The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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1/22/2020 5:28 pm  #1

HWL Overdrive Episode #25 (01/22/20)

Pyros light up the HWL Arena in St. Louis as we kick off this week’s episode of Overdrive and a video package replays the highlights from New Year’s Revolution this past Saturday. Tonight, the Babysaurus punches above his weight class in our Main Event when Marko Stunt challenges Sami Callihan for the Television Championship. In addition to that, three other matches are signed for tonight and we’re starting things off with two men more renowned for their slickness on the mic than what they’re able to do in the ring as MJF and Drew Gulak make their entrances.

Match #1 – MJF vs. Drew Gulak

The two men go toe-to-toe and MJF looks like he might be winning the war of words as the two trade barbs, but then he pushes in too close and Gulak piefaces him to the mat.  Gulak then follows up with a Running Knee Lift to the jaw and a Swinging Neckbreaker. Gulak dives into the cover, but MJF kicks out for a near fall. Gulak puts the boots to MJF and starts to pull him back up to his feet, but MJF pokes him in the eye. MJF then whips Gulak into the corner and follows him in, but MJF drives his boots up into his face. Gulak then follows up with an Impaler DDT and MJF retreats out to the floor. Gulak patiently waits in the ring for MJF to get back in while yelling at him that he should have paid more attention during his PowerPoint presenation. MJF gets back in and tries to whip Gulak off into the ropes, but Gulak counters and pulls him into an Atomic Drop. Gulak then pulls MJF backward into the Gu-Lock and MJF is forced to tap out.

Gulak picks up his first ever HWL victory as we get off to a rolling start to tonight’s episode. Gulak then celebrates by leading the crowd through his PowerPoint presentation and we, thankfully, cut to commercial break instead.

Back from the break, more action is on the way as Luke Harper, Dolph Ziggler and the Velveteen Dream make their entrances for this Triple Threat Match.

Match #2 – Velveteen Dream vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Luke Harper

Ziggler parks himself on the top turnbuckle and motions for the other two to start things off without him as the match gets underway, but they are having none of it and Dream and Harper slam Ziggler to the mat. Harper then follows up with an Atomic Leg Drop and Ziggler rolls out to the floor. Harper and Dream then tie-up and Harper applies a Side Headlock, but Dream shoves him off into the ropes. However, Harper bounces back and knocks Dream down with a Running Shoulder Block. Dream pops right back up and Harper connects with a Thrust Kick to the gut and then bounces off into the ropes, but runs into a Big Boot from the Dream. Dream then presses Harper back against the ropes with a flurry of Knife-edge Chops and then gets a Running Start and Clotheslines him out over the top rope and out to the floor. Ziggler, back in, tries to catch Dream with a Superkick as he turns around, but Dream ducks out of the way and flattens Ziggler with a Superkick of his own. Dream then comes off the top rope with a Diving Elbow Drop and covers him for the three count.

Catch the Dream again next week in the start of the Mixed Tag Team Tournament, where he has been paired up with Sasha Banks. The winning team will challenge for their respective men’s or women’s world championships at the March Pay Per View.  A video package highlighting the tournament plays and we then take you to a word from our sponsors.

Back from the break, the NEW Cruiserweight Champion Finn Balor is in action as he takes on a man that knows a thing or two about the Cruiserweight division, having been a champion in that division multiple times in WCW, Chris Jericho.

Match #3 – Chris Jericho vs. Finn Balor

The two men circle each other as the match gets under way and Jericho tries to force a tie-up, but Balor ducks out of the way and cinches Jericho around the waist from behind as he delivers a German Suplex. Balor then follows up with a Running Dropkick to the side of the head and Jericho retreats out to the floor, but gets no reprieve there as Balor comes flying out over the top rope and connects with a Tope Con Helo. Balor puts Jericho back into the ring and heads up to the top turnbuckle, but Jericho dives against the ropes and crotches Balor on top of the corner. Jericho then climbs up after Balor and sets up for a Superplex, but Balor fights out of it and counters into a Front Suplex, dropping Jericho chest first to the mat while keeping himself perched on the top. Jericho rolls over, clutching at his chest in pain, but it’s not about to get any better as Balor comes off the top and connects with the Coup de Grace and then covers Jericho for the three count.

Balor picks up the win and his 2020 is off to a great start after winning the cruiserweight title on Saturday and then knocking off Chris Jericho here tonight. Balor is joined by Bullet Club buddies Gallows and Anderson in celebration on the rampway and we cut to a split screen of Mark Stunt grappling with Jungle Boy on one side and Sami Callihan finishing his cigarette along with a shot of Jack Daniels as these two go through their final preparations for our Main Event, coming your way next after this word from our sponsors.

Back from the break, it’s Main Event time as Marko Stunt and the Television Champion, Sami Callihan, make their entrances and the title is on the line in this evident mismatch.

Match #4 – HWL Television Championship – Sami Callihan vs. Marko Stunt

The two men square off as the match gets under way and Callihan kicks the much smaller man in the gut and smashes him across the back with a Double Ax-handle Shot, flattening Stunt. Callihan then rolls Stunt over and covers him with his boot over his chest, but Stunt kicks out. Callihan then smirks in disgust and then drags him up by the tights and pitches him out to the floor. Callihan then relaxes back against the corner and waits as Stunt slowly pulls himself back up and Callihan seems disappointed that he didn’t just stay down and out on the floor and take the countout. Callihan then knocks Stunt flat with a Pump kick and goes for the cover, but Stunt kicks out for a near fall. Callihan starts to get angry now and motions that the Piledriver is coming up next. Callihan then drags Stunt up by the hair and sets up for the Cactus Piledriver, but his face goes from cocky to concerned as he begins to rise up in the air and Stunt Back Body Drops him out over the top rope and Callihan bounces off the ring apron and down to the floor. Stunt then climbs up to the top turnbuckle as Callihan stumbles back to his feet out on the floor and Stunt connects with a Flying Crossbody to the outside. However, Stunt struggles to get Callihan back up to his feet and he finally does get Callihan back up, but then can’t lift him up into the ring and wears himself out trying to push Sami in under the bottom rope. Callihan then Elbows the Babysaurus in the side of the head and then drives him into the floor with a Sidewalk Slam. Callihan then drags Stunt back up by the hair and sets up to Powerbomb him into the side of the ring, but after he lifts him up, Stunt counters into a Hurricanranna and Callihan flips, landing on his back on top of the ring steps. Stunt then follows up with an Asai Moonsault off the ropes near the corner onto Callihan on the ring steps. Stunt is then able to gradually push a wobbly-legged Callihan up the steps and dump him back into the ring. Stunt then heads up to the top turnbuckle and hits Callihan with a Bonzai Drop and covers him, but Callihan kicks out, countering in a way that pitches Stunt over onto his back in a pinning predicament and Stunt just barely kicks out of it a split second before the three. Callihan pulls Stunt up and tries to pull him into a Short-arm Clothesline, but Stunt counters into a Crucifix pinning combination for a near fall.  Callihan then tries to boot Stunt in the side of the head, but Stunt ducks and rolls Callihan up in a Schoolboy and Callihan kicks out for another near fall. Stunt then springboards off the ropes for an Asai Moonsault, but Callihan catches him on his shoulder and counters into a Shoulder Breaker. Callihan then signals for the Cactus Piledriver again, but Stunt trips him up and hooks both legs as he flips through over Callihan into yet another pinning combination and this time the little guy shocks the world as he gets the three count with Callihan kicking out a split second too late.

Stunt scrambles out of the ring as Callihan storms around in a fury and the referee retrieves the title and presents it to Stunt out on the rampway and surprisingly, Stunt is the NEW Television Champion. Callihan’s reign of terror is over after only a week as he’s upset by the unlikeliest of challengers. What will happen next? You’ll have to tune in again next week to find out, but for now we are signing off.


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