The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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4/28/2020 7:26 pm  #11

Re: Promos for Overdrive #39 (04/29/20)

Jurassic Express

Tribal music plays as cameras focus in on the Jungle. Jungle Boy and Marko Stunt are doing a running exercise. They add in jumps to any areas they see that are bumpy, or any branches.

Narrator: Oh would you look at this. The Jungle Boy and The Babysaurus seem to actually be getting along. This is good, not only for the fact that the Luchasaurus is at home, but also for the fact that these two, this dynamic duo if you will, have a number one contenders match this week. A triple threat match. They face the Briscoe Boys, and the Lucha Brothers, in what is surely to be a clash for the ages.

Jungle Boy and Marko Stunt have now found their way to a beach. They have made a box in the sand with a stick, resembling a ring. They are now wrestling each other.

Narrator: A lot of people see these two as a joke. See that they don't seem to get along. That it would not and will never bode well for them as a team, especially against two sets of brothers..but you see...this is not so. Come Overdrive...these two become the number one contenders, and show that sometimes family isn't always blood.


4/28/2020 7:51 pm  #12

Re: Promos for Overdrive #39 (04/29/20)

David Arquette

Fiesty, I like it...You got some fight in you. Lets me know that you will have a little bit of fight in you until the end. Mister Strong, I know exactly what its like to bleed, sweat and cry...I don't know if you remember but a couple years ago on The Wendy Williams Show, I announced my return to pro-wrestling and when asked why...I know why...Because I was handed a prize in WCW that I didn't deserve...You know it...I know it...the world knows it, and I came back went to those bingo halls, went to the high school gyms, went to the independents so that I could prove myself, I got clean and sober to do I will admit that you did it far longer then myself before you made it big and that is something to be proud of, whether you wrestled one match in front of a WWE Crowd or Main Evented Wrestlemania...You can always say after your hard work, blood,,sweat and tears you made it there...I went back to the grind and ended up back in the HWL and became a Six time world Champion and then a Seven time world champion and now you think I am going to let the Messiah of the Back Breaker take it all away from me? Regardless of what you or anyone else thinks, I have worked hard these past couple years to be a better person, to be a better wrestler and whether you like it or not, I am one of the best the HWL Has to offer and THIS BELT RIGHT HERE PROVES IT...So like I have said before, The Doors of Breakdown Palace are open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week and we serve anyone...but when its all said and done and you have made the ultimate sacrifice...when you have come into the palace and I have Crucified The Messiah...I dont want Mrs. Strong calling me about what I have done to you...Tomorrow night...I show why you Cant Kill David Arquette and I show you and the entire world why I am the HWL World Heavyweight Champion...and why you are just in the shadows of your undisputed era buddies....


4/28/2020 8:02 pm  #13

Re: Promos for Overdrive #39 (04/29/20)

"The Lady of HWL" Lacey Evans

Well Mr. or Miss. Rose whatever one you prefer, that wasn't very ladylike of you...well in fact nothing you is exactly ladylike now is it? Honey, I have heard these speeches before from the likes of Britt Baker and Alexa Bliss and they have each fallen to the wayside everytime they have tried to take or keep this title from me. You see Nyla, I am not hating on you just because you are transgender, I am hating on you because this title right here is for LADIES, and in order to be a lady there is a certain agenda one must have to be a lady, and I am pretty sure being able to urinate while sitting down is on that list somewhere, and as you said yourself you are a "Native Beast" well honey, I am pretty certain that there are no "Beast" with class and manners. This HWL World Ladies Championship is not for little boys who want to play dress-up, this title is not for little boys who put on a little make up and tuck a hot dog away and think they can run this division...this division is For LADIES, and is run by a Lady something that regardless of how many surgeries you have, regardless how feminine your name is, You will never even be close to being a Woman let alone a lady and if you insist on trying me tomorrow night and this Southern bell will show you a little hospitality and allow you in my ring only to knock you out and retain a title that you don't even deserve to be fighting for!!


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