The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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4/01/2020 3:38 pm  #1

HWL Overdrive Episode #35 (04/01/20)

Pyros light up the arena where the HWL once again is brining you Overdrive live from underground during the COVID-19 pandemic. Tonight, three titles are on the line and two champions will find out who they will defend the title again next week in two #1 Contender’s Triple Threat Matches and we’re going to start off with a shot at the Tag Team Titles on the line as Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy from the Jurassic Express, Ray Rowe and Hanson from War Machine (aka the Viking Raiders) and Joe Coffey and Mark Coffey from Gallus make their way to the ring.
Match #1 – Tag Team #1 Contender’s Match – Jurassic Express vs. Viking Raiders vs. Gallus
Jungle Boy, Ray Rowe and Mark Coffey start things off and Jungle Boy nails Coffey with a Spinning Heel Kick. Rowe then tries to hit Jungle Boy with a Knee Smash to the face, but Jungle Boy counters in a Drop-toe Hold. Jungle Boy then hits Coffey with a Hurricanrana, dropping him onto Rowe. Jungle Boy then tags in Luchasaurus and Joe Coffey charges in and eats a Big Boot from Luchasaurus and rolls out to the floor. Hanson goes for a Diving Crossbody onto Luchasaurus, but the big dinosaur catches the big man and drops him with a Sidewalk Slam. Rowe and Mark Coffey stumble back up to their feet and Luchasaurus drops them both with a huge Tail Whip and the impact knocks Rowe through the ropes and out to the floor. Luchasaurus then pins Coffey and picks up the three count as Jungle Boy tackles Hanson to prevent him from breaking it up and the Jurassic Express pick up the win.
Jurassic Express will face Private Party for the tag team titles next week on Overdrive. Our cameras catch up with the champions watching the match from the Vodka Lounge in the back and they are clearly not impressed. The champions party on with a group of female guests in the lounge that is definitely not a proper guideline for social distancing as we take you to a word from our sponsors.
Back from the break, it’s time for our first title match of the night as Charlotte Flair makes her way to the ring and prepares to defend the Television Championship and we find out her challenger this week will be Daniel Bryan.
Match #2 – HWL Television Championship – Charlotte Flair vs. Daniel Bryan
The two square off and Bryan keeps Charlotte at bay with a couple kicks to the leg. Bryan then tries to take Charlotte down by the arm to put her in position for the Yes Lock, but Charlotte powers out of it and turns Bryan inside out with a Short-arm Clothesline. Charlotte then tries to set up for the Figure Four, but Bryan kicks her backward into the corner. Bryan then regains his feet and goes for a Flying Knee in the corner, but Charlotte catches him and counters into a Powerbomb and then follows up with Natural Selection and covers him for the three count.
Charlotte Flair retains the championship and will defend against another challenger next week. In the back, our broadcast colleague is joined by Kofi Kingston, who will challenge Bray Wyatt for the World Heayvweight Championship in our Main Event. Kingston says that lightning struck once at Wrestlemania 35 when he won the WWE Championship. Kingston says that they say lightning never strikes the same place twice. Well, that makes it a good thing this isn’t MetLife Stadium in New Jersey and this isn’t for the WWE Championship tonight because lightning is fixing to strike again and its going to scorch that HWL World Heavyweight Championship right out of the hands of the Fiend and it’ll be time for KofiMania to carry the torch once again. That match is coming up at the end of the night. Coming up next though, Lacey Evans will defend the Women’s World Championship against Leva Bates. Stay tuned because that match is coming up right after the commercial break.
Back from the break, Leva Bates and Lacey Evans make their way to the ring for this Women’s World Championship match.
Match #3 – HWL Women’s World Championship – Lacey Evans vs. Leva Bates
The match gets under way and Leva Bates attempts to quiet the crowd by shushing them, to no effect. She then turns around and walks right into the Woman’s Right and Lacey covers her for the three count.
Lacey Evans is your winner and STILL the Women’s World Champion. With the rapid conclusion of that match, we’re not going to take a commercial break. Instead, Lacey exits and it’s time for a cruiserweight #1 Contender’s Match as Drew Gulak, Finn Balor and Humberto Carillo make their way to the ring.
Match #4 – Cruiserweight #1 Contender’s Match – Drew Gulak vs. Finn Balor vs. Humberto Carillo
The three men circle each other as the match gets under way and Balor tries to waylay Gulak, but Gulak counters with a Back Body Drop, launching Balor out over the top rope and out to the floor where he lands flat on his back with a thud. Gulak then turns and walks into a Hurricanranna from Carillo, who lands on Gulak and reaches back and hooks the leg and scores the three count.
Carillo quickly scoots out of the ring charges up the rampway, leaping up and down in celebration. He advances to face Marko Stunt for the Cruiserweight Championship right here next week. In the back, we see Kofi Kingston walking down a hallway toward the ring. He challenges Bray Wyatt coming up next after this final commercial break.
Back from the break, it’s Main Event time as Kofi Kingston and The Fiend Bray Wyatt make their entrances for this World Heavyweight Championship match.
Match #5 – HWL World Heavyweight Championship – Bray Wyatt vs. Kofi Kingston
The two men square off as the match gets under way and Kingston puts the champion on his heels with a flurry of kicks. Kingston then tries to whip Wyatt across the ring, but Wyatt counters into a Ragdoll Slam. Wyatt then bounces off the ropes and connects with a Running Senton and makes the cover, but Kingston kicks out.  Wyatt goes for another Senton, but this time Kingston drives the knees up into his back. Kingston then hits a Running Dropkick to the side of the head and then another and then a third in a row. Kingston then follows up with the Boom Drop and makes the cover, but Wyatt kicks out. Kingston puts the boots to the champion and then heads up to the top turnbuckle, but Wyatt regains his feet and cuts him off with a flurry of punches to the side of the head. Wyatt then pulls Kingston off the top rope onto his shoulders and connects with a Death Valley Driver. Wyatt nonchalantly covers the challenger, but Kingston kicks out and counters into a Crucifix Pinning Combination and scores a near fall on the champion. The two men pop back up and Kingston connects with Trouble in Paradise, but the champion falls through the ropes and bounces off the ring apron and out to the floor. That means that Kingston, unfortunately, cannot go for the pin right away. Kingston then rolls out to the floor, but instead of trying to put Wyatt back in the ring right away climbs up onto the announce table and connects with the Boom Drop on the floor. Kingston then slowly drags Wyatt back up and rams him face first into the ring post before putting him back in the ring. Kingston then rolls in as the champion crawls to the middle of the ring and tries to stumble back up as Kingston stalks him from the corner. Wyatt regains his feet and slowly turns around as Kingston charges out of the corner and goes for Trouble in Paradise, but Wyatt ducks out of the way and Kingston crashes to the mat and Wyatt hits him with a Running Senton, driving all his weight across the back of Kingston’s head. Wyatt then applies the Mandible Claw to Kingston and drags him back up to his feet, keeping the hold applied as he Chokeslams Kingston. The champion doesn’t stop there as he drags Kingston up once again and delivers another Mandible Chokeslam, this time staying down on one knee with the Mandible Claw still applied as he holds Kingston to the mat and the referee makes the three count.
Bray Wyatt is your winner and STILL the World Heavyweight Champion. Kofi Kingston will not be the one to end the nightmare reign of Bray Wyatt, or at least not tonight as Kofimania falls to the nightmare. Join us again next week to see what happens next, but for now we are signing off.


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