The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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12/07/2019 8:24 pm  #1

HWL presents Starrcade (12/07/19)

Pyros light up the historic Greeensboro Coliseum in Greensboro, South Carolina, as we welcome you live to HWL presents Starrcade, available only on Pay Per View. Tonight, who will end 2019 with the gold. Four challengers have endured a grueling month of tournaments in order to earn this last shot at the titles before we turn the page and enter 2020. In addition, $100,000 is on the line in the return of BattleBowl. 16 men have been divided randomly into tag teams for four matches where the winning teams will advance to a winner-take-all Over the Top Rope Battle Royal for the prestigious BattleBowl ring and the prize money. We’re starting with the first of those randomly drawn tag team matches right now.
At the top of the rampway, our broadcast colleagues are standing by as they turn the hopper full of 16 names and draw out our first tag team match, which will see Austin Aries team with Sami Callihan to take on Undisputed Era’s Kyle O’Reilly and Drake Maverick.
Match #1 – Lethal Lottery Tag Match - Austin Aries & Sami Callihan vs. Kyle O’Reilly & Drake Maverick
Right away, we see O’Reilly has no interest in this match after what he perceives as a bad draw that has paired him with Maverick. He takes a seat on the ring apron and refuses to get in, leaving Maverick to start the match with Callihan. Maverick lands a Running Dropkick to the knee and then hits Callihan with a DDT and goes for the quick cover, but Callihan kicks out.  Maverick then charges over and knocks Aries off the ring apron to the floor and then steps out to the apron. Maverick then springboards in off the top rope, but Callihan regains his feet and catches him mid-flight with an Atomic Drop. Callihan then follows up with a Belly-to-Belly Overhead Release Suplex and then makes the tag to Aries and Aries comes in with a Flying Elbow Drop to the back of the neck. Aries then locks Maverick in the Last Chancery and Maverick is forced to tap out.
Aries and Callihan become the first to qualify for BattleBowl and back at the top of the rampway, we rejoin our broadcast colleagues as they once again work the hopper for this next tag team match.
Our colleagues draw out the next match, which will see Undisputed Era’s Bobby Fish team with The Undertaker to take on Kevin Owens and AJ Styles.
Match #2 – Lethal Lottery Tag Match – Bobby Fish & The Undertaker vs. Kevin Owens & AJ Styles
Unlike his normal tag team partner, Kyle O’Reilly, Fish appears very happy with his draw in this match as he bounces up and down on the ring apron and cheers on Undertaker as the Deadman starts the match off with Owens and delivers a series of big right hands. Owens then fires back with an Open-hand Chop to the chest, but it has no effect. Undertaker then grabs Owens by both sides of the head and heaves him backward into the corner where he goes to work with a flurry of punches to the body. Undertaker then hoists Owens up and tries to go for Snake Eyes, but Owens slips down the back and makes a diving tag to Styles. Styles springboards in off the top rope and flies at Undertaker, but Undertaker catches him by the throat and delivers a Chokeslam. Owens tries to come back in, but runs into a Big Boot from Undertaker, who then Clotheslines Owens out over the top rope and out to the floor. Styles slowly stumbles back up to his feet and Undertaker hoists him up and connects with the Tombstone Piledriver and covers him for the three count.
Undertaker and Bobby Fish advance to the BattleBowl Battle Royal later tonight along with Austin Aries and Sami Callihan.
A video package then highlights TJ Perkins’ route through the Road to Starrcade Tournament to earn this title match tonight against Teddy Hart, who emerged from months of absence to unseat Kyle O’Reilly for the Cruiserweight Championship just days after O’Reilly unseated Perkins’ running buddy Austin Aries for the title. It comes full circle tonight as Perkins looks to regain the title for his partnership with Aries and Hart and Perkins both make their entrances.
Match #3 – HWL Cruiserweight Championship – Teddy Hart vs. TJ Perkins
The two men square off as the match gets under way and Perkins goes to a Side Headlock and takes Hart over, driving him to the mat and landing on top  of him while keeping the headlock applied. Hart slowly battles back up to his feet and shoves Perkins off into the ropes and knocks him down with a Shoulder Block. Hart then bounces off the ropes and goes for a Running Shooting Star Press, but Perkins rolls out of the way and Hart crashes to the mat. Perkins then follows up with a Running Knee Lift and then a Swinging Neckbreaker. Perkins tries for a Kneebar, but Hart rolls through and ties himself up in the ropes. Perkins puts the boots to Hart and tries to drag him back up to his feet, but Hart fires back with a flurry of Forearm Shivers to the midsection. Hart tries for a Brainbuster, but Perkins twists out and lands on his feet behind Hart and then hooks him around the middle and runs him off into the ropes and backward into a roll-up, but Hart kicks out for a near fall. Hart then connects with a Reverse Thrust Kick to the gut and then springboards off the middle rope and twists into an attempt at a Sunset Flip, but Perkins turns and catches Hart on his shoulders and connects with the Detonation Kick and covers him for the three count.
TJ Perkins is your winner and the NEW Cruiserweight Champion. Back at the top of the rampway, we rejoin our broadcast colleagues as they turn the hopper and draw out our next tag team match.
The results create our next match, which will feature Kenny Omega and Adam Cole against Samoa Joe and R-Truth as the four men make their way to the ring.
Match #4 – Lethal Lottery Tag Match – Kenny Omega & Adam Cole vs. Samoa Joe & R-Truth
R-Truth is the last to enter and instead of going over to a corner with Samoa Joe, he joins Omega and Cole in their corner, confusing everybody as R-Truth announces he’s going to be the Sole Survivor at Survivor Series this year. Meanwhile, Omega and Cole can’t agree on which one is going to start the match with Joe and finally Cole gets annoyed by Truth’s antics and Superkicks him off the ring apron. Omega takes exception and blasts Cole with a V-Trigger and then exits the ring as the match gets under way and Samoa Joe quickly wraps Cole up in a Conquita Clutch and forces the submission.
Samoa Joe and R-Truth advance to the BattleBowl battle royal along with Austin Aries, Sami Callihan, The Undertaker and Bobby Fish.
A video package then highlights Shayna Baszler’s route through the Road to Starrcade Tournament, culminating with her getting a shot at Nikki Cross and the title after Cross went through her own journey to win back the Women’s World Championship from Bayley and then the two women make their way to the ring for this title contest.
Match #5 – HWL Women’s World Championship – Nikki Cross vs. Shayna Baszler
Shayna and Nikki tie up as the match gets under way and Baszler backs Cross into the corner, but Cross turns the tables and delivers a series of Knife-edge Chops across the chest. Cross then whips Baszler across the ring and tries to follow her into the opposite corner, but Baszler drives both boots up into her face. Baszler then follows up with European Upper Cuts and then tries to jump onto Cross’ back to lock in the Rear Naked Choke, but Cross hooks Baszler by the legs and flops over onto her back, crushing Baszler underneath of her. Cross then drags Baszler back up to her feet by the hair and uses two handfuls to fling Baszler across the ring, pulling out a couple of chunks of hair in the process, which greatly amuses Cross. Cross then tries to set up for a double underhook and goes for a Tilt-a-Whirl, but Baszler fights her way out of it and trips Cross to the mat and tries to turn her over into a Boston Crab, but Cross quickly ties herself up in the ropes. Baszler pulls Cross out of the ropes and tries again, but Cross counters into an Inside Cradle for a near fall, but as Baszler kicks out, she is able to hook Cross around the neck from behind in the Rear Naked Choke and forces her to tap out.
Shayna Bazler is the winner and the NEW Women’s Champion. Back at the top of the rampway, we rejoin our broadcast colleagues where there are only four names remaining for the Lethal Lottery, the first phase of BattleBowl.
The end result is Roman Reigns will team with Drew McIntyre against Bully Ray and Elias.
Match #6 – Lethal Lottery Tag Match – Roman Reigns & Drew McIntyre vs. Bully Ray & Elias
Just like with Cole and Omega, Reigns and McIntyre can’t exist from the get go and McIntyre starts to storm off up the rampway, but Reigns chases after him and as McIntyre turns around, Reigns blasts him with a Superman Punch. Reigns then pulls McIntyre back up and tosses him into the ring where Bully Ray blasts him with a Bionic Elbow and then Elias hits the Drift Away and covers him for the three count.
Bully Ray and Elias are the last team to advance to the Battle Royal later tonight. A video package then highlights War Machine’s path of destruction through the Road to Starrcade tag team tournament to earn this title match tonight against The Briscoes, who made the most of their opportunity to seize the titles from the Suicides at Golden Ticket.
Match #7 – HWL Tag Team Championship – The Briscoes vs. War Machine
After the two teams make their entrances, Ray Rowe and Mark Briscoe start out for their respective teams and Rowe lands some Moi Thai Knee Strikes to the ribs, but Mark battles back with some good old-fashioned Redneck Kung Fu. Mark then whips Rowe off into the ropes and then goes for a Crane Kick, but Rowe ducks out of the way and then bounces off the ropes on the other side of the ring and connects with a Spinning Heel Kick. Jay then charges in and Rowe blasts him with a Flying Knee Strike ot the side of the head and then plants him in place with Backbreaker as Hanson comes off the top rope with a Flying Guillotine Leg Drop and Jay rolls out to the floor. Rowe and Hanson then polish Mark off with the Viking Experience and Rowe covers him for the three count.
War Machine are your winners and the NEW Tag Team Champions. Rowe and Hanson storm around the ring in celebration and clink the titles together. In the back, we see Tomasso Ciampa in his locker room reading for our main event as he tapes his wrists. He will face the enigma known as Suicide, or one of them at least, for the World Heavyweight Championship in our Main Event.
Back at ringside, Austin Aries, Sami Callihan, Bobby Fish, The Undertaker, Samoa Joe, R-Truth, Bully Ray and Elias each make their way to the ring for the final stage of BattleBowl, an eight-man Over the Top Rope Battle Royal.
Match #8 – BattleBowl Battle Royal – Austin Aries vs. Sami Callihan vs. Bobby Fish vs. The Undertaker vs. Samoa Joe vs. R-Truth vs. Bully Ray vs. Elias
The eight men go to work in a free-for-all as the match gets under way and Undertaker is holding court in the middle of the ring, pummeling anybody that gets close. Meanwhile, Bully Ray and Elias team up to eliminate R-Truth. Elias then tries to turn on Bully Ray and lift him out over the top, but Bully fights him off and Mule Kicks him in the nuts. Undertaker then comes flying across the ring and Clotheslines Bully out over the top rope and eliminates him. Aries and Callihan then Double Dropkick Undertaker in the back and the Deadman topples out over the top rope and is eliminated as well. Aries and Callihan then high five and Aries turns his back first, so Callihan grabs him by the tights and pitches him out over the top rope, but Aries hangs on and lands out on the ring apron. Meanwhile, Samoa Joe is now trying to eliminate Elias, but Callihan comes up behind and dumps them both out over the top rope and out to the floor, leaving just Bobby Fish, Sami Callihan and Austin Aries in the match and Aries is out on the ring apron as Fish charges at Callihan and runs into a boot to the gut and then a Cactus Piledriver. Aries then comes charging back in and Clotheslines Callihan out over the top rope, but Callihan lands out on the ring apron and hangs on. Austin pummels Callihan’s hands as he tries to undo his grip and knock him to the floor, but Callihan hocks a big loogie into Aries’ face. Callihan then heads up to the top turnbuckle and takes Aries down with a Flying Bulldog. Fish then jumps onto Callihan’s back, but Callihan flips him over and sends Fish crashing to the mat. Callihan then hoists Fish up in a Gorilla Press and tries to drop him out over the top rope, but Fish rakes his eyes and drops down to the mat behind Callihan. Fish then lands a Roundhouse Kick, knocking Callihan out over the top rope, but Callihan again hangs onto the ropes and keeps himself on the ring apron. Fish then follows up with a Springboard Missile Dropkick, knocking Callihan down, but Callihan still manages to land on the ring apron and while he hangs precariously over the edge, he manages to hang on and keep himself in the match. As Callihan regains his feet, Fish pummels him with straight right hands and tries to knock him to the floor, but Callihan hooks Fish around the neck and begins to Suplex him out of the ring and manages to get him up, but Fish fights his way back down and lands on his feet beside Callihan out on the ring apron. The two men continue to trade punches, but now Aries has rolled out to the floor under the bottom rope and grabbed a steel chair that he uses to whack both men about the legs and back until Fish crashes to the mat and is eliminated and Callihan is barely hanging on. Aries then climbs up to the ring apron beside Callihan and the two men trade punches back and forth until Callihan Clotheslines Aries over the top rope and back into the ring, but Aries pops right back up and then dives through between the top and middle rope to Spear Callihan from the ring apron to the floor for the final elimination.
Austin Aries is the 2019 winner of BattleBowl and Big Sugar makes his way to the ring and presents Aries with the BattleBowl ring to commemorate his victory.
A video package then highlights Tomasso Ciampa’s wins in the Road to Starrcade Tournament, resulting in him being the last man standing to challenge Suicide for the title in our Main Event and the final HWL match of 2019.
Ciampa makes his way to the ring and says that this masked invader motif has gone on for long enough as it relates to Suicide and his companion, other Suicide. Ciampa demands to see his opponent as he truly is, unless the coward wants to save Ciampa the trouble of immasculating him tonight by proving to everybody here and everybody watching at home that he already has no balls. Suicide then makes his way to the ring and surprisingly has a microphone with him. Suicide then says that he agrees the mystery has gone on for long enough, but nobody has yet earned the right to see his true face. And while Ciampa hasn’t earned that right either, Suicide says he will take his mask off tonight on one condition – that they make this match a No Disqualification Match. Ciampa says that’s right up his ally and if Suicide wants it, that’s what he’s going to get. Suddenly, two other Suicides emerge from under the ring and attack Ciampa from behind. Wait, there are three of these guys now? The two Suicides in the ring pummel Ciampa as the champion Suicide watches patiently from the rampway as the two Suicide pick Ciampa apart with a series of tag team moves, including the Hart Attack, the Shatter Machine and finally, the Doomsday Device. The champion Suicide then slowly stalks down to the ring and states that really only one team was ever worthy of wearing the mask of Suicide and they are the very first two men to ever wear the ask, back when TJ Perkins was still living out of a cardboard box on the street and long before he ever perverted Suicided into the character of Manik. Suicide says that there have always been three letters in the name of Suicide that are far more important than the rest and those letters are S… C… U… The two Suicides that beat Ciampa down then take off their masks to reveal that they are Scorpio Sky and Kazarian. Kazarian was one of the first two men to wear the Suicide mask in TNA and that must mean that the other one is… The World Heavyweight Champion then takes off his mask and reveals himself to be Christopher Daniels. So Cal Uncensored are revealed to have been the men behind Suicide’s invasion of the HWL and now Ciampa, completely decimated is easy pickings for Christopher Daniels in this title match and there’s not a damn thing any of the officials can do about it because Ciampa agreed to this being a No Disqualification Match. Daniels then high fives Scorpio Sky and Kazarian and they exit out to the floor as the bell sounds to begin this match.
Match #9 – HWL World Heavyweight Championship – No Disqualification Match – Christopher Daniels vs. Tomasso Ciampa
Suddenly, a commotion occurs as the Undisputed Era come through the crowd and Fish and O’Reilly brawl with Sky and Kazarian and chase them off up the ramp as Adam Cole gets in the ring and nails Daniels with a Superkick and then a Brainbuster across his knee. Cole then polishes Daniels off with the Last Shot to the back of the head and then exits to the floor as Ciampa slowly pulls himself back up to his feet using the ropes. Ciampa then sets his sights on Daniels with the odds now even, but he goes out to the floor first and retrieves a crutch from under the ring. Ciampa slides back into the ring with his weapon as Daniels, wearing all of the Suicide costume but the mask, sits up on his knees and Ciampa tries to ram the edge of the crutch into his face, but Daniels ducks and trips Ciampa up with a Drop Toehold. Daniels then follows up with a Shining Wizard and makes the cover, but Ciampa kicks out for a near fall. Daniels then takes the crutch and stands back in the corner as now Ciampa struggles to get up to his knees and Daniels charges in and swings the crutch, but Ciampa regains his feet and catches the crutch against the side of his body, pinning it with his left arm as he knocks Daniels on his ass with a big right hand. Ciampa then takes the crutch and snaps it in half across Daniels’ back, right between the shoulder blades. Ciampa then follows up with the Fairytale Ending and covers Daniels for the three count.
The Black Heart beats indeed as Tomasso Ciampa is your winner and the NEW World Heavyweight Champion. The mystery of the Suicides is broken and the “invasion” is over and Tomasso Ciampa ends 2019 at the top of the heap in the HWL locker room. Thanks for joining us this year and inviting us into your homes one last time in 2019. The new mystery is now what the year 2020 will hold for the HWL. Join us then to find out, but for now we’re signing off. Merry Christmas, Happy Hollidays and a Joyful New Year.


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