The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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9/09/2020 4:35 pm  #1

Overdrive Episode #54 (09/09/20)

Pyros light up the arena as we kick off this week’s edition of Overdrive and we start things off right away by getting to the action with a women’s triple threat match to kick off the night as Ruby Riott, Kay Lee Ray and Britt Baker make their way to the ring.
Match #1 – Triple Threat Match – Britt Baker vs. Kay Lee Ray vs. Ruby Riott
The three women square off as things get started and Kay Lee sucker punches Riott, knocking her down in the corner. Britt and Kay Lee then tie up and Baker Hip Tosses Kay Lee. She then goes for a Dropkick, but Kay Lee sidesteps. Kay Lee then bounces off the ropes and goes for a Running Knee Lift, but Baker sidesteps out of the way and pins Kay Lee in a Backslide, but Riott breaks it up. Riott then takes Kay Lee by the back of the head and pitches her out over the top rope, but Kay Lee hangs on and lands on the ring apron and nails Riott with a vicious Headbutt. Riott stumbles back to the middle of the ring and Baker nails Kay Lee with a Running Big Boot, knocking her from the ring apron down to the floor. Riott is out on her feet as Baker wrestles her down to the mat and applies Lockjaw and Riott is forced to tap out.
Baker is your winner and she makes her way to the back and we cut to our broadcast colleague who has spotted debuting Ace Austin in the back. Austin says he guesses the cat is out of the bag and the inevitable has arrived in the HWL. Austin says you’re also not going to have to wait until later tonight to find out Ciampa’s next opponent for the Television Championship because it’s the Ace. Austin’s phone then rings, playing some mariachi music. Austin answers it and has a brief conversation in Spanish before covering the phone and telling our colleague to get lost, and it’s time for our first commercial break of the night.
Back from the break, it’s tag team action up next as Kenny Omega & Hangman Page make their way to the ring, followed by their opponents, James Storm and Eli Drake.
Match #2 – The Elite (Omega & Page) vs. James Storm & Eli Drake
Hangman and Omega can’t decide who should start the match and Kenny seems to win out, but then Page tags himself in, bringing himself face to face with the Tennessee Cowboy. The two trade punches back and forth before retreating to their respective corners as Drake twists the cap off a cold one for Storm and Omega starts to hand one to Page, but then purposely drops it. Hangman bends down to pick it up and Omega tags himself in. Storm quickly downs his beverage and Page takes his and rolls out to the floor and stalks to the back as Omega protests being left alone. Omega turns and walks into the Last Call from Storm. Storm then tags in Drake and Omega slowly rolls over and struggles back up to his feet and Drake takes him for a ride on the Gravy Train and makes the cover for the three count.
Drake and Storm are your winners and they celebrate with a couple more cold ones as they make their way to the back. In the back, we see Ace Austin standing at the end of the hallway, talking to somebody we can’t see around the corner and it sounds like they’re talking in Japanese. Austin then spots our camera and chases our crew away before they can get a closer look and we have to take you to another word from our sponsors.
Back from the break, Damien Priest and Brian Cage make their way to the ring for our penultimate clash of the night.
Match #3 – Brian Cage vs. Damien Priest
The two men tie up and Cage hammers Priest with a series of clubbing blows over the neck and shoulders and then shoves him off into the ropes and lifts him Sky High before driving him into the mat. Cage then follows up with a Standing Moonsault and starts to go for the cover, but decides against it. Cage then drags Priest back up by the hair and tries to slam him face first into the corner, but Priest blocks it. Cage tries again, but Priest blocks it again. Priest then tries to nail Cage with a swinging blow, but Cage does a back handspring to avoid it and then nails Priest with a Dropkick. Priest charges out of the corner, but runs into a Discus Clothesline. Cage then puts the finishing touches on things with the Drill Claw and makes the cover for the three count.
Cage is your winner, returning to the HWL with authority tonight. In the back, Big Sugar is joined in his office by Adam Cole, JBL, Finn Balor and John Cena, who he informs them will each captain a three-man team at Fall Brawl in a War Games match and these ticky-tack feuds between warring factions will come to a head. Sugar says that each of them can pick from within their own factions who they want to be in this match, but everybody from those factions outside of that three-man team is going to stay in the back or they will be terminated from the company on the spot. In fact, to make sure that we don’t have any shenanigans like we experience between the Undisputed Era and the nWo this past Friday at Hard Labor, the 12 men participating in this match will be housed in four different undisclosed locations for the 24 hours prior to Fall Brawl and will only be transported to the arena when it’s go time. A video package then highlights what’s coming up at Fall Brawl later this month and we take our final commercial break of the night.
Back from the break, it’s Television Championship time as Ace Austin and Tomasso Ciampa make their way to the ring.
Match #4 – HWL Television Championship – Tomasso Ciampa vs. Ace Austin
Ciampa knocks Austin flat with a European Upper Cut as we get under way and Austin retreats out to the floor. Ciampa goes out after him and Austin gets him with a thumb in the eye and then tackles him spine first into the ring post. Austin then follows up with a DDT out on the floor and slides back into the ring and instructs the referee to start counting. Ciampa beats the count back in and Austin drives his knee into the back of Ciampa’s neck. Austin then sets up for a Piledriver, but Ciampa counters into a Back Body Drop. Ciampa then whips Austin into the ring and follows him in with a Running Lariat and then follows up with a Bulldog out of the corner and makes the cover, but Austin kicks out. Ciampa puts the boots to Austin and then hoists him up for a Running Powerslam, but Austin slips free down the back and counters into a Reverse DDT. Austin then bounces off the ropes and connects with a Knee Drop across the skull. Austin then heads up to the middle turnbuckle, but Ciampa cuts him off with a big right hand. Ciampa then turns his back to Austin and plants his hands in Austin’s armpits as he pulls Austin up and over his back, flipping him over his head and driving him into the mat. Ciampa then makes the cover, but again Austin kicks out. Austin stumbles back up to his feet and Ciampa hits him with a Running Lariat that carries both men out over the top rope and out to the floor. Ciampa then drags Austin up the rampway and drops him on his head again with a DDT. Ciampa then takes Austin all the way to the top corner of the stage and he starts to set up for the Fairy-tale Ending, but is interrupted as music starts playing over the loudspeaker and a masked man comes through the curtain to stand at the top of the rampway in the center of the stage and that’s Rush, the ROH World Champion. Ciampa tries to figure out what is going on and the referee has counted both he and Austin out on the floor.
Ciampa steps toward Rush, who slowly removes his mask and sticks his tongue out as he drags his thumb across his throat and then points at something behind Ciampa. Ciampa slowly turns and there’s Tetsuya Naito, the IWGP Heavyweight Champion, standing there and Naito nails Ciampa with a Thrust Kick to the gut and then connects with Destino at the top of the ramp. Austin then joins in and the three of them drag Ciampa to the ring and roll him in. Ciampa crawls to the corner, but is unable to pull himself all the way up and he sits there and tries to regain his bearings, but Rush gives him the Bull’s Horns instead. Ace Austin, Rush and Tetsuya Naito then stand tall in the middle of the ring as Los Ingobernales, a faction known to have multiple forms across companies in Mexico, Japan and the United States just added another chapter here in the HWL and we go off the air.


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