The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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4/16/2020 11:00 am  #1

Promos for Overdrive #38 (04/22/20)

- HWL Television Championship - Sami Callihan vs. Jungle Boy

- World Heavyweight Championship #1 Contenders Match (for title match on Overdrive 39) - Brodie Lee vs. Roderick Strong vs. Joe Coffey

- Women's World Championship #1 Contenders Match (for title match on Overdrive 39) - Mandy Leon vs. Shayna Baszler vs. Nyla Rose

- Humberto Carrillo, Pac & Petey Williams vs. TJ Perkins, Sammy Guevara & Jack Gallagher


4/19/2020 5:21 pm  #2

Re: Promos for Overdrive #38 (04/22/20)

Jungle Boy

Tribal music plays as Jurassic Express is seen in the Jungle. Marko Stunt is on Luchasaurus' shoulders while Jungle Boy is tree surfing.

Narrator: Our trio at home. They have managed to figure out a way social distancing can work in the Jungle and they are currently preparing for another championship match. This time, the Jungle Boy gets his chance.

You see, the Jungle Boy is currently tree surfing. While an unorthodox training regimen, this is how Jack works on his speed. Speed has been proven to be needed when you want the HWL Television Championship, and when you want to stay ahead of Sami Callihan.

Sami is a vicious man, capable of vicious things. Vicious thing though sometimes are no match for speedy things.


4/19/2020 5:29 pm  #3

Re: Promos for Overdrive #38 (04/22/20)

Roderick Strong

For a long time I have been in the shadows. Underutilized, regardless of what I have. What I have in the ring. What I have to give the people. What I have to show the world.

I should have stuck to my guns with the Undisputed Era. I should have stayed away, but alas I did not. That got me nowhere but exactly where I expected to be. Still underutilized. Still in the shadows.

I am likely not the anticipated challenger for the HWL Worlx Heavyweight Championship, same as I am likely not who what expected to be part of a number one contenders match, but that is perfect for me. Perfect for me to show why I need to be utilized. Perfect for me to step out of the shadows.

Perfect for me to get a step closer to show that being Strong is not in every single one of us.


4/21/2020 6:45 pm  #4

Re: Promos for Overdrive #38 (04/22/20)

* oVe camera turns on as we see both Jake and Dave with their newly acquired tag title belts. They are drinking down some Rivertown Beer as they grin with excitement. *

Jake: I told ya Dave didn't I? Those fools didn't know what hit them.

Dave: You damn right Jake. Haha. Now, we hold the gold. And now we get to cause more mayhem along the way.

Jake: Hell yeah. And with Sami holding that TV Title. It's just a matter of time before we take over HWL. And that my friend is....

* Suddenly the doors open wide. It's Sami Callihan with his TV title wrapped around his waist. He's holding an open bottle of Jack Daniel as he guzzles some and then belches. *

Sami: Boys. I feel like we need to drink the night away. Ain't that right?

Jake: I wouldn't disagree with got a match with Jungle Boy.

Dave: And looking how the Jurassic Express work, they plan on taking it from you.

* Sami looks at both of them. They both look worried as he suddenly throws his Bottle against the wall, shattering into million pieces. *

Sami: YOU THINK I CARE! HUH! OF COURSE I CARE. They are the reason I lost the title the first time around. But this time......things are different. We finally found our calling. It's been month since we shown our faces. And now we hold the gold.

* Sami check his pocket and grabs his pack of Newport and light one up. *

Sami: It's quite funny to know, that those bastards got the nerve to challenge me. They think it's just another documentary in the National Geographic channel and they get suddenly have all the scoop on us. AHHHH. WRONG.

* He takes a big puff and blows it to the camera. *

Sami: As far as I know, I'm a two time Television champion. And I intend on keeping this title belt. Whether by hook or crook, I ain't letting no one touch this.

* Jake goes for a touch and gets a shove from Sami. As Jake laughs for a while, but Sami grabs him by the neck. Jake stops laughing while Dave is embarrassed. Sami takes what's left of the cig and looks to aim it to Jake's eye. But he puts the rest of it next to his face. Sami let's go. *

Sami: Tomorrow night, we will put Jurrasic Express on the endangered species list. And it all starts with Jungle Boy. So hope your watching from your rock monitor. Cause I'm about to rock you back to the stone age once I'm done with you.

Dave: Cause we are Ohio.....

Jake: ......By Ohio.

Both: .....FOR OHIO.

* Sami ponder off leaving the Crist Brothers hanging. They follow as the say something on the way out. *

Dave: Unbelievable.

Jake: What? Is it something we did or say?

* Scene ends. *


4/21/2020 6:52 pm  #5

Re: Promos for Overdrive #38 (04/22/20)

* Nyla Rose *

Apparently HWL management saw what I did last week. Now they reward me with another match, but this time for a shot at the Women's title belt. So Shayna. Mandy. You girls better start making your prayers cause tomorrow night I'm taking the both of you into my cave. Once inside, I'm ripping every little bit of hope you ever had in your life and crushing them with my bare hands. The native Beast will not be intimidated by the like of you.

So try as you might, but at the end of the day.....I'm just going to be much bigger, much stronger and above all much more athletic than you 2. Lacey, I'm coming for that belt. Keep it nice and shiny won't you. See ya next week.


4/21/2020 7:00 pm  #6

Re: Promos for Overdrive #38 (04/22/20)

* Shayna Baszler *

Hold on here. Don't count your chickens before they hatch. You think that you are all high and mighty just because you came out on top that little fatal 4 way match you had. Big whoops. I could have done the same thing, and maybe I would have broken an arm or two. This match is my climb back. A few months ago, I let my guard down during that Five Way Stage of Hell and was caught off. Happens to everyone. But now, I'm seeing Mrs. Lacey talking about how to be a lady or how to act like one. And frankly I don't give a fuck.

All I care is making people scream and breaking arms. So unless you got something against me better come in front of me and tell me straight up what your mind has to say about me. Cause the minute you are in that ring with's done. Everyone will see you in that middle ring holding for dear life as I break your freaking arm in two. So whether it be right now, tomorrow or next month.....I'm going to personally make it my mission to become once again the Women's champion. And if you think you got the balls to tell me.... The Queen of right here.


4/21/2020 7:06 pm  #7

Re: Promos for Overdrive #38 (04/22/20)

* TJ Perkins *

Tomorrow I'm competing in a 6 man tag team match. And inside that match at the opposition is the Cruiserweight champion, Humberto Carillo. So I want everyone on my team to know that I'm 100% sticking by my team's side. No matter what. Showing everyone my ability and skills like I do. Day in and day out. No question asked. soon as that match ends. Win or lose. I'm gunning towards you Humberto. For the past week, you have acknowledged only your looks and not your wrestling abilities.

That's why, I'm going make an example out of you. I'll show you what a true man can do in that ring. That belt you have is tainted by the falseness that you are. They deserve a WORTHY champion like me to hold that prestigious cruiserweight belt. Not you. So consider our match a premonition of what's to come in our near future. And it all starts with one Detonation Kick.....



4/21/2020 7:21 pm  #8

Re: Promos for Overdrive #38 (04/22/20)

* Sami Callihan *

This is a direct message to Jungle Boy so pay attention. You're watching me hold this title belt. This isn't some chew toy you can bite into or a piece of decoration to your Jurrasic cave. No. This title means that you come every week not knowing if you'll walk out as the champion. This title means uncertainty in the face of danger. That's what I live for. To live at the edge without having consequences of your actions. And tomorrow night, you'll be the first example of the danger I speak.

Winning the belt is one thing. But keeping it is a whole different ball game. Are you prepare to handle this wait on you? Are you? Cause I don't see it Jungle Boy. All I see is someone wasting another challenger's moment in the spotlight just to grabs everyone's attention. Typical for the three of you. With every said, you don't stand a hell of a chance. I'll prove to the world that winning this title belt the first time was never a mistake.

Jungle Boy. Your time as a comedy goofball ends with me smashing your face into the ground. Over and over and over again. Just like an orchestra of pain. Music to us for sure. So consider this your chance at backing down, cause once the bell rings....mama dino ain't coming to save you.


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