The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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4/29/2020 3:39 pm  #1

HWL Overdrive Episode #39 (04/29/20)

The pyros kick off another weekly episode of HWL Overdrive and tonight and we have a big show planned this evening with two World Championships on the line, both in the men’s and women’s divisions. In addition, the Television title is up for grabs in its weekly defense and we’ll crown new #1 contenders for the tag team and cruiserweight championships, both getting their shots at the title next week.
We kick off the show with Television Champion Sami Callihan making his way to the ring and Finn Balor comes forth to challenge for the title this week.
Match #1 – HWL Television Championship – Sami Callihan vs. Finn Balor
Callihan jumps Balor from behind as he’s taking off his jacket and the match gets under way with the champion pummeling the challenger. Callihan then rakes Balor’s eyes and plants him with an Impaler DDT. Callihan then picks Balor back up and finishes the job with a Cactus Piledriver and covers him for the three count.
Sami Callihan is your winner and STILL the Television Champion. Callihan is then joined by the Tag Team Champions, Dave and Jake Crist, and the three members of OvE hop the barricade and take seats in the front row as Callihan proclaims that they’re going to be keeping a close eye on this next matchup. We’re going to take a quick word from our sponsors, but when we come back, it’s the tag team #1 contender’s match.
Back from the break, OvE has made themselves comfortable with some beers and popcorn in the front row as The Briscoes, Jurassic Express and the Lucha Bros make their way to the ring.
Match #2 – Tag Team #1 Contender’s Triple Threat Match – The Briscoes vs. Jurassic Express vs. Lucha Bros
The Briscoes take exception to OvE’s verbal barbs from the front row and as the match gets under way, they’re down on the floor in the face of the tag team champions. Callihan then tosses beers into both Briscoes’ faces and the Crists jump the barricade and pummel the former champions. In the ring, Luchasuarus capitalizes on the chaos as he lays out Fenix with a Tail Whip and then knocks Pentagon frm the ring apron with a Superkick. Luchasaurus then makes the tag to Jungle Boy and Jungle Boy climbs to the top turnbuckle and steps up onto the big dinosaur’s shoulders before diving off onto Fenix with a big splash and making the cover for the three count.
Jurassic Express picks up the win and will challenge OvE for the tag team championships next week, right here on Overdrive. Security comes out to break up the chaos and get us ready to move on. While they do that, we’re going to take a quick word from our sponsors.
Back from the commercial break and the Women’s World Championship is on the line next as Nyla Rose and Lacey Evans make their entrances.
Match #3 – HWL Women’s World Championship – Lacey Evans vs. Nyla Rose
The two women square off as the match gets under way and Evans rears back her right hand, but as she takes a swing, Rose catches her fist in her hand and then knocks Evans flat with a Headbutt to the jaw. Rose then bounces off the ropes and follows up with a Running Senton and makes the cover, but Evans kicks out for a very close near fall. Rose then pummels Evans and whips her off into the ropes, but Evans comes flying back and tackles the beast with a Flying Lariat. Evans then follows up with an Atomic Leg Drop and makes the cover, but Rose kicks out with authority. Evans puts the boots to Rose as she pulls herself up over by the ropes. Evans then rears back and nails the beast with the Woman’s Right, but Rose drops through the ropes and bounces off the apron and down to the floor. Evans stands back in the corner and wipes her hands as she’s prepared to let this end in a countout, but Rose is able to return to the ring by the count of eight. Evans grabs a handful of hair and pulls Rose back up to her feet and Rose fires back with a flurry of big right hands and then whips the champion into the corner and follows her in with an Avalanche Splash. Rose then follows up with an Overhead Belly-to-Belly Release Suplex and then the beast follows up with a Swagger Bomb and makes the cover, but Evans again kicks out for a near fall. Evans rolls over onto her stomach and tries to crawl away but Rose drives a knee down into her back and holds her in place with it as she pulls Evans’ head up by the hair and pummels the champion with Crossface Forearm blows. Rose then drags Evans to the middle of the ring and sets up for a Powerbomb, but Evans counters into a Hurricanranna, launching the beast upside down and sending her crashing into the corner and she comes down hard on the back of her neck. As Rose struggles to regain her feet, Evans knocks her flat with the Woman’s Right and covers her for the three count.
Lacey Evans is your winner and STILL the Women’s World Champion. We still have two more matches yet to come tonight, including David Arquette’s first title defense against Roderick Strong in our Main Event, but first the cruiserweights take center stage right after this commercial break.
Back from the break, it’s time for a new #1 contender for the cruiserweight division as Jack Gallagher, Drew Gulak and Tomasso Ciampa make their way to the ring.
Match #4 – Cruiserweight #1 Contender’s Match – Jack Gallagher vs. Drew Gulak vs. Tomasso Ciampa
The three men square off as the match gets under way and Ciampa fights off both men and then knocks Gulak flat with a big right hand. Gallagher then goes for a Headbutt on Ciampa, but Ciampa dodges and nails the brit with a Facebreaker. Gulak regains his feet and Ciampa kicks him in the gut and hits him with a Package Piledriver and Gulak rolls out to the floor. Gallagher gets back up to one knee and Ciampa bounces off the ropes and nails him with a Flying Boot to the face. Ciampa then finishes off Gallagher with the Fairy-tale Ending and covers him for the three count.
Ciampa will move on to challenge Humberto Carrillo for the championship next week. That leaves just one order of business to conduct tonight and we’re going to get to it soon as we see a split screen of David Arquette and Roderick Strong making their final preparations for this Main Event. The World Heavyweight Championship is on the line right after this final word from our sponsors.
Back from the break, it’s Main Event time as Roderick Strong and David Arquette make their way to the ring.
Match #5 – HWL World Heavyweight Championship – David Arquette vs. Roderick Strong
The two men tie up as things get under way and Arquette takes the early advantage with a  Hammerlock, but Strong fights him off with a flurry of Elbow Strikes to the side of the head and whips Arquette off into the ropes and connects with a Gamenguri. Strong puts the boots to the champion and then drags him back up before sweeping him up into a Backbreaker. Strong then Gorilla Presses the champion before dropping him into a second Backbreaker and going for the cover, but Arquette kicks out. Strong puts the boots to Arquette and then drags him back to his feet and whips him into the corner. Arquette stumbles back out of the corner and Strong connects with a Back Body Drop. Strong heads up to the top rope as Arquette staggers back to his feet and Strong takes flight with a Flying Knee Smash to the side of the head. The champion is down and out as Strong makes the cover, but Arquette kicks out for an exceptionally close near fall. Strong drags Arquette back up again and throws him back against the corner, but as he stalks in after Arquette and tries to lift a leg up over the middle rope, Arquette fights him off with a flurry of clubbing blows to the back of the neck and then pulls a page out of the Mike Tyson playbook by biting at Strong’s ear. Strong manages to pull himself free without any pieces missing, but he is bleeding from that ear and Arquette charges out of the corner and connects with a Running Dropkick to the knee. Arquette then follows up with a Piledriver and goes for the cover, but Strong kicks out. Arquette puts the boots to Strong as the challenger pulls himself back up and then Arquette drives him back against the ropes with a series of Knife-edge Chops. Arquette sends Strong off into the ropes and slaps on the Sleeper Hold in the middle of the ring, but Strong quickly counters into a Jawbreaker. Strong then whips Arquette off into the ropes and connects with a Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker. Strong then goes for the Sharpshooter, but Arquette frantically kicks him away and Strong falls backward into a seated position in the corner and Arquette charges in and hits him with a Running Knee Smash to the face. Arquette drags Strong back to the middle of the ring and sets up for another Piledriver, but Strong counters as he stands straight up while holding onto Arquette’s legs and then swings him forward as if to go for an Alabama Slam, but as he does, Strong also goes down backward while driving his knees up and turning the move into a Backbreaker and Arquette rolls out to the ring apron in a move that almost definitely saves the title. Strong reaches out through the ropes after him and tries to roll Arquette back into the ring, but Arquette ties an arm up in the ropes to keep his torso out on the ring apron. Strong then pummels Arquette with a flurry of punches to the head instead and opens up a cut above his right eye. Instead of pulling Arquette back into the ring, Strong now pulls Arquette back up to his feet with Arquette on the ring apron facing the floor and Strong inside the ring as Strong fires away with a series of Forearm Shots to the kidneys. Strong then gets a running start and hits Arquette with a Running Knee Smash to the lower back and Arquette flies from the ring apron and crashes into the barricade. Strong goes out after the champion and makes to prepare for a  Sidewalk Slam onto the ring steps, but Arquette turns it around and takes Strong backward into the steps with a Side Russian Leg Sweep. Arquette then follows up with an Implant Buster on the challenger, again driving him into the steps. Arquette then puts the challenger back in the ring and heads up to the top turnbuckle and connects with the Eight-legged Freak Splash and covers him for the three count.
David Arquette picks up the win and remains the World Heavyweight Champion, but had a hell of a time turning away the challenge of Roderick Strong tonight. Like at Spring Stampede, this match clearly took a lot out of the champion. Time will tell how much has been taken out of him by those two matches moving forward and the next time we see him put that belt on the line. Until then, thanks for joining us tonight, but it’s time for us to be signing off.


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