- HWL Women's Championship - Nikki Cross vs. Jessica Havok
- HWL Tag Team Championship - The Goodbrothers vs. L.A.X.
- The Miz vs. Kevin Owens
- Kyle O'Reilly vs. Samoa Joe
- Bray Wyatt vs. Elias
- Rich Swann vs. Drake Maverick
have at it
Elias name is Elias. For those who don't know me, I'm the voice of HWL and the greatest acquisition that this company has ever had. Now, I know all the fans have missed me dearly since my early exit to the World Championship Tournament, and you don't need to shed another tear. Cause although I have drifted away into the sunset, I've been composing many of the greatest music the world has yet to see. All for you. And now that I'm back to business.
And this week, I have Bray Wyatt as my next challenger. Now Bray, I don't know what kind of persona you going to be bringing. Whether it be "The Eater of Worlds", "The Fiend", or even if you bring those FireFly friends of yours. Just know, that I'm not phased by your deception. I can see through your smoke and mirror. You're going to attack my mind and weaken it. But you won't achieve it, as long as I have my guitar and the folks of HWL cheering me ain't got nothing on me.
So before you start bringing "Hell" to me, just know that I'm not here to play with you....I'm here to make a statement. So Bray, prepare yourself as well as the HWL Universe to.....
Kevin Owens
You may be wondering, why Kevin? Why are you speaking up now? Why wouldn't you speak up in the lead up to the number one contenders match?
Why? Well, let me tell you why. I speak up now because I apparently have been brought to the level of Mike Mizanin. The Tough Enough kid. The Real World castoff. The wannabe movie star. Ooooh...such a challenge. Please. I have that in the bag.
I chose not to speak up before as I have always been a man of actions speaking louder than words. I lost that match, which is fine, I would rather stay away from Joey Ryan...he is a creep.
A creep. A pervert. An absolute pig is the face of the company...that is shameful.
I am Kevin Owens. I am Canadian. And, I am here, to show the world, why even big guys can be the hero. Why the creeps need not be praised. Why you need me as the face of the HWL.
* Renee Young is backstage with Nikki Cross who is holding the Women's Championship with her teeth. Smiling away*
Young: Nikki last weekend and HWL's first ever pay per view you defeated Kelly Klien and Lacey Evans to become the first ever HWL Women's Champion! How are you feeling right now?
Cross: Good good yes very good very good!
*She took the title out of her mouth briefly to say those words and then put it back in her mouth*
Young: And What about Lacey Evans winning the chance to face you at Heat Wave later this month?
Cross (laughing as she pulls the title out of her mouth): LACEY!!!!!!!!!!! Bet you didn't expect that did you..... no no no you didn't expect that at all..... you didn't expect to be beat by a "NASTY" such as myself..... AND NOW!!!!! and now you will put your dignity on the line.....
*She laughs manically*
Young: But before we get there you have to put your title on the line this week on overdrive against Jessica Havok.
Cross (still laughing for some reason): Yes..... yes.... yes..... Jessica..... your almost as crazy as me Jessica....... Can we be friends Jessica? Can we PLAY!? Jessica we will play..... yes yes yes.... we will play on Overdrive..... we will play my way..... my rules..... and i will tare you apart limb from limb.... yes yes yes.... pin you in the middle of the ring and retain my Women's Championship!
*She runs off laughing as Renee Young looks on a little bit horrified the camera cuts*
:The camera shows Bray Wyatt rocking back and forth in a rocking chair and then he acknowledges the camera:
HWL...........I'm Here!
:The camera cuts to the arena where the lights cut out and when they turn back on,Bray Wyatt is on his knees,arms stretched out smiling,he then stands up:
Look at all my beautiful Fireflies out here tonight,You see I have come to HWL, but I havent come to HWL alone, I have brought ALL my Fireflies with me......
:Wyatt laughs hysterically for a moment and then stops on a dime:
And not only did I not come alone, but I came prepared for everyone and everything...and the first person to find out what Bray Wyatt in HWL is all about is the Singing and Dancing Chimp...Mr. Samson, You see what I have done is built a metaphorical place for myself and Sister Abigail to live, I have built a place where Yourself or anyone who feels they want to challenge me,where anyone who dares wants to enter my world,where Pain flows like water and Punishment is handed out like Candy you give to children on the streets...I constructed it with my own two hands, I call it, The FireFly Fun house, And You Mr. Samson are the first person to get an invitation to the Fun House...Because the Fun House never closes, The Doors are always open here at The Firefly Fun House...
But know one thing Mr. Samson, when you walk through the doors of the Fun House, you then have ONE Job and One Job only and that is FIND ME.....FIND ME Mr. Samson! I invite you into my Fun House to FIND........ME!!!
And When You do find me...and if you havent turned back,,,Your ONE Job turns into two because after you have found me,your next job job in my Fun House Is.....Survive......Hehehehehehehehehehehehehe Survive Mr. Samson, Thats all you have to do.....
Come Overdrive, the Doors to my Fun House are wide open for you,I have written your name all over the walls....and I am asking you to....Let Yourself In...But when You do,Find Me,Survive.......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
:The lights go out and when they come back on Wyatt has Vanished:
:The camera shows the ring set up for a Party, in the ring is a large table in the center of it is a LARGE Penis Shape Cake,Streamers with Penises hanging off of them are wrapped around the ropes:
:Joey Ryan's music hits and he walks out with the HWL World Heavyweight Championship proudly on his waist, the Side Plates Have a Penis wearing a pair of Sunglasses,Joey walks down the ramp and from the ceiling Penis Shaped confetti beings to fall upon the crowd,Women begin to open there mouths and catch it in there mouths,Joey enters the ring and soaks it all in as all the confetti falls down,Joey then ask for a mic:
"The World Champ of Dong Style" Joey Ryan
Look at this beauty right here,The HWL World Heavyweight Championship,Bully Ray, Brian Cage and then good Old TC the Black Heart stopped beating,The Bully was beat and the Machine was broken down and here I am YOUR HWL World Heavyweight Champion! But now, the REAL Game has begun, I know with this title I now have the proverbial Target on my Balls, and Everyone is looking for me, and Guess what? I am right here boys, I came so far to get this this right here and I'll be damned if I am going to let go of this anytime soon.
But Easy Cum...Haha Cum...But Easy come and Easy Go and we already have a Number One Contender and he goes by the name of Adam Cole...
Joey: Dont do that...Anyways, Adam, I admire the Battle Royal you won, courageous i must say, but Cole, look at the three people I had to beat to get this thing, Bully Ray,Brian Cage, TC and if they could stop me...what really makes you think you can hmm?
:Joey walks over and grabs a piece of the Penis cake and takes a bite:
Joey: Mmmm not bad, You see Cole, everyone thought the "Dick Guy" or "The Indy Guy" couldnt just walk in here and become the World Champion and THIS, this Belt right here proved EVERYONE Wrong, and I have become and I AM THE GUY! Adam, when You and I met for this title right here, you are going to leave the ring the same way you came into it....Empty Handed...I didnt work this hard for some second rate indy gy like you to come in and try and swoop in and take it away from me..
:Joey reaches down into the belt and pulls out a sucker and places it into his mouth,Joey then snaps his fingers and two large inflatable Penises inflate in the ring on each side of the cake:
:Joey drops the mic and then grabs a hunk of cake and a white substance oozes from the top of it,Joey takes the belt off and raises it up:
The Goodbrother
*Camera opens to backstage, where The Goodbrothers are walking backstage, with their title on their shoulders*
LG: My Goodbrother Anderson and I did what we said we were going to do, we came in and left with the Tagteam titles. We told everyone that the Bullet Club was leaving with gold, and thats what we have now! Shinny gold on my shoulder with a Goodbrother by my side!
KA: Amen, my goodbrother. Come Wednesday Night, We put our newly won HWL Tagteam titles on the line against LAX. Now, I know what you’re thinking.. L A Who? LAX, from the TNA World, the nerds who think they are leaving with our titles. But come Wednesday, We’re killing that magic.... with the Magic Killer!
LG: See you Wednesday, Nerds.
*Camera fades*
* The undisputed Era are walking down the street, their music is playing in the background*
Fish: What a loser..... where the hell did Suicide come from?
Cole: Obscurity obviously.... Uh earth to Suicide two thousand eight called, they want their fake video game hero back!
* They all laugh*
Fish: What a dweeb!
Cole: Right..... As for Joey Ryan..... you know you say people call you the dick guy, or the Indy guy. The thing is Joey Ryan you are worse then that you are the guy who bring nothing but disgrace and dishonor to a championship that has so much potential with the Undisputed Era kicking around, and at Heat Wave I will be taking that title off you but for now we have bigger fish to fry.
* Kyle O'Riley steps up to the front as he puts both fists up, he has been oddly quiet as he starts shadow boxing*
Cole: My man right here, is angry. Bobby Fish and Kyle O'Riley haven't been given many opportunities since arriving here in the HWL. In fact they have been given ZERO!
* Kyle O'Riley nods with intensity in his eyes*
Cole: So this week he gets to take all of his anger out on Samoa Joe. Now normally this would be an up hill battle for a guy like Kyle - you know considering his size - however with the shear anger and rage that is coursing through Kyle's body right now..... I would be afraid if I were you Joe. I would be very afraid.
O' Riley: Joe..... you talk about choking people out and making a statement. Well this week on overdrive Joe I am going to make you my victim WHEN I KICK YOUR DAMN HEAD OFF!
* The camera cuts on Kyle's face as he is seething his teeth*
Kevin Owens
Mike? Miz? Where oh where are you? Its like you must be your mouth has yet to open, yet there was a time when it never shut.
Its cool, that's fine. I always am up for easy. I can be okay with a quick win...the keyword here is can.
I won't be though, as I am always in a grave state of want and a dire state of need to strike. A constant warning, as I never stop, but to preserve those, I keep it light if you will. As a constant warning.
I am Kevin Owens. Your constant warning. The Canadian Caveat.
*We are backstage in via Satellite where we see Rich Swann with his arms crossed, moving side to side slowly and begins to speak*
So on Overdrive, I face Drake Maverick someone, I know I will beat...Why Because, I have unfinished business. A business that I will show the world that I am rightful one to become the best Cruiserweight Entertainer in The HWL...Yes, I lost my chance to chance to show the world just that because of PAC or Neville, whatever his name is. But now I will show him, Austin Aries and the rest of the Cruiserweight lockerroom that I will become the next best thing...Why?
*Rich Swann then takes out his arms and looks straight into the camera and continues*
Because The Fallen will Rise.
*The camera fades to black as he finishes*