The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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6/18/2020 1:57 pm  #1

Promos for Overdrive #47 (06/24/20)

Final Overdrive of Season 2

- HWL Television Championship - David Arquette vs. Sami Callihan

- HWL Cruiserweight Championship - Fatal 4-Way Match - TJ Perkins vs. Jack Gallagher vs. Petey Williams vs. Roderick Strong


6/19/2020 5:47 pm  #2

Re: Promos for Overdrive #47 (06/24/20)

* Sami Callihan * does it feel having that Television title? Hmm. How does it look? Does it look good on you? Well the honest opinion is that it doesn't. The title means nothing to you and it means everything to me. So what do you think I'm trying to say to you David? I'll tell you. What happened when we two met was shall I put it? A FUCKING FLUKE.

For over 4 months, in the very first episode of Overdrive, I held that title with such honor and such prestige. People looked at me undeserving of this title. And yes, I lost in my first title defense against a guy like Marko Stunt. But that's okay. It's all in the past now. The time is approaching as I look forward to the final episode of Overdrive. Now the question I have for you Arquette has nothing to do with our match. Oh no. This goes a little more.... PERSONAL.

And the question is.....are you scared of HIM? Like you can take that Hollywood bravado that you have and stick it straight up your ass, cause everyone here in HWL knows that you don't have the heart, guts or brain to handle a guy like HIM. Right at this very moment, the feeling you are having are nothing than normal. It's okay that you feel that way. And I'm here to alleviate you from that heavy burden you carry around.

At Overdrive, David Arquette enters my world. My domain. My sanctuary. Our match is not for the feint of heart or the screemish. It's going to get violent and bloody before you even realized it. And when everything settles down, the smokes clears, you'll know the answer. Everyone will know the answer. As not only will I regain back my television title for a record 3 time and show the whole fucking world that this is my show to run.....but this will be the final stop before your sealed away in a casket by the likes of Bray Wyatt. So once our match is over, I'll be watching from the you get what's coming to you.

It won't be long now Arquette......the Fiend is coming for you, and I'm just here to take what's mine. So nothing personal......IT'S JUST BUSINESS.



6/21/2020 9:23 pm  #3

Re: Promos for Overdrive #47 (06/24/20)

David Arquette

Sami, Sami, Sami...Where were you last week when I told everyone exactly what this title means to mean? I stood out in the HWL Arena and clearly said that this HWL Television Championship is MY World Title at the moment since I have been deemed unstable to compete for the HWL World Heavyweight Championship...Have you been doing too many mushrooms there? Listen to me Sami, everything I have ever done after WCW I have worked for, everything after WCW I have earned, NOTHING Was ever handed to me, I have had to earn everything I ever did, I am not an Overall Seven-Time HWL  World Champion for no reason...I came into the HWL as a joke and I stand here as one of the most renowned HWL Superstars to ever be here so to say that our match two weeks ago was a FLUKE is not only insulting and degrading but just downright dumb on your count...I was viewed as a joke in WCW and the years after and I have stepped into the world of HWL and I have become one of the best, Multiple time World Champion, Tag Champion, International, King of the Deathmatch, Extreme Champion hell I have even been Womens and Womens Tag Champion...I am one of the single best performers in HWL History, so to have some Mushroom eating pissant like yourself try and claim it was all a fluke it just downright disrespectful now....

Side question Sami, when the hell did you become the spokesperson for The Fiend? Did he have to go out and get someone else to do his bidding for him? Is he treating you like Florida treats the Purtan Ricans in front of a Home Depot and need work? He just whistles towards the truck and you come running? Anyways, While I appreciate the invite to your "sanctuary" and your "domain" but you have a first-class ticket and invitation to my home, a little place where you walk in and everything that can happen, is possible, whatever brutality that you can think up is possible, and that place is Breakdown Palace...If you don't know Sami, Breakdown Palace is a place that you walk into and you sure as hell don't walk out, you crawl out, you may hobble out and in extreme cases you may even be dragged out and in your case, I am feeling that third option here...I serve anyone and everyone here at Breakdown Palace I am an equal opportunity it doesnt matter your color,race,sex or orientation at the Palace all that matters is that you Walk in and come out a different person then when you came in, sure you may be without pants and you may be a pint of blood less and in your case Sami you will be without the HWL Television Championship, but that last one is to be expected...

Sami, They're not a lot of people who walk into Breakdown Palace and can say that took David Arquette out in his Palace, the number of people on that is low, I mean is it possible? Yes, but only for extremely skilled people and not for woman hating, overrated, yellow banana rain coat wearing, mushroom eating, retarded stupid jerk like yourself....Overdrive, I defend The HWL Television Championship...and then I go to Megaclash and take out your pimp in Bray Wyatt!!! 


6/23/2020 8:29 pm  #4

Re: Promos for Overdrive #47 (06/24/20)

* TJ Perkins *

Well....this is it. Ladies and gentlemen, we are approaching to the final stretch. The final lap on the Road to MegaClash. Tomorrow night is the final show of Overdribe before the biggest spectacle in HWL arrives. And what better way then to commemorate this final show? With one final title defense. 3 more brave challengers step up.

2 of those challengers have already taken a sample out of abilities. Both Sammy and Petey, I wish you both good luck towards our matchup. And now the final challenger is Roderick Strong. May I say, that he is most certainly the wild one here. Making names of himself against the like of David Arquette. But nonetheless another worthy challenger towards my title reign. So to you Mr. Strong. I wish you the best of luck.

And according to my logic....if I manage to beat all of these 3 men, then there is only one obstacle. And that's none other than freshly squeezed Orange Cassidy. The guy who has made Orange popular again. People going nut for this guy. Just the catchphrase. Ugh. I love it. But sadly, he's stealing the spotlight. No more. This Sunday, when I retain this title against this 3 challenger, I'm going to go out there and show the damn world why....excuse me for stealing an Aries Quote....but to say why I'm the Greatest Cruiserweight champion of all time. And that folks is.....



6/23/2020 8:44 pm  #5

Re: Promos for Overdrive #47 (06/24/20)

* Sami Callihan *

Are you done David? Are you done playing games with me? Hearing you mumble about mushroom and Puerto Rico. Has made me hungry. Maybe I'll eat a Tripleta after all this is done. But have proven my point. Your a scare man Arquette. ADMIT IT! Tell the whole world that your afraid of The Fiend. Let this people know the fear that dwells behind that rotten soul of yours and end this pathetic charade you have with Puerto Ricans and magical mushroom and focus on the task at hand. Cause I promise you that tomorrow night, this won't be one of your Alice in Wonderland skit. Where you can start growing and shrinking whenever you please.

This......this match means the world to me. I didn't carry that Television title like a reminder of how pathetic I became after losing the World title. No. This title means that you come here day in and day out. Not knowing who your opponent is. Not knowing what's their gameplan. The only thing you get to know is that you defend that title every week. No sleep, no rest, no break. Just sweat and tears dripping from your side. Giving your opponent a hell of a fight. And towards the end, once you retain that title, you only get one week. ONE WEEK. To prepare against the next guy.

This ain't no World title that you can decide whenever, wherever or whatever get to challenge for it. But you wouldn't know much, since you could never keep up with the program. You would always focus on the big fish in the lake. But little did you know, that this supposed little fish, isn't as little as you thought it could be. Turns out that this fish has a backbone and is ready to fight. Not just a normal fight, but a bloody one. So Mr. Arquette....listen to me....and listen well. Cause what I'm going to tell you ain't no prediction. And as Heyman would quote, this is a spoiler.

I, Sami Callihan, the 2 time Television champion, am going go slaughter you. And not only will I slaughter you like no human being has been slaughtered before, but I'm going to leave you a very nasty reminder of who I am. Cause I'm not just your average guy from Ohio. No no no. I'm the guy who's going to take back what is his and I'm going to leave you the most nastiest and disgusting luggy you'll ever see in your entire career.....all while I hold, high above your stupid prone face, the television title. Prepare to go to hell with me, cause you have a first class trip towards the bottom of the abyss.



6/23/2020 9:36 pm  #6

Re: Promos for Overdrive #47 (06/24/20)

David Arquette

Wow Sami, disgusting, slaughtered, and Tripleta, my my they are using some big words on Cartoon Network lately. I mean your words would have sunk fear into myself and anyone....if maybe you have said them back in nineteen ninety-eight, I mean Sami I expected better from you, I mean a two time Television Champion and you give me passe lines about going to the bottom of the abyss, and preparing to go to hell? I mean I have had five year olds come up with better insults then this, Sami, I know I only have one week in between to prepare for each person, I do have a calendar and I know how to use it, that is the thrill of being the Television Champion, every week a new challenger, every week a new obstacle, and sometimes you have to jump that same hurdle again and Sami and that's all you are to me is just another hurdle I have already jumped in this race...I have been there and done that the beauty of this though is, when you jump the hurdle for the first time you arent really sure if you are going to jump that hurdle and when you do, and come back around to it, you are prepared, you are ready and it makes jumping that hurdle that much easier....

Sami, you want to talk about being a fish with a backbone, interesting because you are now just a fish in a barrel, such an easy catch to grab, such an easy fish to poke, and tomorrow night on Overdrive I am easily going to kill that fish in that barrel, because Sami unlike Keith Lee you are simply nothing to me at least Keith Lee I respected but you, I don't respect you as a person or a wrestler and the fact that you were an Impact World Champion let alone a two time HWL Television is quite appalling, so tomorrow night I am finally going to put this to bed for good, I am going to bring you into Breakdown Palace toss you around for a spit and then throw you right back out onto the front lawn and I am going to make sure that you never even come close to a Television Championship match again, I am going to bury any chance you have to succeed and speaking of bury, Bray Wyatt..I haven't forgot about you...Megaclash is coming and I am going to rid the HWL of The Fiend once and for all as well!

Lacey Evans was out here talking about being the longest reigning champion in the modern HWL era, well when I retain over someone who cant even spell OVE correctly, I will be on my way to that record myself!!!


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