The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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5/21/2020 11:10 am  #1

Promos for Overdrive #43 (05/27/20)

- HWL World Heavyweight Championship - Bray Wyatt vs. Velveteen Dream

- HWL Women's World Championship - Mickie James vs. Bayley

- HWL Television Championship - Sami Callihan vs. Chris Jericho

- HWL Tag Team Championship - The Revival vs. Lucha Bros

- Six-Pack Challenge - Big E vs. Luke Gallows vs. Wolfgang vs. Steve Cutler vs. Isaiah Kassidy vs. Hanson/Ivar


5/21/2020 11:28 am  #2

Re: Promos for Overdrive #43 (05/27/20)

(Mickie James)

Bayley is going to be the first woman to step up and challenge me for the Women's World Championship, hmmm.

Bayley, you've come a long way in the past year. You had a lot of growing up to do and it may have come about 10 years past the point in your life where a normal human being decides to grow up, but you finally did it. So, congratulations.

However, now you want to put yourself over as a "role model." Well, let me give you a piece of advice about role models. Never have one and never be one. Nobody should ever want to model themselves after Bayley. Nobody should ever want to model themselves after Trish Stratus. Nobody should ever want to model themselves after Mickie James. Instead, model yourself after yourself and break the damn mold when you're done because the last thing you should want is the next generation coming along all trying to be just like you.

Do you know why you don't want to do that, Bayley? Because when a wrestling company has an entirely new generation of wrestlers trying to be just like you, sooner or later they're going to pick one out of that bunch to try to replace you with.

Well, I don't like being replaced, Bayley. I won't go back to the sidelines. I won't go back to the commentary table. And as long as I'm holding this championship, that much will forever be assured.

Let that be a warning for anybody else in the locker room, also. You don't want to stand in my way.

     Thread Starter

5/21/2020 11:47 am  #3

Re: Promos for Overdrive #43 (05/27/20)

(Dash Wilder, listening to headphones and singing along)


(Scott Dawson, slapping the headphones out of Wilder's ears)

What the hell are you doing?


What? It's a good tune.

(Dawson, shaking his head)

Sometimes I question your taste. What I can't question though is this coming Wednesday on Overdrive, we defend these tag team championships for the first time against the Lucha Bros. Undoubtedly a formidable team, at least when they're swimming in a little pond, much like OvE, who we just punked out without either of them hitting either of us with an actual move this past Saturday at Payback.

(Wilder is still humming the Lucha Bros theme)


Will you stop that nonsense? Tell them how this is going to go on Wednesday.


I'll make it real short and real simple for you guys. The top guys win.


That's right. The top guys win. You see, while the Lucha Bros have won gold in Impact Wrestling and while they've won gold in AAA, do you know how many matches they've won here in the HWL?






Cero? It means zero.


Well then just say zero. You know I don't speak Mexican.


You mean Spanish?


Same difference. Anyway. yes. They've won precisely zero matches here in the HWL. And that's not about to change at our expense.


Top guys, out.

     Thread Starter

5/21/2020 4:03 pm  #4

Re: Promos for Overdrive #43 (05/27/20)

* Bray Wyatt is seen sitting in a rocking chair by himself. No ones around the Firefly Fun House, but then he stands up from it the moment he sees the camera and jumps around in happiness. *

BW - Hi there folks. I'm so glad to see you again as well as my fireflies are excited to see you. Aren't we?

BW - I'm glad to hear that. Cause next week, we got a repeat playdate. He's the one. The only. Velveteen Dreammmmmm.

BW - Settle down folks. Although the outcome was not the one you had hope for. Am I right, Mr. Velveteen....The Fiend certainly enjoyed your company. And now, we get a second play date. Isn't that fun? Hold your applause. I know what you must be thinking. And it's about that World Title. Which I got

* He shows his World Title from his belt. He removes it and puts it on his shoulder. *

BW - ...... Right here. The one thing I hold very dear to my heart. You don't know the trouble I had to get this back. Arquette wasn't so easy, but we manage to slip under his nose. Literally. But....enough of me talking on how I bested a 7 time world champion. Let's talk about you Velveteen. For the longest, you have been in the shadows of HWL. Bidding your time and hiding inside your secluded lair. With endless grapes and endless dreams at your disposal. It sounds oh so cozy and so riveting, that I may. Just may join in.....but that's after our playdate.

* He looks around the House and no one is around. *

BW - Now.....I think we missing some people here. Where could they have gone off to?

* Bray searches from top to bottom. Side to side. Even under the rug. He then sees something stick to the door. It's a sticky note from Mercy The Buzzard. *

SN - "Dear Bray. We are sorry that we aren't here at the Fun House. We decided to take a little trip to the beach. We will return later. Love Mercy. PS: I left some food in the fridge in case you are hungry. Hope you like Stew.

* Bray goes to the fridge and opens the container. Inside is Stew. But upon closer's nothing more than Ramblin Stew, as it shows a piece of his ear still in the container. He gives a big Yuck. *

BW - I know there won't be any....Ramblin guest trying to steal my food.

BW - But in all don't stand a chance against me Dream. That's how life is. It just a big circle. It's keep spinning into the same cycle. Over and over and over. Hey.....i just though of something. This same circle is just like the wheel of a bus. Going round and round. And just like the title match. This will just be a big circle. The match will start. We give the crowd something to aww and boo. And then, "HE" defeats you. You get it?

* He scratches his head and then remembers something. *

BW - Of course you don't. Your still inside that dream bubble you created. Silly me. I should have known. Anyway, I must leave. The Fiend is making all the preparation for our second playdate. So don't run off too far or else you'll miss on the fun activities we got in store for ya. Ohhh yowie wowie.....can't wait for us to play again.

* He then sits back in his rocking chair and looks deeply into your eyes. *

BW - Now just remember, to all my fireflies. As long as you trust in me, I'll never leave you out of my sight. But all you have to do is.....

* The lights turns off and it goes back on as it dims with a horror sound in the background, as The Fiend appears. *

TF - .....LET ME IN!!!!

* The lights turn back on onto Bray Wyatt. *

BW - Well that's all the time we got left Velveteen Dream. Till next time Bye bye. See ya later. Don't be a stranger. And remember to be safe. Bye bye Dream.

* Scene fades away *

Last edited by Th3Rickst3r (5/21/2020 4:32 pm)


5/23/2020 9:55 pm  #5

Re: Promos for Overdrive #43 (05/27/20)

Chris Jericho

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages. You know who I am but I must reintroduce myself as I still question your intelligence. It is I, the Ayatolla of Rock and Rolla, the best in the world at what I do, Le Future HWL Television Champion, Chris Jericho.

Sami Callihan. Where do I begin with you? Ohio? Nothing good has come out of that wretched shithole of a State and you are no different. I have had my eye on you Sami. Oh yeah. I have. You know why Sami, huh? You know why you pistipherous little maggot?

I had a hand in bringing name recognition to this company in the first place. You came around throwing your chub around only a short time ago. You have no business being on HWL television every week.

I came. I saw and now guess what Sami, I am gonna conquer. I'd put you on the List but you are not even worthy of that so leaving you while your butt buddies console you, well that will do. Come Overdrive, Chris Jericho leaves as Le Televis-ion Champion.


5/23/2020 10:29 pm  #6

Re: Promos for Overdrive #43 (05/27/20)

The Velveteen Dream

Ladies and Sirs...Your HWL World Heavyweight Champion...Bray Wyatt...A man that is supposed to be the face of this company, a man, a figure that is supposed to lead this company holding that title and the first words out of his mouth is a Youtube link? Why do you find the need to come out here and speak a link to a video? I seriously doubt the viewers at home are writing down each letter, number and backslash so they can go see what you have to offer...and yet this is the person holding the biggest prize in the HWL...

The last time The Dream entered the Fun House...The Dream went toe to toe with The Fiend, and as we all know the plan didnt go so well for me, I will admit facing The Fiend is a different kind of animal, its not like facing anybody else in the HWL, it changes you...Ask David Arquette. After my loss to Tne Fiend, I havent been seen much around here and one day The Dreams phone rang and it was a "Unique Opportunity" and it was one The Dream couldnt walk away from...It was Dream Over for Maxwell, Dream Over for The Rock...and here we spoke about circles there Bray...its funny because you and I have come full circle...A few months ago The Dream went down to The Fiend and then I saw what everyone else saw...I saw those fights you had with David was David Arquette, someone that The Dream respects taking on The Fiend and The Dream will admit on paper, I thought Mr. Arquette was going to have the same outcome as me, but look what happen he opened up the doors to Breakdown Palace and did what many people thought would be impossible and he STOPPED THE FIEND...While it was only temporary...The Dream realized that if David Arquette can do it...The Dream most certainly can do it...

On Overdrive The Dream has a second chance and what could be The Dreams final chance to not only become the HWL World Heavyweight Champion...but the final chance to do something The Dream couldnt do months ago and that is...BEAT The Fiend...I was the first to LET HIM IN...and The Dream is going to LET HIM IN again...but this time...this time The Dream is prepared for whats to come, The Dream has seen what it takes to keep The Fiend down and on Overdrive...The Dream is going to do whatever it takes to Beat The I will Let Him In...but once I am done...he will be saying...




5/26/2020 6:36 pm  #7

Re: Promos for Overdrive #43 (05/27/20)

* Bray Wyatt *

You think you got everyone under the palm of your hand don't ya Dream? Getting the fireflies to turn their eyes away from me and have everyone in the whole wide world turn their back at me. Dream, you haven't the slightest clue on what lies ahead tomorrow night. The Fiend did lose to Arquette, that is true, but you fail to realize was outside the realms of reality. For all we know, that spear from inside that titantron could have been 10....20.....maybe even 30 foot high. No mortal man could withstand that feet. Let alone stand in their own two feet. So yes, Arquette did go all the way to hell and back to take this away from me. Now.....

.....look at me. I'm holding the title now. Not Arquette. You see Dream, you mention my first lose to Mr. Arquette and even said that it was temporary his victory. Yet.....I never hear you say how he got it back. That's where your plan of action falls short. Cause not only you take the possibility of me realistically winning this match, but you elude the audience with fake propaganda and false hope. That isn't what the Firefly Fun House is all about. No no no. We can't accept that. Before The Fiend was ecstatic to have a 2nd playdate. But.....after you fail to acknowledge him for all his success, the only thing "HE" to hurt you.

Apparently you bit off more than you can chew, and now you are been served the biggest plate in your entire career. Would you be able to digest all the torture. All the pain. All the suffering. Every little ounce of agony into your body. Can you? Or will The Fiend, finally make you see the light? One thing is certain and that tomorrow night.... on God's Green front of million of people watching at home. They will not see any normal title match. No no no. Yowie wowie. They will get a horrifying, bloody and gruesome Title Match, courtesy of The Nightmate Fiend himself. In which the outcome will be as plain as day. But I don't want to spoil the winner. I'll let all my fireflies use their imagination. Just for your sake.

So remember my fellow fireflies, I'll always light up the way, no matter how hopeless and pointless it seems, so laugh, cry, jump with joy and don't stop the fun..... but all you have to do is.....


Last edited by Th3Rickst3r (5/26/2020 6:47 pm)


5/26/2020 6:54 pm  #8

Re: Promos for Overdrive #43 (05/27/20)

* Hanson *

5 wrestlers stand in our way. All members from this match have one common goal. And that's to challenge whoever wins the tag team titles on tomorrow's Overdrive. But as my brother showed last week, we are the true deserving challengers for those tag team titles belt. For months, we have spaced out. We fallen into a deep dark hole, in which we can't seem to find hope.

And after last week, Ray Rowe showed something I haven't seen for the longest time. A passionate side I never seen before. And tomorrow, I'm keeping that momentum and steam rolling into this 6 pack challenge match. Whether it be Big E, Luke Gallows, Wolfgang, Steve Cutler or even Isaiah won't matter. I'll crush everyone. Because we are Viking. And us Viking....never back out of a fight.


5/26/2020 8:24 pm  #9

Re: Promos for Overdrive #43 (05/27/20)

* Sami Callihan *

Chris Chris Chris. Why did you have to open that mouth of yours. WHY? We all know who the fuck you are. Your basically a freaking icon in the wrestling world. But that's just it. Your just an icon. I'm the future that this company needs. I'm the centerpiece that this company needs. Fighting contender after another and another. Showing the whole world that I'm the real deal.

Forget I'm that kid from Ohio. That's in the past. We are looking towards the future. oVe is.....NO MORE. Jake and Dave Christ are vanished. I literally just pummeled every inch of their existence with my own two hands into them and made sure that they never ever try to recruit me into their little Ohio club. The boy you see here is not a boy anymore. He's a man now.

Fighting for what he believes on. And that's the Television title. Every week, I come out here and walk into that ring proudly holding this title with honor and dignity. Sure, my method are unorthodox, but they get the job done. So Jericho, Mr. Le champione. Hope you bring that list you have. Because when I'm through with you. Everyone in this arena will remember my the guy who put the Icon Chris Jericho......INTO RETIREMENT. Put that in your stinking list.



5/26/2020 9:35 pm  #10

Re: Promos for Overdrive #43 (05/27/20)

The Velveteen Dream

Oooooo The Dreams likes it when you get fired up...The Nightmare Fiend versus The Velveteen Dream, one thing you are correct on is that is millions of people will be glued to their televisions to see this rematch...But Bray you are missing the point of The Dream mentioning Mr. Arquette...At one time everyone in the HWL thought The Fiend was unstoppable, undefeatable, and unbreakable..and The Dream was merely pointing out that Mr. Arquette showed that you while you may have all the smoke and mirrors, there is a little piece of you that is Defeatable, Breakable and that is what The Dream is going to exploit come tomorrow night...its not going to be nothing fancy like falls count anywhere or a steel cage match...Man versus Beast one on one...

In a way The Dream is happy that we have come full circle back to this, dont get The Dream wrong The Dream would have loved to have stood face to face with Arquette for this title, because that would have been a match worthy of Earth Shattering proportions...I mean you can ask Puerto Rico about Earth-shattering am I right? The Dream digresses...The Dream keeps telling you Bray..The Dream have LET HIM IN...The Dream Let Him In once and The Dream will let him in again...but as The Dream as told you...The Dream will let him in all day and all night...the difference being...he..him...The Nightmare will be in Dream Land and and The Dream is going to have The Fiend screaming....LET ME OUT!



And when The Dream is good and ready, and When The Dream can damn near taste the title on his Taste Buds...Then...and only then will The Dream let you out...and The Dream will have left The Nightmare shattered, and The Dream will be the NEW HWL WOrld Heavyweight Champion....and The Nightmare will be....



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