The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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2/12/2020 6:53 pm  #1

HWL Overdrive Episode #28 (02/12/20)

Pryos light up the HWL Arena in St. Louis as we kick off this week’s episode of Overdrive and tonight, the Heavyweight and Cruiserweight titles are both on the line as the champions defend the gold just days before the Fully Loaded Pay Per View on Saturday. Also, Dolph Ziggler becomes the first to step up and challenge Charlotte Flair for the Television Championship and that’s where we start tonight as Ziggler and the champion make their way to the ring.
Match #1 – HWL Television Championship – Charlotte Flair vs. Dolph Ziggler

Champion and challenger square off as the match gets under way and Charlotte tries to tie up with him, but Ziggler knees her in the gut. Ziggler then whips Charlotte into the corner and charges in after her, but Charlotte moves out of the way and Ziggler crashes into the corner. Charlotte then smashes him in the side of the head with an Elbow and delivers an Inverted Atomic Drop and Ziggler bails out of the ring to the floor. Charlotte exits the other side of the ring and charges around the corner and nails Ziggler with a Spear on the floor. Charlotte then drags Ziggler back up and tosses him back into the ring. Charlotte heads up to the top rope, but Ziggler cuts her off and knocks her feet out from under her, crotching her on the top turnbuckle. Ziggler then climbs up after her and delivers a Superplex and makes the cover, but Charlotte kicks out. Ziggler drags Charlotte back up by the tights and tries to throw her through the ropes in the corner to ram her shoulder into the ring post, but Charlotte is able to stop herself. She turns around and Ziggler goes for a Superkick, but she ducks and cinches him around the waist and Bodyslams him to the mat. Charlotte bounces off the ropes as Ziggler sits up and Charlotte drills him with a Running Boot to the face. She then follows up with Natural Selection and then puts him in the Figure Four before bridging up into a Figure Eight and Ziggler is forced to tap out.

Charlotte Flair is your winner and STILL the Television Champion. In the parking lot we see Tomasso Ciampa arriving at the arena. The man that never lost the World Heavyweight Championship returns tonight in a #1 Contender’s Match against Luchasaurus with the winner advancing to challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship Saturday at Fully Loaded. Stay with us because after the break, Ciampa and Luchasaurus is coming up next.

Back from the break, Luchasaurus and Tomasso Ciampa make their way to the ring for this #1 Contender’s Match. The winner will face either David Arquette or Marty Scurll for the World Heavyweight Championship at Fully Loaded.

Match #2 – Heavyweight #1 Contender’s Match – Luchasaurus vs. Tomasso Ciampa

The two men square off as the match gets under way and Luchasaurus tires for a Bicycle Kick, but Ciampa dodges out of the way and connects with a Reverse DDT. Ciampa then bounces off the ropes and tries for a Leaping Elbow Drop, but Luchasaurus rolls out of the way and Ciampa crashes to the mat. Luchasaurus bounces off the ropes as Ciampa regains his feet and the big dinosaur flattens him with a Spinning Heel Kick. Luchasaurus then follows up with a Standing Moonsault into the cover, but Ciampa kicks out. Luchasaurus decides to take it up a step higher then as he heads up to the top turnbuckle and goes for another Moonsault, but Ciampa rolls out of the way and Luchasaurus crashes to the mat. Ciampa follows up with a Knee Strike to the jaw and then follows up with a Piledriver and makes the cover, but Luchasaurus is able to get his foot up on the bottom rope. Ciampa then tries to drag the big dinosaur back up for another one, but Luchasaurus counters into a Jawbreaker. He then tries to follow up with a Tail Whip, but Ciampa ducks. Ciampa then kicks him in the gut and connects with the Fairy-tale Ending and covers him for the three count.

Ciampa has earned his place in the World Heavyweight Championship match at Fully Loaded. Ciampa grabs a microphone and proclaims that Daddy’s Home. He says he has come back to claim what is rightfully his and that no sawed off overpaid umbrella wielder and no has been actor looking for any chance to stay in the spotlight and cash a paycheck is going to stand in his way. On Saturday, Ciampa says one of them will fall to the Blackheart and he will bring the title back home. Ciampa then spikes the microphone and stalks off to the back and we take you to a word from our sponsors.

Back from the break, our broadcast colleague is standing by with the World Heavyweight Champion, David Arquette. Arquette says what you just saw from the break was an example of how little anybody understands him and why he’s here. Arquette says for someone who was a washed up actor to step into an Elimination Chamber and defeat not one, two, three, four or even five other men, but six. Arquette says he’s not here for a paycheck because he’s got Friends money, bitch. Arquette says there’s only one reason he’s here, and that’s to win.
Arquette stalks off to finish getting ready for the Main Event. But first we have the matter of the cruiserweight championship to settle as we head to the ring as Jack Gallagher and Finn Balor make their entrances.

Match #3 – HWL Cruiserweight Championship – Finn Balor vs. Jack Gallagher

The two men square off and Balor, the champion, charges across the ring and knocks Gallagher backward into the corner with a Running Dropkick. Gallagher then stumbles back out of the corner and Balor bounces off the ropes and takes him down with a Running Bulldog. Balor then drags Gallagher back to his feet by the hair and hurls him into the corner with a Buckle Bomb. Balor then follows up with a Brainbuster and heads up to the top turnbuckle and connects with the Coup de Grace and makes the cover for the three count.

Finn Balor is your winner and STILL The Cruiserweight Champion. Only one matter of business remains unsettled tonight and that’s our Main Event. It’s coming up next after this final word from our sponsors, so stay tuned.

Back from the break, it’s Main Event time as Marty Scrull and the World Heavyweight Champion, David Arquette, make their entrances.

Match #4 – HWL World Heavyweight Championship – David Arquette vs. Marty Scurll

The two men tear into each other as the match gets under way and Arquette presses Marty back against the corner, but Scrulls turns the tables and unleashes a barrage of Knife-edge Chops. Marty then Monkey Flips Arquette out of the corner. He then bounces off the ropes and goes for a Running Knee Smash as Arquette regains his feet, but Arquette dodges and pins Marty in a Backslide for a near fall. Arquette then connects with a knee to the gut as both men rush back to their feet and then Clotheslines Scurll out over the top rope and out to the floor. Arquette then goes out to the ring apron as Scrulls stumbles back up and Arquette goes for a Cannonball Senton to the floor, but Scrull counters into a Powerbomb. Scurll then frantically drives Arquette up and tosses him back into the ring before heading up to the top turnbuckle. Scurll then steps off the turnbuckle and connects with a Double Footstomp down onto Arquette’s face and then makes the cover, but Arquette shoots his arm up at the last second for a near fall. Scurll pummels Arquette with a series of Crossface Forearms and calls for the Chicken Wing. As Arquette slowly fights his way back up to his feet, Scurll comes in from behind and tries for his signature submission, but Arquette slips free and connects with a Pele Kick. Arquette then takes Scurll up into a Tilt-a-Whirl Powerbomb and holds him in the landing position for a pin attempt, but Scurll claps his legs together over the sides of Arquette’s head to break it up for a near fall. As both men get back to their feet, Scurll goes for a Discus Clothesline, but Arquette ducks and connects with a Superkick and Scurll drops down to one knee. Arquette then follows up with the SlingShot and makes the cover, but Scurlls kicks out for a very close near fall. Arquette puts the boots to Scurll and then heads up to the top turnbuckle, but Scurll lunches against the ropes, crotching him on the top turnbuckle. Scurll then follows up with a Frankensteiner out of the corner and then slaps the Chicken Wing on a prone Arquette in the middle of the ring. Scurll keeps the hold applied as Arquette frantically tries to buck his way free, unsuccessfully. Scrull keeps the hold applied and is able to keep Arquette in the center of the ring for roughly 90 seconds before Arquette is finally able to start gaining some traction as he crawls toward the ropes with his free arm. He refuses to tap out, but is nearly completely devoid of energy as he finally reaches the ropes to force a break. Scurll drags Arquette back to the center of the ring and tries to lock in the Chicken Wing again, but Arquette counters into a Jawbreaker. Arquette can’t pull himself all the way back to his feet, but he is able to get to one knee as Scrull starts to recover and the two men trade punches from their knees before Scurll delivers a Headbutt. Scurll then bounces off the ropes and goes for a Running Knee Smash to the nose, but Arquette ducks and trips him up with a Drop Toe-hold. Arquette then applies a Crossface Submission and now its Scurll who has to try to crawl his way to the ropes. Scurll makes quicker progress as Arquette, nearly spent, can’t slow his pace effectively. Scurll reaches the ropes, but instead of grabbing on to break the hold, pushes off from the bottom rope with his boot, allowing him to push over onto his back, pinning Arquette beneath him. Arquette refuses to release the hold, even as the referee counts his shoulders down for the three count.

Arquette still keeps the crossface applied, even as the bell rings and rings and rings, even after Scurll goes limp. Referees are finally able to pull them apart and Arquette goes ballistic as Scurll is awarded the title and proclaimed the winner and NEW World Heavyweight Champion. Arquette, reinvigorated by pure fury, fights his way through security and pulls Scurll limply up to his feet by the tights and Piledrives him onto the championship belt before security is able to force Arquette down and pull him out of the ring and take him to the back. Another unpredictable end to another episode of Overdrive and this completely changes the scope of the World Heavyweight Championship match this Saturday at Fully Loaded. Join us then, only on Pay Per View, and be sure to come back again next week for another episode of Overdrive. For now, it’s time to sign off.


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