The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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5/13/2020 4:22 pm  #1

HWL Overdrive Episode #41 (05/13/20)

Welcome to the HWL Arena for another episode of Overdrive where tonight we have two title matches on the line and the night starts off with the arrival of Television Champion Sami Callihan.
Callihan makes his way to the ring and declares that since they’re not going to let him close the show tonight, he’s not waiting around and wants to get this out of the way first and tells his challenger to get their ass out to the ring. Callihan is preoccupied watching the rampway and doesn’t see his challenger, Luke Harper, aka Brodie Lee, slide into the ring behind him as the bell rings to start the match.
Match #1 – HWL Television Championship – Sami Callihan vs. Luke Harper
Callihan whirls around and eats a Big Boot from Harper, dropping down to one knee. Harper then follows up with a Falcon Arrow and makes the cover, but Callihan kicks out for a near fall. Harper puts the boots to Callihan and then starts to drag him back to his feet, but Callihan jabs him in the eye and then knocks the bigger man back against the ropes with a flurry of punches. Callihan then whips Harper off into the ropes and knocks him flat in the middle of the ring with a Spinning Heel Kick. Callihan then follows up with a Running Senton and makes the cover, but Harper kicks out. Callihan pummels Harper, but Harper battles back up to his feet and kicks Callihan in the chest, knocking him back against the ropes. Harper then goes for a Discus Clothesline, but Callihan ducks out of the way and nails Harper with a Headbutt to the jaw. Callihan then connects with a Cactus Piledriver and makes the cover for the three count.
Sami Callihan is your winner and STILL the Television Champion and as he’s making his way to the back, out charges MJF, who will be in action next, right after this commercial break.
Back from the break, The Miz makes his way to the ring as he prepares to go one-on-one with MJF.
Match #2 – MJF vs. The Miz
The match gets underway and MJF boots Miz in the gut and connects with the Cross Rhodes and makes the cover, but instead of allowing the referee to count three, he pulls Miz’s shoulder up. MJF then pulls Miz back up and throws him out over the top turnbuckle and face first into the steel post and then uses Miz’s own move, the Skull-crushing Finale, and rolls him over into the cover for the three count.
MJF picks up the win in near record time and with that, we have just one more item of business to take care of. Our Main Event is coming up next as just one week after winning the title, Tomasso Ciampa is set to defend the Cruiserweight Championship against three challengers after one final word from our sponsors.
Back from the break, World Heavyweight Champion David Arquette has a chance to leave the arena tonight with two titles as he’s one of the challengers for the cruiserweight championship tonight. Arquette, Roderick Strong and Drew Gulak make their way to the ring. Finally, the champion makes his way to the ring.
Match #3 – HWL Cruiserweight Championship – Tomasso Ciampa vs. Roderick Strong vs. David Arquette vs. Drew Gulak
Ciampa hits the ring as the match gets under way and the champion tears through each of the challengers in turn, knocking them all flat. Ciampa then Clotheslines Arquette out over the top rope and to the floor. Ciampa then hits Gulak with the Fairy-tale Ending, but then eats a Running Boot from Strong. Strong then follows up with a Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker and makes the cover, but Ciampa kicks out. Strong then puts the boots to CIampa and Arquette gets back to his feet out on the floor, but Strong dives through the ropes and takes him down with a Suicide Dive, sending Arquette sprawling into the barricade. Strong then heads up to the top rope as Gulak regains his feet and Strong connects with a Missile Dropkick. Ciampa then tackles Strong from behind and the two men roll across the mat, trading short punches back and forth. The two men regain their feet at the same time and Ciampa ducks a Clothesline and hits Strong with an Inverted Atomic Drop. Gulak then tries to nail Ciampa from behind with an Enziguri, but Ciampa dodges and Gulak hits Strong instead, knocking him through the ropes and out to the floor where Arquette recovers and takes Strong out with the SlingShot. Bray Wyatt then emerges from under the ring and trips Arquette by the foot and Arquette falls and hits his head on the ring steps. Wyatt then drags Arquette’s limp carcass under the ring. Back in the ring, Ciampa bounces off the ropes and nearly decapitates Gulak with a Running Boot to the face. Ciampa then follows up with another Fairy-tale Ending and covers him for the three count.
Ciampa is your winner and STILL the Cruiserweight Champion. Bray Wyatt has abducted the World Heavyweight Champion just days before the two are scheduled for a Steel Cage Match this Saturday at Payback for the championship. Ciampa now advances to face former champion TJ Perkins for the Cruiserweight Championship at the Pay Per View. Plus, Women’s World Champion Lacey Evans and Tag Team Champions OvE will each face fresh challengers designed to test them further than they’ve been tested at any point in their titles reins. All that goes down Saturday on Pay Per View. Join us then, but for now, it’s time to sign off.


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