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6/03/2020 7:59 pm  #1

HWL Overdrive Episode #44 (06/03/20)

Welcome to the HWL Arena for another episode of Overdrive where tonight three titles are on the line and we are just 24 days away from the biggest event of the summer, MegaClash. Every champion is going to have to make at least one more title defense to earn the right to walk into MegaClash as the champion. Tonight, the tag team and cruiserweight champions are both getting their last required title defense in as The Revival takes on The Briscoes and TJ Perkins defends the Cruiserweight crown against three challengers in a Fatal 4-Way.
That cruiserweight matchup is kicking off the night tonight as challengers Sammy Guevara, Petey Williams and Humberto Carrillo make their way to the ring with the champion TJ Perkins coming out last.
Match #1 – HWL Cruiserweight Championship – Fatal 4-Way – TJ Perkins vs. Sammy Guevara vs. Petey Williams vs. Humberto Carrillo
The four men square off as the match gets underway and Guevara and Carrillo go for simultaneous Dropkicks and end up accidentally smashing their nuts together. They’re down and out as they roll to opposite corners in pain. Williams charges Perkins, but Perkins takes him down with a Drop Toehold, driving Williams face first into the middle turnbuckle. Perkins then drags Williams out of the corner and slaps on a Kneebar, forcing Williams to tap out.
Perkins makes it look easy as the avid gamer may have had some sort of cheat code engaged in this one to pick up the win and a successful title defense. In the back, we see The Revival getting taped up in their locker room. They’ll defend the tag team titles coming up a little later on, but first we have more Fatal 4-Way action coming up. This time it’s the heavyweights, right after this quick word from our sponsors.
Back from the break, M.V.P., Keith Lee, Andrade and Aleister Black make their way to the ring.
Match #2 – Fatal 4-Way – Aleister Black vs. M.V.P. vs. Andrade vs. Keith Lee
Big Keith Lee knocks MVP and Andrade flat with a Double Clothesline as the match gets under way and then turns right into the Black Mass from Black and rolls out to the floor. Black then goes for an Asai Moonsault on Andrade, but Andrade drives both knees up into his mid-section and with Black doubled over after two knees to the gut, MVP connects with the Drive-by Kick and now Black rolls out to the floor. MVP calls for another Drive-by Kick on Andrade, but Andrade ducks and cinches MVP around the waist and connects with a German Suplex, bridging up into the cover and picks up the three count.
Andrade scores the win, picking up momentum on the road to MegaClash. In the back, The Briscoes are headed to the ring. The tag team titles are on the line as Jay and Mark try to win the titles for a third time. That match is coming up right after this commercial break.
Back from the break, The Briscoes and The Revival make their way to the ring for this next contest with the titles on the line.
Match #3 – HWL Tag Team Championship – The Revival vs. The Briscoes
Scott Dawson and Jay Briscoe tie up to start things off and Dawson goes to a Side Headlock. Jay tries to shove Dawson off into the ropes, but Dawson hangs on and goes down to one knee, grinding his grip across Jay’s ears. Jay powers back up to his feet and starts to counter into a Belly-to-Back Suplex, but Dawson flips over him and comes down on his back behind Jay and makes the tag to Dash Wilder. Wilder comes in and Jay whips around and walks right into the Shatter Machine. Mark looks on in disgust and makes no attempt to save his brother as Wilder makes the cover and picks up the three count.
The Revival retain the Tag Team Titles and that just leaves one last match on the show for tonight. In the back, Sami Callihan is going through his final preparations for another weekly Television Championship defense and we owe you one final word from our sponsors. The Main Event is up next.
Back from the break, it’s Main Event time as Sami Callihan makes his way to the ring and we find out that his challenger this week is going to be Samoa Joe.
Match #4 - HWL Television Championship – Sami Callihan vs. Samoa Joe
The two men tie up as the match gets under way and Joe whips Sami off into the ropes, but Sami bounces back and connects with a Spinning Heel Kick. Callihan then goes for an Atomic Leg Drop, but Joe rolls out of the way and Calihan crashes to the mat. Joe then goes for a Running Back Splash, but Callihan drives both knees up into his back. Callihan then puts the boots to Joe and drags him slowly back to his feet and slams him face first into the corner repeatedly. Callihan then sets up for a Brainbuster, but Joe blocks it and connects with a series of punches to the ribs. Joe then slips around behind Callihan and tries to lock in the Coquina Clutch, but Callihan kicks off from the corner, pushing Joe over backward and rolling over him back up to his feet. Callihan then kicks Joe in the gut and connects with the Cactus Piledriver and covers him for the three count.
Sami Callihan retains the Television Championship again as we wind down our show for the night. Joing us again next week and leading all the way up to MegaClash, but for now it’s time for us to be signing off.


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