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3/04/2020 9:17 pm  #1

HWL Overdrive Episode #31 (03/04/20)

Pyros light up the HWL Arena in St. Louis as we kick off this week’s episode of Overdrive. Tonight, just one week after a successful title defense in a Triple Threat, the Briscoes are putting the title back on the line again and that’s where we start our program as OvE’s Dave and Jake Crist and The Briscoes make their way to the ring.
Match #1 – HWL Tag Team Championship – The Briscoes vs. OvE
Mark Briscoe and Dave Crist start things out for their respective teams and Mark knocks Dave flat with a Headbutt and Dave retreats to his corner and tags in his brother Jake. Jake tries to springboard in off the top rope and fly at Mark, but Mark catches him coming with a Powerslam and then makes the tag to Jay and Jay charges in and connects with a Running Senton as Mark delivers an Atomic Leg Drop. Jay then makes the cover, but Dave comes diving in for the save. Jay kicks Dave in the gut and delivers the Jay Driller on Dave onto Jake. Jay tags Mark back in and hoists Jake up onto his shoulders and the Briscoes deliver the Doomsday Device and pick up the three count and the win.
Another successful defense for the Briscoes and in the back our broadcast colleague catches up with David Arquette, who despite receiving a random chance at becoming the No. 1 Contender for the Cruiserweight Championship tonight, but he’s up in arms about not having a World Heavyweight Championship match instead. Our broadcast colleague suggests that maybe Arquette could hold both the Heavyweight and Cruiserweight titles at the same time, but he’s too busy going through his rant and maintaining his focus only on Marty Scurll and his challenger later this month on Pay Per View, the Velveteen Dream before storming off as we take you to this word from our sponsors.
Back from the break, it’s Television Championship time as Charlotte Flair makes her way to the ring. The Queen is on a run of three straight championship defenses and this week she will be opposed by Drew Gulak.
Match #2 – HWL Television Championship – Charlotte Flair vs. Drew Gulak
Champion and challenger square off as the match gets under way and Charlotte goes for a Big Boot, but Gulak ducks and catches her foot on the top of his shoulder before sweeping her other leg. Gulak transitions quickly into an STF Submission, but Charlotte drags herself to the ropes to force a break. Gulak hammers Charlotte with a series of Double Ax-handle blows to the back of the neck. Gulak then bounces off the ropes and connects with a Running Knee Smash to the side of the head and goes for the cover, but Charlotte quickly kicks out. Gulak tries to trap her in a Crossface, but Charlotte rolls through and then mounts Gulak and pummels him with a flurry of Forearm Shivers. Charlotte then drags Gulak up and hurls him backward into the corner and elbows him in the face. Charlotte then Hip Tosses Gulak across the ring and follows up with a Running Snapmere. Gulak stumbles back up to his feet and Charlotte delivers a Snap Suplex. She then bounces off the ropes and connects with a Knee Drop across the face and makes the cover, but Gulak kicks out for a near fall. Charlotte drags Gulak back up and sets up for a Powerbomb, but he counters into a Back Body Drop. Gulak then bounces off the ropes, but Charlotte surges up off the mat and connects with a Spear. She then goes for the Figure Four, but Gulak counters into a Small Package for a near fall. Gulak then ducks a Big Boot from Charlotte as they regain their feet and hen delivers a German Suplex and bridges up into a cover, but Charlotte kicks out.  Gulak then tackles her backward into the corner and delivers a flurry of Shoulder Thrusts to the gut. Gulak then whips Charlotte across the ring into the opposite corner and charges after her, but Charlotte rebounds out of the corner and flattens him with another Spear. Gulak slowly rolls over and tries to pull himself back up, but before he can regain his feet, Charlotte follows up with Natural Selection into the cover and picks up the three count.
Charlotte is your winner and once again STILL the Television Champion. In the back, we see a split screen of Lacey Evans and Britt Baker going through their pre-match preparations for the Women’s World Championship match tonight. That’s coming up later in our Main Event. We’re going to take a quick commercial break and when we come back it is time to determine a No. 1 Contender for the Cruiserweight Championship.
Pete Dunne, Angel Garza and a visibly angry David Arquette make their entrances for this Triple Threat Match in which the winner will challenge Marko Stunt for the Cruiserweight Championship.
Match #3 – Cruiserweight #1 Contender’s Match – Pete Dunne vs. Angel Garza vs. David Arquette
Dunne and Garza square off as the match gets under way and Arquette stands back in the corner, caring not at all what happens. Dunne pummels Garza and connects with a Snap Suplex. He warily eyes Arquette as he makes the cover and Arquette cheers him on, but Garza kicks out. Dunne gets back up and puts the boots to Garza. Dunne then pulls Garza back up, but Garza counters into a Facebreaker. Arquette turns his back on the action and Garza tries to roll him up from behind in a Schoolboy, but Arquette hangs onto the ropes and pushes Garza arm away. Arquette then turns to face Garza and the two go nose to nose, but then Dunne shoves Garza into Arquette and rolls Garza up for a near fall. Arquette angrily takes the turnbuckle cover off the top rope in that corner and then knocks both Garza and Dunne flat with a Double Clothesline. Arquette then hoists Dunne up and drops him face first, Snake Eyes style across the exposed steel. Arquette then turns back to Garza, who tears away his outer pants and throws them into Arquette’s face. Garza then charges Arquette, who remains blinded by the pants now covering his head, and Arquette on instinct alone counters with a Back Body Drop that launches Garza out over the top rope and to the floor and Garza crashes to the floor hard and crashes into the barricade. He rolls around on the floor, clutching his shoulder, which may be dislocated. Arquette struggles to free himself from the tearaway pants, but can’t seem to free himself as he trips over Dunne and crashes head first into the exposed steel turnbuckle. Arquette then falls over backward onto Dunne and the referee makes the three count.
David Arquette is your winner and will face Marko Stunt for the Cruiserweight Championship next week on Overdrive. Arquette manages to free himself from Garza’s pants and tosses them out to the floor in disgust. Arquette then flips out when he is informed that he won the match and tells the referee he doesn’t want it. The referee tries to raise Arquette’s hand, but Arquette rips his arm away and tells him to overturn the decision, but the referee has no grounds to do so as Arquette made a clear and incontrovertible cover for a three count on Pete Dunne. Arquette storms off to the back in disgust and we’re going to take one final commercial break tonight. When we come back, it’s the Main Event.
Back from the break, Britt Baker and Lacey Evans make their way to the ring for this Main Event for the Women’s World Championship.
Match #4 – HWL Women’s World Championship – Lacey Evans vs. Britt Baker
Baker and Evans tie-up as the match gets under way and Evans takes the challenger back into the corner, but then very ladylike offers up a clean break. Baker warily makes her way back to the center of the ring and the two circle each other before tying up again. This time, Baker backs Evans into the corner and she makes a big show of giving the champion a clean break also. The two join together one more time, but this time Evans executes a standing switch to take Baker’s back and then Bodyslams her into the mat. Evans then works her way into a Side Headlock, but Baker battles back up to her feet and knocks Evans off her with a series of Elbow Strikes to the gut. Baker then bounces off the rope and charges at Evans, but Evans Leap Frogs her and then deliver a Dropkick to the back that pitches Baker forward into the corner. Baker turns around into a boot to the gut and then Evans follows up with a Northern Lights Suplex and bridges up into the cover, but Baker kicks out at one. Evans puts the boots to the challenger and then drags her back up by the hair, but Baker counters into a Jawbreaker. Baker then tackles Evans into the corner and delivers a series of Shoulder Thrusts to the gut, which she punctuates with a hard Elbow Smash to the jaw. Baker then sets up for a Vertical Suplex, but Evans blocks it. Baker tries again, but Evans blocks it again. Baker tries a third time, but is again blocked and this time Evans follows up with a Swinging Neckbreaker. Evans then follows up with an Atomic Leg Drop and makes the cover, but Baker kicks out. Evans then goes for a Standing Moonsault, but Baker rolls out of the way and Evans crashes to the mat. Baker bounces off the ropes and follows up with a Running Dropkick to the jaw. Baker then bounces off the ropes and connects with another Running Dropkick to the jaw. Baker then tries to apply the Lockjaw, but Evans ties her leg up in the ropes before she can get it locked it. Baker delivers some Elbows to the jaw though before giving the break. Evans slowly regains her feet and Baker fakes high, which Evans goes to block, but then Baker kicks her knee out from under her instead. Baker then follows up with an Impaler DDT and rolls the champion into the cover, but Evans kicks out for an incredibly close near fall. Baker heads up to the top turnbuckle as Evans slowly battles back up to her feet and Baker zeroes back in on the jaw as she goes for a Missile Dropkick to the face, but Evans ducks and Baker crashes to the mat. Evans then grabs Baker by the legs and takes her for a Swing, Cesaro style, as the crowd counts along. 1… 2… 3…. 4… …. 15… 16… 17… … 22… 23… 24… and finally 25 rotations before dropping the challenger to the mat and stumbling on wobbly legs to the corner. Evans regains her bearings as Baker stumbles back up to her feet and Evans charges out of the corner for a Spear, but Baker catches her coming with a Knee Lift to the jaw and then takes Evans down into the Lockjaw. Evans is trapped in the middle of the ring, but refuses to give it up. The referee checks on Evans, who seems on the verge of passing out, but gets her second wind just in time to prevent the referee from stopping the match. Evans begins to slowly struggle toward the ropes, stretching out with her leg, but she can’t quite reach. Baker then starts to work her hand into Evans’ mouth to take the Lockjaw to its conclusion, but Evans bites down hard on her fingers and kicks off from the ropes, rolling Baker over onto her back with Evans on top of her and Baker has to let go to prevent a pinfall. Baker nails Evans with a Running Knee Smash to the jaw before she can get all the way back to her feet. Baker then sets up for the Angel’s Wings, which she calls the Baker Buster, but Evans counters by tackling Baker backward into the corner. Evans then steps back and takes a big swing at Baker with the Woman’s Right, but Baker ducks out of the way and slips behind Evans, cinching her around the waste. Baker tries to hoist Evans up for a slam, but Evans manages to hook her leg behind Baker’s to block it. Evans then situates her head under Bakers as she drops to the mat, driving her own head up into Baker’s jaw. Baker stumbles back off the ropes before rebounding back toward the middle of the ring and walks right into the Woman’s Right. Evans makes the cover and gets the three count.
Lacey Evans is your winner and STILL the Women’s World Champion. Evans seems destined to roll onto our next Pay Per View, where she will defend against Sasha Banks. Until then, we have more episodes of Overdrive coming your way every Wednesday. Join us again next week for more HWL action, but for now we are signing off.


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