The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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6/10/2020 9:09 pm  #1

HWL Overdrive Episode #45 (06/10/20)

Welcome to the HWL Arena for another episode of Overdrive where tonight, Bray Wyatt puts the World Heavyweight Championship on the line in his last required defense before MegaClash on June 27 and the three challengers standing between him and walking into the biggest event of the summer as champion are three doozies in NWA Champion Nick Aldis, NXT Champion Adam Cole and the biggest, baddest, dinosaur still walking the planet today – the Luchasaurus. That match is our Main Event tonight, but apart from that three other matches are signed and TJ Perkins has decided to once again risk the Cruiswerweight Championship against three different opponents tonight. That’s where we start as the three challengers, Marko Stunt, Jack Gallagher and Marty Scurll make their entrances, followed by the champion as we get ready to kick off the action.
Match #1 – HWL Cruiserweight Championship – Fatal 4-Way Match – TJ Perkins vs. Marko Stunt vs. Marty Scurll vs. Jack Gallagher
Scurll and Gallagher have both come to the ring with umbrellas and begin the match with an impromptu fencing contest. Scurll disarms Gallagher and spins around to catch Gallagher’s umbrella mid-flight. Scurll then victoriously raises both umbrellas over his head, but is then Speared by Gallagher. Marko then hits Gallagher with a Hurricanranna, driving him face first into the mat. Perkins then hits Stunt with a Running Dropkick to the face and Stunt goes flying through the ropes and out to the floor. Scurll stumbles back up to his feet and Perkins nails him with a Superkick and takes both umbrellas and smashes them over both sides of Scurll’s head and Scurll drops through the ropes and out to the ring apron. Perkins then hoists Gallagher up and connects with the Detonation Kick and covers him for the three count.
Perkins picks up the victory and once again retains the Cruiserweight Championship. As Perkins is making his way to the back, Lacey Evans is making her way to the ring and she pushes past him, knocking him out of her way, wasting no time as she hits the ring for our next contest, followed by her partners for tonight’s six-woman tag match, Alexa Bliss and Velvet Sky. Then come their opponents, Sasha Banks, Bayley and Shayna Baszler.
Match #2 – Six-Woman Tag Team Match – Shayna Bazler, Sasha Banks & Bayley vs. Lacey Evans, Alexa Bliss & Velvet Sky
Evans and Banks start things off and Banks taunts Evans by doing her little boss dance, but Evans is all business and fires off the Woman’s Right straight to Banks’ jaw, dropping her right where she stood. Evans then makes the cover and just like that the match is over.
Evans, not getting paid by the hour tonight, apparently, takes care of business and heads straight to the back as all the other participants save Banks, who remains down and out, look on nonplussed and we cut to commercial break.
Back from the break, our broadcast colleague has caught up with Lacey Evans, who is demanding an opportunity to challenge Mickie James for the Women’s World Championship, when she is interrupted by the champion herself. Mickie says that there is really only one woman in the HWL locker room that she wants to defend the Women’s World Championship against at MegaClash and that’s Lacey Evans. Mickie says she just came from the bosses’ office where they made it official and Lacey will have an opportunity at the championship at MegaClash, but she won’t be the only one. Mickie says the boss insisted the match was going to be a Triple Threat match and the other challenger is going to be determined right here next week. Mickie says though that Evans is going to be the only one next week with her spot in the championship match secured because not only is the other contender going to be decided next week, but Mickie says she is going to go out there and defend the championship. She’s not going to rest on her laurels and coast into MegaClash, but earn her way into that match all over again.
Back at ringside, it’s Television Championship time as Sami Callihan makes his way to the ring and prepares to defend the championship and continue his record-setting reign, but then we find out his challenger this week is former World Heavyweight Champion David Arquette.
Match #3 – HWL Television Championship – Sami Callihan vs. David Arquette
The two men tear into each other, trading big right hands as the match gets under way and Arquette sends Callihan reeling back against the ropes. Arquette then tries to whip Callihan across the ring, but Callihan thumbs him in the eye. Callihan then drops Arquette on his head with a DDT and makes the cover, but Arquette kicks out almost immediately. Arquette then hops back up to his feet and rips his t-shirt in half down the middle as Callihan worriedly retreats to the corner and Arquette charges across the ring and connects with a Spinning Heel Kick in the corner. Arquette then follows up with a Running Bulldog and then bounces off the ropes as Callihan tries to pull himself back up and Arquette connects with the SlingShot. Arquette then follows up with a second SlingShot for good measure and covers Callihan for the three count.
Arquette is the winner and NEW Television Champion, unseating Callihan from his long-standing perch as the champion. In the back, we see Nick Aldis, Adam Cole and Luchasaurus going through their final preparations for our Main Event. World Heavyweight Champion Bray Wyatt is hoping not to share the same fate as Sami Callihan tonight. Stay tuned for this Fatal 4-Way Match for the World Heavyweight Championship, coming up after this final word from our sponsors.
Back from the break, it’s Main Event time as Luchasurus, Adam Cole, Nick Aldis and Bray Wyatt make their way to the ring for this World Heavyweight Championship Match.

Match #4 – HWL World Heavyweight Championship – Fatal 4-Way Match – Bray Wyatt vs. Nick Aldis vs. Adam Cole vs. Luchasaurus
The three challengers stand cautiously in their corners, watching the final moments of the champion’s entrance and the lights come back up as Wyatt walks alone to the middle of the ring and the bell sounds to begin the match. Wyatt beckons his challengers to come forward, but both Cole and Aldis exit the ring and head out to the floor instead, leaving just the champion and Luchasurus. The big dinosaur isn’t backing down as two big strides carry him to the middle of the ring where he towers over the Fiend, who is facing directly into the big man’s chest. Wyatt shoves Luchasarus back and the fight is on as the two men trade big right hands back and forth. Luchasurus then whips Wyatt off into the ropes, but Wyatt hooks the ropes to stop his momentum. Luchasuaurus then charges the champion, but Wyatt drops out of the way and Luchasaurus flips out over the top rope, but lands on his feet out on the floor next to Nick Aldis, whom he then knocks flat with a Big Boot to the side of the head. Luchasaurus then drags Alids back up and launches him over the announce desk, sending the commentary team scattering. Back in the ring, Cole sneaks up behind Wyatt and rolls him up in a Schoolboy, but Wyatt kicks out. Cole soon pays for his mistake as Wyatt Sparta Kicks him in the chest and then stomps down on his face. Wyatt then drags Cole back to his feet and Powerbombs him in the middle of the ring. Wyatt then spins around as Luchasaurus takes flight from the top rope and connects with a Flying Shoulder Block and Wyatt rolls out to the floor. Luchasaurus then nails Cole with the Tail Whip and makes the cover, but Aldis recovers in time to pull the big dinosaur out under the bottom rope, breaking up the cover. Aldis then ducks a big right hand from Luchasaurus and propels him head first into the ring post. Aldis then slides into the ring and makes the cover on Cole, but Cole kicks out at the last second. Wyatt now regains his feet on the other side of the ring, but now David Arquette comes over the barricade with a steel chair and cracks the Fiend across the back with it. Arquette continues to wail away at Wyatt with the chair and the Fiend retreats up the rampway as Arquette repeatedly bashes him with the chair and chases him all the way to the back. Aldis puts the boots to Cole and hits him with a Buckle Bomb in the corner and then bounces off the ropes and plows Cole over with a Running Forearm Smash to the head. Aldis then dives into the cover and hooks the leg and scores what appears to be the three count. However, the referee sees Cole’s boot on the bottom rope at the last second, but is unable to stop his hand in time and quickly waves off the three count. Aldis is celebrating and the referee has to jump in front of him and tell him multiple times it was only two. Aldis is arguing with the referee and doesn’t see Luchasaurus re-enter the ring behind him. Aldis turns around and walks right into the Tail Whip and rolls out to the floor. Cole regains his feet and spins the big dinosaur around and kicks him in the gut, but it has no effect. Cole hits Luchasaurus in the chest with a couple of Forearm Smashes, but again the big dinosaur simply shrugs them off. Luchasaurus then goozles Cole and connects with a Chokeslam in the middle of the ring and covers him for the three count.
Luchasaurus is the winner and NEW World Heavyweight Champion, and just like that the HWL goes from the Dark Age of the Fiend to the Jurassic Age of Luchasaurus as Jungle Boy and Marko Stunt rush out to the ring to celebrate with their big dino buddy. After a few minutes of their celebration, the lights go out in the arena and a sharp intake of breath can be heard over the sound system. Smoke begins to fill the rampway and a dark figure can be seen crawling toward the ring through the smoke. As the figure reaches the bottom of the rampway, it slowly raises up to its full height and we can see that it is Finn Balor in full demon regalia. Balor, who won the Gauntlet Match last month on Pay Per View, has the right to challenge the champion of any division he qualifies for in a one-on-one title opportunity at MegaClash. As he slowly raises one arm to point ominously into the ring at the new World Heavyweight Champion, it becomes clear that Balor has made his decision. He will challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship at MegaClash on June 27. With this breaking news, we are running out of time for tonight’s show. Thank you for joining us once again, but now it’s time for us to be signing off.


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