The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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4/15/2020 5:39 pm  #1

Promos for Spring Stampede (04/18/20)

- HWL World Heavyweight Championship - Bray Wyatt vs. David Arquette

- HWL Women's World Championship - Lacey Evans vs. Charlotte Flair

- HWL Tag Team Championship - Private Party vs. OvE

- HWL Cruiserweight Championship - Humberto Carrillo vs. Jungle Boy

- Nick Aldis vs. Luchasaurus

- Marty Scurll vs. MJF

- Daniel Bryan vs. Samoa Joe


4/15/2020 9:32 pm  #2

Re: Promos for Spring Stampede (04/18/20)

David Arquette

One Step Closer...One More Match and I become the World Heavyweight Champion yet again, but "The Fiend" Bray Wyatt stands in my way, and Bray, I have been waiting for this day a long time. You see Bray you got your Firefly Funhouse, and I have to admit it its nice you got the bright colors and you got the puppets and then you have that dark side known as The Fiend who could be lurking around every corner and there is always the invitation of Letting Someone In...and Bray...I come to you at this time, with an invitation for you...I want to invite you to a place that in a way is like your home, like the Firefly Funhouse, its a place where You or anyone can walk through the doors day or night, rain or shine twenty-four hours a day...A Place where I serve everyone, but I don't serve up fun lessons and songs with puppets, I serve up unimaginable pain, suffering, torture and the most horrible things your mind can think of...

You see Bray, People get me all wrong, People come out here night after night and just think I am this Hollywood Actor and that everything is just handed to me on a silver platter, but NAY NAY that is far from the case, Inside this mind I fight with myself every day, I fight my personal demons on the daily, which is why NO ONE Can Kill David Arquette, not even The Fiend...So Bray...I am inviting you to my Home Away from Home...its a place I like to call...Breakdown Palace...The doors always open Bray and at Spring Stampede they are going to be wide open for you Bray, because I serve anyone who walks through those Metaphorical doors...and once you walk through the doors of Breakdown Palace, you don't walk out...You may hobble may waddle out...hell you may even crawl out...but you Walk in and you sure as hell don't walk out...and Spring Stampede...I am not only going to make sure you don't walk out...but I am going to make sure that you don't walk out the HWL World Heavyweight Champion...

I have thought nothing about that title since the day I lost it, Its the first thing on my brain in the morning, the last thing on my brain when I go to sleep at night and I traveled a long road to get back into this position and I am not going to let it slip through my fingers....Bray Wyatt...The Fiend...Husky...Whatever you want to call yourself...You don't have to Let Me In...All you have to do is...Let Yourself Into My Palace....Let Yourself into Breakdown Palace....and Trust Me...I will do the rest....and I will become an Overall...SEVEN Time HWL World Heavyweight Champion!


4/17/2020 3:05 pm  #3

Re: Promos for Spring Stampede (04/18/20)

* Camera lights up and we are in the underground section of the HWL Arena. We see Bray Wyatt face with a serious look. He's sitting in a chair around the backstage area, as the background is almost pitch dark until his neck. *

BW: Hello there Mr. Arquette. I haven't properly introduced name is Bray Wyatt. But don't you worry about a tinsy thing, you can call me anything you wish. I am change man. Indeed I am. Just ask Marty, Velveteen and Kofi. They all saw that I'm not the same man I used to. People in the past saw me is a cult leader, trying to lead the masses into uncertainty. But now...

* He stands up smiling and dancing. He's holding a picture of all his friends at the Firefly Fun House. *

YOWIE WOWIE. Now....I got all my friends back at my place. The Firefly Fun House. Where you never have to feel lonely or sad. Cause at my place, everyone is welcome to enter and do as they please, as long as you all let me light up the way.

* He sets aside the picture and paces a bit. *

BW: Now, if I recall Mr. Arquette. You have a palace. Breakdown Palace. This palace seems to intrigue my interest. Rather than escaping this, I'm tempted to take a peak. Just a tiny speck. Hehe.

* He stops himself and turns around. *

BW: Then you tell me about all the things you do in that house. And that's a big no no. Why? Why? Why? I'll tell you why. And it's simple. Cause everyone I have is back at my house. But....HE wants to see it.

* The camera gives static, as it shows a glimpse of the Fiend. Then comes back to Bray. *

BW: The moment you spoke of your palace. The Fiend wanted to know more. All this pain. Suffering and torture. It brought fire into the eyes of The Fiend. And I'm not the kind of guy to say no to a playdate. So The Fiend accepts the challenge to enter your palace.

* Bray stops and looks closely as highlights of The Fiend shows up while Bray talks. *

BW: But know this Arquette. The Fiend is taking your challenge and HE will walk out that Palace in his own two feet. Dish out everything, including the kitchen sink. That World title belong to all my friends at the Firefly Fun House. And that ain't leaving the shelf anytime soon. But for you Mr. Arquette. You are welcome to come.You just have to.....Let Me In!

* The highlight stops and The Fiend appears. *

The Fiend:.....let me in Arquette. LET ME IN!!!!

* The lights turns off and we hear the Fiend's laugh as camera fades away. *


4/17/2020 4:38 pm  #4

Re: Promos for Spring Stampede (04/18/20)

* MJF *

You all must be wondering why I attack Marty Scurll. Everyone in the lockeroom are surprised to see that I cost that man the chance to return back to the title scene. Everyone is looking at me with a fit of rage. And I love it. Cause finally people can take me seriously. I'm the future of the wrestling world and there ain't a damn thing in this good green Earth that can tell me otherwise. I'm the youngest rising star that any company can have. And this is just the start. What I did to Marty is nothing to what's going to happen this Saturday.

At Spring Stampede, I'm going to run through Marty's soul and run it to the ground. So that his demons and his monster may rest in peace as a new glorious era comes in. The demons you have cannot hurt this greatness I have. Consider this a thank you from me. Cause I will be doing everyone here a favor and I can put down those demons. And you can truly be at peace.....all over the mat. MJF is looking at the glass ceiling and my victory over you will shatter it to millions pieces. As it descend towards the floor and me reaching to my goal on becoming a world champion. Whether it be here or elsewhere, MJF is here to shine.

See ya Saturday Marty. And don't forget to bring your umbrella. As that's going to be the only thing you'll need to walk out once this ordeal is over. Bye bye.


4/17/2020 9:08 pm  #5

Re: Promos for Spring Stampede (04/18/20)

David Arquette

Oh Bray, I hear you loud and clear and I got your RSVP but you forgot to mark Chicken or Fish for the dinner, but that's quite alright we can skip dinner and go right for dessert, I am glad The Fiend  accepts the invitation to Breakdown Palace,and there is no question in my mind that once he arrives...I am no doubt going to Let Him In, In Fact I HAVE To let him in...I have to let him in because that is the only way I am going to get the HWL World Heavyweight Championship Back...That is the only way that I am going to vanquish The Fiend...I admire the confidence on you Bray, you believe The Fiend is going to walk into Breakdown Palace and WALK OUT Of Breakdown Palace...Apparently you weren't paying attention, You walk in yes when I let you in...but you sure as hell don't walk out...You Hobble, you waddle, you crawl...or you get dragged out there is no walking put of Breakdown Palace...this is not The Firefly Fun House Bray...they're no Bright colors, no over eating pigs, no pictures of out dated performers on my walks here...I laid everything out on Front street what Breakdown palace is...Its a place where once you enter, Anything is imaginable, Anything you can do to someone can happen it just all depends on how deep down that rabbit hole you want to go...and judging from The Fiend...I know he wants to go deep...I know I want to go deep...You don't have to keep asking me to Let Him In Bray...He is going to be welcomed through the front doors of my Palace with welcomed arms but once he crosses through those doors, anything I do after that I am not going to be held responsible for...the only thing I will be responsible for is when I take away the HWL World Heavyweight Championship from him, from you...and I leave Spring Stampede with what should have been mine all along...No Need to Let Him In...I say...Come On In!

Come on into Breakdown Palace and witness just what David Arquette can do, I know you are sitting over there in your little fun house and you aren't taking this seriously as I am, but I am as serious as a Heart Attack, you don't become a Seven time World Champion in HWL by not knowing your way around...People my entire life have doubted me and everytime they have doubted me, I have proved them wrong, so if you come to my Palace and don't take this seriously if The Fiend comes to my palace and doesn't take me seriously then without a shadow of doubt in my mind you wont be leaving the HWL World Heavyweight Champion, let alone "walking" out...Breakdown Palace Bray...Its a place I created in my mind so that the most sadistic side of Myself and any body who wants to walk through the doors can be free, you don't have to be a victim in your own mind at Breakdown Palace...and I already know that The Fiend isn't a victim of his own mind which opens up so much potential, and when I am in My Palace, everything that you and the World knows about David Arquette becomes a memory...So Fiend...COME ON IN...I will be waiting...The lights will be left on for you and when I leave with my championship it will be...



4/17/2020 9:19 pm  #6

Re: Promos for Spring Stampede (04/18/20)

"The Lady of HWL" Lacey Evans

Charlotte Flair, so it looks like you got tired of playing with the boys and wanted to come play with a Lady and found yourself in a HWL World Ladies Championship Match, you may think that you have earned this match because Mr. Sugar thinks you were a hell of a Television Champion, but to me that doesn't mean squat, just because you defeated a couple boys for a couple weeks doesn't mean you are qualified enough to be the HWL World Ladies Champion, I run this division with Class and Sophistication and Charlotte honey you just don't quite meet all the parameters to be the HWL World Ladies Champion, it should be No Surprise by now that no woman or girl or female in that locker room can hold a Candle to me, The True Lady of HWL, Just about every women in the HWL that has been put in front of me I have went through, yes even little Miss. Bliss who... 

:Lacey gags a little:

Who lucked herself into a short title win disgracing my title, but you Charlotte, I think you are in way over your head here honey when Mr. Sugar offered you this match you should have kindly declined and waited for another opportunity at that Television Championship you like so much, because I am going to feel heard me...I am going to feel bad when you come all the way to Spring Stampede with only two loses under your belt, two loses to only Miz and some Nasty from Ohio who doesnt deserve to have his name said, and you are going to come all the way to Spring Stampede thinking you actually have a chance to stand toe to toe with The Lady of HWL, Actually Think you have a chance of making this the "HWL World Women's Championship" again...just to come all the way there and make it your third loss in the HWL, and then what happens next Charlotte? How do you recover from that? How do you go from defeating the likes of Drew Gulak, The Big Show, and Others to Losing to I, Lacey Evans...what does that say about you Miss. Flair? 

Come tomorrow night, when The Womens Right knocks you out, we are sure as hell going to find out then now arent we?  


4/17/2020 9:29 pm  #7

Re: Promos for Spring Stampede (04/18/20)

"Pretty Boy" Humberto

Ah yes, Jungle Boy, Jack Perry...the son of nineties HeartThrob Luke Perry...we all know it...We all embrace it...Let me ask you something, Did your father ever tell you about those days when he was a teen heartthrob? When it Dylan-mania, hm? I read about it, Luke Perry was once one of the biggest stars on one of the biggest TV Teen Drama in America that ran for ten years, and that's a hell of a feat and trust me Jack...I know a little something about being a heartthrob...I mean...Look at this face...

:Humberot smiles big for the camera displaying his dimples for a moment:

But The question is, Why didn't that rub off on you there Jungle Boy? Luke Perry was tall...and you not so much, Luke Perry had the nice quaff hair...again you...I don't think so...Luke Perry was beloved by millions when he passed away...and I am pretty sure that when you pass, you will barely be an asterisk in the obituary page, more so, your Tombstone will read... "Here lies Luke Perry's Son...What was his name again?" But I am really digressing from my point, you see, you and I are going to meet ina match tomorrow for my...

:Humberto holds up the title and shines it up for a second:

HWL Cruiserweight Championship, and although I hate to admit it, this right here is the only thing in the world that could compete that is as pretty as I, and Jack with that being you really think I am going to let you get your dirty and stubby little hands on it? You think I am going to let you take this title to that little monster you have to play with in a Sandbox? Wrong, tomorrow night I show the World Not only who the better Cruiserweight is...but also just who is Prettier as well!

:Humberto then kisses the title and winks at the camera and smiles revealing the simples ending the segment:


4/17/2020 9:34 pm  #8

Re: Promos for Spring Stampede (04/18/20)

:The camera shows Marc Quinn and Issah Cassidy in their private bar:

MQ: You ready for tomorrow?

IC: Whats tomorrow?

MQ: Man you been having one two many Vodka Cranberries, tomorrow we defend our Tag Team Title at SPring Stampede against them two White Boys from Ohio!

IC: Oh yeah, I knew that, I just thought you were talking about something important...Marc we defeated the longest reigning HWL World Tag Team Champions out of the blue to win these Tag Team Championships, so tomorrow, Vodka Cranberry, Mai Tai, Cosmo, Pina Colada or Sex on the Beach be damned we are leaving that Stampede unless we are ahead of the Stampede and we are Still the Tag Team Champions!

MQ: Yeah, I'm sure them white boys from Ohio don't know how to party like we do, but tomorrow we throw them a party...a party in the ring, and tomorrow...we serve up a little bit of Gin and Juice!

:Issah and Marc each grab there drinks and toast and take a drink ending the segment:


4/17/2020 10:26 pm  #9

Re: Promos for Spring Stampede (04/18/20)

* Camera are live in the arena, as a message on the titantron is showing set of countdown number. *


* Suddenly all the arenas lights turns off. The titantron then turns on as it shows a message. *

"The following message is brought to you by the Firefly Fun House. Be advised that the following program is viewed discretion advice. We hope you enjoy the following presentation. *

* We see Bray Wyatt in the Firefly Fun House. And he has a table with a blanket over something underneath. *

BW: YOWIEEEEE WOWIEEEE. I'm back again. Did you miss me fireflies?

BW: Oh I'm so glad to here that from you. It warms my little heart. It really does. That's why I brought a special gift to all my fireflies to see and be amazed.

Bray: But don't get too close. It's a big one, and you do not want to be inside. It's only to be observed from a distance. Like this.

* He snaps his finger. Suddenly Bray is seen 5 more feet away from it as he holds a rope. Camera show where the rope leads as it reaches to the blanket. He pulls the rope. And then camera zoom in as we see a big tarantula inside a glass cage. Inside is a little cave, a DVD's from David Arquette where he started in "Eight Legged Freak" and one lightbulb. *

BW: Vouila. It's everything David Arquette has been in the past. All crumbled up into one mesh of his career. You be wondering where I got all these stuff. Well, the spider was s difficult one. Cause of how unpredictable they are. And then I got a spare bulb in the back. But the DVD.....could you believe me where I saw it. Pss.

* He gets close to the camera to whisper. *

BW: If you ask me....ten bucks from Walmart. I don't think it's a good deal. Should have been half-off. Nonetheless.....TA-DA. I  could just see your face bursting with high praise and emotions. But, this wasn't the reason I brought this. I'm here to tell you that everything you have worked so hard in the past and the present will all crumble down. And you have no way of stopping it. Zero. Finito.

* Ramblin Rabbit appears, yet his location of popping out is not the best one. *

RR: Wohh? I though this was a new house for me. Since you destroyed my last one....but apparently this.

* Ramblin Rabbit turns around as he sees the tarantula closing in. *

RR: Whaaaaatttttt? What is that? It doesn't look friendly dude. I'm....I'm....scaaaaareeeedd.

* Bray tries to calm Ramblin Rabbit. *

BW: Listen to me. Just lay low. And maybe he won't do anything violent. So just stay calm dude. I'm going to read this book about spiders. And see what's the solution.

* He opens a book of spider. And Ramblin freaks immediately. *


* Then you see him run around the cage as the tarantula tries biting Rabbit around numerous time to his bodies as he screams and runs with this in the background. *

* Bray is passing the pages slowly with his fingers, while in the background you see Mercy The Buzzare and Husky The Pig doing bets. *

MTB: 20 bucks on him dying by poison.

HTP: I sayeeee 20 on Rabbith getting eat alive.

* Out pops Abby The Witch from her window. *

ATW: 20 for him been tortured on his leg and arms. Then gutted out. Then having the tarantula lay eggs and covering him in webs.

* Both Mercy and Husky laughs. As this betting goes on, Bray finishes reading the last part. But turns around and sees that Abby's prediction was completely right. Mercy and Husky look displeased.

ATW: HA! Pay up boys. You lost.

MTB: You told it was a MALE tarantula.

HTP: Yaaahh. You lieeeydd to us.

BW: It was suppose to be a Male like him. Oh well, apparently we can make some exceptions.

BW: Anyway kids, we learn a valuable lesson today. That is very dangerous to be around eight legged freak. To never run away in fear. And to always have a spare bulb in case of one overheating. But remember kids, that no matter what happens I'll always be there to light the way....all you need to do is....LET ME IN!

* The Fiend pops out in different part of the room. Then comes to Bray and we see the lantern on the side whispering to Bray. *


* the lantern stops murmuring words. He turns to the camera as he looks deep into it. *

BW: Tomorrow everything changes. The Fiend will enter a new world. A palace where there is only pain, suffering and torture beyond anyone's dream. A Breakdown Palace. Where it's said to be impossible to walk out with your feet intact. Tomorrow the Fiend finally enters for his special playdate.

* The room begins to get a red Aurora. As everyone starts to hide in fear. *

BW: Arquette....heaved our warnings. The Fiend is ready....Let me In.

* The room changes to a darker  red as we see The Fiend holding a mega hammer on the floor and his custom title on his shoulder. Making back and forward shots and then closing his eyes. As he opens it and says his first words. *


* He shows his title to the camera. *


* The lights go out and then everyone comes back to normal. Bray is looking around with a shocked face. *

BW: YOWIEEEE WOWIE. For the first time, The Fiend speak. This is truly historic. Yey yey yey. Tomorrow it's going to be the most special playdate ever. Don't you all agree?

BW: I know. This is truly a rare sight. This is marvelous. But anyway, this is the end for us. Till next time guys. Bye bye. See ya tomorrow David. Rawrrrr. Bye.

* Camera fades away with a creepy laugh from The Fiend. *


4/17/2020 10:54 pm  #10

Re: Promos for Spring Stampede (04/18/20)

* oVe is seen in the oVe hideout. Camera zoom in to Dave Christ in a punching bag. And in the other corner we see Jake holding it. *

Jake: Keep it up brother. At this rate, no one could stop us.

Dave: Hehe. You're right. And I proved it on Overdrive when I became the last man standing. But enough small talk. It's time to take a break and direct our attention to what these clowns said about us.

* Jake looks clueless. *

Jake: Say what? Private Party talking smack about us?

* Dave nods in approval. *

Dave: Yeah. Saying there going "to party all over the ring". I'm guessing since all they do is party. Plus giving Ohio a bad rep.

Jake: Is that so? Apparently they don't know who there dealing with. They just think they can waltz their way into our biggest moment. Hell no. Tomorrow they find out what Ohio is about.

Dave: Damn right. Tomorrow night, Sami will see us facing these two alcoholic junkies get kicked to the curved. And by the end of this, everyone will see why we Ohio Strong. Because We are Ohio.

Jake: By Ohio.....

Both: .....For Ohio.

* Jake and the camera crew are seen packing up. Camera is still on as Dave looks confused.  *

Dave: Ah? Why we leaving?

Jake: Don't you see? Everyone from the staff crew wants to leave. We can't be pass certain hours.

Dave: I guess you're right. Social distancing is really important....something Private Party apparently don't know much about.

Jake: Amen my brother. Ohio leaving the building. Peace.

Dave: Deuces.

* Camera gets cut out. As scene fades away. *


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