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5/26/2020 10:21 pm  #11

Re: Promos for Overdrive #43 (05/27/20)

* Bray Wyatt *

Yowie Wowie.....looks like Velveteen ain't as original as we thought. Yes. You heard me right. Dream is nothing but a sham. A real bad guy. Just look at all the things Him and David Arquette say about earthquakes and Puerto Rico. Over and over and over again. It's almost as bad an old piece of recording. doesn't surprise me. Cause no matter what they say or what they tell the world, we all know that just talk. Unlike what The Fiend has's nothing small from just talking. And yes Mr. Dream.....The Fiend looked invincible, he look unstoppable. A God if you could say. And somehow, Arquette won. Bravo bravo. Do you want a cookie for your acknowledgment? Or do you want a pat on the back? Oh wait. I know. How about a basket full of grape. Yes, that's a great idea. "HE" has something much better planned for you. But no no no. The Fiend doesn't want to spoil the surprise......just yet.

Instead....The Fiend has something very special for tomorrow's bloodshed. Something so devious and synical.....towie wowie. It's giving me some goosebumps just thinking about it. Wooo. But in all seriousness Velveteen. Why you come out here insulting the good people of Puerto Rico? They have done nothing to you. They only thrive from all the doubters in the world....

....Unlike some people throughout the world. People who do nothing but critic others from their safety of their houses. Posting live videos of their shallow lives. And even trying to write a book that people don't get and they don't care. Like.....the world we live now is as exciting as it could get. Yet, people look to blame others for their insecurities and their faults. I don't want to live in a world, where hate is there number one priority in their life.....that's why I created the Firefly Fun House.

It shows all the faults and insecurities everyone has and turns it into positivity. Don't you see Dream? Your belief are nothing but a hoax. A scam. A way to get to the top without implying effort or any sacrifices. But fear tomorrow night, The Fiend sacrifices more than you have bargained for. Tomorrow becomes your doomsday. As the Fiend will let you in once more. Only this time, once your in.....there won't be any way out. All you'll get to see from inside is my fireflies run freely like the people from Puerto Rico are right now......and all you'll get to see is nothing. So enjoy your freedom while you can.....cause once "HE" step in the ring with you. All you'll do is......



5/26/2020 10:55 pm  #12

Re: Promos for Overdrive #43 (05/27/20)

The Velveteen Dream

The Dream is over all the talking Bray, tomorrow night I will Let Him In...and The Dream is going to Let Him In with open arms because The Fiend has booked his ticket to Dream Land, and you dont need to worry wy The Dream talks about Puerto Rico too much, lets just say that The Dream when to an Italian eatery one night that was passed off as authentic and there were fifteen Puerto Ricans in the Kitchen...Yeah thats real Italian...but that is besides the point The Dream is trying to make...The Dream is going to show Him and everyone else in the HWL Arena tomorrow night that while I am The Dream...I can also be a Nightmare as well...and while The Fiend may infest the many souls, may infest the many Dreams of many people around the globe and turn those dreams into Nightmares...The Dream isnt going to stand idly by and let him do it to me...The Dream will fight fire with fire...If The Dreams ship goes down tomorrow The Dream will know that he steered right into that Ice Berg and not the other way around...The Dream will become The Nightmare for The Nightmare Fiend...and I am going to Let Him In...but Not only will The Fiend be saying my name...he will also be saying...LET ME OUT!


When The Dream lets him out there will be a pile of blood and bones of what used to be The Fiend, and The Nightmare will become a Dream once again and I will become the New HWL World Heavyweight Champion...and The Nightmare will end and Bray Wyatt...



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