The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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6/28/2019 7:54 pm  #1

Promos for Weekly Show #1 - 07/03/19

Votes are due by Tuesday evening, July 2. You may vote for all matches except your own.

Have at it

- World Heavyweight Championship Tournament - Elias vs. Tomasso Ciampa

- World Heavyweight Championship Tournament - Brian Cage vs. Seth Rollins

- Women's Championship Triple Threat Qualifier - Lacey Evans vs. Paige

- Tag Team Championship Tournament - The Revival vs. New Day

- Tag Team Championship Tournament - The B Team vs. The Young Bucks

- Tag Team Championship Tournament - The Briscoes vs. The Goodbrothers

- Cruiserweight Championship Tournament - Pete Dunne vs. PAC


6/28/2019 8:09 pm  #2

Re: Promos for Weekly Show #1 - 07/03/19

"The Lady of HWL" Lacey Evans

Oh My, The first Nasty is up and its Paige, Well Honey I would go stand in the bathroom naked in order for you to understand me, but thats just not something a Lady or someone like myself would never do. Paige darling I will say that you have hands of cards dealt to you that have been rough, being dealt a Jack high and working that into a Royal Flush once or Twice is some magic and honey you have been able to overcome the odds and do that, but this time the Deck is stacked against you because when it comes Cards and Fighting those ar two things this lady never loses at...

The Fairy Tale known as Paige will come to a close in round one of the tournament because its only going to take A Right...a Womans Right and Three Seconds in order to put you down and myself one step closer to become what this place needs and that is a Lady being the HWL Womens Champion! The Storybook ending of Paige wont be coming true, but the True Story of Lacey Evans will be just getting started!

:Lacey blows a Kiss at the Camera:

Send my regards to Xavier and Brad wont you!

Last edited by QuinnMallory (6/28/2019 8:12 pm)


6/28/2019 8:22 pm  #3

Re: Promos for Weekly Show #1 - 07/03/19

* The Briscoes are hanging out in the barn next to their pick up truck as some banjo music plays in the background *

Jay: Yo good Brothers, where you bin dogs?

Mark Hiding?

Jay: Yo good brothers, what you bin doin?

Mark: Jobbin?

Jay: Yo good brothers, what you sayin?


Jay: That's right! July second HWL, It gonna be ANNIHILATION! The good brothers the first tag team in the way of the Briscoes.

Mark: That's right!

Jay: See I bin thinking about what we gonna do to you, YO MARK!

Mark: UH!?



Jay: THATS RIGHT! WE GONNA EAT, CUZ WE HUNGRY! We hungry for dem tag team titles! And dem boys, dem boys gonna put the HWL tag team locker room on notice. The Briscoes gonna put the tag team locker room in the hay mow and slam their asses down to the goddamn to the cattle pen. See dem good brothers are the first victims, of the greatest tag team in professional wrestling. And who dey be Mark?


Jay: DEM BOYS IS RIGHT! You see Dem boys is here, and wether you Usos, Good Brothers, or Undisputed Era.... we gonna show you all who the Briscoes really be!

*the camera cuts*



6/28/2019 8:45 pm  #4

Re: Promos for Weekly Show #1 - 07/03/19


The brusierweight is here in the HWL to win the Crusierweight Championship. PAC, they say you were one of the best Cruiserweights of all time. However you never had the chance to wrestle the best in British strong style. You never had the chance to wrestle Pete Dunne. You see PAC I will tear your ligaments apart piece by piece until their is nothing left for you to work with. You have never faced a man like me, see I roll to the beat of my own drum. I will tear every piece of your body apart and leave you a broken man. I will make you wish you never stepped into the ring with the brusierweight. You may be a good high flyer you jump up and down and you slam onto your opponents. But I don't need to jump, and I don't need to fly, all I need to do is grab one of those fingers and snap it in half! Then it will be the bitter end on your championship dreams 1.....2.....3....


6/28/2019 9:09 pm  #5

Re: Promos for Weekly Show #1 - 07/03/19

*Hard cut to PAC sitting in a directors styler chair in an HWL Interview*

PAC (Off Mic): "Can we get on wit it or what? ... screw it."

*PAC situates himself and look straight into the camera*

PAC: "As ya can tell, I'm wit a new place, and I come wit an new attitude. Now I don't know what this Pete Dunne is all about, but its rich to think that the KING of crusierweight  P...A ... C...needs to compete in some sort a competition with a nobody chump probably rooting around the dumps of Kettrin in his off seasons..."

*PAC stands*

PAC: "Now I am gonna try and make this quick. Pete... ya got two options mate. Purposely crash you wanky ass fixed gear bicycle and fake a concussion... or come our match I'll give ya a real one. I demand respect and I'll stop at nothing to get it. Nationality means nottin here in HWL. Britain, Boston, or Bosnia... I'll kick ya's ass here and back twice for even tinkin you could stand up against P...A...C! SNAP A FINGER! I'll snap you in half kid, You'll barely even be able to do ya cute little 1,2,3 after you wake up. " 

*PAC laguhs*

PAC: "God luck to ya... you'll need it."

*PAC walks off set with a hard cut to black*

Last edited by JayVic (6/28/2019 9:10 pm)


6/29/2019 1:38 pm  #6

Re: Promos for Weekly Show #1 - 07/03/19

:The camera shows the inside of the HWL Arena,The ring is set up for a fancy tea party,Sitting in one of the Chairs is Lacey Evans preparing tea:

"The Lady of HWL" Lacey Evans

Allow me to welcome you to the most classy Talk Show in HWL, Tea Time with The Lady, and tonight I have a very special guest for my first episode, joining me for tea tonight is none other then someone who helped motivated and catapult the career of HWL Superstar Paige, and a Fine Gentleman, Please Welcome Hutch Morgan...

:The Camera shows the entry way for a moment but no one comes out,The crowd is confused:

Oh Thats right, I bet you are wondering where Mr. Morgan is, There isnt a Hutch Morgan, there never was one, im sure by now you have all seen that despicable movie "Based on the True Story"...

:Lacey takes a sip of Tea and rolls her eyes:

Of Paige "Fighting with my Family", But Honey all you have done was present a bunch of made up facts about yourself, the NXT System and the people that craft the 15 minutes of fame you had, and darling thats not very Lady like...unlike Myself. A Lady will come out and tell you exactly how it is, A Lady will come out here and tell you that she will Punch you right in your pale face and leave you laying in the first round, and a Lady Will Tell You....

:Lacey drops a cube of sugar into her tea:

That she will be the HWL Womens Champion,before some Nasty like you can even sniff that title. Maybe next time when you make a movie about yourself, add the part where Alberto made you his bitch and you might have a better box office!

:Lacey drops the mic as the crowd boos her,Lacey takes a sip of tea and puts it back down to adjust her hat as the camera fades out:


6/29/2019 2:06 pm  #7

Re: Promos for Weekly Show #1 - 07/03/19

* We see a camera man inside an empty arena in St. Louis. Inside there a group of stage people just finalizing the ring. Suddenly you see a shadow man with a guitar walk through the ramp *

Stage Crew #1: Excuse me sir, we are still setting up for the show.

Stage Crew #2: He's right, you can't come in yet.

* The man takes out his guitar and strings a nice tune and say *

???: Do you know who I am?

Stage crew 1: Well you are....

* The man uses his finger in a hushing tone and says *

???: No one care what you think buddy. And yes I am the greatest acquisition that this company is ever going to have here.

* He walks into the ring and put a chair in the middle and has another stage crew set up his mic. Then he orders from the rafter to have the middle ring dim him a spotlight. *

???: Thank you. Now......let me introduce myself.

* The shadow brightens up and shows none other than Elias. *

Elias: My name is Elias...and for those who don't know me, I am the voice of HWL. And for many years this company has held many top class caliber superstar and women from around the world.....Until today. And for such a joyous occasion, I'm going to give the people who set all of this a preview of what's to come.

* Elias plays with his guitar and plays it for about a minute and a half. Suddenly a guy runs on stage, thus interrupting Elias performance in the ring. Elias is not amused with what transpired. *

Stage crew #3: I'm sorry to interrupt but I got words from management and it says that.....

Elias: HOW DARE YOU COME HERE AND INTERRUPT MY PERFOMANCE! You have a lot of nerves to get close and personal with me.

Stage crew #3: I'm sorry Elias. I didn't mean to.....


SC#3: But I'm informed......

Elias: I said NOWWW!!

* He then exits the stagen and as he starts leaving he makes him stop at the ramp *

Elias: NOW....You may tell me what management has to say from right there.

SC#3: Well they informed me that you are one of 9 superstars all bidding in the HWL World Heavyweight Tournament to crown the new HWL World Champion and your first......

Elias: FINALLY. I'm here day 1 of this company and they are practically giving me the title. And here I thought that....Wait. You said 9?

SC#1: That's what he said.

Elias: Shut up. I didn't ask for your opinion. Now tell us already boy.

SC#3: Right. So you're on this Wednesday Show in the First Round against Tomasso Ciampa, and the winner of that advances to the 2nd round of the brackets against Adam Cole. And from there everyone else....

Elias: Wait wait're telling me that I have to beat this dropout named Tomasso Ciampa and then I get into the 2nd round wit the likes of talentless monkey such as Drew McIntyre, Seth Rollin, Dolph Ziggler and.....Joey Ryan!??? Really??

SC#2: Sound like it Elias. Seems like a chall...

Elias: Do me a favor kid for everyone sakes here. And SHUT THE HELL UP!

* The stage crew back off from the ring and all 3 were at the ramp *

Elias: Now listen to me and listen to me well. Cause I'm going to say this once. You 3 stooges walk backstage and go tell Big Sugar and everyone else that I alone am the only one that fills this arena. You got that? The HWL Universe knows that they are here to see......ME. And knowing this crowd, they didn't pay to watch this show and all the so call wrestler come here and compete. They pay their hard earn money to see...ME fill their heart with my amazing music, my stunning looks and of course, MY TALENT. And Tomasso Ciampa is getting a taste of what I'm all about. I'm no hype man, I'm no one hit wonder. I AM ELIAS FOR CHRIST SAKE. Wednesday Night I'll show the whole world who I am. So are you ready for the greatest show that HWL has yet to see before. Are you ready to.....

* The titantron flares up saying *


* The lights in the arena then turns off and all you can hear is Elias closing the show with his last guitar been strung *

Last edited by Th3Rickst3r (7/01/2019 2:54 pm)


6/29/2019 2:12 pm  #8

Re: Promos for Weekly Show #1 - 07/03/19

"The Lady of HWL" Lacey Evans

Paige,Paige,Paige honey, one thing about a that she never likes to be kept waiting, all that does is make me more angry, and all that is going to do is make my Woman's Right hurt just a little bit more harder when it crushes into your jaw. Paige honey, I do have a question though, why even bother with all this, your neck is basically held together with Paper clips and chewing gum at this point and I could easily snap it in two and not only leave you laying in the middle of the ring and advance on to Round Two, but I could end the Career of Paige for good.

You are the fly at the southern picnic that no matter how many times we swat our hands at it, its still going to try and land on our biscuits...but darling eventually you will land somewhere else and The Lady of HWL Will be waiting for it and when you land somewhere else, I will be sure to SWAT That fly as it wont bother my picnic again...

Paige, I hope you have had fun playing wrestler, but Play time is over and I am going to run over you like a Southern Road Kill.

Now Mr. Camera Man, I am a bit Parched, if you could get this lady a glass a lemonade that would be great...oh and Paige...

When you show up to fight a lady...Try and Keep your clothes on will you?

Last edited by QuinnMallory (6/29/2019 2:17 pm)


6/29/2019 4:05 pm  #9

Re: Promos for Weekly Show #1 - 07/03/19

A hooded man stands in a spotlight in a dark room, he turns around and pulls back his hood 

CM Punk- Did you miss me?  Oh I bet you did, trust me I’ve heard you over the past few years.  The chants, the endless amount of tweets you guys begging for me to return…well do I have your attention now?  I’M BACK.  You heard me right, I’ve decided to finally return to where I’m most comfortable, in the middle of the ring.  Hold up…you think I finally heard all of your constant begging and decided to do it for you?  (Chuckles) You guys are just as gullible as ever.  No I’m not back because you finally got through to me, no I’m back because this business NEEDS CM Punk. 

The truth is this, before I opened my mouth with that infamous “Pipebomb” nobody gave a damn about where wrestling was going.  When I opened my mouth and spoke the truth, EVERYTHING CHANGED.  Without me, the business doesn’t change.  Without me, all these “young guns” wanting to make a name for themselves would never have gotten a chance.  Without me, it’s the same old shit over and over again.  I CHANGED THIS BUSINESS.  And what did that get me?  Ridicule from the fans when I left saying I betrayed them.  Distain from those closest to me who bailed on me.  Well EXCUSE ME for caring about my own health so I can be healthy for myself and those I care about.  If doings for those I care about is a problem to you, well then screw you all.

 When I pursued my dream of fighting in the UFC, nobody believed in me.  You may have said you were my “fans”, but you never supported me.  You never cared about what I was saying, you only cared about seeing something different because you all are selfish pigs who don’t give a damn about this business.  Hell, you guys rooted for me to lose just so I could come crawling back to the wrestling ring.  Some may say I failed, but it takes an actual man to step into the octagon and take the actual beating you take in there.  In a lot of ways, it makes me better than all of you that I can do that.  But it’s not just the fans, but the boys in the back.  You agreed with what I was saying before but you didn’t have a balls to stand up with me.  I was trying to make a difference for everyone but you didn’t give a crap and just let me stand alone.  You’re nothing more than hypocrites and for years I’ve never forgotten it. 

That’s why I’ve returned.  Because I finally realized that if this business is going to succeed, it’s only going to succeed when I hold the power, when I hold all the cards.  You owe it to me to bask in my greatness because without me, no one here has the success that they’ve had throughout their careers.  This business owes it to me because of all the work I put into this and for being cast aside by those who I made sure this business survive.  I was the only one to speak out, and even when I did nobody stood by my side.  My only mistake was not taking the business back by force.  No more, this is a warning to anyone here in HWL, you aren’t safe from me because you need to worship everything I’ve done for this business and until you do, you are all marked men.  You’re nothing more than selfish, ungrateful posers who don’t respect the business I CREATED FOR YOU.  This business I guarantee you will never be the same once I get my hands on it and trust me you all will thank me for it and you will finally give me the recognition I’ve always deserved. 

I am no longer the Voice of the Voiceless…because from now on the only voice that matters around here in HWL is mine, C…M…PUNK Do I have your attention now?


Last edited by Halestorm727 (6/29/2019 4:06 pm)


6/29/2019 7:34 pm  #10

Re: Promos for Weekly Show #1 - 07/03/19

**The Goodbrothers**

*Camera zooms up on a SUV pulling into the HWL Arena. The camera slowly zooms out as both the driver and passenger side door opens up, as Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows both get out of the SUV. Both men stare at each other and smile, as the close the doors and head towards the main doors*

LG: So this is it my fellow good brother.. This is the big show, the big company... the big balls of wrestling.

*Karl Anderson chuckles to himself *

KA: The Big Balls of wrestling you say? No wrestling company can’t be big.. unless they have the Goodbrothers.

*Both men  go through the main doors as Todd Grisham is standing there, microphone in hand with the camera crew behind him*

TG: Gentlemen, let me be the first to welcome you to HWL.  The other day, it was announced that you two would be going against the Briscoes, where the winner will advance in the HWL Tagteam tournament. Now, it’s no lie on how the two men feel about The Goodbrother.. I mean they spoke about it earlier today.  Should the Goodbrothers be worried?

*Luke starts to laugh as Karl takes the microphone away from Todd*

KA: Im sorry Todd and let me ask you something... Did you just ask The Goodbrothers if we were worried?

*Todd goes to open his mouth, but Luke puts his fingers on Todds lips *

KA: Thank you Good brother. Now Todd, to answer your question.. Umm.. Hmmm... No, we are not worried about those two.  Don’t get me wrong, they aren’t that bad in the ring. They’re just not The Goodbrothers.  They don’t have our speed, they don’t have our aggressiveness, they don’t have our smarts... and most important, they don’t have our ... Well, show them my brother.

*Luke Gallows looks at the camera and starts to flex*

KA: If you don’t know what that mean, ill fill you in right away. They don’t have our strength! But Briscoes, we caught what you said about us. Where have we been?  What have we been doing? I mean, i think that’s what you asked, was it? My Goodbrother Gallows and I couldn’t quite couldn’t understand the words that were coming out of your mouth, but let us answer your question.

*Gallows pats Anderson on the shoulder *

LG: I’ll take it from here Brother Anderson.

*Gallow takes the microphone from Anderson*

LG: Now, like my Goodbrother  “Machine Gun” Anderson was saying. We caught your little speeches on the way back from Japan on the Goodbrother Jet.... Which I must say is ... TOO SWEET...  TOO SWEET me brother.

*Both men laugh and “Too Sweet”*

LG:  Briscoes, we haven’t been hiding or jobbing.  The Goodbrothers have been going ring to ring, town to town and country to country doing what The Goodbrother do best...Breaking Nerds Necks and Cashing  their cheques!  We know you’re looking to make an example out of us, we know that  “Yo Hungry”, we know you “gonna” try to eat.  But you two must both be drunk if you think you’re going to make an example out of my goodbrother and I!

*Anderson takes the microphone from Gallows*

KA: You two actually believe that you’re the greatest tag team in professional wrestling? My Brother Gallows and I put Tagteam wrestling on the map. Everywhere’s we have been, we dominated. HWL is just another place for the Goodbrothers to dominate.  I hope you bring your best come Wednesday, we want to see what you two N.N...N...NERDS   are “really be”

*Karl Anderson tosses the microphone infront of Todd Grisham and stares at him. He turns his head to Gallows and smiles as they “Too Sweet”. Both men walk away as the camera goes dark*


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