off and kicks Sasha backward into the ring steps. Cross then trips Bayley into a rollup and hooks her hands into the waistband of Bayley’s tights and yanks them down, having to tear the tights to pull them off over her boots and now Bayley is halfway to elimination also. Sasha then charges back at Cross, but Cross Back Body Drops her over the barricade and into the crowd. Bayley tries to snatch her tights back from Cross’ grip, but Cross elbows her in the face and then hoists her up and drops her to the floor in a Tombstone Piledriver. Cross then removes Bayley’s top and Bayley becomes the second woman eliminated. The third stage is then revealed to be a Falls Count Anywhere Match. Sasha comes flying at Cross from the top of the barricade, but is intercepted by a Woman’s Right mid-air from Evans, who quickly covers Sasha for the three count. Cross then cackles as she pushes Evans down and out of the way and proceeds to strip Sasha out of her ring gear and down to her bra and panties as well and boots both her and Bayley in the asses as they try to crawl away on all fours up the rampway. Bayley and Sasha get up and make a run for it up the rampway with Cross chasing them the whole way to the back. Cross returns back to the rampway and the last stage is a Last Woman Standing Match. Lacey meets Cross halfway up the ramp and the two trade punches as they work their way back down to the ring. Cross tries to throw Evans into the ring steps, but Evans fights her off and drives Cross’ lower back into the ring apron. Evans pushes Cross up onto the apron and ties her arms up in the middle rope, leaving her hanging out over the edge of the ring as Evans retrieves a kendo stick and smashes it repeatedly across Cross’ head, chest and stomach. Evans then rolls into the ring and unties Cross from behind and then bounces off the ropes on the other side of the ring and hits her with a Running Dropkick, pitching Cross forward off the ring apron and down to the floor as the referee begins to count her out. Cross gets back up to her feet at seven and Lacey comes flying out of the ring and takes her down with a Suicide Dive to the floor. Lacey then drags Cross back up to her feet and tosses her back into the ring.  Evans then pummels Cross and props her up against the table still standing in the corner. Lacey then gets a running start and charges Cross, going for a Cannonball Senton through the table, but Cross drops out of the way and Evans crashes through the table herself. Both women are down and being counted out and Cross crawls to the ropes and pulls herself up to her knees with her arms draped over the second rope as Evans begins to stir and both women ultimately reach their feet at eight and Cross throws a big Forearm Smash to the face. Evans stumbles back against the ropes, but remains on her feet and throws a left-handed jab and then a Headbutt and Cross goes down to one knee, but is able to pull herself back up. Cross then fires off a Knife-edge Chop and goes for a Spinning Back Elbow Smash, but Evans ducks and connects with the Women’s Right and Cross falls through the ropes and out to the floor where Evans piles the pieces of the two wrecked tables onto her and then starts pulling out ladders and chairs and throwing them all on top of Cross two and then stands on top of the pile of wreckage Cross is buried under as the referee makes the 10 count.

Lacey Evans is the winner and NEW Women’s World Champion. After two close calls last season, Evans can finally call herself the champion. A video package then highlights what’s coming next for the HWL this month, an Intergender Tag Team Tournament that will culminate with the finals on Pay Per View next month when HWL presents Fully Loaded. The team that wins the tournament will each receive title opportunities for their respective world championships in March. But before we get there, we have to crown a new champion. We’re going to do that right now in the Elimination Chamber. A video then informs the fans of how the elimination works and for this match, with seven entrances, three men will start the match instead of two while the other four are locked away in their pods, awaiting release.

Back at ringside, The Rock, Mankind, Austin Aries and David Arquette make their way to the ring and are locked in their pods. Seth Rollins, Cody Rhodes and Luchasaurus are the last three to enter and will be the three that begin the match.

Match #4 – HWL World Heavyweight Championship – Elimination Chamber – Seth Rollins vs. Luchasaurus vs. Austin Aries vs. The Rock vs. David Arquette vs. Mankind vs. Cody Rhodes

The lucha dinosaur controls the ring early, throwing Cody and Rollins around at will. Cody and Rollins try to combine their efforts, but end up taking a Double Chokeslam for their trouble. Luchasaurus then Gorilla Presses Rollins and tosses him out over the top rope and to the solid steel floor of the chamber. He then knocks Cody out with a Tail Whip and follows up with a Standing Moonsault into the cover for the three count and Cody is eliminated. Rollins comes flying back in and connects with a Flying Knee Smash to the side of Luchasaurus’ head. Rollins then tries for a Suplex, but Luchasaurus blocks it and then hoists Rollins up into position for a Suplex, but instead of falling over backward pitches Rollins forward end over end and Rollins crashes down to the mat on his chest. Luchasauarus then follows up with a Leg Drop across the back of the head. He then hoists Rollins up and Powerbombs him down across one knee into a Backbreaker and covers him for the three count. With both men dispatched, the clock counts down and Austin Aries is released from his pod, but doesn’t want to come out.  Luchasaurus breaks into the pod and starts to pull him out, but Aries rakes his eyes and hits a Low Blow. Aries then shoves Luchasaurus back into the ring and tries for the Last Chancery, but the large dinosaur is just too large for Aries to successfully apply the move with any force. Aries gives up and instead Dropkicks Luchasaurus in the side of the head. Aries then bounces off the ropes and goes for a Running Knee Smash to the face, but Luchasaurus Spears him. Luchasaurus then polishes Aries off with a Tail Whip while Aries sits up on his knees. Luchasaurus then makes the cover and gets the three count and Aries follows Cody and Rollins to the back. The Rock is next to be released from his pod and the Brahma Bull methodically makes his way out of the pod, keeping his eyes locked on the dinosaur. Luchasaurus suddenly comes flying out over the top rope with a Tope, but Rock moves out of the way and Luchasaurus crashes to the steel chamber floor. Rock then stomps away at Luchasaurus and hooks him by the legs as he tries to lock in a Sharpshooter, but Luchasaurus powers out of it and kicks Rock backward into the ring post.  Luchasurus, then having Rock trapped, goes for the Tail Whip, but Rock ducks and Luchasaurus kicks through the glass of the pod. Rock takes the Dinosaur down with a Reverse DDT and Luchasaurus slowly rolls under the bottom rope back into the ring as Rock stalks after him and stomps away at his head, shoulder and back. Luchasaurus is able to pull himself up to one knee and Rock fires away with big right hands until Luchasaurus is able to catch him by the throat. Luchasaurus tries for a Chokeslam, but Rock breaks free and connects with the Rock Bottom. Rock goes for the cover, but Luchasaurus kicks out for a very close near fall. The clock then ticks down and David Arquette is released from his pod. Rock gets back up to his feet and goes into the motions for the People’s Elbow, but as he bounces off the ropes, Arquette knees him in the back and pulls him out over the top rope backward, dumping him face first to the steel floor.  Arquette then springs off the top rope and comes down on Luchasaurus with a Big Splash and makes the cover, but Luchasaurus again kicks out. Luchasaurus then goozles Arquette as he makes his way back up to his feet and then Chokeslams Arquette over the top rope and to the steel floor. Rock now comes back in and sends the big dinosaur reeling with a flurry of punches, then kicks him in the gut and snaps off a DDT. Rock then connects with the People’s Elbow this time and stands back as Luchasaurus slowly makes his way back up to his feet. Rock then goes for the Rock Bottom, but Luchasaurus fights him off with a flurry of Elbow Strikes to the side of the head. Luchasaurus then hoists Rock up onto one shoulder and connects with a Running Bodyslam. Arquette comes back in off the top with a Guillotine Leg Drop on Rock as the final countdown ticks down and Mankind is released from his pod. Mankind comes out of the pod with Mr. Socko rearing to go and reaches in over the top rope to apply the Mandible Claw and Arquette frantically fights his way free. Luchasaurus then takes Rock by the back of the neck and hurls him into Arquette and Mankind and Mankind falls back against his pod while Arquette is knocked into the corner. Luchasaurus charges into the corner and hits Arquette with an Avalanche Splash and then follows up with a Sidewalk Slam. The big dinosaur then pulls Rock and Mankind both to the center of the ring and sets up for a Double Chokeslam, but they both fight him off together and connect with a Double DDT. Rock then goes for the People’s Elbow again, but Mankind steps in the way and kicks Rock in the gut and connects with a Double-arm DDT and covers Rock for the three count. Luchasaurus then rises up to his full height behind Mankind and Mankind turns around and finds himself being Chokeslammed. Arquette then nails Luchasaurus with a Superkick, knocking the big dinosaur back against the ropes. Arquette connects with a second Superkick, but Luchasaurus stays on his feet. Arquette then takes the big man down to one knee with a Chop Block. Mankind then Clotheslines Arquette out over the top rope and then goes back to Luchasaurus and applies the Mandible Claw. The big dinosaur struggles to fight him off, but Mankind holds on and now Arquette heads up to the top rope, but he doesn’t stop there as he heads up on top f the pod in that corner of the chamber directly over Mankind and Luchasaurus as the big dinosaur begins to fade and Mankind forces him down onto his back. Arquette then takes flight and Mankind dives out of the way as Arquette lands on Luchasaurus with the Eight-legged Freak Splash and covers him for the three count and now we are down to just two, Arquette and Mankind. Mankind dives onto Arquette before he can even roll off of Luchasaurus, driving a Forearm down across the back of his neck. Mankind then heads up to the top turnbuckle, but Arquette goes out under the bottom rope and pops up to catch Mankind in the side of the head with a big right hand before Ric Flairing him off the top rope and down to the steel floor of the chamber. Arquette then rakes Mankind’s face back and forth across the steel chain wall of the chamber before pulling him back to his feet by the hair and hurling him back over the top rope and into the ring. Arquette heads up to the top turnbuckle and goes for another Eight-legged Freak Splash, but Mankind rolls out of the way and Arquette crashes to the mat. Mankind drops all his body weight across Arquette’s back with a Senton Splash. Mankind then pulls Arquette up into position for a Double-arm DDT, but Arquette counters into a Northern Lights Suplex. As Mankind struggles to pull himself up to one knee, Arquette drills him with the SlingShot and then heads back up to the top turnbuckle and follows up with another Eight-legged Freak Splash. But he’s not done there as he lets Mankind slowly roll over and struggle back up to his knees again before turning the lights out with a final SlingShot and covering him for the three count.

David Arquette is the survivor of the Elimination Chamber and the NEW World Heavyweight Champion. A new year and four new champions as we close down the show tonight with Arquette hoisting the title high. Thank you for joining us tonight. Join us next month for Fully Loaded and each Wednesday for more episodes of Overdrive. For now, we are signing off.


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