The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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3/18/2020 5:44 pm  #1

HWL Overdrive Episode #33 (03/18/20)

The HWL is live tonight on Overdrive from an undisclosed location to avoid the coronavirus-related lockdowns. Tonight, the new Television Champion will put the title on the line in our Main Event and before that, we have two other matches coming your way, the first of which will have implications for the cruiserweight division at this Sunday’s Fearless Pay Per View.

It’s a No. 1 Contender’s Triple Threat Match to kick off the night as Petey Williams, Sammy Guevara and a returning TJ Perkins make their way to the ring. Perkins ended 2019 as the cruiserweight champion, but did not initially return to HWL to start 2020 and the title was vacated. Now, he has the opportunity to get that title back if he can win this match and win again on Sunday.

Match #1 – Cruiserweight No. 1 Contender’s Match – TJ Perkins vs. Sammy Guevara vs. Petey Williams

The three men square off as the match gets under way and Perkins and Guevara get into a shoving match and then Perkins slaps Guevara across the face. Williams then boots Guevara in the gut and hits him with the Canadian Destroyer and Guevara rolls out to the floor. Perkins nails Williams in the back of the head with a Spinning Heel Kick and then hoists him up onto his shoulders and puts him out with the Detonation Kick and covers him for the three count.

Just like that, TJ Perkins will move on to challenge Cruiserweight Champion Marko Stunt for the title on Pay Per View this Sunday. Speaking of this Sunday, Velveteen Dream will challenge Bray Wyatt for the World Heavyweight Championship at the event. Coming up after this commercial break, we will see the Dream in tag team action just days before he attempts to lift the HWL out of the nightmare clutches of The Fiend.

Back from the break, Marty Scurll and Adam Cole make their entrances, as do the Velveteen Dream and David Arquette for this tag team encounter.

Match #2 – David Arquette & Velveteen Dream vs. Adam Cole & Marty Scurll

The match starts off and right away, Cole and Scurll can’t decide who is going to start off and Scurll whacks Cole across the skull with his umbrella and rolls out to the floor as Dream, who started off for his team, hoists Cole up and delivers a Dream Valley Driver. Dream then makes the tag to Arquette and both men head up to the top rope and Dream takes flight first and drops a big Macho Man Elbow to Cole’s heart. Dream quickly rolls out of the way as Arquette follows up with the Eight-legged Freak Splash and covers Cole for the three count.

Dream picks up more momentum as we head to the Pay Per View, but will it be enough to stand in the way of The Fiend, who won the World Heavyweight Championship from Scurll last week in his HWL debut? Find out this Sunday. For now, The Miz, or Mike Mizanin as he prefers here, is headed to the ring for our Main Event. He defends the Television Championship right after this final word from our sponsors.

Back from the break, The Miz makes his way to the ring and it is revealed that he will be challenged by Finn Balor, the former Cruiswerweight Champion.

Match #3 – HWL Television Championship – The Miz vs. Finn Balor

Balor hits a Running Dropkick as the match gets under way, knocking Miz back against the corner. Balor then gets a running start and charges into the corner for a Flying Lariat, but Miz sidesteps and propels Balor into the corner and his legs go over the middle rope on opposite sides of the ringpost, which as you can imagine does not result in a favorable outcome for his sensitive bits. Miz then drags Balor out of the corner and into a Skull-crushing Finale and covers him for the three count.

The Miz is your winner and STILL the Television Champion as one week after upsetting Charlotte Flair for the title, he successfully defends his prize for the first time. Who will step up to challenge Miz next week? And will the Dream Era begin or the Nightmare Era of The Fiend continue this Sunday. Tune in next time to find out, but for now it is time for us to sign off.


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