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6/24/2020 3:47 pm  #1

Overdrive Episode #47 (06/24/20)

Welcome everyone to the final episode of HWL Overdrive before we take our mid-year hiatus. Less than a week before MegaClash, the Television title is on the line, as it is every week, but only one other champion had the guts, or lack of brains if you choose to see things the other way, to put his title on the line one more time and he’s doing it against three opponents at the same time again. That’s where we start things off tonight as Cruiswerweight Champion TJ Perkins makes his way to the ring.
And why wouldn’t TJ Perkins take the extra payday to put his title on the line again here tonight? The entire division has been a bumbling joke for weeks now, so why should he expect any different as Jack Gallagher, Petey Williams and Roderick Strong make their way to the ring.
Match #1 – HWL Cruiserweight Championship – TJ Perkins vs. Jack Gallagher vs. Petey Williams vs. Roderick Strong
The four men square off as the match gets under way and Perkins kicks Strong in the gut and drives him back against the corner with a series of Knife-edge Chops. On the other side of the ring, Gallagher goes to a Side Headlock on Williams, but Williams fights out of it and connects with a Facebreaker. Williams then follows up with the Canadian Destroyer and makes the cover, but Perkins Monkey Flips Strong across the ring and Strong crash lands onto Williams, breaking up the cover. Strong and Williams roll out to the floor as Perkins locks Gallagher in a Knee Bar and forces the submission.
Perkins is the winner and STILL Cruiserweight Champion, but he may not have as easy a time of it this Saturday at MegaClash. As if intent on proving this, here comes the #1 Contender, Orange Cassidy, slowly making his way down the ramp, unnoticed by Perkins. Cassidy climbs in the ring and stands directly behind Perkins, hands in his pockets. Perkins finally senses his presence and whirls around, taking a wild swing, but Cassidy pulls a Matrix move and ducks out of the way. Cassidy then halfheartedly lands a couple of kicks to Perkins’ shins, which of course have no effect. Perkins then shoves Cassidy in the chest, knocking him down on his ass and knocking his sunglasses off. Cassidy starts to get back up and stoops over to pick up his sunglasses, but Perkins steps on them, crunching them under his boot. Cassidy, now seething, rises up to his full height before going calm again and slowly pulling a second pair of sunglasses out of his pocket and putting them on. Perkins then lunges at Cassidy, but Cassidy Back Body Drops him out over the top rope and out to the floor. Cassidy then charges across the ring and bounces off the ropes before diving out to the floor and plowing into Perkins with a Suicide Dive. Cassidy hops back into the ring and pumps up the crowd as Perkins limps to the back with the title in his fist, threatening to get even on Saturday and it’s time for a commercial break.
Back from the break, it’s Main Event time as Sami Callihan and Television Champion David Arquette make their way to the ring.
Match #2 – HWL Television Championship – David Arquette vs. Sami Callihan
This is a rematch from two weeks ago where Arquette ended Sami Callihan’s months-long reign as champion and Callihan is intent on revenge early as he rushes Arquette from behind, but Arquette moves out of the way and propels Callihan sternum first into the corner. Arquette then connects with a flurry of punches to the mid-section and takes Callihan over with a Snap Suplex. Arquette tries for the quick cover, but Callihan kicks out.  Arquette starts to pull Callihan back up by the hair, but Callihan elbows him in the gut and then rakes Arquette’s eyes. Callihan then bounces off the ropes and connects with a version of the Claymore Kick. Callihan then climbs to the middle turnbuckle and dives onto Arquette with a Cannonball Senton and hooks the leg, but Arquette kicks out. Callihan mounts Arquette and pummels him with straight right hands to the forehead and then starts biting at Arquette’s scalp, drawing a small trickle of blood. Callihan then spits directly onto the cut and Arquette scrambles free and rolls out to the floor and struggles to wipe the cut clean. Callihan then goes out to the ring apron and attacks Arquette from behind with a Flying Bulldog out to the floor. Callihan then works to pull up a section of padding from the floor, exposing the concrete. Callihan then drags Arquette over to the exposed concrete and sets up for a Cactus Piledriver, but Arquette blocks it. Callihan goes for it again, but Arquette blocks it again. Callihan tries to lift Arquette a third time, but again his efforts are rebuffed and this time Arquette powers up to his full height, lifting Callihan with him, but instead of Back Body Dropping him, Arquette holds onto Callihan’s legs and then throws him forward into the Alabama Slam on the concrete. Arquette then heads up to the top turnbuckle and dives to the floor, connecting with the Eight-legged Freak Splash onto the concrete. Arquette then slowly pulls Callihan back up and rolls him into the ring. Arquette then heads up to the top turnbuckle as he calls for the Eight-legged Freak Splash again, but the lights go out in the arena. When they come back on, Bray Wyatt is in the ring, standing over Callihan. Arquette dives from the top rope, hitting Wyatt with a Missile Dropkick, spilling The Fiend through the ropes and out to the floor. Callihan then rolls Arquette up from behind, but Arquette kicks out for a very close near fall. Callihan then stumbles back to his feet and Arquette kicks him in the gut and sets up for a Diamond Cutter, but Callihan slips out and shoves Arquette into the referee. Callihan then kicks Arquette in the nuts and connects with the Cactus Piledriver and makes the cover, but the referee is down and out. Wyatt now slides into the ring and Callihan recoils out of his way as Wyatt stalks Arquette and applies the Mandible Claw while slowly dragging Arquette back up to his feet. Callihan grabs a steel chair and slides back into the ring and tries to belt Arquette over the back of the head with it, but Arquette fights free of the Claw just in time and Callihan smashes the Fiend with the chair by mistake. Arquette then punts Callihan in the nuts and takes the chair from him and turns his lights out with a big blast to the top of the skull. Arquette then takes the chair to a downed Wyatt, pounding him over and over across the back with the chair. The lights then go out and when they come back up, Wyatt is gone. Arquette then heads back up to the top turnbuckle as the referee starts to come back around and Arquette hits Callihan with the Eight-legged Freak Splash and makes the cover for the three count.
David Arquette is your winner and STILL the Television Champion, but he doesn’t get the chance to celebrate the victory as a whole opens up in the ring and Wyatt returns from under the ring and trips Arquette and drags him to the whole. Wyatt then applies the Mandible Claw and drags Arquette back through the hole and out of site and that is the final image we see as we go off the air. Find out how this bitter bloodfued between Arquette and Wyatt ends in a Casket Match by joining us this Saturday at MegaClash. For now, we are signing off.


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