The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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8/15/2020 5:33 pm  #1

HWL presents Four for Gold (08/15/20)

Pyros light up the arena where tonight HWL hosts Four for Gold, with our Main Event set to feature four men doing battle for the World Heavyweight Championship as Finn Balor defends against Marty Scurll, JBL and R-Truth. Three other title matches have been signed for tonight with the Women’s World Championship, Tag Team titles and Cruiserweight Championship all to be defended.
We start things off tonight with the women’s division as the challengers, Hikaru Shida and Asuka, and the defending champion, Mickie James, make their way to the ring.
Match #1 – HWL Women’s World Championship – Mickie James vs. Asuka vs. Hikaru Shida
The three women square off as the match gets under way and Mickie ties up with Asuka and goes to a Hammerlock, but Asuka counters into t a Hip Toss. Shida hits Asuka with a Running Dropkick, driving her backward into the corner.  Shida then gets a running start and goes for a Flying Knee Smash in the corner, but Asuka ducks and Shida crashes into the turnbuckle and spills out over the top rope and out to the ring apron. Asuka then bounces off the ropes as Shida pulls herself back up and Asuka connects with a Flying Hip Attack, sending Shida flying off the ring apron and into the barricade below. Asuka then turns and walks into a Thesz Press from Mickie, who goes for the cover, but Asuka kicks out for a near fall. Mickie puts the boots to Asuka and then drags her up by the hair and throws her into the corner where she delivers a series of kicks to the gut. Mickie then tries to whip Asuka across the ring into the opposite corner, but Asuka counters and goes for the Asuka Lock. However, Mickie is able to position her head under Asuaka’s jaw and drop down into a Jawbreaker before she can get it locked in. Shida then pulls Asuka out to the floor under the bottom rope and the two trade punches out on the floor, but Mickie climbs to the outside of the ring and from the middle turnbuckle takes them both down out on the floor with a  Somersault Senton. Mickie then puts Shida back in the ring and rolls in and goes for the cover, but Shida kicks out. Mickie stars to drag Shida back up by the hair, but Shida fights her off with a flurry of kicks to the thigh and ribs. Shida then sets up for a Brainbuster, but Mickie counters on the way up and twists and lands on her feet behind Shida. Mickie then runs Shida off into the ropes and rolls her up for the cover, but Asuka gets back into the ring in time to break it up. Asuka then pitches Mickie through the ropes and out to the ring apron. Asuka puts the boots to Shida and then sets up for a Powerbomb, but Shida counters into a Hurricanrana, launching Asuka into the ropes where she collides with Mickie and Mickie drops to the floor. Shida then hits Asuka with a Reverse DDT and goes for the cover, but Asuka kicks out and transitions into a Leg Scissors around Shida’s neck. Shida slowly battles back up to her feet with Asuka hanging from her neck by the legs and Asuka is able to transition into a Triangle Choke, but Shida quickly hooks the ropes to force a break. Shida kicks Asuka in the gut as they regain her feet and sets up for a DDT, but Asuka counters into a Northern Lights Suplex and bridges up into the cover, but Shida kicks out. Asuka regains her feet as Mickie springboards off the top rope and connects with a Flying Leg Lariat. Asuka staggers back up to her feet over by the ropes and Mickie nails her with the Mick Kick and Asuka drops through the ropes and bounces off the ring apron and out to the floor. Shida comes at Mickie from behind for a Double Axe-handle, but Mickie sidesteps out of the way and kicks her in the gut. Mickie then connects with a Leaping DDT and covers Shida for the three count.
Mickie James is your winner and STILL the Women’s World Champion. In the back, our broadcast colleague is standing by with Cruiserweight Champion TJ Perkins, who is getting ready to defend his championship against Darby Allin. Perkins says this match is totally bogus, that Darby is threatening to do all these crazy things including putting him in a body bag. Perkins says he’s been desperately trying to get in touch with his lawyer all week to get an injunction, but it hasn’t come through yet. Perkins said if HWL let’s this match go on and Darby does anything outside the realm of wrestling, if he sticks TJ in a body bag, if he attacks him with a skate board laced with razor blades, or any of that crazy crap, the lawsuit this company receives as a result will be unprecedented.
Back at ringside, our next match is coming up as Daniel Bryan and Jay White each make their way to the ring and prepare to face off.
Match #2 – Daniel Bryan vs. Jay White
White and Bryan tie up and Bryan takes White straight down and goes for the Yes Lock, but White pushes off the ropes and counters into a pinning predicament, but Bryan kicks out for a near fall. White ducks a Jumping Knee from Bryan and then shoves him toward the referee and the referee has to duck and cover to keep from getting run over. Bryan whirls back around and White thumbs him in the eye, unnoticed by the referee who is still covering up. White then connects with the Slingblade and covers Bryan for the three count.
White steals the win in this miscarriage of justice as Bryan remains down and out in the ring and White makes his way to the back. Back stage, our broadcast colleague is standing by with Charlotte Flair, who has a grudge match coming up later in the night against Nia Jax. Charlotte says that Nia may have gotten the best of her when she jumped her from behind, but she made the mistake of not doing enough to keep her out and tonight the chickens are coming home to roost.
Back at ringside, it’s time for our next championship match as Darby Allin and TJ Perkins make their way to the ring.
Match #3 – HWL Cruiserweight Championship – TJ Perkins vs. Darby Allin
The match gets under way and Darby goes out to the floor and pulls a body bag with TJP written on it from under the ring. Perkins flips out and retreats to the floor and grabs his title and says he’s leaving. Perkins starts to retreat up the rampway, but Allin runs him down and tackles him from behind. Allin then drags TJ back to his feet and runs with him down the rampway before flinging him hard back into the ring. Allin then springboards off the top rope as TJ stumbles back to his feet and Allin flattens him with a Flying Superman Punch. Allin then makes the cover, but Perkins kicks out. Allin tries to pull Perkins back up, but TJ counters into an Inside Cradle for a near fall. The two rush back up to their feet and TJ fires away frantically with a flurry of jabs and then connects with a left hook that sends Allin spinning away toward the corner. Perkins then grabs Allin by the back of the neck and lifts him up into a Torture Rack. Perkins takes Allin to the middle of the ring, far away from the ropes as he torques down on the pressure with the Torture Rack, but Darby refuses to give up. Darby starts pummeling TJ in the face and forces TJ to relax his grip on the hold to try to fend off the punches and Darby slips free and counters into a Tornado DDT. Allin then gets a run off the ropes and does a Front Flip into an Atomic Leg Drop. Allin goes for the cover, but TJ kicks out for a near fall. Darby pummels TJ with a flurry of big right hands and then slowly drags him back to his feet and drags him over to the corner where the body bag sits and as TJ gets closer and sees it, he scrambles free and retreats to the other side of the ring. Allin picks up the body bag and then slowly stalks TJ across the ring and TJ goes down to his knees in the corner and begs the referee to make it stop. The referee pulls the body bag away from Allin and TJ capitalizes as he springboards off the ropes and hits Allin with a Flying Gamenguri. TJ makes the cover, but Allin quickly kicks out and cinches TJ’s arm and goes for the Crippler Crossface. TJ manages to make it to the ropes before he can get it locked in. Allin rushes back to his feet and hits TJ with a series of Knee Strikes to the back of the neck before he can get back up. Allin then drags TJ up and cinches him up for a German Suplex and launches him across the ring where he lands on the back of his neck. Allin then snatches the body bag from the referee and doesn’t put TJ in it, but lays it across his face and chest. Allin then heads up to the top rope and connects with the Coffin Drop. Allin then tosses the body bag out of the way and covers TJ as the referee makes the three count.
Darby Allin is your winner and the NEW Cruiserweight Champion. Allin celebrates his victory as he collects the championship and straps it around his waist, claiming his first major championship. As the celebration continues, we join our broadcast colleague in the back, who is standing by with Women’s World Champion Mickie James. Mickie says tonight is an example of what she’s been saying, that she’s raising the level of the Women’s division. Mickie says she took on two of the top wrestlers in the world and beat them at the top of their game. She says this is still just the start of what she has planned as the division continues to rise.
Back at ringside, it’s time for our next contest as Matt Hardy makes his way to the ring. His opponent, Bray Wyatt, then makes his way to the ring and Wyatt is leading David Arquette by a leash around his neck. The Fiend ties Arquette to the ring post in his corner and climbs in the ring to do combat with the man of many personalities, Matt Hardy.
Match #4 – Bray Wyatt vs. Matt Hardy
Wyatt and Hardy square off as the match gets under way and Hardy fires off some big right hands, but they have no effect on The Fiend. Wyatt then knocks Hardy flat with a Headbutt and then follows up with a Running Senton. Wyatt then throttles Hardy by the throat and slams his head repeatedly into the mat. Wyatt drags Hardy to his feet and sets up for a Chokeslam, but Hardy slips free and kicks Wyatt in the knee. Hardy then goes for the Twist of Fate, but Wyatt powers out of it and applies the Mandible Claw and forces Hardy down to the mat and Hardy slowly fades away and the referee calls for the bell, stopping the match.
Bray Wyatt is your winner. The Fiend exits the ring and unties Arquette’s leash before slowly leading him to the back. In the backstage area, our broadcast colleague is standing by with Heavy Machinery. Tucker says that since they declared for what was supposed to be a Tag Team Turmoil match earlier this week, The Briscoes were the only other challengers that stepped up because everybody else in the back must have been two intimidated by them and the Briscoes and decided they wanted no part of this thing. As a result, Tucker said that they just received word that this is going to be a Triple Threat match instead with the defending champions, FTR, facing just The Briscoes and Heavy Machinery. Tucker says on the one hand, now they don’t have to worry about potentially facing 4-5 different teams to win the titles, but then on the other hand now they don’t have to be pinned to be eliminated from the match, so there’s a trade off there, but no matter the circumstances, he and Otis are ready for it and they’re not letting this opportunity slip away.
Back at ringside, our next match is coming up as Charlotte Flair and Nia Jax make their way to the ring.
Match #5 – Charlotte Flair vs. Nia Jax
The two women tie up to get thing started and Nia backs Charlotte into a corner, but Charlotte quickly turns the table and fires off some Knife-edge Chops to the chest. Charlotte then gives a heave and surprisingly Hip Tosses Nia, sending her flying from the corner and dumping her on her ass in the middle of the ring. Charlotte then follows up with a Snapmere Takeover. Charlotte then goes right for the Figure Four, but Nia kicks her back against the corner. Nia regains her feet and charges into the corner, but Charlottes moves out of the way and Nia crashes hard into the corner. Nia turns and stumbles from the corner and Charlotte takes her down with a Chop Block. Nia rolls over and tries to crawl away on all fours, but Charlotte hits her with Natural Selection. Charlotte then turns Nia over and locks in the Figure Four, slowly bridging up into the Figure Eight and Nia howls in pain and is forced to tap out.
Charlotte is your winner, vanquishing her foe in impressive fashion here tonight. In the back, we see a four-way split screen of Finn Balor, Marty Scurll, JBL and R-Truth making their final preparations for our Main Event tonight. We have one other order of business to get to first and then it will be time to determine who will move forward as the World Heavyweight Champion.
Back at ringside, Heavy Machinery, The Briscoes and FTR make their way to the ring for this Triple Threat Match.
Match #6 – HWL Tag Team Championship – Triple Threat Match – FTR vs. Heavy Machinery vs. The Briscoes
Jax Harwood, Tucker and Jay Briscoe start things out for their respective teams. Harwood goes after Tucker first, but Tucker turns the tables on him and slams Harwood backward into a corner and fires off a flurry of punches to the gut. Jay comes over and rakes Tucker’s eyes from behind and then Jay and Jax deliver a Double Suplex. Jax then signals to Jay and bounces off the ropes and Jay lifts him up in a Gorilla Press and moves like he’s going to slam Jax onto Tucker, but then changes his mind and tosses Harwood out over the top rope and sends him crashing hard to the floor. Cash Wheeler takes great exception and charges into the ring, but is tackled from behind by Mark Briscoe and now Otis comes in two and the three illegal men scrum in the ring as the referee tries to regain order. Jay takes advantage of the distraction and punts Tucker in the nuts and connects with the Jay Driller. Jay then goes for the cover, but Otis makes the save. The referee finally forces the three illegal men back to their corners as Jay pummels Tucker with a series of punches from one knee beside his downed opponent. Jay then slowly drags Tucker back to his feet, but Tucker fires up and sends Jay reeling with a flurry of punches and then knocks him flat with a Bionic Elbow. Jay stumbles back up and Tucker connects with a Belly-to-Belly Suplex and then makes the tag to Otis and Otis comes in off the middle turnbuckle and hits Jay with a Diving Headbutt. Otis then makes the cover, but Harwood pulls Otis out under the bottom rope and slams him face first into the ring post. Harwood then slides back into the ring and covers Jay, but Jay quickly kicks out. Jax hammers Jay with a series of Double Axe-handle Shots, but Jay slowly fights back up to his feet and knees Jax in the gut. Jay then tags in Mark and hoists Jax up into position for a Suplex, but then drops him forward into a Gutbuster from Mark. Mark then goes up top and connects with the Froggy Bow and makes the cover, but Wheeler breaks it up. Wheeler then turns and pops Jay on the jaw, knocking him from the ring apron to the floor. FTR then sets up for the Shatter Machine on Mark, but Otis charges back into the ring and waylays Jax as he drives all his weight into him. Mark then takes Wheeler and hurls him through the ropes and shoulder first into the ring post. Mark turn and tries for a Crane Kick on Otis, but Otis sidesteps and connects with an Atomic Drop. Otis then follows up with a Belly-to-Belly Suplex, driving his torso down onto Mark’s head. Otis then follows up with the Caterpillar Elbow Drop and makes the cover, but Jay returns to make the save. Jay and Mark then work over Otis together, but Tucker charges in and now its an even fight as Tucker sends Jay reeling and then Clotheslines him out over the top rope and out to the floor where he stumbles around and walks into a Shatter Machine from FTR. Both members of FTR then charge into the ring and Otis whips Mark into them and Mark takes them both down with a Double Flying Lariat. Tucker and Otis then bounce off the ropes on opposite sides of the ring and smash into Mark from both sides and Mark drops and rolls out to the floor. Tucker then takes Wheeler by the back of the head and hurls him out over the top. Heavy Machinery then polishes Harwood off with The Compactor and Otis makes the cover for the three count.
Tucker and Otis are your winners and the NEW Tag Team Champions, knocking off two of the standard bearers of the tag team division here in HWL over the past year. Tucker and Otis celebrate with the straps as the crowd goes nuts for two of their favorites. With that, a video package highlights the night so far. We have one more match to go and as the highlight video wraps up, it’s now time for the MAIN EVENT.
Back at ringside, R-Truth’s music hits, but the first challenger is nowhere to be seen. We cut to the back where we see R-Truth is lost down in the lower levels of the arena, searching for the ring and muttering to himself. Marty Scurll, JBL and the defending World Heavyweight Champion, Finn Balor, then make their way to the ring for this Main Event.
Match #7 – HWL World Heavyweight Championship – Fatal 4-Way – Finn Balor vs. Marty Scurll vs. JBL vs. R-Truth
The three men square off as the match gets under way and it looks like we’re going to have to get things started without R-Truth. Scurll and JBL tear into each other and as they go over near the ropes, Balor charges them with a Running Dropkick and both challengers are sent careening out over the top rope and crash to the floor. Balor then charges across the ring and gets a run off the ropes as he dives out over the top rope and takes both Scurll and JBL down with a Tope Con Helo to the floor. Balor then takes Scurll and pitches him over the announce table, sending our broadcast team scrambling to get out of the way. Balor then goes to JBL, but JBL grabs him by the front of the tights and propels him headlong into the ring steps. JBL then puts the boots to Balor and puts him back in the ring. JBL rolls in and connects with a Big Elbow Drop right between the shoulder blades as Balor lays face down on the mat. JBL slowly rolls the champion over and makes the cover, but Balor kicks out. JBL pummels Balor and then drags him up into position for a Powerbomb, but Balor tackles him backward into the corner. Balor hits JBL with a pair of Elbow Smashes to the jaw and then climbs up to the middle turnbuckle and rains down big right hands, but JBL walks forward out of the corner, taking Balor with him as he then falls back and drives Balor face first across the top turnbuckle. Scurll now return to the ring and hits JBL in the ass with a Running Dropkick and JBL spills out to the floor. Scrull then locks Balor in the Chicken Wing and tries to drag him toward the center of the ring, but Balor is able to fight him off and elbows Scurll in the nose. Scurll stumbles backward with Balor’s back still to him and Balor fires off a Pele Kick, knocking Scurll down in the center of the ring. Balor then heads up to the top turnbuckle, looking for the Coup de Grace, but JBL climbs onto the ring apron and shoves Balor from the top turnbuckle all the way down to the floor. JBL goes in and goes for a big Elbow Drop on Scurll, but Scurll rolls out of the way and JBL crashes to the mat. Scurll grabs him from behind and tries to lock him in the Chicken Wing, but JBL struggles over to the ropes and forces a break. Scurll scratches and claws at JBL’s face and then pulls him back to the middle of the ring. Scurll then goes for a Leaping DDT, but JBL blocks it and counters into a Short-arm Clothesline. JBL then stands back as Scurll stumbles back up to his feet and JBL bounces off the ropes and goes for the Clothesline from Hell, but Scurll ducks out of the way and then rolls JBL up in a Schoolboy for a near fall. Scurll tries for the Chicken Wing again, but JBL fights him off and sends him into the ropes and connects with a Big Boot to the face. JBL goes for the cover, but now Balor returns from the top rope with a Coup de Grace to the back of JBL’s neck. Balor then hauls Scurll back up and connects with 1916 and makes the cover, but Drew Gulak hits the ring and breaks it up, saving Father Marty. Now other members of Marty’s Edens Gate group charge out to the ring. Not to be outdone, now here come members of Balor’s new nWo and JBL’s MAGA Powers and we’ve got mass hysteria and all out confusion as all three legal men in this match are caught up in an all out brawl between them and all of their lackeys. In the midst of the confusion, R-Truth comes running down to the ring with a ladder and slides into the ring. Truth smashes Gulak with the ladder and yells at him that he just “Got Got.” Truth sets up the ladder and quickly scales to the top, but then is confused when there is no championship hanging above the ring. Truth pantomimes grabbing the title and scratches his head in visible confusion. Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura, members of JBL’s group, then come into the ring and Nakamura shoves the ladder over, sending Truth crashing down into a huge European Upper Cut from Cesaro. Cesaro follows up with the Gotch Nuetralizer and now the Briscoes, followers of Scurll come into the ring and brawl with Cesaro and Nakamura and that spills out to the floor, leaving Truth down and out and all alone in the ring as Marty Scurll now crawls out from under the ring and slowly slides in and army crawls into the cover on Truth as the complete chaos continues outside the ring and the referee makes the three count.
Marty Scurll is your winner and the NEW World Heavyweight Champion and Gulak quickly pulls his leader from the ring and they retreat to the back away from the brawl as Scurll jumps up and down with the title. What a huge crock of shit has been served up in this match with more interference than anyone can count and somehow Scurll emerges from the confusion with the gold. What does this mean for the future as we now have two large and very unhappy groups ready to go to war with Scurll’s own crew. Things are about to get crazy and with that, Four for Gold comes to a close.


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