The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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11/09/2019 7:45 pm  #21

Re: Promos for Golden Ticket (11/10/19)

Briscoe Brothers,

You strike fear into the men who you have fought,

You put fear into the men who you have been to war against,

That fear is nothing more than cowards.

Every war you have been in, you failed.

Every war you have been in, you went down.

We are not scared,

We are not scared of fear....

We are the fear.


We are not hard to find,

Your search shall be easy.

Golden Ticket, We will be in the ring.

We will be waiting to destroy those who come before us.

We will be waiting for you!

Smoke your lungs away,

Drink your scared feelings,

We will show no mercy for those who cross us.

I Am...

We Are....

The HWL Dark Saviour.



11/09/2019 7:56 pm  #22

Re: Promos for Golden Ticket (11/10/19)

~The Undisputed Era are Hanging outside the gymnasium where Golden Ticket is taking place as Kyle O'Riley is standing front and center. Of a moderately sized crowd~

O' Riley: You accuse me of ridding of the success of my buddy Adam Cole......

The crowd: BAY BAY

O'Riley: That "Bay Bay" right there, that's not because of Adam Cole.......

The Crowd: BAY BAY

O'Riley: That.... is because of the Undisputed Era. Now we don't care about the scum of this company or the mouth breathers standing around us.

~Crowd cheer and laugh a little bit~

O'Riley: We may not care..... but you can't say any one of us are riding anybody's success... well there was good old roddy but hes gone here. Now let me ask you this "Dobble A"  what exactly do you not find impressive about me? 

~He whips out the crusierweight championship belt and starts playing it like its a gutair.~

O' Riley: My sick riffs? 

~He stops and holds his championsip gutair in the air~

O'Riley or the fact that I am the un-crowned HWL Cruiserweight Champion?

~Fish and Cole laugh and Kyle O'Riley gets serious again~

O' Riley: Are you kidding me? I've played every sport known to man on this world. From wrestling, to the toughest hand to hand team sport in the world, to lacrosse where you learn to bash guys in the face with branches, to jiu-jitsu. I'm about as tough as they come despite my size Austin. You may be gods gift to green earth but let be all honest here. I'm gods gift to the entire freaking universe!

~The crowd starts chanting UNDISPUTED~

O'Riley: And this Sunday, after I put you out of what clearly is an old age illusion. I will stand over top of you the new HWL Cruiserweight Champion. 

~He points his thumb to his head and the crowd goes boom, Adam Cole steps into shot~

Cole: That's right a true equal and a true champion! Austin Aries, if I were you I wouldn't be taking Kyle O'Riley very lightly at all. Hey Kevin Owens, you seem to be the only guy nobody can find. Whenever your ready but I am waiting, I am here, and I...... AM

~He bends over and raises back up arms in the air~


~The camera cuts~   



11/09/2019 8:16 pm  #23

Re: Promos for Golden Ticket (11/10/19)

Hangman Page:

The only thing I have to desire to be like Joey Ryan for would be embarrassing you in front of the entire crowd. You claim to be tough and you look very intimidating. But I feel like the demeanor of yours to be not quiet what it would seem.

Maybe Daddy Ciampa isn't ready for goldie. Has Daddy Ciampa ever asked goldie out for dinner? These are questions that I don't know the answer to. Maybe this Sunday Tammaso's going to beat me. But I find that outcome highly improbable. You see I never advice betting against a racehorse. 

Tommaso you insinuating that I am mentally unstable is very laughable. All I've heard is you talking about and object that you will never acquire.



11/09/2019 8:34 pm  #24

Re: Promos for Golden Ticket (11/10/19)

~The Fire back at the briscoe's pit is still ragging on as the briscoes are still hanging out around it. Mark now has a bag of chips.~

Jay: Suicides, we still out here while this fire rages on, WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU NOW! Ain't that right Mark?


Jay: Hell yeah, but their you go again putting of combat because you not ready for us. You don't have to fear a man who you not ready for Suicide that's called stupidity. If you not hard to find Suicide then why don't you show your face and tell the world? Or better yet just come out here and fight me and my brother. 

~Jay takes a swig from a bottle of whiskey in his hands.~

Jay: But you won't, you afraid. Afraid of the big bad Briscoe Brothers. Our History speaks fo itself. Just because we haven't and opportunities here in da HWL, doesn't mean we made a name for ourselves Suicides. If you not so scared, why don't you come on out to our ring of fire, and we will fight around that till we burn them tag straps off your waists.

~the camera cuts~


Last edited by shubz (11/09/2019 8:35 pm)


11/09/2019 9:01 pm  #25

Re: Promos for Golden Ticket (11/10/19)


Joey Ryan did nothing but cheat to win that match. He took the easy way out. He allowed himself to be victimized by pressure and from there succumbed to that pressure. Where is he now Page? Nowhere. Nowhere to be found. Gone.

Page, I am not about to suggest someones own struggle at comprehension and processing is mental instability. I struggle. I struggle so so much just to get through each day. It is not the business, but what life has done for me. What life has done to me.

Page you are taking opportunity for granted. You are taking your past for granted. You are taking me and my capabilities for granted. I am Tomasso, not Tamasso. I am The Black Heart. I will take you further than the limit Page. When it is all said and done, you will be begging for safety, begging for your horse, and begging for a chance at a better life. One that will appreciate you.

The Black Heart Beats.


11/09/2019 9:18 pm  #26

Re: Promos for Golden Ticket (11/10/19)

~Hangman Page is in a sumbrero in in the blazing heat of some southern american town~

Page: Ola el papo de goldie.....

~He stops walking and looks around at the vast country side pulling a large wagon behind him~

Page: Me llamo es Adam verdugo Page. But you already know that Ciampa. This weekend, I am taking you for a ride on the Page train, last stop is Golden Ticket USA. Where I continue my path in the HWL World Title Tournament.

~Page picks up the cart and continues walking~


Last edited by shubz (11/09/2019 9:19 pm)


11/10/2019 12:52 am  #27

Re: Promos for Golden Ticket (11/10/19)

Tick Toc Tic Toc,

One of the most dangerous game someone could play is the waiting game.

When you sit there,

None movement like a statue...

While time slowly passing through you.


You are playing that dangerous game,

Throwing threats at us..

Inviting us to come find you...

You failed to remember what we do best,

You failed to remember that finding people is something we do.

We are ontop of the mountain,

We are sitting on the throne of champions...

We do things on our terms....

Which will be tomorrow in the square circle...

When we show you what fear truly is.

Continue drinking your sorrows,

Golden Ticket,

We make another statement.


11/10/2019 8:13 am  #28

Re: Promos for Golden Ticket (11/10/19)

R Truth walks into the Golden Ticket arena dressed in a Suit and Tie he stops a Worker

Truth "Excuse me Daw... I mean Sir or madam.. You can never tell these days.. Could you perchance direct me to the awards ceremony!"

Worker "What Awards ceremony?"

Truth " The Golden Ticket award ceremony I'm up for a award but can't remember which one"

Worker "There is no Award Ceremony only thing that's happening tonight is the Golden Ticket PPV and the Locker room is in that Direction.. Good luck against Austin Aries tonight"

Truth ".. Awww.. What"

Truth walks in the direction he was shown as he takes of his tie  and throws it to the floor

Truth "Why.. Why did they have to change it... So tonight instead of receiving a award for Best Supporting role in a comedic Role for a non gender specific person who could be male or female or other.. I got a match instead.. Again Austin.. Whatsisface... Leo... Libra.. Oh it don't matter.. Only thing that's matters is that I get the Big W and Adam Aries or whatever his name is.. Gets Diddly doodly squat"

R Truth gets to the lockeroom door and walks in ending the scene


11/10/2019 8:30 am  #29

Re: Promos for Golden Ticket (11/10/19)

* Austin Aries *

You think I'm scared of you Kyle? Do you see me trembling in my boots in fear? NO. Do you see me getting worried about a grown man still playing fake guitars and doing fake concerts with toys? NO. Do you expect me to just sit down and listen to your rambling speech about how you manage to play every sport that nobody actually cares about? ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOT. I, Austin Freaking Aries, is not scared nor will he ever be afraid of you Kyle. For God Sake, you called yourself God's Gift to this universe? You make me sick to my stomach. Lying about something your clearly not. The only God's Gift that's around HWL or Earth is  me. No one can steal my moniker here, otherwise I make a believer out of everybody.

And last time you sir were relevant in a singles match was....let's see. I do remember it was....August 7th. You had a one on one match with Samoa Joe. Just one week before he became #1 contender and beat Joey Ryan the next show afterwards. You gave Joe a run for his money. Until you tapped out to the Conquita Clutch. Yet, the most important factor of that was that you saw both Bobby Fish and Adam Cole tied up together in a locker room with handcuffs. Obviously the work of Suicide. But that shows me one thing, if you three aren't stick together, you all fall out individually as the cohesive unit you guys are. It's that simple.

Unlike me. Names like Pete Dunne, Drake Maverick, Tony Nesse, Buddy Murphy. Just to name a few Cruiserweight that fallen behind my might. Even names like Braun Strowman, the monster among men, not a Cruiserweight. Fallen to me. All have taste the hands of defeat once they met me in that squared circle. Everyone doubt the might of the greatest person to have ever lived. I'm the guy that always has a plan for everything. And this Sunday, makes no difference. My plan to become the first ever HWL double champion will not be stop by you or any or your buddies. Absolutely not. This Sunday will mark the first step to a whole new field, where everyone will see finally what they all have been missing....and that's me at the very freaking top of the mountain. And once there, no one will be at my level of greatness. Just me and only me. So Kyle, hope you enjoy your piggy ride by Undisputed Era Bay Bay, because your ride is about to take an U Turn for the worst. Tonight, everyone will finally know the name of Austin Aries.

See ya Sunday Kyle.


11/10/2019 8:38 am  #30

Re: Promos for Golden Ticket (11/10/19)

* Austin Aries is seen backstage sitting down in a locker room after his war with Kyle O'Reilly and sees R-Truth promo just a few hours ago. And he just laughs. *

AA: Why do I even bother watching R-Truth make a ridicule to himself? Everyone thinks that's he's delusional, when clearly he's not. He's just trying to bait people in to get your attention and then strike at the perfect moment. He has done this all his career ever since he had Little Jimmy. We all knew the moment he brought him up he was going to be a mental threat for some people.

* He waves a finger to the camera. *

AA: But not me. You see....Truth knows he's in a match for the World title. Otherwise, he wouldn't show his face around these parts. Personally me, I know I have double duty work with Kyle and this lunatic. Yet, I know how to handle Truth. He's very simple to be fair. But I'm not saying what I'm doing to will ruin the surprise.

* He stands up and starts walking away while heading to the door. *

AA: The only thing Truth needs to know is to whether he should quit, be pinned or get tapped out by God's Gift himself. So Truth.....

* He opens the door as he leaves and says. *

AA: .....choose wisely.

* Camera fades away. *


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