The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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4/02/2020 2:19 pm  #1

Promos for Overdrive #36 (04/08/20)

- HWL Television Championship - Charlotte Flair vs. Sami Callihan

- HWL Tag Team Championship - Private Party vs. Jurassic Express

- HWL Cruiserweight Championship - Marko Stunt vs. Humberto Carillo

- Brodie Lee vs. Roderick Strong

- Tomasso Ciampa vs. Pac


4/02/2020 8:30 pm  #2

Re: Promos for Overdrive #36 (04/08/20)

"Pretty Boy" Humberto

Marko Stunt...How do you get up every day and look at yourself in the mirror? How do you see someone with that long tattered hair? That horrid face? and not to mention someone with the height of a midget? How do you look at yourself in the mirror and continue to not only go on with your day...but your life? Doesn't it bother you that someone like me, who has dimples that makes the girls melt, hair that flows in the wind, and a body that even the Greek Gods would be jealous of...doesn't it bother you to see someone like myself and then someone like you? Well if it doesn''t, then on Overdrive...I am going to change that...because This Pretty Boy is coming for not only you...but the only thing that you have that could be considered beautiful and that is the HWL Cruiserweight Championship...and and is the only thing that is remotely pretty on you Marko...and that is the only thing I want from you ad that is the only thing I am going to take from you...and when That Cruiserweight title becomes mine not only will I be more Beautiful,More Handsome then I already am...but I will have more money, more Women around me then before...

Marko...Some people write me off as just another pretty face, but if we learned anything from Overdrive, I can also be a contender...a contender for that title that I believe you have held onto just a little bit too long...and on the next OverDrive....I go from Champion!!

:Humberto pulls out a mirror and adjust his hair and then winks at the camera ending the segment:


4/07/2020 3:43 pm  #3

Re: Promos for Overdrive #36 (04/08/20)

* oVe camera turns on as we see Sami Callihan sitting down. *

Sami: After months of waiting, and countless other's finally time. Charlotte Flair aka The Queen. You got something dear to me. You hold that Television title. And for you it could be the most important asset right now, but that title means a lot to me. I'm the inaugural television champion, but I was robbed by the same little runt you took the belt from. Marko Stunt is nothing more than a stepping stone for me. But you, I dare even say you're better than most of the guys and girls in this locker room.....

* The camera gives some static and we then see Sami light up a cig. *

Sami: .....except me. You see Charlotte, you may have been blessed with the genetics of such an icon like your father Ric. And maybe you may have become better than your pops in every sense of the matter. But to me, your nothing then another wrestler that love wrestling as much as the next guy. Not side tracking from what's a stake tomorrow night as I finally get my title shot I deserved.

* He flicks a little bit of the ash on the floor and stands up pacing around the room. *

Sami: Charlotte, our match is not going to be like The Big Show, Mike, or even Marko Stunt. Far from it. Our match tomorrow night will test your breaking point. Cause I'm planning on seeing how far are you willing to hold on to that title belt. Carnage, mayhem, chaos. All this will be demonstrated. So try as you might, but you cannot and will not defeat me like the rest of your pretenders. For once, you'll have a me.

* He flicks the cig off scene as the camera pans to where it got flicked, which was a trashcan as it slowly starts to burn. *

Sami: And don't you worry Charlottle, I'll make sure everyone knows your legacy, as the best women wrestler to ever lose to the sadistically insane, and unstable Ohio native. And no. It won't be Mike. I'll be the Nightmate himself. See ya tomorrow dear.

* Camera fades off as he uses the lid to close it up and sparks of fire come out. *


4/07/2020 5:07 pm  #4

Re: Promos for Overdrive #36 (04/08/20)

Jurassic Express

Narrator: Oh. Hello again. Nice to grace your screens. It is I, the Narrator.

Footage shows Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus running ropes at an undisclosed location.

Narrator: Ahh yes. They are at it again. Here we see the Luchasaurus and the Jungle Boy building up their strength. They have an important match on Overdrive. They face Isaiah Cassidy and Marc Quen, otherwise known as Private Party. You see, the Jurassic Express parties on their own terms. Private parties they are really not fond of, as  they tend to be the most dull. The most pretentious. The most opposite to what they are about.

Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy are then seen practicing tagging each other in.

Narrator: Marc and Isaiah. You may be a Private Party, but the Jurassic Express, they are family. Family holds more true then a party ever will. These two add the tag team Championship to the Jurassic Championship Collection come Overdrive, and that Private Party suddenly becomes an afterthought.


4/07/2020 5:09 pm  #5

Re: Promos for Overdrive #36 (04/08/20)

* Tomasso Ciampa *

Tomorrow night, it's my return since Fully Loaded. It's been over 2 months since I shown my face around. And sadly, you'll have to live with it. Bray Wyatt may hold that world title. But we all know that Goldie is rightfully mine. Still....I'm not going to bore you with me trying to reclaim it and what I plan to do in order to get there. That's why tomorrow night, my actions will speak louder the words once I clash against the bastard known as PAC.

PAC. You made a name for yourself as the toughest son of a bitch this wrestling world has seen before. But I'm a higher class than you no matter what you have accomplish. I'm basically the future of wrestling. And on Overdrive, I'll write you off with a Fairytale Ending that you'll never forget.

Quest for Goldie starts tomorrow night. Wait for me. Daddy coming soon.


4/07/2020 5:20 pm  #6

Re: Promos for Overdrive #36 (04/08/20)

Marko Stunt

Narrator: Narcissism is the pursuit of gratification from vanity or egotistic admiration of one's idealised self image and attributes. This includes self-flattery, perfectionism, and arrogance. The term originated from Greek mythology, where the young Narcissus fell in love with his own image reflected in a pool of water.

Why do I express this definition? Well you see this is to address Mister Carillo. The challenger to the Babysaurus and the HWL Cruiserweight Championship.

Marko Stunt is then seen on screen as he is jogging up and down a hallway, passing a mirror. He stops when he sees his reflection. He gives a startled look, but then a look of anger.

Narrator: The Babysaurus has never been concerned about his look. His look does not define him. His perseverance, resilience and strength, somehow, have brought him to this point. What do you have Mister Carillo? Looks are not and will never be what get you a championship victory. Hell, I am surprised you even got into contendership. Stranger things have happened though, this Narrator guesses.

Marko Stunt now is shown attempting to lift the mirror off the wall. Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy quickly approach, trying to stop him. The Babysaurus then takes the mirror and whips it, smashing it into pieces. He then hops on Jungle Boy's back and once again has him in a headlock, trying to chomp at his hair again.

Narrator: Mister Carillio, the only thing your mirror games have done is cause broken glass and an irate Babysaurus. Once again, looks don't matter to him, luck doesn't matter either. Mister Carillo, I hope you have invested in plenty of moisturizer and hygiene products. You will need them after you fall to the Babysaurus.


4/07/2020 5:24 pm  #7

Re: Promos for Overdrive #36 (04/08/20)

"The Queen" Charlotte Flair

The HWL Keeps lining them up and I will keep knocking them down and the next one up on the chopping block is Sami Calihan, Sami, Sami, Sami some call you the most overrated wrestler on the planet right now, and some once called you the most underrated wrestler on the planet at one time didn't they Solomon Crowe? But to me, you are neither, you are just another person who is going to step inside the ring with not only one of the best Womens Wrestlers in the World today, but one of the best All Round Wrestlers in the World today, look at the list of people I have went through, Big Show, Miz, Drew Gulak the list goes on and on and some paper Phsychopath who spits when he talks is no different to me...When you step inside the ring with the HWL Television Champion, its a Chance, its a opportunity, its a moment to stand across the ring from The Queen and greatness and quite possibly the only time in your life that you will have a moment like that and that's when you turn that switch from ten to eleven, that's when you start driving it like you stole it, because you don't know when or if you are ever going to have this moment again, this moment to step into the ring with someone as great as me...but for me Sami, its not as complexed as that, when I see you standing across the ring from me....Its Just Wednesday...and thats what tomorrow is and its just another title defense for The Queen and another person who is going to bow down to The Queen and retain the HWL Television Championship!



4/07/2020 5:31 pm  #8

Re: Promos for Overdrive #36 (04/08/20)

:The camera shows Marc Quinn and Isaiah Cassidy in their private bar having drinks with the HWL Tag Team Championships on their shoulders:

IC: Boy would you look at that, not only did we shock the world and beat The Briscoes at Fearless, but we became the Tag Team Champions while we are at it and we won a FREE Vacation in the process!

MQ: Whatcha you talking free vacation??

IC: We won a free trip to Jurassic Park tomorrow night!

MQ: Word?

IC: Word, because tomorrow night we defend our title for the first time ever as we take on Luchasarsus and Dylans Kid!

MQ: Dylans Kid?

IC: Man come on, Dylan, from Beverly Hills,90210, the guy the short kid always hanging out with him...

MQ: Ohhhhhh

IC: Not Marko Stunt, the other one....

MQ: Oh Yes....right....Him.... :Takes a sip of Vodka Cranberry:

IC: Listen man, My point is we shocked the word at Fearless when we ended the reign of The Briscoes and this is our chance to start a legacy of our own and the first step in doing so, is defeating the Wish dot com version of Jurrasic Park,and that is something we have to do!

MQ: I hear ya, So Super Dino Brothers, tomorrow night we are bringing the party to you and much like we did with The Briscoes this party ain't gonna stop until we leaving Overdrive still the HWL World Tag Team Champions...

:Quinn and Cassidy toast their drinks and take a sip ending the segment:


4/07/2020 5:41 pm  #9

Re: Promos for Overdrive #36 (04/08/20)

"Pretty Boy" Humberto

Oh Marko, riveting documentary...well at least im sure it was I didn't get to see most of it as I was too busy getting this long luscious hair to look just right for tomorrow night, and I was also trying to figure out which side is better for when they do my first photo shoot as the HWL Cruiserweight Champion. What do you think? Left? Right? That's alright Stunt I will figure it out, but I couldnt help but over hear that you hope I have a lot of Moisturizing and Hygiene products, and Marku you better believe because this....

: Profiles his face:

Just doesnt happen over night, work goes into this, something you obviously don't know about, you see in the world of has an image and their is usually a face and when you think of a face you think of Roman Reigns or a John Cena or an Humberto someone who can wrestle and someone you can put on the posters, someone you can put on the promotional material at the arenas and someone who can be in the movies...and lets face it MArko while you may have the face for a NatGeo special...You don't have the face for Posters,Arenas or Movies...but when you Look at Humberto...You want to put this face,These dimples and this gorgeous hair on all of those...and what better way to spice it up then with that HWL Cruiserweight tomorrow night before you go to the ring, make sure you sanitize that thing no telling where it has been because when I hold that for the first time, I don't want to catch anything that you have had before!!!

:Humberto smiles large for the camera and then winks ending the segment:

Last edited by QuinnMallory (4/07/2020 5:41 pm)


4/07/2020 10:35 pm  #10

Re: Promos for Overdrive #36 (04/08/20)

* oVe camera turns on. We see Sami looking at himself through a mirror. The camera is focus on the reflection. His head is looking down. *

Sami: Most overrated? Never. I'm just a regular Joe in the wrestling world feeding on what's available. Unlike you Charlotte, you have been giving everything in life. Food, shelter, a family and many more. You never lived a miserable day in your life. But me....I didn't have it quite holsum as you think.

* The reflection of him is looking in the camera now. *

Sami - I had to work my ass off day in and day out in the indy scene. Somewhere you would have never understand because of the lifestyle you were growing up. I....had to take from the bus, to trains, to taxi, airplane and even hop along other wrestlers to get to our destination. And amidst all of that, having to deal with both the death of my father and my mother. Basically been alone in this world. Nothing but my back and my sweat. Something you never had Charlotte.

* He turns around and cameras pan on him. *

Sami: All this time you talk about the greatness you possess or the gift you inherit from your father. How does it feel to know you didn't earn it? Huh? HOW DOES IT FEEL CHARLOTTE??

* Sami stops and takes a deep breath. *

Sami: I know the answer to that question and the answer is just Wooooo. A funny catchphrase you stole from your old pop. Trying to woo everyone into believing your the queen of the world. When you just a spoiled queen who can't even fulfill his brother's death. Face it Charlotte. If it weren't for him, you would have never been in this position. Admit it. You almost lived a life where millions of people would die to have. A life where you never had to lift a finger. But then tragedy struck....

* He suddenly shatters the mirror in front of him with his fist. *

Sami: You got the news that your brother Reid overdose on drugs. Something a sibling would never want to hear. So what you did? You took a spotlight of his life and completely 360 it on your favor. Let's face it Flair. You use your power of your name for the sake of yourself. Basically going from the spoil queen to the selfish queen.

* He grabs several pieces of the shatter glass from the mirror and hold it. *

Sami: Tomorrow night, you enter my reality. And a reality where you don't want to be. I don't care if your the best God damn women wrestler in the planet. Or even God's right side. That television title is coming back to me. And unless you can grab a knife and slit my throat, you will never put me down.....

* He squishes it in his hand the shatter glass. As he draws blood out of it and then drops it. *

Sami:....and that I can promise you.

* oVe camera turns off while pointing at the monitor with the blood dripping. *


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