*Renee Young is holding a microphone*
Young: Ladies and Gentlemen I am standing by with Nikki Cross.
*Nikki Cross walks into frame in a full glow body suit with a glowing robe holding glow sticks with a big smile on her face*
Young: Nikki it looks like you have found a new friend in your opponent this week on Overdrive Naomi, is this true?
*Nikki starts jumping and dancing the smile on her face getting bigger*
Young: That's great! Friendly competition in HWL is so refreshing to see! But how do you expect to beat your new friend?
*Nikki stops and thinks for a minute. As she does the smile turns into a frown and she starts screaming*
Young: Nikki calm down it's just a simple question.....
*Nikki whips the glow sticks at Renee Young and knocks the camera man over as she leaves she throws the robe on the camera man which has a message on it*
Message: Lacey..... Lacey..... one more week Lacey..... Lacey Lacey.... wont you be mine in a week Lacey? Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaomiiiiiiiiiiii! CAN WE BE FRIENDS!? Do you like my glow? Naomi, do you like my sticks? Naomi did you like my robe? How about we dance to the ring together! Dance and dance just like best friends do! DANCE DANCE DANCE..... Then I will find the biggest glow stick in the world..... and I will bash it over your head! BASH BASH BASH.... Does your blood glow Naomi? Will it glow after I am done with you? Can i smear the liquid from the glow stick all over your face till the blood does glow? I think you'll like it Naomi! I really think you'll like it! Let me play with your corpse Naomi..... LET NIKKI PLAY!
*The camera cuts*
:The camera shows Joey Ryan slowly banging his head against a wall:
"The King of Dong Style: Joey Ryan
Cage,Cage, CAGE..Not everything I say should be taken as a compliment you dolt, Yes Ivan Drago was played by Action star Dolph Lud..who the hell cares, the point is when it look like the one time Rocky has finally met his match in someone who was Bigger,Stronger and a man who actually killed a man in the ring...Rocky was able to overcome and defeat him..after all that Ivan Drago was classified as a LOSER!
:Joey takes his head off the wall and looks at the camera:
And after Overdrive, thats what you will be classified as,at least for one night, a Loser, now im sure you will try and tie this into a compliment about "The Losers Club" were a great group of friends or something, trust me this is not a compliment of any kind, And since you dont seem to be getting it, im gonna cut the crap on this one and break it down to you in the simplest of terms...
And then I,Joey Ryan will move onto the finals and be one step closer to become the HWL WOrld Heavyweight Champion!!!!
* Austin Aries is seen in the locker room looking for something in his phone. Then he directs his attention to the camera. *
AA: So I see that you're childish acts have come out to the lights. Going to such length as to using memes. It's funny Murphy to see you go to that level in order to get some attention when you said that you're tired of talking about me. But you shouldn't take me so lightly just because you think that things will go your way. No Murphy, I'm here to make sure that I end you on Overdrive. Whether it cost me to aggravate my ribs, or whether I have to break some tooth between the two of us. It doesn't matter. All that matter now is that this rivalry we have going on end this Wednesday....once and for all.
* Suddenly we see a dark figure in the background as he signals Aries to come to him *
AA: Well well. What you doing back there? You want to tell me something....excuse me guys, I have something to talk to HIM.
* Aries goes to him, camera try to follow pursuit but Aries stops him *
AA: Woooh Woooh. Hold it there guy, I can't let you come any closer. This is a personal matter I have to attend. I'll be with you in just a sec.
* Aries goes to him and talks to him, while the camera man waits. After a brief chat with the dark figure he says *
AA: Well, I'll talk to you later. Send my hugs and kisses to your mother. And tell her the pork and rice was spot on delicious from my part.
* the figure vanishes through the darkness. *
AA: where was I? Ohh yeah, talking about this aussie. So...yeah, I just had a little talk with a friend of mine. And yeah, who knew I have friend. The things I say sometimes baffles me. Some are right, some are wrong. But most of the time they create drama. And boy oh boy I love drama. What's not there to love. Just like the drama Buddy and I are having over the past few days leading up to Overdrive. It's simply crazy to think that this match between us is going to be nothing more than a gory bloody mess. JUST LOVE IT.
* we see aries gets a call. *
AA: Hello? Yes, this is Aries.....yep. No way bruh. I can't believe you want to do that......there's no way you can pull that off. I the plans is still on? Great. Perfect. I'll contact you once more after Overdrive is over. And after this, we can head to that sushi place across the street. My treat.....ok. Yeah. I'll talk to you then. Peace. Bye.
* Aries hangs up the phone. The camera guy is trying to ask him who he is. *
AA: Aren't you the stubborn one. And no, I won't reveal the identity of the caller. Why? Because the greatest man that has ever lived doesn't have to give you, nor Buddy Murphy the details of the caller. So Buddy, to end this short and sweet. My mission for Wednesday is to kick ass, make some noise and put you down and out. Because whether you want to or not, I'm ending your charade of ignorance and shutting you up once and for all.
* Aries starts leaving, but leaves his phone. *
AA: Oh....I almost forgot. In response to your little spongebob meme. Here's a meme of my own from you. Hope you enjoy.
* Aries shows the picture as camera guy zooms in. Afterwards he leaves and camera fades off. *
*after Joey Ryan finishes his speech, Brian Cage comes on*
Joey Ryan, Yea your right, that's what happened in the movie, that's what the writers wrote. But that's not what's gonna happen, it's just your imagination, Why is that you ask? well, In our match You are "The Guy," The Favorite and I'm just plain old Brian Cage, The Challenger. If anything is Classified. it's Like that... Cuz Look here Mister "Cocky".
*Cage then stops and continues*
It's Nice that you try to Make fun of me and try to do something beforehand every time... But I have to break it to you it's not working, Sorry. It's only gonna get worse for you Because of Karma, and it's gonna bite you up the ass and you're not gonna like how it feels...Like I said before Who Cares what you say, they are just words, words don't hurt anybody. What I'm saying is my Impact towards you, WILL speak louder than what you have spoken so far. Because I'm gonna work for it, with no Distractions. So to be clear just for you. At the end of our match, you will see me standing tall in victory, and I will move on to the Finals and be crowned HWL World Heavyweight Champion.
*As Cage finishes he walks away and the camera fades to black*
Last edited by Ivit94 (7/14/2019 9:23 pm)
We see MJF in a hotel room reading the HWL World Heavyweight Championship tournament bracket
MJF- My goodness…look at these horrific Tournaments, Brian Cage, Dolph Ziggler, Tomasso Ciampa, JOEY RYAN…THE DICK GUY? Like seriously Big Sugar couldn’t even recruit talent if it was a buffet at a Golden Corral. Well at least I know that I can easily become World Champion soon enough but in the meantime…
Ladies and Gentleman, just in case if you’re deaf, dumb, blind or stupid…probably poor because god knows this company has absolutely no talent and I have no idea why anyone would watch this piece of crap promotion, my name is Maxwell Jacob Friedman and I am the youngest and fastest rising superstar in the HISTORY of Professional Wrestling. In fact I’m such an amazing talent I’m going to conduct an interview with myself.
Now MJF, why the hell would you join a ridiculous and crappy promotion like HWL? Well MJF that’s an outstanding question and I’d be glad to answer. You see HWL literally has no talent, I think you can thank your “fearless leader” for the roster, great job Suges. As I just mentioned the Semi-Finals of the HWL World Heavyweight Championship has no talent. I have more talent in my left nostril than they have combined. And here’s the thing, wherever MJF goes, success follows. I’m here to raise up HWL because whoever becomes the inaugural Champion is clearly not the true Champion because they never faced me. So that’s why I’m here, next question, time is money and that’s something these fans don’t have.
MJF, you say there is no talent in HWL, are there any talents you’ve seen on the roster as worthy of sharing the ring with you? Again MJF, that’s another great question…you got a future in journalism kid. There are a few but there’s one that sticks out and he’s a legend to me…CM Punk. It’s a shame that he wasn’t in the HWL World Heavyweight Championship tournament because he would’ve mopped the floor with everyone. I would say he’s the only guy on this roster I have any respect for. Without him, guys like me never get an opportunity. I can’t wait to see him back in the ring. Other than Punk, the rest of the roster is trash.
Two more questions MJF, I would assume your goal here in HWL is to become the HWL World Heavyweight Champion correct? Well MJF, that’s a great observation you’ve made there, yes my goal is to become the HWL World Heavyweight Champion. But the man that I am, it’s not as fun to just reach the top right away and to bring real change to HWL, I plan on raising up all the talent because that’s how great of a superstar I am. You see when you step in the ring with MJF, your value goes up. I mean…you’ll lose to me, but at least you can go to the back and realize I shared the ring with MJF, and that my friend is the biggest honor of all I can give you.
Last question, what would your message be to the Superstars of HWL? Well first off MJF I want to say what a fine job you’ve done with your interview, I couldn’t have done it better myself. As for your question, my message is simple…you all are trash. You have no idea what HWL has just acquired. HWL has finally acquired a savior that will bring up this roster full of wrestlers who never would’ve gotten a shot if it wasn’t for this crappy promotion and lead HWL to greatness. I’m the present and future of this company and more importantly THIS INDUSTRY. You know why? Cause I’m better than all of you…AND YOU KNOW IT
MJF crumbles the paper up and throws it in the garbage and walks out of the room
Last edited by Halestorm727 (7/14/2019 10:22 pm)
Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel are standing backstage talking amongst themselves they then spot the cameras as Bo and Curtis then both stand up
Bo "We told you that we were not to be overlooked here in HWL and then we proved that we were not to be messed with last time we were on Overdrive when we Beat the Young Bucks to take our next step in this Tag title Tournament"
Curtis "This time we take on the Team of Akam and Rezar the Authors of Pain and we will continue on our path to glory, Our Path which started with our Fathers and we will do so much better than them"
Bo "We may be Called Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel in the ring but we have a legacy to uphold, We have a Dynasty to Continue and again we will prove that we belong in the upper echelons of Sports Entertainment and Beating The Authors of Pain and then The Good brothers in the Final to take the Gold that belongs around our waists will be our first steps to Ultimate Glory and Then The B Team will be The A Team!! "
Bo and Curtis then mime the Mic Drop action as they walk off the screen"
*As The B-Team Finishes their speech, the camera shifts to The Authors of Pain where in between the two is a empty Throne, the camera focus on the empty throne and once again we hear the voice Speak*
The Voice:
The Authors of Pain
*The Voice stops for a second and the camera focus on both Men and The Continues*
The Voice:
Look at them you know what you see. I Tell you what you see. You see three different things. Destruction, The B-Team will have there bodies pummeled to the ground as they are rag dolls. Conquest and Pain...
*The Voice stops for a second and continues*
The Voice:
On Overdrive, The Authors of Pain will write a brand new chapter on their path to destruction. Mister Axel and Mister Dallas, will know that they are destined, they will feel that what pain and loss is. By the end of the night the Authors of Pain will move on to the Finals and become The HWL World Tag Team Champions.
*As the Voice Finishes AOP just Glares at the camera as it fades to black*
Austin Aries
Buddy? Ohh Buddy? Where are you? Come out come out, wherever you are. Don't you wanna speak before our big break at Overdrive? Don't you wanna tell me how irrelevant I am to you? Or are you just giving up on yourself? Whatever the reason is I like it. It tells me that you have nothing left on the table.
Anyway, I've been hearing that new faces are coming soon around here. That tells me that new challenges are up ahead and new foes are waiting to be presented. But that's in a near future. My focus is on grasping my hand on that Cruiserweight Title around me. To smell it. To feel it. To make it my own. And once I dispose of that Aussie, I'll be one step closer in making my moniker of The greatest man that has ever lived not just a saying....but a reality. So watch out, cause Double A is shifting into Overdrive. And there isn't a damn thing that Buddy Murphy...or anyone else can do about it.
Double A signing out. Peace.
:The camera shows Buddy Murphy watching Austin Aries promo on a monitor,and after it ends Buddy Turns to the camera:
:Buddy then dust off his shoulder sarcastically:
:Buddy then YAWNS, and walks away:
* Just when Buddy Murphy's insulting promo ends, we see Aries just looking at the monitor as he eats some popcorn. *
AA:Interesting.....Remarkable.....Astonishing really. Buddy Murphy is really asking for that ass beating. And boy oh boy, he's going to get it.....AND MORE. DAMN THIS POPCORN SO GOOD. If only I could find that extra butter....
* Aries keeps eating his popcorn while he looks around the locker room. Then he heads outside to the Hallway looking for that butter. *
Last edited by Th3Rickst3r (7/15/2019 10:13 pm)