The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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1/29/2020 8:31 pm  #1

HWL Overdrive Episode #26 (01/29/20)

Pyros light up the HWL Arena in St. Louis for this week’s episode of HWL Overdrive and tonight we are wasting no time, starting things off right away with a #1 Contender’s Match for the Tag Team Championships. The winners will take on The Briscoes for the titles next week.

The Goodbrothers and Street Profits are standing by in the ring as the Young Bucks make their entrance and we get ready to get things under way.

Match #1 – Tag Team #1 Contender’s Match – Street Profits vs. Young Bucks vs. The Goodbrothers

Angelo Dawkins, Matt Jackson and Luke Gallows start things off and Jackson kicks Dawkins in the gut and then tries to do the same to Gallows, but Gallows blocks it and knocks him flat with a Clothesline. Dawkins then charges across the ring and takes Gallows down with a Spinning Lariat, landing a Leg Drop on Jackson in the process. Dawkins then covers Jackson, who kicks out at two. Dawkins then goes to cover Gallows, but Gallows thumbs him in the eye. Gallows then makes the tag to Anderson and holds Dawkins in a stretch as Anderson comes off the top rope with an Axe-handle Smash to the ribs. Jackson then rolls Anderson up from behind, but Gallows breaks it up. Gallows then pulls Jackson up by the hair and goes to throw him out over the top rope, but Matt catches the top rope to block it fires back with a Forearm Smash. Matt and Nick, on opposite ends of that ring apron then both nail Gallows in both sides of the head with simultaneous Superkicks and Gallows turns and stumbles to the middle of the ring and Montez Ford comes off the top rope and hits him with a Blockbuster Neckbreaker and this match is quickly breaking down with everybody getting involved. The Bucks both come into the ring and go for a Double Superkick on Ford, but he ducks and they nail Anderson, who was regaining his feet behind them, instead, knocking Anderson through the ropes and out to the floor. Dawkins then mows over both Jacksons with a Running Shoulder Block and Ford bounces off the ropes and Dawkins alley oops him into the air before one-hand slam dunking his partner into a Big Splash onto both Jacksons. Ford rolls Nick Jackson out to the floor as Dawkins bounces off the ropes and follows up with a Warrior Splash on Matt and Ford jumps on Dawkins’ back for a double pin as the referee makes the three count.

The Street Profits are going on to face The Briscoes for the tag team titles next week. Still to come tonight, first round matches in the mixed tag team tournament. Plus, The Rock challenges the new Television Champion Marko Stunt and another #1 Contender will be determined for the Women’s World Championship. But things aren’t quite over just yet as The Goodbrothers jump Nick Jackson and drive him in the ring steps. They then remove the top section of the ring steps and drive Nick Into the steps with a Magic Killer. Nick Jackson was supposed to compete for the Cruiserweight Championship tonight, but now that’s in jeopardy as medics come out to check on Nick as we take you now to a word from our sponsors.

Back from the break, it’s the first match of the Mixed Tag Team Tournament as Dolph Ziggler and Angelina Love and Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch make their way to the ring and Ziggler is lying in wait as Rollins comes down the rampway and Ziggler ambushes him with a Zigzag as he reaches the bottom of the rampway. Becky then jumps on Dolph’s back, scratching and clawing at his face and eyes as Dolph stumbles back up the rampway until Angelina can pull her off. Lynch then trips up Angelina and puts her in the Disarmher and Angelina’s shoulder pops out of place as she desperately taps out, but this match has never officially started and now it appears as though it won’t as Ziggler flees to the back to get away from a crazed Becky and Rollins and Love are not going to be cleared to wrestle now and both teams are going to be eliminated from the tournament.

Cruiserweight Champion Finn Balor now slowly makes his way to the ring and surveys the damage before getting into the ring. Balor says he has decided he doesn’t want to wait any longer to defend his championship here tonight and so he’s going to do that right now as he calls for Nick Jackson to get back out there. After the attack just minutes ago from the Goodbrothers, Jackson can’t be in any condition for this match, but here he comes anyway with brother Matt right behind him, trying unsuccessfully to hold Nick back and prevent him from taking this match, but Nick pushes him away and slides into the ring and gets ready to take the match.

Match #2 – HWL Cruiserweight Championship – Finn Balor vs. Nick Jackson

The referee reluctantly calls for the bell and Balor, who is playing it up for the crowd is shocked by a Superkick from Jackson. Nick then heads up to the top turnbuckle and connects with a Diving Elbow Drop and makes the cover, but Balor kicks out for a near fall. Jackson then mounts Balor and pummels him with a flurry of punches, but Balor is able to buck him off. Balor rushes back to his feet and Jackson connects with another Superkick. Jackson then goes back up to the top rope, but this time Balor cuts him off and delivers a series of punches to the side of the head before climbing up beside Nick and delivering a Brainbuster from the top rope. Matt now climbs up onto the ring apron to try to get the referee to stop this, but Balor knocks him off the ring apron with a Pele Kick to the temple. Balor then drags Nick up by the hair and hoists him up into another Brainbuster. Balor then heads to the top turnbuckle and finishes Nick off with the Coup De Grace and covers him for the three count.

Balor wins and retains the Cruiserweight Championship in despicable fashion. We hope his actions don’t cause you to change that channel because we have great action still to come tonight. Stay tuned for more after this commercial break.

Back from the break, our next mixed tag team match is coming up as Velveteen Dream and Sasha Banks and their opponents, Austin Aries and Bayley, make their way to the ring.

Match #3 – Mixed Tag Team Tournament – Velveteen Dream & Sasha Banks vs. Austin Aries & Bayley

The match gets under way and Banks and Bayley immediately exit the ring and refuse to fight, instead dropping out to the floor and going to stand on the rampway together. Aries is perplexed by this and demands Bayley get in and help. He finally turns around and walks right into a big European Upper Cut from Dream. Dream then whips Aries off into the ropes and connects with an Atomic Drop and then follows up with a Cutter. Dream goes to the top turnbuckle and connects with a Flying Elbow Drop and makes the cover for the three count.

Dream and Banks are moving on as Dream celebrates in the ring and Bayley shrugs and hugs it out with her buddy Sasha before exiting up the ramp. Dream and Banks take the celebration to the back and now Marina Shafir, Leva Bates and Alexa Bliss make their way to the ring for our next contest.

Match #4 – Women’s #1 Contender Match – Marina Shafir vs. Leva Bates vs. Alexa Bliss

The three women square off as the match gets under way and Shafir backs Bates into the corner and pummels her, but Bliss comes in behind her and rolls her up, but Shafir kicks out for a near fall. Shafir then swings wildly at Bliss as they rush back to their feet, but Bliss ducks and Bates dives off the middle turnbuckle and grabs Shafir into a Tornado DDT. Bliss then Clotheslines Bates out over the top rope and then heads up to the top turnbuckle and hits Shafir with Twisted Bliss and covers her for the three count.

Bliss is your winner, advancing to take on Lacey Evans for the Women’s World Championship next week. Stay with us as after this word from our sponsors we still have more great action coming your way in one final Mixed Tag Match and then we end the night with the Television Championship on the line.

Back from the break, we see The Rock making a late arrival at the arena, wheeling his bag through the parking lot and to the wrestler entrance. Our broadcast colleague meets him at the door, wanting to know why he is so late getting here. The Rock says he is never late. The Rock says he shows up exactly when he wants to and if HWL is going to put him in the ring with a sawed off runt that weighs all of 70 pounds soaken wet with a brick in each pocket, that’s just a walk in the park. Rock says it’s been a long time since he beat up a middle school, but it’s gonna be just like riding a bike. Rock says he’s not even going to bother changing out of his track suit into his ring gear and he doesn’t even plan on breaking a sweat out there tonight.

Rock heads into the arena and we cut to the ring where Adam Cole and Britt Baker and their opponents, Samoa Joe and Shayna Baszler make their way to the ring.

Match # 5 – Mixed Tag Tournament – Adam Cole & Britt Baker vs. Samoa Joe & Shayna Baszler

Cole starts things out for his team and Joe wants to take him on, but Baszler refuses to get out and Joe finally decides to let her have at him. Baszler and Cole circle each other as the match gets under way and Baszler shoots in to hook a leg and trips Cole to the mat before mounting him and pummeling him with a flurry of Forearm Smashes. Baszler then starts to drag Cole back up to his feet, but he punches her in the gut and then plants her in the middle of the ring with a Falcon Arrow and goes for the cover, but Baszler kicks out. Cole bounces off the ropes and goes for a Running Knee Strike, but Baszler ducks out of the way and then hooks him from behind and tries to lock in a Rear Naked Choke, but Cole tackles her backward into the corner to break free. Unfortunately, it was Joe’s corner and Joe makes a blind tag as Cole lurches forward and flips Baszler over his back and sends her crashing to the mat. It’s on a temporary reprieve though as now Joe comes in behind Cole and puts him in the Conquina Clutch and Cole frantically tries to fight him off and the two wind up toppling out over the middle rope and crash out to the floor and Joe breaks the hold on impact. Baker now sneaks in behind Baszler and tries to put her in an Abdominal Stretch, but Baszler counters into a Hip Toss. Baszler then Gorilla Presses Baker and tosses her out over the top rope where she crashes into Cole, knocking him back to the ground. Joe then drags Cole up and puts him back in the ring and Baszler kicks him in the gut and plants him with a Piledriver. Baszler then goes out to the floor after Baker and sends her head and shoulder first into the ring steps as Joe comes in and hits Cole with a Running Senton Splash. Cole slowly stumbles back up and Joe puts him up on the top turnbuckle and connects with the Muscle Buster and covers him for the three count.

Joe and Baszler advance to the semifinals along with the Velveteen Dream & Sasha Banks and Aleister Black & Nikki Cross. In the back, we see some prehistoric sparing as Jurassic Express prepares the Babysaurus for his first title defense. The Television Championship match is coming up next in our Main Event of the night, right after this final word from our sponsors.

Back from the break, Marko Stunt and The Rock make their entrances for this championship match.

Match #6 – HWL Television Championship – Marko Stunt vs. The Rock

The Rock, true to his word, is wearing a track suit instead of his usual ring gear as he stalks to the middle of the ring and sizes up the diminutive champion and laughs. Stunt responds by kicking him in the shin. Rock yelps and hobbles toward the corner, but before he can get there, Marko rolls him up from behind, but Rock quickly kicks out. Rock pops up to one knee and smashes Mark with a big right hand and then gets all the way up and wipes the little guy out with a Big Boot. Rock then makes a nonchalant cover, but Marko kicks out. Rock puts the boots to Stunt and then drags the little guy up by the hair and hurls him bodily into the corner. Rock then heads up to the middle turnbuckle and goes to rain down punches on Little Marko’s skull, but Marko is too short for him to reach from that position. Rock then climbs down to the bottom rope instead and pummels Marko with a flurry of 10 punches in the corner. Rock then flattens Marko with a Short-arm Clothesline and makes the cover, but Marko kicks out. Rock says enough fooling around now as he tears off his shirt and pitches it into the crowd as he calls for the People’s Elbow. Rock then bounces off the ropes and goes for the most electrifying move in sports entertainment, but Marko rolls out of the way and Rock crashes to the mat. Marko quickly bounces off the ropes and connects with a Running Dropkick to the chest. Marko then follows up with an Asai Moonsault and makes the cover, hooking the leg, but Rock kicks out with authority, launching little Marko halfway across the ring. Marko then bounces off the ropes and charges back at Rock, but Rock goozles him and pops back up to his feet and hoists the little guy up like he’s going to go for a Chokeslam, holding him up for a long time, but then Marko is able to get one of Rock’s fingers in his mouth and bite down on it and Rock drops Marko, who pops Rock in the knee with some Sweet Shin Music and then springboards off the ropes into a Hurricanrana, but the move launches Rock into the referee, who is knocked down and out as Rock is propelled into him. Rock doesn’t go down, but remains hunched over on his feet as Marko springs off the ropes again and takes Rock down with a Sunset Flip into a pinning combination and it looks as though it was going to get the little guy the three count, but the referee is down and out. Now, Sami Callihan, the former Television Champion, comes out from under the ring and steals the title from the timekeeper’s table. Callihan slides into the ring with the title and tries to smash Marko with it, but Marko ducks out of the way as Rock pulls himself up to one knee and Callihan blasts Rock in the head with the title, busting the people’s champion wide open. Marko then punts Sami in the nuts and Sami turns around and stumbles toward the ropes and Marko sends him on his way out to the floor with a Running Dropkick to the ass. Marko then goes up top and hits Rock with a Moonsault and makes the cover as the referee crawls into position and makes the three count.

Marko has pulled another upset as he retains the Television Championship against one of the all-time greats. What will the little guy be able to do the next? The smallest man in the HWL stands the tallest again for at least one more week. Thanks for joining us tonight. See you again next week, but for now, we are signing off.


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