Pyros light up the Capital One Arena in Washington, D.C., as we kick off Inauguration, the first HWL Pay Per View event and tonight we will crown the first set of champions in HWL with the finals of the inaugural championship tournaments. And we are going to do that right away as we kick things off with the first championship match, for the Tag Team Championships as The Goodbrothers and The B Team make their entrances.
Match #1 - HWL Tag Team Championship - The Goodbrothers vs The B Team
Karl Anderson and Bo Dallas start things off for their teams as we get things under way. Dallas lunges at Anderson, but Anderson sidesteps and clubs him in the mid-section. Anderson then delivers a Snap Suplex and makes the tag to Luke Gallows. Gallows comes in and boots Dallas in the side of the head and follows up with a Backbreaker, holding him in position and pressing down on his jaw with one hand and knee with the other as an impromptu submission attempt. Gallows then shoves Dallas to the side as Axel comes charging in and Gallows drops him with a Big Boot to the face. Gallows follows up with an Atomic Leg Drop and Axel rolls out to the floor. Dallas now comes back at Gallows with a Double Axe-handle Smash to the back, but to no effect. Gallows turns around and Dallas takes a big swing but Gallows blocks it and puts Dallas on his heels with a couple of quick jabs. Gallows then makes the tag to Anderson and puts Dallas in a Bear Hug as Anderson comes flying off the top rope with a Flying Leg Lariat as Gallows falls forward, slamming Dallas in a double team maneuver. The Goodbrothers then follow up with the Magic Killer. Gallows then goes out to the floor and makes sure Axel won’t be a problem with a Discus Lariat as Anderson covers Dallas for the three count.
Gallows and Anderson are the inaugural HWL Tag Team Champions and The Goodbrothers celebrate their victory as they make their way to the back and clink their titles together.
In the back, out broadcast colleague is standing by with the Hung Bucks. Matt Jackson says tonight, justice will he served and that the Villains will get what is coming to them. Nick Jackson says wrestling isn’t some storybook tale where good always rides in the save the day at the right moment and not everyone has the right friends to come pull their fat out of the fire, but when you’re the Young Bucks and everyone says you’re the best tag team on the planet, you are never found wanting when it comes to friends and no friend is better Equipped for this situation than the Hangman. Page says last week, the Villains felt the noose start to close in on them and then this past Wednesday Marty Scurll got a taste of what’s to come, but tonight they find themselves going All The Way, as in going up on the gallows and all the way down.
Back at ringside, it’s time for our next contest as Rhea Ripley and Charlotte Flair make their way to the ring for this grudge match.
Match #2 - Charlotte Flair vs. Rhea Ripley
The two women trade forearm shots as the match gets under way and Flair drives Ripley back against the ropes, but Ripley turns the tables and delivers a big Open-hand Chop across the chest. Ripley then whips Charlotte off into the ropes and goes for a Clothesline, but Charlotte ducks under and bounces back off the ropes and rebounds with a huge Spear. Charlotte then follows up with Natural Selection and goes for the cover, but Ripley kicks out for a near fall. Charlotte then calls for the Figure Eight, but Ripley frantically kicks her away. Ripley stumbles back up to her feet and Charlotte nails her with a Big Boot to the side of the head, but Ripley manages to stay on her feet as Charlotte goes up to the top rope and grabs Ripley from behind. Charlotte then launches herself forward while holding Ripley by the head and connects with a modified version of Natural Selection from the top and makes the cover for the three count.
Charlotte makes her way to the back as she picks up a big win. As she makes her exit, a video plays showing the same figure moving through the shadows as the video promises “The Dark Savior Comes Alive... tonight.”
Back at the ringside area, our next match is coming up as Villain Enterprises and the Hung Bucks make their way to the ring.
Before the bell can ring, the fans pop as NWA President Billy Corgan makes his way out on the rampway. Corgan explains that Big Sugar has been gracious enough to make HWL a cooperate effort between wrestling organizations around the world and from time to time, you may see some of the heads of these other companies get the authority to make some changes to the action going on in the ring. Corgan says that these six gentlemen have the capability to tear the house down, but they’re handcuffed by the traditional tag team rules. So, Corgan says he’s going to take those handcuffs off right here and now by making this a 6-Man Tornado Tag Team Match.
Match #3 - 6-Man Tornado Tag Team Match - The Hung Bucks vs. Villain Enterprises
The bell then rings as all six men start out in the ring, trading punches as Page gets the better of Brody King and the Young Bucks knock Scurll out of the ring with a Double Superkick. PCO then knocks the Jackson Brothers flat with a Double Clothesline and bounces off the ropes and flattens them both with a Running Senton Splash. Page then springboards off the ropes and knocks PCO flat with a Flying Back Elbow Smash and makes the cover, but PCO immediately kicks out and sits up. King then nearly takes Page’s head off with a Running Lariat. King hoists Nick Jackson up into a Gorilla Press position then as Scurll and PCO both go up to the top rope. King drops Nick down into a Poweslam, sending him crashing down onto Page and then moves out of the way as Scurll hits a Moonsault on Matt and PCO hits a Moonsault on both Nick and Page stacked together. Scurll then pulls Nick off of Page and covers him, but Nick kicks out for a near fall. PCO and King then hoist the Bucks up and toss then both out over the top rope with a pair of Gorilla Press Slams to the floor in stereo. Page then pulls himself up in the corner as King charges in with a huge Avalanche Splash. PCO then follows up with an Avalanche Splash of his own and now it’s Marty’s turn. Marty charges into the corner and takes flight, but Page drives his boot up into Marty’s face. King then charges in and again slams into Page in the corner and then moves out of the way as PCO connects with a Somersault Senton on Page in the corner. Marty tried again, but now the Bucks slide back in between Scurll and Page and the Hung Bucks connect with a Triple Superkick. The Bucks then duck Clotheslines from PCO and King and Page comes off the middle rope with a Flying Crossbody, taking down both men. The Bucks then roll out to the floor and drag PCO out with them, working together to hoist him up and drop him throat first across the top of the barricade. Back in the ring, Page takes King out over the top rope with a Running Lariat in the other side of the ring and the momentum carries Page out over the top with him, but Page lands in the rung apron. Now Scurll is back up and goes after Page, but Page connects with a big right hand and Scurll stumbles back to the middle of the ring. Page then comes over the top rope back into the ring and lays Scurll out with a Buckshot Lariat. Out on the floor, The Bucks have pulled up a portion of the padding around ringside and are set up for a Spike Tombstone Piledriver on PCO on the concrete, but Matt waves it off and instead motions for Page to come out on the ring apron and Page obliges and dives from the apron into a Shooting Star Press, grabbing PCO by the feet as Nick drives him down into the concrete in a modified Meltzer Driver. The Hung Bucks then go back into the ring and turn their attention to Scurll, who tries to crawl away on the canvas. King climbs up on the ring apron to intervene, but is knocked back to the floor by a Triple Superkick from the Hung Bucks. Scurll slowly pulls himself back up using the ropes and tries to beg off, but the Hung Bucks show no mercy with another Triple Superkick followed by the Dead Eye from Page and then More Bang for Your Buck from Matt and Nick and together the Hung Bucks pin Scurll and pick up the victory.
In the back, our broadcast colleague is standing by with the Undisputed Era’s Adam Cole, Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly. Cole quickly reminds us that he has a future World Heavyweight opportunity, yet he has no match on the show tonight. He says these absolute turds, Villain Enterprises and the Hung Bucks, just had their moment out there to shine, but not himself, Bobby and Kyle. Cole says if that’s the way it’s going to be, they’ll just have to make their own moment tonight and start doing things their way.
Back at ringside, we have another title match coming up as PAC and Austin Aries make their entrances for the Cruiserweight Championship match and Aries isn’t alone, bringing TJ Perkins our with him.
Match #4 - HWL Cruiserweight Championship - PAC vs. Austin Aries
These two men square off as the match gets under way and PAC warily keeps an eye on TJP out on the floor as he ties up with Aries in the ring. Aries applies a Wristlock, but PAC fights him off with a series of kicks. PAC then cartwheels through and connects with an Enziguri to the back of the head. PAC trips Aries up and applies a Heel Hook Submission. Aries savers on the verge of tapping out, but he crawls toward the ropes and TJP is able to reach in and grab Aries by the wrist and pull him the rest of the way to the ropes where he can grab ahold a force a break. The referee admonishes TJP and says he isn’t going to stand for any more shenanigans. Aries punishes Aries with some Buzzsaw Kicks to the kidneys as he pulls himself back up along the ropes. Aries takes a big swing at PAC, but PAC ducks under and follows up with an Inverted Atomic Drop. PAC then springboards off the middle rope and lays Aries out flat with a Knee Smash to the face. PAC then heads up to the top rope and TJP climbs up onto the ring apron to try to cause a distraction. PAC comes off the top and nails TJP with a Missile Dropkick, transitioning mid-air off the impact to land on Aries with a Moonsault as TJP crashes to the floor. PAC makes the cover and hooks the leg, but Aries kicks out. PAC pulls Aries up by the hair, but now Aries shoves PAC off into the referee and the referee goes down. Aries then punts PAC in the groin and connects with a Brainbuster. Aries then makes the cover, but there is no referee. Aries then calls to TJP and Perkins brings the title belt into the ring and Aries holds PAC’s hands behind his back as TJP busts him in the head with the belt and blood runs down PAC’s face. TJP then hoists PAC up and connects with a Detonation Kick. Aries then applies a Last Chancery to PAC while TJP puts him in a Kneebar and PAC taps out to the illegal double submission, but the referee is still down and out. Once PAC passes out, they release the hold and Aries parades around the ring with the belt, but now Buddy Murphy comes in through the crowd and nails Aries with a Savat Kick. Murphy then ducks TJP and nails him with a Facebreaker, followed by a Wheelbarrow Suplex, slamming the back of TJP’s head into the corner. Murphy now takes the title belt as Aries stumbles back up to his feet and Murphy tries to nail him with the belt and Murphy clocks PAC with it by mistake. Aries then pops Murphy with a Low Blow from behind and takes him by the tights and throws him through the ropes and shoulder first into the ring Post and Murphy sinks out to the floor. Aries then sees the referee coming to and dives into the cover on PAC and gets the three count.
Aries quickly collects the title and rolls out to the floor where he embraces TJP and they celebrate the victory as they make their way to the back after what amounts to highway robbery in this match.
In the back, our broadcast colleague is standing by with the NEW Tag Team Champions, Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson. The pair are quickly joined by AJ Styles, who congratulated them on their win. Anderson says they tore through this tag team tournament with next to no opposition and this is just the start. Gallows says the Bullet Club are the big swinging dicks off this locker room and they’re running the show. Styles says if you aren’t ready to believe that after example A The Goodbrothers brought before you earlier tonight, then maybe example B will convince you that what they’re telling you is the truth when he goes out there and mops the floor with Seth Rollins and their old buddy, Kenny Omega. That match is next.
Back at ringside, it’s triple threat time as Kenny Omega, AJ Styles and Seth Rollins make their way to the ring.
Match #5 - Triple Threat Match - Seth Rollins vs. Kenny Omega vs. AJ Styles
Rollins and Omega come face to face in the middle of the ring as the match gets under way and Styles comes up behind them and smashes their heads together. Styles then whips Rollins into the corner and then whips Omega in after him, but Rollins Back Body Drops Omega out over the top rope, sending him crashing out to the floor. Rollins then fires back at Styles with a Thrust Kick to the gut and Omega stumbles back up to his feet out on the floor and Rollins goes out over the top rope, taking Omega down with a Tope Con Helo. Styles now comes flying out over the top rope and nails Rollins with a Phenomenal Forearm Smash out to the floor. Styles then Suplexes Omega up into a crotched position atop the barricade and then follows up with a Pele Kick, knocking Omega into the crowd. Styles then throws Rollins back into the ring and climbs up onto the ring apron. Rollins staffers back up to his feet and Styles comes flying back into the ring with another Phenomenal Forearm. Styles then finishes him off with the Styles Clash and makes the cover for the three count.
Styles celebrates his win as he makes his way to the back and The Club are 2-0 on the night.
In the back, our broadcast colleague is standing by when the interview area suddenly goes dark and becomes illuminated by stars. A silhouette then appears among the stars and says HWL has started off with a bang, perhaps even a Big Bang, but now is not the right time to stop reaching for the stars. Now, more than ever, it is time to reach for the cosmos and come along for a trip among the stars. The silhouette is then partially illuminated and we see the speaker wears a star on his face and the camera fades to black.
Back at ringside, this special tag team attraction is coming up next as The Lucha Brothers, Fenix and Pentagon, and the Guerrillas of Destiny, Tama Tonga and Tanga Loa, make their entrances.
Match #6 - Guerrillas of Destiny vs. Lucha Bros
Tama and Pentagon start things off and trade kicks back and forth. Tama then whips Pentagon off into the ropes and catches him on the way back with a Samoan Drop. Tama then make the tag to Loa, who catapults in over the top rope with a Leg Drop across the back of the head. Loa then pounds Pentagon with a flurry of clubbing blows, but Pentagon battles back up to his feet and chops Loa down with a Thrust Kick to the knee and follows up with a DDT. Pentagon then makes the tag to Fenix and Fenix Somersaults into the ring, landing on Loa with a Double Footstomp. Fenix and Pentagon then set up for a Hart Attack, but Loa counters out of it by boxing Pentagon’s ears as Tama comes back in and Spears Fenix. GoD then hit Pentagon with Nightfall and Fenix with the Killshot and Loa makes the cover for the three count.
The Guerrillas of Destiny make their way to the back with this mostly lopsided victory and all that we have left tonight are our final two title matches.
Backstage, our broadcast colleague is standing by with Tomasso Ciampa and Shayna Baszler. Ciampa says first Elias, then Adam Cole and Dolph Ziggler have all found themselves emasculated at his hands. Each one has left their meeting with The Black Heart less of a man than they were before and Joey Ryan will be no different. He says though that when it comes to Joey Ryan, that might not be enough to get the job done. Ciampa says they might just have something else in mind for Joey and his “little friend.” Shayna then makes a snip, snip scissors motion with her fingers as they exit the interview area.
Back at ringside, it’s time to crown a women’s champion as Lacey Evans, Nikki Cross and Kelly Klein make their entrances.
Match #7 - HWL Women’s Championship - Triple Threat Elimination Match - Lacey Evans vs. Kelly Klein vs. Nikki Cross
Lacey and Klein come toe-to-toe as the bell rings and Lacey tears back and goes for the Women’s Right, but Klein blocks it, catching Lacey’s fist in her hand and squeezing, dropping Lacey down to one knee. Nikki then screams that Lacey is hers and she wants to play as she jumps on Klein’s back, clawing at her face and eyes. Disoriented, Klein lets Lacey go and fights to try to get Cross off her back. Cross takes advantage of Klein’s temporary blindness and hits her with the Fisherman’s Neckbreaker and makes the cover for the three count and the Gatekeeper is surprisingly eliminated right away. Cross then crawls over to Lacey, who is still down on one knee watching all this happen in shock. Cross then licks Lacey’s cheek and whispers in her ear and Lacey rolls out to the floor and pounds the ring apron and complains to the referee to keep her in control. Evans then reluctantly gets back into the ring and circles Cross. Nikki smiles and the two lock knuckles and Nikki quickly pulls Lacey into a Bear Hug and then a Belly-to-Belly Overhead Release Suplex. Nikki then jumps on Lacey and grabs her by the ears as she slams her head up and down on the mat. Cross then pulls Evans back up and spins her around and Evans takes a wild swing, but Nikki ducks and spanks Lacey on the ass. Lacey turns and takes another big swing, but Nikki sucks again and now spanks her on the other cheek. Lacey then, with her face beet red, rushes at Nikki, but Nikki takes her down with a Drop Toe-hold. Nikki then transitions into a Side Headlock, but Lacey battles back up to her feet and connects with a couple of Elbows to the gut. Lacey then shoves Nikki off into the ropes and knocks her flat with a Shoulder Block. Lacey follows up with a Standing Moonsault into the cover, but Nikki kicks out. Evans then pummels Nikki with a flurry of Forearm Shivers and heads up to the top rope, but Nikki climbs up behind her and grabs her around the waist. Nikki tried for a German Suplex off the top rope, but Lacey fights her off and slowly turns around so that they’re face to face. Evans clubs Nikki and forces her head down into position for a Powerbomb, but Nikki fights out of it. Nikki then starts to lift Lacey up into a dangerous Alabama Slam position while facing out toward the floor, but Lacey is able to fight her way back down and the two women separate on the top turnbuckle and Nikki’s head pops up just in time to catch the Woman’s Right square on the jaw and Nikki drops like a stone from the top turnbuckle onto the side of the ring apron, bouncing and dropping all the way down to the floor. Lacey takes a moment to compose herself as she climbs down off the turnbuckle onto the ring apron and stares down at Nikki laying motionless on the floor. Lacey takes another moment to use her handkerchief to boot away some sweat before dropping all the way down to the floor and pulling Nikki’s limp body up and rolling her into the ring. Lacey then rolls in and makes the cover, but Nikki’s arm shoots out and grabs the bottom rope at the last second. Lacey then frantically pulls Nikki away from the ropes and makes the cover again, but Nikki kicks out and this time catches Lacey in a Crucifix pinning combination and Lacey just barely kicks out in time to save the match. The two women pop back up to their feet and Lacey goes for the Woman’s Right again, but instead of dodging, Nikki just looks down and Lacey’s fist makes contact with the top of Nikki’s skull and if you’ve ever been in a fight before, that’s a good way to possibly have your hand or wrist broken. Lacey howls in pain as Nikki gives a bloody grin and pulls Lacey’s head back by the hair into position and drops her into and Inverted DDT and Backbreaker combination and follows up with her Fisherman’s Swinging Neckbreaker and crawls into the cover for the three count.
Nikki cackles maniacally as she receives the title from the referee and is declared the winner and NEW HWL Women’s World Champion. Cross triumphantly charges around the ring with the title, swinging it wildly in celebration.
Our cameras stay with the victory celebration until Nikki starts to leave the ringside area and then we take you one last time back to our broadcast colleague, who is standing by with Joey Ryan. Ryan says people in this tournament have been prepared to write him off from the start, but look at how that turned out for Bull Ray and Brian Cage. Ryan says that because he always has a sucker in his mouth and inflatable penises pop up whenever he pulls a Thanos, they think he’s some kind of joke. Well, he says tonight the joke is on Tomasso Ciampa because he’ll be lucky if all Joey takes is the title and if he wants to bring his woman out to the ring, Joey says he might just take her too.
Back at ringside, it’s Main Event time as Tomasso Ciampa makes his way out to the ring, accompanied by Shayna Baszler. Joey Ryan then makes his way to the ring and the crowd is an even split during the introductions with half the crowd favoring Ciampa and the other half favoring Ryan. However, before the bell can ring, the proceedings are interrupted by the arrival of Monday Night Raw Executive Director Paul Heyman. Heyman says, as you may have heard earlier tonight from Mr. Corgan, people of authority may be showing up from time to time in this collaborative HWL effort to help tweak and improve the show. Heyman says this is one of those instances because nobody wants to see Tomasso Ciampa wrestle Joey Ryan. They want to see Tomasso Ciampa fight Joey Ryan. They want to see Tomasso Ciampa go to war with Joey Ryan. They want to see Tomasso Ciampa go to the EXTREME with Joey Ryan. With that in mind, this will now be an Extreme Rules Match.
Match #8 - HWL World Heavyweight Championship - Extreme Rules Match - Tomasso Ciampa vs. Joey Ryan
The two men square off as the match gets under way and Baszler tosses a Kendo Stick in to Ciampa and Ciampa catches it and blasts Ryan right across the face with it, breaking the glass out of one of the eyes in the shades Ryan was still wearing. Ciampa then quickly wraps the Kendo Stick around Ryan’s throat and drives him into the mat with a Russian Leg Sweep and makes the cover, but Ryan kicks out for a near fall. Ciampa then puts the boots to Ryan and Baszler now slides a chair into the ring and Ciampa sets up for a Piledriver onto the chair, but Ryan Counters and drives Ciampa down onto the chair with a Fameasser. Ryan then makes the cover, but Baszler drags Ryan our to the floor and grabs him by the groin. Baszler immediately realizes her mistake and drops to her knees as Ryan grinds her down with his penile might. Ryan then goes for the Dick Suplex, but Baszler somehow blocks it and grabs Ryan by the hand, pulling it down to her own crotch and tucking it in the front of her tights and now Ryan howls in pain as we appear to have reached a crotchular stalemate. Ciampa then rolls out to the floor and breaks it up with a Kendo Stick shot to the back of Ryan’s skull. Ciampa then connects with the Fairy Tale Ending out on the floor. Ciampa and Baszler work together to put Ryan back in the ring and then Ciampa drags Ryan to the middle of the ring and sets up for a second Fairy Tale Ending onto the chair, but Ryan drops down to one knee and pops Ciampa in the nuts. Ryan then hits a DDT onto the chair and then ducks an incoming Baszler and hits her with a Thrust Kick to the gut and gives her a Package Piledriver. Ryan then takes the chair as Ciampa staggers back up to his feet and Ryan turns the lights out on him with a chair shot to the top of the head. Ryan then goes for the cover but Ciampa kicks out for a near fall. Ryan picks the chair up again and motions for Ciampa to get back up. Ciampa slowly rolls over onto all fours and Ryan brings the chair crashing down on his back. Ryan then goes out of the ring and pulls out a table and slides it into the ring. Ryan sets up the table over by the corner and then starts to pull Ciampa back up to his feet, but Ciampa fights him off and Headbutts Ryan in the face. Ciampa then rolls Ryan up onto the table and Baszler grabs Ryan’s arms and holds them up over his head as Ciampa takes the Kendo Stick and gets several swats across Ryan’s stomach with it. Ciampa then goes up to the top turnbuckle and dives off, but Ryan sits up out of the way, pulling Baszler onto the table in his place and Ciampa crashes through Baszler and the table. Ryan then punts Ciampa in the nuts and rolls him up in a Small Package and gets the three count.
Joey Ryan can hardly believe it as he’s presented the HWL World Heavyweight Championship and declared the winner and NEW Champion. Ryan drags himself slowly over to the corner and cradles the title belt in his lap, but now The Undisputed Era’s music hits and Cole, Fish and O’Reilly swarm the ring. The trio are closing in on Ryan, who gamely pulls himself up and prepares to fight them all three off, but then the lights suddenly go out. We then hear three quick electrical bursts, like a taser, followed by three thuds and when the lights come back on, Suicide is standing over all three members of the Undisputed Era who are down in the ring. What in the blue hell is Suicide doing here? He doesn’t have a contract to be here. He doesn’t work for this company. Get some security out here.
Security swarms the ring, but the lights go out again. When the lights come back on, Suicide is gone, as suddenly as he got here. What the heck did we just witness? He does NOT work here. This was not supposed to be part of the show tonight. We will try to get to the bottom of this as soon as we can. Goodnight everybody.