The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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5/27/2020 8:12 pm  #1

HWL Overdrive Episode #43 (05/27/20)

Welcome to the HWL Arena for another episode of Overdrive where four championships will be defended tonight. Cruiserweight Champion TJ Perkins has the night off, but every other champion is laying it on the line tonight and we’re starting off with the Television Championship as Sami Callihan makes hit way to the ring, looking to extend his record-setting reign as champion. We then find out that he will be challenged by Chris Jericho as Le Champion makes his entrance.
Match #1 – HWL Television Championship – Sami Callihan vs. Chris Jericho
The two men square off as the match gets under way and Jericho goes to a Side Headlock, but Sami shoves him off into the ropes and knocks him down with a Shoulder Block. Sami then bounces off the ropes, but Jericho pops back up to his feet and nails Sami with a Dropkick.  Jericho then connects with the Lionsault and goes for the quick cover, but Callihan kicks out. Jericho drags Sami back up and drives him back against the ropes with a series of Forearm Shivers to the side of the head. Jericho then tries to whip Callihan across the ring, but Callihan counters into a Short-arm Clothesline and then follows up with a Double-arm DDT. Callihan then heads up to the top turnbuckle as Jericho staggers back up and Callihan goes for a Flying Bulldog, but Jericho holds onto the ropes and Callihan crashes to the mat. Jericho then hooks Callihan by the legs and goes for the Walls of Jericho, but Callihan counters into an Inside Cradle and scores the three count.
Callihan picks up a stunner of a win, pulling the rollup out of nowhere to stave off the challenge of Jericho and retain the title for yet another week. A video package then highlights the previous encounter between Bray Wyatt and Velveteen Dream for the World Heavyweight Championship at Fearless a few months ago. Last week, Velveteen Dream earned a rematch and that’s coming up later tonight in our Main Event, but right now it’s time for a commercial break.
Back from the break, the tag team titles are on the line next as Lucha Bros and The Revival make their way to the ring.

Match #2 – HWL Tag Team Championship – The Revival vs. Lucha Bros
Dawson and Fenix start things off for their respective teams and Fenix goes to kick Dawson, but Dawson catches it and knocks Fenix flat with a big right hand to the jaw. Dawson then bounces off the ropes and connects with a Running Knee Lift at Fenix regains his feet and then whips Fenix into his corner and pulls the referee in close to ask him a question while Wilder uses the tag rope to choke Fenix, undetected by the referee as Pentagon goes berserk on the ring apron. Pentagon charges in and the referee cuts him off and directs him back to his corner while Wilder continues to choke Fenix and Dawson pummels him with punches to the gut. Once the referee gets Pentagon out of the ring, Dawson makes the tag to Wilder and the two deliver a Double Suplex. Dawson then mocks Pentagon and Pentagon charges in again and Dawson bails out to the floor with Pentagon in hot pursuit, chasing him around the outside of the ring as Wilder works Fenix over with a series of boots to the back of the head and then rakes his boot laces across Fenix’ eyes. Dawson now slides back into the ring with Pentagon right on his heels and Dawson ducks as Wilder levels Pentagon with a Discus Lariat. Pentagon slowly staggers back up and Wilder whips him into the ropes and plants him with a Double-A Spinebuster. Fenix now regains his feet and The Revival finish him off with the Shatter Machine and Wilder makes the cover as Dawson dives onto Pentagon to keep him from breaking up the fall as Wilder scores the three count.
The Revival are your winners and STILL the tag team champions. That’s half of our title matches in the books for the night and things are looking good for the defending champions so far. In the back, we see Mickie James and Bayley walking the hallways toward the ring. We’ll see if the champions’ success rate continues for Mickie in her first title defense and we get a third consecutive champion retaining on the night, right after this word from our sponsors.
Back from the break, Bayley and Mickie James make their entrances for this Women’s World Championship match.
Match #3 – HWL Women’s World Championship – Mickie James vs. Bayley
The two women tie up as the match gets under way and Mickie applies a Hammerlock, but Bayley backs her into the corner to force a break. Bayley then elbows Mickie in the eye and Mickie goes down to on knee in the corner and it’s obvious that she is having problems now seeing out of that eye as Bayley stands over her and starts pummeling that eye with a flurry of punches and Mickie ties up in the ropes to force a break. Mickie stumbles across the ring, putting distance between her and the challenger and Bayley charges across the ring as Mickie reaches the adjoining corner and Bayley connects with a Stinger Splash. Bayley then lets Mickie drop to the mat and dives into the cover, but Mickie kicks out for a near fall. Bayley now mounts the champion and hits her with some more punches to that damaged eye. Bayley then drags Mickie back up to her feet, but Mickie fights her off with a flurry of Forearm Shivers and then Headbutts Bayley squarely on the nose and then spins around and connects with a Roundhouse Kick to the temple and Bayley slumps back into the corner and then stumbles back out of the corner where Mickie cinches her up and connects with a Leaping DDT and covers her for the three count.
Mickie James is your winner and STILL the Women’s World Champion. A video then takes a look back at Bray Wyatt regaining the World Heavyweight Championship just a few short weeks ago at Payback in a Steel Cage Match against David Arquette. The Fiend defends the title for the first time since that brutal cage match. That’s still to come tonight, but first we feature a singles match involving six stars from the tag team division in a six-pack challenge. Before we get to that, we owe you another quick word from our sponsors.
Back from the commercial, Hanson of the Viking Raiders, Isaiah Kassidy of Private Party, Big E from the New Day, Steve Cutler of the Forgotten Sons, Wolfgang from Gallus and Luke Gallows of the Goodbrothers make their way to the ring for this next contest.
Match #4 – Six-Pack Challenge – Big E vs. Luke Gallows vs. Wolfgang vs. Isaiah Kassidy vs. Steve Cutler vs. Hanson
All hell breaks loose as the match gets under way with Wolfgang and Big E brawling out to the floor and Kassidy and Cutler doing the same on the other side of the ring, leaving just the two big boys in Hanson and Gallows alone in the ring. The two tie up as things get under way and Gallows backs Hanson into the corner, but Hanson quickly turns the tables and delivers some devastating chops to the chest. Hanson then whips Gallows across the ring as Kassidy slides in and hits him with a Spinning Heel Kick. Cutler then comes in off the top rope and hits Kassidy with a Missile Dropkick. Cutler makes the cover, but now Wolfgang comes in off the top rope with a Senton Bomb onto both Cutler and Kassidy and they roll back out to the floor. Big E then hits Wolfgang with the Big Ending and then takes Gallows out over the top rope with a Running Lariat. Hanson then turns the lights out on Big E with a Flying Knee Smash and then Hanson goes up top and nails Wolfgang with a huge Moonsault and covers him for the three count.
Hanson is your winner and after Ray Rowe dominated last week’s six-man tag match with strange bedfellows from other tag teams, the Viking Raiders look primed to make another run at the tag team titles in the near future. A final video package then recounts Velveteen Dream’s triple threat victory last week against MJF and The Rock, earning him this championship opportunity here tonight. That’s the last order of business left on tonight’s agenda. After one final commercial break, it’ll be Main Event time.
Back from the break, it’s time to rumble as the Velveteen Dream and Bray Wyatt make their entrances for this World Heavyweight Championship showdown.
Match #5 – HWL World Heavyweight Championship – Bray Wyatt vs. Velveteen Dream
Wyatt keeps trying to get ahold of Dream as the match gets under way, but Dream keeps himself just out of reach, frustrating the champion. Wyatt now lunges at the challenger, but Dream ducks under and cinches Wyatt around the waist from behind. Dream then tries to pick Wyatt up and Bodyslam him, but the champion won’t budge and instead fights his way free with a series of elbows to the side of the head. Wyatt then kicks Dream in the gut and tries to Powerbomb him, but Dream counters into a Hurricanrana, launching Wyatt head first through the ropes and off the ring post. Dream then rolls Wyatt up from behind, but the champion kicks out for a near fall. Dream stays on the offensive with a frantic series of Double Axe-handle blows to the back of the neck and shoulder. Dream then bounces off the ropes, but runs right into a Big Boot from Wyatt, who then bounces off the ropes and follows up with a big Elbow Drop. Wyatt then pummels Dream and slowly drags him back up to his feet and tries to slam him face first into the corner, but Dream blocks it and fires back with some elbows to the gut and then spins around and sends Wyatt reeling with a flurry of big right hands before taking the champion off his feet with a Bionic Elbow. Dream then bounces off the ropes as Wyatt regains his feet and Dream connects with a Spear. Dream makes the cover, pulling the leg up high enough that nearly all of Wyatt’s lower half comes up off the mat, but Wyatt still kicks out for a near fall. Dream then hooks his fingers into Wyatt’s mask and starts trying to pull it off, but that proves to be a mistake as Wyatt maneuvers Dream’s fingers into his mouth and bites down hard, drawing blood. Wyatt then battles back to his feet and connects with a series of Headbutts and then goozles Dream and connects with a Chokeslam. Instead of going for the cover, Wyatt drags Dream back up and sets up for another Chokeslam, but this time Dream slips free and spins midair, hooking his legs under Wyatt’s arms into a roll-up and comes oh so excruciatingly close before Wyatt kicks out with maybe an eyelash separating the referee’s hand from the mat on the near count. Dream then puts the boots to Wyatt as the champion battles back up to his feet and Dream hoists him up and goes for the Dream Valley Driver, but Wyatt reaches down and applies the Mandible Claw, forcing Dream to drop him back down to his feet. Wyatt then delivers another Chokeslam while keeping the Mandible Claw applied and uses the hold to pin Dream’s shoulders to the mat and hold him down for the three count.
Wyatt retains the championship, turning away another valiant challenge from the Velveteen Dream, and that will conclude our show for the evening as we remain under the dark reign of the Fiend and It’s time for us to be signing off.


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