The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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2/05/2020 7:58 pm  #1

HWL Overdrive Episode #27 (02/05/20)

Pyros light up the HWL Arena in St. Louis as we kick off this week’s episode of Overdrive and tonight we have a loaded show with three championships on the line, plus a #1 contender’s match for the World Heavyweight Championship with the winner moving on to challenge David Arquette for the title next week. On top of that, a semifinal match in the Mixed Tag Team Tournament where the winners will advance to face Samoa Joe and Shayna Baszler in the finals at Fully Loaded a week from Saturday.

We’re starting off with gold on the line right away as Marko Stunt and Charlotte Flair make their way to the ring as Stunt looks for his third consecutive title match victory.

Match #1 – HWL Television Championship – Marko Stunt vs. Charlotte Flair

Stunt starts the match by doing the floss dance, but then suddenly lunges at Charlotte only to catch an elbow to the face. Charlotte then quickly goes for the cover, but Stunt kicks out and rolls through into a Crossface Submission. However, the little guy isn’t able to hold Charlotte down as she overpowers him and climbs back to her feet before swinging him into the corner, smashing the side of his head into the middle turnbuckle, breaking the hold. Charlotte then drags Marko up by the hair and delivers a Snap Suplex and makes the cover, but the little guy kicks out. Charlotte then tries to pull Stunt back up again, but Stunt fires back with a flurry of punches to the mid-section. Stunt then bounces off the ropes and hits Charlotte with a Running Dropkick to the knee. Stunt then follows up with a DDT. As Charlotte tries to pull herself back up to her feet, Stunt connects with a Shining Wizard and Charlotte topples over into a seated position in the corner. Stunt gets a running start and charges in with a Bronco Buster and bounces up and down on Charlotte several times before she powers her way back up to her feet, taking the Babysaurus with her and then driving him into the mat with a Powerbomb. Charlotte then makes the cover, but Stunt shoots his shoulder up at the last possible second. Charlotte now looks to end things with the Figure Four Leglock, but as she’s circling to apply the hold, Stunt counters into a rollup for a near fall. The two rush back up to their feet and Charlotte goes for a Big Boot, but Stunt ducks out of the way and springboards off the ropes on the other side of the ring and takes flight at Charlotte, but the Queen turns and Spears him out of mid-air. Charlotte then follows up with Natural Selection and makes the cover for the three count.

Charlotte Flair is your winner and the NEW Television Champion, ending the surprising run of the Babysaurus. Charlotte celebrates with the title as Jungle Boy comes out to console his small friend, the former champion. In the back, we see The Briscoes headed to the ring. More titles are on the line next as The Briscoes face the Street Profits.

Back from the break, Angelo Dawkins and Montez Ford and The Briscoes make their way to the ring for this tag team championship encounter.

Match #2 – HWL Tag Team Championship – The Briscoes vs. Street Profits

The four men square off as the match gets under way and Mark knocks Dawkins through the ropes and out to the floor with some Redneck Kung Fu. Jay then whips Ford into the corner, but Ford leaps up to the middle turnbuckle and then turns and flies back at Jay and Mark with a Flying Crossbody, but the Briscoes both catch him. Jay, who has the legs, then hurls Ford out in a circle as Mark holds on and as Ford swings out away from Jay, Mark drives him into the mat with a DDT. Jay then follows up with the Jay Driller and then dives out to the floor, nailing Dawkins with a Suicide Dive as Mark comes off the top rope and hits Ford with a Froggy ‘Bow and covers him for the three count.

The Briscoes retain the titles and make their way to the back and with the small amount of time that match took, we not going to go to a commercial break, but stay right with the action as Aleister Black, Nikki Cross, Sasha Banks and the Velveteen Dream make their way to the ring for this Mixed Tag Team Tournament semifinal match.

Match #3 – Mixed Tag Team Tournament Semifinals – Aleister Black & Nikki Cross vs. Velveteen Dream & Sasha Banks

Banks and Cross trade punches back and forth and fall through the ropes out to the floor, leaving just Black and Dream in the ring. Black kicks Dream in the gut and sets up for a Brainbuster, but Dream counters into a Northern Lights Suplex and bridges up into the cover, but Black kicks out. Out on the floor, Cross hurls Banks into the ring steps and then climbs up onto the ring apron behind Dream, but he can tell she’s there as he takes Black by the back of the head and hurls him headlong into Cross, knocking her back to the floor. Dream then rolls Black up and picks up the three count.

Velveteen Dream and Sasha Banks are your winners, advancing to face Samoa Joe and Shayna Baszler in the finals a week from Saturday at Fully Loaded, only on Pay Per View. Coming up next, we will find out who will get the first shot at David Arquette’s World Heavyweight Championship next week as three challengers selected at random all get the chance to be the #1 Contender for the title in this upcoming Triple Threat Match. That match, after this word from our sponsors.

Back from the break, Marty Scurll, Luke Gallows and Ray Rowe make their way to the ring for this Triple Threat match. The winner will challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship right here on Overdrive next week.

Match #4 – World Heavyweight Championship #1 Contender’s Match – Marty Scurll vs. Luke Gallows vs. Ray Rowe

The three men warily square off as the match gets under way and Scrull abruptly rolls out to the floor, leaving the big men to fight it out. Gallows and Rowe trade punches and Rowe gets the upper hand as he drives Gallows back into the corner and connects with a  series of Muay Thai Knee Strikes to the mid-section. Rowe then goes for a Belly-to-Belly Suplex, but Gallows blocks it and connects with a Headbutt. Rowe stumbles backward and Gallows hits him with a Discus Clothesline. Gallows then goes for the cover, but Scurll comes back in off the top rope and breaks up the pin with a Double Footstomp. Gallows then chases Scurll out to the floor and around the ring and around the ring before Scurll slides back in and leapfrogs over Rowe as the Viking is getting back up to his feet and slides back out to the floor as Gallows charges into the ring after him and Rowe nails Gallows with a Spinning Heel Kick. Rowe then makes the cover and Scurll has to frantically slide back into the ring and break up the cover. Scurll is now too out of breath to keep running as he gets back to his feet and finds himself nose to nose with Rowe, who knees him in the gut and then delivers a Gutwrench Powerbomb. Rowe then bounces off the ropes and connects with a Running Back Splash. Rowe then Clotheslines Gallows out over the top rope, but Gallows hangs on and lands on the ring apron. Rowe takes Gallows by the back of the head and tries to ram him into the ring post, but Gallows blocks it and elbows him in the face. Scurll now comes up behind Rowe and locks him in the Chicken Wing, but Rowe grabs Scurll by the hair and flips him forward over his head and sends him crashing to the mat. Gallows comes back in and knocks Rowe flat with a Big Boot to the face. Gallows then tries for an Atomic Leg Drop, but Rowe moves out of the way and Gallows crashes to the mat. The two big men then trade punches and pull away to bounce off the ropes on opposite sides of the ring before plowing into each other head on, knocking both men down and out. Gallows falls through the ropes and out to the floor and Scurll then comes off the top rope onto Rowe with Corkscrew Senton and covers him for the three count.

Scurll is your winner, moving on to face Arquette for the championship next week. The Main Event is coming up next as we cut to the back and a split screen of Lacey Evans and Alexa Bliss as they head to the ring. The Women’s World Championship is on the line coming up right after this final word from our sponsors.

Back from the break, Alexa Bliss and Lacey Evans make their way to the ring for our Main Event for the Women’s World Championship.

Match #5 – HWL Women’s World Championship – Lacey Evans vs. Alexa Bliss

The ladies square off as we get under way and Evans tries to force a tie-up, but Bliss ducks under and cinches Evans around the waist from behind. Bliss tries to deliver a German Suplex, but Evans blocks it and executes a standing switch, moving around behind Bliss before Body Slamming her to the mat. Evans then floats over into a Side Headlock and Bliss slowly battles back up to her feet and delivers a series of Elbow Strikes to the lower back. Bliss then tackles Evans into the corner and delivers a series of Shoulder Thrusts to the gut. Bliss then tries for a Hip Toss, but Evans counters into a Hip Toss of her own. Evans follows up with a Running Snapmere and makes the cover, but Bliss kicks out. Evans pummels Bliss and drags her up by the hair and hurls her bodily into the corner. Evans gets a running start and charges in after her, but Bliss drives both feet up into her face. Bliss then comes off the middle turnbuckle into a Sunset Flip and pins the champion for a near fall. Bliss connects with an Enzuigiri and with Evans down on one knee, Bliss follows up with a Snap DDT and makes the cover for a near fall. Bliss puts the boots to Evans and then starts to head up to the top turnbuckle but Evans cuts her off at the middle rope with a flurry of blows to the side of the head. Evans then climbs up to the middle turnbuckle and tries to Suplex Bliss back into the ring, but Bliss blocks it and instead Suplexes Evans out over the top rope and both women crash to the floor and Evans bangs one of her knees over the guard rail on the way down. Both women are down and out, but Bliss is able to recover in time to get back into the ring and roll back to the floor to break the count. Evans tries to regain her feet, but can’t put any weight on her left knee and Bliss takes out her good leg with a Dropkick to the knee. Bliss slowly drags Evans back up and slides her back into the ring, but then hooks her by the left leg and pulls her crotch first into the ring post and slams that left knee into the side of the ring. Bliss then climbs back into the ring as Evans tries to scoot away, but Bliss stands on her right ankle, preventing Evans from moving as Bliss takes her bad leg and delivers kicks to the hamstring and back of the knee. Bliss keeps ahold of that leg and taunts Evans as she struggles to the ropes and pulls herself back up to one leg only for Bliss to take her back down with a Dragon Screw on the bad knee. Bliss then cinches in a Knee Bar, but Evans wraps herself up in the ropes to force a break. However, Bliss hangs on for nearly the full five count, breaking at four just in time to avoid getting disqualified. Bliss then lets Evans pull herself all the way back up and kicks her in the bad knee again. Bliss then goes for a Swinging Neckbreaker, but Evans counters into a Reverse DDT. Evans crawls into a cover, drapping one arm over Bliss, but Bliss kicks out. Evans slowly pulls herself back up using the ropes as Bliss gets back up and Evans rears back for the Woman’s Right, but Bliss kicks her in the knee again and pins her in an Inside Cradle and Evans tries to kick out, bucking wildly, but can’t put all her leg strength into it with the injured knee and Bliss gets the three count.

Alexa Bliss is your winner and the NEW Women’s World Champion as she captures the title in opportunistic fashion and surprises the champion in her first title defense. Anything can happen on any given week in the HWL as tonight we crown two new champions. Stay with us as we continue on the path to Fully Loaded, one week from Saturday only on Pay Per View. Thanks for joining us tonight. For now, we are signing off.


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