The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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8/12/2020 9:05 pm  #1

Overdrive Episode #50 (08/05/20)

Pyros light up the HWL Arena for our 50th episode of Overdrive and we’re starting things off with the Television Championship on the line as Heath Slater makes his way to the ring and we find out that his first challenger will be Chris Jericho.
Match #1 – HWL Television Championship – Heath Slater vs. Chris Jericho
The two men tie up as the match gets under way and Slater surprises Jericho with a Hip Toss and then a Dropkick to the back of the neck and Jericho rolls out to the floor. Slater then goes to the ropes and propels himself up and over, looking for a Flying Crossbody, but Jericho sidesteps and Slater crashes to the mat. Jericho laughs at Slater and calls him a “Stupid Idiot” and toys with him, shoving down on the back of Slater’s neck with his boot. Jericho then kicks Slater in the side of the head and slowly drags him up to his feet by the hair and slams him face first into the side of the ring. Jericho puts Slater back into the ring and then slides in and connects with a Dropkick to the side of the head. Jericho then goes for the Lionsault, but Slater catches Jericho with both knees to the chest and then quickly rolls up “Le Champion” and scores the three count.
Slater scores the surprise victory and retains the Television Championship and Jericho can’t bear it, pulling at his hair in the ring and yelling to the referee that it was only two, but the decision stands and Slater is STILL the Television Champion. A video package then hypes Four For Gold, our next Pay Per View coming up on Saturday, August 15, featuring Finn Balor defending the World Heavyweight Championship against JBL, Marty Scurll and R-Truth, Mickie James defending the Women’s World Championship against Asuka and Hikaru Shida and much more. We’re going to take a quick word from our sponsors and when we come back, we have an eight-man tag team Main Event.
Back from the break, Apollo Crews, Matt Riddle, Karrion Kross, Dexter Lumis, Brodie Lee, Brian Cage, Jay White and Moose make their way to the ring for this next contest.
Match #2 – Dexter Lumis, Matt Riddle, Karrion Kross & Apollo Crews vs. Moose, Brian Cage, Brodie Lee & Jay White
Riddle starts things off against Brodie Lee as the match gets under way and Riddle ducks a Clothesline and clinches Lee around the waist and Bodyslams him. Riddle then makes the tag to Crews, who comes in with a Running Knee Lift. Crews then tries to pin Lee in a Backslide, but Lee powers out of it and counters into a Neckbreaker. Lee makes the tag to Cage, who comes in and hits Crews with a Standing Moonsault and makes the cover, but Crews kicks out. Cage pummels Crews with a series of clubbing blows to the back as he pulls him back up to his feet. Cage then sets up for a Powerbomb, but Crews makes the tag to Lumis on the way up and Lumis comes in and breaks it up with a Chop Block. Lumis then sets up for a DDT on Cage, but Cage lifts him up and charges into his corner, tackling Crews into the turnbuckle and then Cage tags in White. White comes in and nails Lumis with a Spinning Heel Kick in the corner. White then tries to whip Lumis off into the ropes, but Lumis blocks it and pulls him into a Sidewalk Slam. Lumis stumbles back against the ropes and Kross tags himself in. Lumis takes exception and gives Kross a shove. Kross shoves Lumis back and Lumis goes down hard. Lumis starts to get back to his feet, but Moose pulls him out to the floor by the boot and slams him face first into the ring steps and now the six illegal men spark an all-out brawl on the floor. Kross continues to yell at Lumis and laughs at him getting pummeled by the other team. Kross then turns back to White and walks right into a Superkick. White then connects with the Switchblade and covers Kross for the three count.
White scrambles to the back, celebrating his win and avoiding the all-out brawl that continues out on the floor as we go off the air.


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