The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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6/18/2020 9:00 pm  #1

Promos for MegaClash (06/27/20)

- HWL World Heavyweight Championship - Luchasaurus vs. Finn Balor

- HWL Women's World Championship - Triple Threat Match - Mickie James vs. Lacey Evans vs. Shayna Baszler

- HWL Tag Team Championship - Triple Threat Match - The Revival vs. Viking Raiders vs. Best Friends

- HWL Cruiserweight Championship - Champion vs. Orange Cassidy

- Casket Match - David Arquette vs. Bray Wyatt

- Braun Strowman vs. Brodie Lee


6/22/2020 2:10 pm  #2

Re: Promos for MegaClash (06/27/20)

(Mickie James)

Blame it all on my roots,
I showed up in boots,
and ruined Lacey's 90-day affair.
The last one brought in,
Though the title I'd win,
I was still the last one you thought you'd see there.
But oh the surprise,
in poor Lacey's eyes,
When I showed up for Payback last month,
And I showed all of you,
Who thought I was through,
When I launched my own title reign!
'Cause I lifted this title up from low-oh-oh places.

(No longer singing)
That's right. This division was down in the dumps until I walked through that door. Lacey was fed a bevy of opponents lacking in multiple areas, but the one that stood out the most was effort.

All of that ended last month at Payback. So, I ask you now, should we just go back to the way things were before? Because if Lacey has her way, that's exactly what it will be. More of the same line of boring faces laying down for Lacey to easily step over top of them. She wants it that way because any time anyone has actually stood up to her, they've put her down. They've even outright embarrassed her and she's had to bare more than just her soul to all of you people because of it.

Now, I'm not saint myself. There's probably not a part of me that all you people haven't seen somewhere in the dark recessed of the Internet as well. But everytime that happened was of my own accord. It was because I felt like it.

Lacey, on the other hand, got flustered because the one time she couldn't get what she wanted the easy way she threatened to rip up her contract and walk out and on the way out she got her comeuppance and got put in her place by those she had previously judged as less than.

One thing about me, I'm not ever going to judge anybody for anything other than how hard they work and how they deal with adversity. Thus far, Lacey has been sorely lacking on both counts, and if she's going to ever win this championship again, she's going to have to start working a whole hell of a lot harder, drop the little miss priss act and get down in the dirt with the big girls and have a real fight.

As for Shayna Baszler, the same holds true. If you ever want to be anything other than an also-ran, it's time to dig down deep and show us you want it. You don't get to stay the big fish in the little pond forever. NXT is in your rear-view mirror and now you're out in the deep water. It's time to sink or swim. Just know that if your little vampire ass tries to come up behind me and bite down on my neck, I'll kick your teeth straight out of your face and knock your ass into next Tuesday.

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6/22/2020 2:32 pm  #3

Re: Promos for MegaClash (06/27/20)

(The Revival)

(Scott Dawson)
Here we are again. Top guys doing top guy things.

(Dash Wilder)
That's right. It makes no difference what company we're in or who stands in our way or even what names you know us by. The fact of the matter is that when it comes to the tag team titles and the biggest show of the year, if you look around you are going to see the two of us there.

They all found out in WWE, whether it was the Vaudevillians or American Alpha, DIY or the Authors of Pain, New Day or The Usos - this cream always rises to the top. In AEW, whether its the Young Bucks, the Elite, the Inner Circle, the Butcher and the Blade or whoever else wants to step up - they're all about to find out the same thing.

Here in the HWL, Ohio Versus Everything, the Lucha Bros and even the vaunted Briscoes have all gotten the memo. None of them could touch us.

Where does that leave us then?

It leaves us with these two straps still locked in snuggly around the waists of the two best tag team wrestlers walking the face of God's green Earth.

It leaves us with the Viking Raiders and Best Friends stepping up to challenge us in a Triple Threat Match this Saturday on Pay Per View.

Vikings? Really? I read that and thought it was a joke. The Viking haven't been relevant since the Purple People Eaters.

No, not those Vikings. The other guys.

I'm drawing a blank here.

You know. The guys everybody looks at and says they like them better back when they were called War Machine.

Oh, those guys. I thought they died?

But moving on. The other guys in this match are the "Best Friends." But I mean, come on. Even Bayley realized the hug gimmick was a dead-end street and gave it up.

You see, huggers don't win. Huggers wind up in second place, which gets the same amount of acclaim and recognition as the guys that finish in last place.

Huggers may not win, but... Top Guys do.

Top guys out.

     Thread Starter

6/23/2020 2:11 pm  #4

Re: Promos for MegaClash (06/27/20)

"The Lady of HWL" Lacey Evans

Ninety-One Days straight, Ninety-One Days was the length of my second reign with the HWL Women's Championship and not only did that make me the longest reigning HWL Women's Champion, but it made Me, Lacey Evans the longest-reigning champion in the modern day HWL, do you realize they are HWL World CHampion that hasn't even held a title even close to the amount of time that I held the HWL Women's Championship? Then along comes so little nasty, Mickie James and takes it all away in an instant and to top it all off she isn't even a lady, I have not seen her cook one meal for her husband Nick Aldis while he defends that NWA World Title night in ad night out, I have not seen her clean one particle of dust and she thinks she can come into the HWL unannounced mind you and lea this women's the division like I did for ninety-one days? Darling you need to re-evaluate everything, And Honey, working hard? I wouldn't be standing here the lady I am if I didn't work hard, I am a former United States Marine which could be the definition of hard work and not to mention during those ninety-one days every challenger who has stepped up to the plate at one time or another has fallen to Lacey Evans...

Oh yes, you must be taking classes from the Alexa Bliss school of history because it just wouldn't be a normal day unless someone wanted to bring up the tragic incident with my contract last year, I mean we are digging deep arent we darling? I mean to bring up an incident where I lost a match where I was forced to strip naked in front of all these nasties because of some comments I made about Paige and her leaked videos to the least when I naked for the world to see it was against my will...but Mickie...why are you bring that up? Because between the two of us, if we typed in both of our names into a search engine right now, One of us has more odds of coming up with one of those tapes just like Paige and darling I have been with my husband since I was fifteen years old so it wont be mine,Oh honey, does Nick know about that? Does he know about that video? Well that should make for some good dinner conversation tonight! So Pot, Meet Kettle! But darling its ok, bless your heart you were young and stupid at the time and here you stand with my HWL Women's Championship, a title that in no way you should be holding, I mean you show up one day out of the blue and all of a sudden you not only get a Championship match but you pull off the unthinkable and become champion!

I hope you have enjoyed your time playing dress-up with my title, because come Megaclash that title is coming back to me and it will once again be christened the HWL World Ladies Championship and if you thought ninet-one days was a reign, well then buckle your seat belts because the next time is going to be even longer!  And Mickie, Tell Nick if you cant make him dinner...I will be more then happy too!


6/23/2020 3:13 pm  #5

Re: Promos for MegaClash (06/27/20)

(Mickie James)

It looks like somebody turned off her listening ears about halfway through what I was saying. I already covered the best insult you could throw at me before you even threw it, Lacey.

As I said and as you ignored because it was inconvenient for you, everything anybody has gotten to see of me is nothing that I didn't already show the world of my own free will. You, on the other hand, got punked. You got embarrassed.

But if you really want to dig down into the history of the matter, just who did you beat in those 91 days as champion that were even worth talking about, Lacey? I didn't see any of them put up much of a fight after Fully Loaded.

Sasha Banks at Fearless? Did she even make it to the show? She might as well not have.

Charlotte Flair at Spring Stampede? More of the same. She was focused on other things. I guess she didn't even deem you to be a champion worthy of her time.

Britt Baker? How many matches did she even win here in the HWL? One?

And while you want to call Alexa Bliss beating you for the title a "luck disease," you sure looked to have gotten pretty damned lucky at Fully Loaded. She had your knee utterly destroyed and decided she needed to do her flashy little Sparkle Splash or whatever she calls it and left herself open to a fluke right hand that you wouldn't have even been able to get any power behind at that stage if you'd been on your feet.

But Lacey, honey, none of the moves I'm going to hit you with are going to "sparkle.' They're just going to hurt. Just like they did at Payback.

You see, you got used to being handed paper challenger after paper challenger to run through, but when you ran into this brick wall at Payback, it hurt. It tore your championship reign apart like it was made out of tissue paper. And it might as well have been. After all, it was built on soft challenge after soft challenge after soft challenge.

As for me, sure I've had a couple of challengers drawn for me at random that didn't measure up, but the very first chance I got to have a say in who I put this title on the line against, I wanted to give you another chance. I chose to get back in the ring with you again, Lacey, to see if the lessons I taught you last time have sunk in. I wanted to see if it toughened you up any. Because I don't want to do what you did, Lacey. I don't want to preside at the top of a soft-ass division and build a paper throne for myself. You can't sit on a paper throne without falling on your ass and looking foolish, and fall on your ass and look foolish you very much did the moment a real challenger, me, emerged.

I don't want to carry a title for 90 days pretty much by default like you did, Lacey. When I'm still holding this title three, four, five, six months from now, it'll be because I made as many of you soft-ass easy-wayers as I could as tough as you possibly could be,.. and then beat you anyway.

I know this is a Navy Seal thing and that's not you, Lacey, you were a Marine, but it seems fitting to remind you that "the only easy day was yesterday." Put those days in the rear-view mirror, honey, because they went out the window the moment I stepped in that door.

No amount of suggestions about my cooking or my cleaning are going to change that new reality for you. But if you want to, go ahead and call Nick. I'm sure he'd be glad to tell you all about how he'll be doing all the cooking and cleaning and taking care of Donovan this weekend. He'll be doing that, by the way, because he couldn't get the job done last week in order to make it to MegaClash with a title of his own.

It's 2020, Lacey. The old gender roles are meaningless. Women can do anything that men can do and vice versa. Or didn't you get the memo? You're about as outdated as the dinosaur that beat Nick last week.

Get with the times already.

     Thread Starter

6/24/2020 1:16 pm  #6

Re: Promos for MegaClash (06/27/20)


Luchasaurus is seen swinging from branches in the jungle, the HWL World Heavyweight Championship around his waist. Behind him, Marko Stunt and Jungle Boy, also swinging, keep bumping into each other. Stunt and Jungle Boy joth end up on the ground, now fighting. Luchasaurus then drops down, calms them both, and sits down. Jungle Boy and Marko Stunt then scuttle off as Luchasaurus begins to incoherently ramble.

Narrator: The jungle. Where they roam. Here we see the HWL World Heavyweight Champion Luchasaurus, taking a load off. I would attempt to translate the ramble but the thing is, it is about his juniors, the Jungle Boy and the Babysaurus. Sometimes its hard to keep track of them and keep them together.

Speaking of hard to keep track of and keeping together, Finn Balor, that brings me to you. Somehow you pulled off an upset and snuck into the picture. Goodness me, impressive. While some may say this about the Luchasaurus, he has proven himself, as the Babysaurus has done. Finn Balor you haven't much to say, and well, that seems to be your MO lately. Silence is not golden, just hard to keep track of. If you truly wanted the HWL World Heavyweight Championship, you would keep it together and speak Finny. Too bad, the Luchasaurus actually thought he might have a challenge in you.


6/24/2020 7:58 pm  #7

Re: Promos for MegaClash (06/27/20)

:The camera shows a casket in an empty room,when David Arquette walks up to it,the camera shows the HWL Television Championship around his waist and then pans up to Arquette shaking a can of Spray paint:

David:I know this is very cliche but....

:Arquette then begins to spray paint onto the casket, he sprays "The Fiend" onto the top of the casket:

David Arquette: Bray Wyatt, so it has come to this, one last time, I am going to let you in, and I am going to let you into my Palace, My Breakdown Palace and this time, they're are a little different we arent fighting in falls count any where match, we wont be locked inside of a steel cage, the HWL World title isn't a factor, the HWL Television Championship that I retained over your hired mouth apparently wont be on the line, just two beings that need a score settled...and I have to tell you Bray, I haven't been in a battle like this since my original Battles with Chris Jericho when I became the HWL World Champion the first time. I have had some rivals in my past, Jericho, Steve Cornino, JBL and even Big Sugar himself...but for some reason...some reason Bray you stand out above them all because, you name the stipulation in HWL, and again I have done that too. Texas Bullrope match, Old School Duel, Inferno Match....but I will be honest our falls count anywhere match was one of the most brutal things physically and mentally I have ever been through...and you have been this constant pain in my ass for a while now and at Megaclash it ends. 

With this right here, a casket, a vessel for the dead and what a perfect contest for us to have to end this once and for all, what a perfect fight for us to bury this once and for all. I have been in almost every incarnation of the HWL and I will admit I am not always a picnic to be around and there may have been times that people may have wanted me gone and I believe I have given them that chance, but I don't think I ever wanted anyone gone that was until you came along...You came in here with your multiple personalities, your little Fun House shows meant for kids, your stupid YouTube links you expected people to write down everytime you said them and I have never had anyone in the HWL get under my skin as much as you, but the difference is...I know for a fact I can beat you, I have done it once before and at Megaclash, I am going to do it again...and not only will I get a W in the Win column, but I am going to do to you what God should have done to Puerto Rico when he made it...and that is bury it...

Megaclash this extended dance we have been dancing for months comes to an end, I will be welcoming and let you in one more time...My casket for you is right here, its waiting for you here at Breakdown I have always said Bray you walk into Breakdown Palace but you sure as hell don't walk out...and Bray in this case that couldn't more then the truth because once I put you in this casket...there ain't no coming back...At Last the devil stood before he and saw how awful goodness was....Bray....Megaclash I am going to show you that...YOU Can Not...KILL David Arquette!!!!


6/25/2020 4:26 pm  #8

Re: Promos for MegaClash (06/27/20)

Finn Balor

*Camera roams around the HWL Arena with people staying their distance apart. The light go off as Balor theme starts blasting throughout the area. Balor comes from the back, wearing his street clothes and microphone in hand. Balor slowly walks to the ring, marches up the steel steps and enters the ring.  The fans stay in the dark as a bright light shines on Finn Balor. Balor cuts for his theme to be off. Balor looks around the arena, nodding his head and puts the microphone to his lips*

FB:  I was sitting in the back, watching the last weekly show before MegaClash and enjoying it… when suddenly, something came onto my screen. I sat there and watched three men swing vine from vine in a cheap Hollywood set with someone talking in the background.  I sat there and continue watching, kinda laughing when the two feel from the tree and started to fight. But, that laughing went away when I got brought up.  Saying how I snuck into this match, how all of a sudden I’m MO and  if I wanted the title, id actually start speaking.

*Balor starts to chuckle alittle more*

FB: You know, being born and raised in Ireland, we let our actions do the talking for us. Just because I’m not infront of a camera all the time, doesn’t mean Im not here. Just because im not standing infront of someone, and talking like im reading off from a novel, doesn’t mean Im not here. I’m always in the back, I’m always watching and paying attention of whats going on.   

*Balor starts rubbing his facial hair, then brings the microphone back up*

FB: Then, I get told that I snuck into this main event for the championship. I’m not going to lie, that part made me laugh. It made me laugh cause the only reason why Luchasaurus was in the world title match, was because he got his name picked out of a bag. I entered a battle royal, and fought for my chance to go to MegaClash and face the World Champion. You sat in your pretend jungle and got a lucky draw. You didn’t even defeat the Fiend, you pinned some skinny loser after a Chokeslam and stole the title.

I told everyone that I would win the World Heavyweight Championship since day one. Was I lucky to get my name picked from a bag? No, I wasn’t. But now, I get my shot at the title. I get a shot at bringing the championship home to the Bullet Club, where it belongs. Come Saturday, this little Jurassic Park  Era is finished and the Bullet Club will just get started. You want me to talk?  Ill let my actions do the talking for me this weekend, when I burn your jungle down to the ground.

*Balor tosses the microphone onto the ground and stares at the camera. Camera fades:


6/25/2020 10:41 pm  #9

Re: Promos for MegaClash (06/27/20)

"The Lady of HWL" Lacey Evans

Oh My My My, look at Mickie James stepping up to the plate and swinging for the fences, well bless your heart. Honey, first and foremost you keep disrespecting my title reign, it was ninety-one days and if you keep on with this ninety-day non-sense I am going to make that Women's Right just a little bit harder come Megaclash, and as for your claim of paper challenges, lord help me, Britt Baker, Charlotte Flair, Sasha Banks, Bayley, Nyla Rose and others may seem like paper challengers to you, and while I don't believe many of the women who challenged me deserved a chance to become champion, they still had an opportunity to become champion, and that was their chance to be successful or not. I didn't need any fancy gimmicks, I didn't need cage matches or falls count anywhere matches to go out there every time I had a title defense and knock some sense into those women, that was all up to them. For ninety-ONE Days I reigned over this division and then came along out of nowhere and somehow got a championship match, and looky there, Mickie James shocks the HWL and defeated Lacey Evans...

:Lacey slow claps unimpressed:

Now honey,I know how a calendar works, I know what year it is, but I am also a traditionalist and I believe in the ways still that a Lady should take care of her husband, should take care of the children and darling if I weren't with the time do you honestly think I would be standing her right now eyeing that HWL Women's title? I don't believe so, I would be right at home just like Donna Reed...but unlike some other people, I can balance both, I can do all my wifely duties and still come to work and do this...Mickie, the same thing cant be said about you can it? Speaking of which, how is your side gig calling Main Event these days? I mean sure you laced up the boots, put on a coat of crazy and came to the HWL, but honestly who are you impressing by doing so? You are the sizzle in the pan darling, the sizzle came when you somehow someway took the HWL World Women's Championship away from me and boy it sizzled like bacon hitting grease for the first time...but eventually Mickie, the bacon is done cooking and there is no more sizzle and at Megaclash is when the sizzle is over and I pull you off the stove and rest you on your paper towel for good!

I hope you have enjoyed playing wrestler again,Donnovan got to see mommy play in the ring with the big kids one more time, and trust I will feel a little bad come Megaclash when I knock your jaw line out of place with this here Women's right and regain what is rightfully mine in the HWL Wom...excuse me, the HWL World Ladies Championship! Bye-Bye


6/25/2020 10:58 pm  #10

Re: Promos for MegaClash (06/27/20)

:The camera shows the outside of a luxurious mansion, the camera then proceeds to move forward towards the front door of the mansion, on the door are the letters, "BDP", the door opens by it self and the inside is completely different from the outside, the inside the walls have holes all in them, the floor is covered with broken glass, the wall is covered with multiple blood stains and standing front and center is David Arquette holding a beverage in his hand and with a Casket to his side:

David Arquette 

Welcome...Welcome to Breakdown Palace, I mean it only seemed right that I actually go out and get an actual palace for the pain, misery and suffering that goes on in Breakdown Palace, I mean it isn't much, but its a place I like to call home...and I call it home because once you walk through those front doors, Anything...and I mean Anything that you cant do to someone, if you can dream it, you can do it here...Look can see the evidence all around, the broken glass to represent the broken dreams of people who thought they could come in here and defeat me, look at all the holes in the wall from all the people including myself who came in here and fought tooth and nail trying to end me, and that is what brings me to You Bray Wyatt....

:David Then takes a sip out of his beverage:

Delicious, Bray Megaclash You,Me and this casket right here...that is all we are going to need and we are going to burn the metaphorical roof off Breakdown Palace...I will admit Bray, the first time I let The Fiend in, we barely survived, don't be ashamed to admit that, you know that, I know that, your little puppet friends know that...and then I welcomed you back and see this right here...

:David then points to one of the blood stains on the wall:

You see that, that is part of the blood I bled when I was in that steel cage with you, when I let you in again only...only...

:David takes a sip of the beverage:

Only to let the HWL World title Slip away from me again...But this Bray its different, this time Bray its a new atmosphere and this time we have turned the dial up to eleven as ONE of us, are going to be thrown into this casket, One of of us are going to be thrown into this vessel of the dead...that means one of us isn't coming out of Megaclash alive and Bray...we all know you Can't Kill David Arquette....

:David then finishes off the beverage and then hurls the glass against the wall:

I am the HWL Teleivision Champion, and the TV Title means a lot to me, and I will defend this title every week until I decide I don't want too any more, but Bray at Megaclash we are fighting for the TV Championship, we are fighting for the World title and we arent even fighting for pride...You and I are fighting for Survival...I am going to let The Fiend in ONE MORE TIME and you know the deal Bray, Breakdown Palace is open twenty four hours a day, seven days a week and I serve anyone, so you best damn believe that I am letting The Fiend in...and usually when you walk into Breakdown palace, you hobble, crawl or get dragged out...this time...When I close the lid on the casket, when I close the lid on you...You wont be leaving Breakdown Palace at all!


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