The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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2/19/2020 5:11 pm  #1

HWL Overdrive Episode #29 (02/19/20)

Pyros light up the HWL Arena in St. Louis as we kick off this week's episode of Overdrive as tonight we get straigh to the action as Wolfgang and Mark Coffey of Gallus and Kofi Kingston and Big E of New Day make their way to the ring for our first scheduled match.

The match doesn't even have time to get under way before Big Show's music hits. The giant makes his way to the ring and steps in toe-to-toe with both Mark Goffey and Big E and immediately Chokeslams them both. Big Show then drops Wolfgang with a Knockout Punch, knocking him from the ring apron to the floor. Kingston comes in behind Big Show and tries to hit him with Trouble in Paradise, but Big Show catches him and Bodyslams him onto Coffey and Big E. Big Show then drags Kingston up by the throat and takes him through the ropes and out to the ring apron and then Powerbombs him from the ring apron through the announce table. Big Show then takes a chair and slides into the ring as both Coffey and Big E stumble back up and he cracks both of them across the back, knocking them both through the ropes and out to the floor. Big Show then sets up the chair in the middle of the ring and demands a microphone. Big Show then takes the mic and sits in the chair and proclaims he's not waiting around for his title match tonight and nothing else is happening until he gets it.

With this new development, is anybody going to be able to move the Big Show or is our Television Championship coming up next? Find out after this commercial break.

Back from the break, the Television Champion Charlotte Flair has yet to arrive at the arena. Andrade and Aron Stevens are scheduled to go on next and Stevens comes out, mic in hand, and demands that this oversized interloper remove his ignominious posterior from the ring posthaste. Big Show feigns like he is going to exit, giving the ring to Stevens, but instead wrestles Stevens' head down onto the chair and sits on him as Stevens flops around comically. Andrade now comes charging down to the ring and springboards in off the top rope to fly at Big Show, who gets up off Stevens and Andrade crashes into the chair. Steven quickly rolls out to the floor and retreats to the back and Big Show takes Andrade and Chokeslams him onto the chair, crumpling it flat. Big Show then tosses Andrade out to the floor and continues to hold the ring against all comers. Daniel Bryan and M.V.P. are due to have their match next, but they're seen in the back refusing to go to the ring. Bunch of wussies. In the parking lot, we finally see Charlotte Flair arriving at the arena. It looks like our title match is coming up next after this commercial break.

Back from the break, it's time as the Television Champion, Charlotte Flair, makes her way to the ring.

Match #1 - HWL Television Championship - Charlotte Flair vs. Big Show

The match gets under way and Charlotte hits Big Show with a Running Dropkick to the knee and then follows up with a DDT and goes for the cover, but Big Show kicks out. Big Show pulls himself back up to one knee and Charlotte tries to Boot him in the face, but Big Show catches her foot and sweeps her other leg out from under her, knocking her to the mat. Big Show then tries to rebound off the ropes, but Aron Stevens is back and reaches in to grab him by the ankle, impeding his progress. Big Show reaches down and grabs Stevens by the hair and pulls him up into the ring. Big Show sets up for a Chokeslam on Stevens, but is interrupted by a Spear from Charlotte and the impact knocks Stevens down and sends him rolling back out to the floor. Charlotte then heads up to the top turnbuckle and follows up with a Moonsault. Charlotte then bounces off the ropes as Big Show rolls over and tries to get back to his feet and then she connects with Natural Selection and makes the cover for the three count.

Charlotte is your winner and STILL the Television Champion and even though Big Show ruined most of the show tonight, he got his comeuppance in the end and we show again tonight that Overdrive is completely unpredictable each and every week. Join us again next Wednesday, but for now we're signing off.


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