The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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11/10/2019 8:55 am  #31

Re: Promos for Golden Ticket (11/10/19)

* Bayley *

Just as I thought folks. It's undeniable that Nikki Cross is in pure shock. Don't you see it. She can't utter a proper interview before saying she wants her title back. Relying on writing on walls like the coward she is. And sure Nikki, I CAN READ TOO. Yes, I see your time of playing. It's about time you showed up Nikki. This....this was the Nikki I wanted to face since day one. Someone who was ready for a fight. Someone who is going to give me a run for my money.

Nikki, you know I'm your Kryptonite. For as much as you rant and put a fit on me, you won't beat me. I'm undefeated for a damn reason. I've putted sweat and tears into every single match I've been in HWL. Facing peoples in Triple threats, fatal 4 way matches. Facing every tough single competition out there and even besting the tough SOB in Jessica Havok a few weeks ago. This match we have at Golden Ticket will be the last chapter of our book. Tonight will be the ending to the Bayley/Cross rivalry once and for all.

You and me. The two most dominant women's that HWL has ever had. One of us will come out as the best women in this freaking division. And by God, I will not lose to the likes of you. Not at Goldent Ticket. Nor Starrcade. Nor ever. This women's title that's resting on my shoulder is never leaving my sight. And just like you did once you had the belt, I'm keeping it for as long as I'm alive. So give it up now. There ain't a damn thing you going to do to take this baby of me. Cause life sucks....



11/10/2019 9:18 am  #32

Re: Promos for Golden Ticket (11/10/19)

Truth is watching Austin Aries Ramble on wishing he would get to the point


Truth then walks out of shot not before hitting a wall


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