The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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10/19/2019 7:42 pm  #1

HWL presents Halloween Havoc (10/19/19)

Pyros light up the Smoothie King Center in New Orleans, Louisiana, as we welcome you live on Pay Per View to HWL presents Halloween Havoc. Tonight, four championships will be on the line and we’re starting things off with the first of those title matches as Austin Aries, TJ Perkins and Pete Dunne make their way to the ring and per the stipulation revealed earlier this week, Perkins will be caged outside the ring for the duration of the match.

Match #1 – HWL Cruiserweight Championship – Austin Aries vs. Pete Dunne

The two men lock up as the match gets under way and Aries whips Dunne into the ropes and knocks him down with an Elbow Smash to the face. Aries then dives into the quick cover, but Dunne kicks out. Aries puts the boots to Dunne and then tries to pull him up to his feet, but Dunne fires back with a flurry of punches to the mid-section.  Dunne then tries to grab Aries’ hand to work over his fingers, but Aries pulls away and nails Dunne with an Enziguri. Aries then follows up with a Swinging Neckbreaker into the cover, but Dunne kicks out and rolls through into a Fujiwara Armbar, but Aries quickly ties himself up in the ropes. Dunne then nails Aries with a Knee Smash to the side the head and follows up with a Gutwrench Suplex. Dunne then bounces off the ropes and connects with a Running Knee Lift and then pins Aries in a Backslide, but Aries kicks out.  Dunne kicks Aries in the gut and sets up for the Bitter End, but Aries kicks him in the knee and follows up into a Brainbuster and then locks in the Last Chancery and Dunne is forced to tap out.

Aries is your winner and STILL the Cruiserweight Champion. Aries celebrates his victory as Perkins jumps up and down in the cage outside the ring celebrating and Aries makes his way back up the ramp, completely forgetting about his buddy locked in the cage. As Aries exits through the curtain, Perkins looks confused and starts yelling to be let out. We then cut to the back where new World Heavyweight Champion Sami Zayn is arriving at the arena, prepared to defend his championship tonight in a Triple Threat match after upsetting CM Punk to win the title this past Wednesday on Overdrive. Can the magic continue for him tonight. We’ll find out later on.

Back at ringside, Paige and Rhea Ripley make their way to the ring for this next bout.

Match #2 – Paige vs. Rhea Ripley

The two women square off as the match gets under way and Ripley pummels Paige and drives her back into the corner, but Paige fires back and lands a Headbutt to the jaw, knocking Ripley down.  Ripley rolls out to the floor and hooks Paige by the leg and trips her up and pulls her out with her. Ripley then tries to slam Paige face first into the ring steps, but Paige blocks it and stomps on Ripley’s foot.  Paige then tackles Ripley backward into the barricade and the two roll around on the floor continuing to knock the crap out of each other and both are counted out.

Paige and Ripley ignore the bell and continue to pummel each other until security rushes down to the ring and is finally able to pull them apart, still kicking and clawing and trying to get at each other. A video package then replays the history of Suicide’s involvement in the HWL and the surprise reveal of a second Suicide, resulting in the tandem winning the tag team championships. The Suicides are set to defend those tag team championships coming up next against the Young Bucks.

Back at ringside, the Young Bucks and the two Suicides make their way to the ring for this tag team contest.

Match #3 – HWL Tag Team Championship – The Suicides vs. The Young Bucks

Suicide and Nick Jackson start things off and trade punches back and forth.  Suicide then whips Nick off into the ropes and connects with a Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker and then tags in the other Suicide, who springboards in off the top rope and connects with a Guillotine Leg Drop. Suicide then goes for the cover, but Nick quickly kicks out.  Suicide then drags Nick up by the hair and drives him face first into the top turnbuckle and Nick retaliates with a Mule Kick to the thigh.  Nick then springs off the middle rope and flips into a Sunset Flip for a near fall.  Nick then bounces off the ropes and tries to drive a knee into Suicide’s face, but Suicide ducks out of the way and catches him with a Drop Toehold. Suicide then follows up with a Running Dropkick to the side of the head and makes the tag back to the first Suicide. The Suicides then execute a Backbreaker / Diving Elbow Drop combination and go for the cover, but Matt comes in to break it up. One of the Suicides then Spears him through the ropes and out to the floor. Nick battles back up to his feet and goes for a Superkick, but the remaining Suicide ducks out of the way and kicks him on the inside of the knee. On the outside, that Suicide Powerbombs Matt onto the ring steps and then springs back into the ring as the Suicides hit Nick with the Young Bucks’ own signature Meltzer Driver and make the cover for the three count.

The Suicides are your winners and STILL the Tag Team Champions. The mystery of the Suicides continues to elude the HWL locker room as they escape again with the gold. In the back, we see Bayley pacing in her locker room. In the midst of a personal metamorphosis, the women’s champion faces the test of three other women tonight, all of whom were a part of the winning War Games team last month. We’ll find out later tonight in our Main Event if she has another top-notch performance in her.

Back at ringside, Jon Moxley starts to make his way to the ring, but is attacked from behind by his scheduled opponent Jay Briscoe.  Briscoe slams Moxley face first into the side of the JumboTron and then Powerbombs him over the side of the stage.

Match #4 – Jon Moxley vs. Jay Briscoe

Medics rush to Moxley’s aid as Briscoe struts back and forth across the stage to a chorus of boos. Moxley is carted off on a stretcher and this match will not officially begin. Security escorts Briscoe from the stage to the back and this son of a bitch will be lucky if the HWL ever lets him back through the doors after that. Our camera follow Moxley all the way to the back of the arena where an ambulance is waiting.

Back at ringside, AJ Styles and Bandido make their entrances for this next contest.

Match #5 – AJ Styles vs. Bandido

The two men square off as the match gets under way. Bandido goes for a Dropkick, catching Styles off guard and driving him backward into the corner.  Bandido then charges into the corner and connects with a Spinning Heel Kick. Bandido then goes for a Vertical Suplex, but Styles twists on the way up and comes back down on his feet behind Bandido and rams him sternum first into the corner and pulls him back into a roll-up, but Bandido kicks out for a near fall. Styles then boots Bandido in the gut and bounces off the ropes, but runs into a Superkick.  Bandido then goes for an Asai Moonsault, but Styles drives both knees up into his gut. Styles then follows up with a Brainbuster and rolls out under the bottom rope to the ring apron. Bandido stumbles back up to his feet and Styles springboards in off the top rope with a Phenomenal Flying Forearm and then locks in the Calf Crusher, forcing Bandido to tap out.

Styles celebrates the victory as he makes his way to the back. Backstage, Roman Reigns, Sami Zayn and Dolph Ziggler are preparing for the World Heavyweight Championship and we get a split screen look at all three challengers. A video then hypes our next Pay Per View event, taking place in November, HWL presents Golden Ticket.

Back at ringside, the World Heavyweight Championship is on the line as Dolph Ziggler, Roman Reigns and Sami Zayn make their way to the ring for this Triple Threat Match.

Match #6 – HWL World Heavyweight Championship – Triple Threat Match – Sami Zayn vs. Roman Reigns vs. Dolph Ziggler

The three men square off as the match gets under way and both Zayn and Ziggler go after Reigns, who fights them both off with a flurry of punches.  Reigns then pitches Zayn out over the top rope and walks right into a Superkick from Ziggler. Ziggler dives into the cover, but Reigns quickly kicks out.  Ziggler puts the boots to Reigns and then bounces off the ropes, but runs right into a huge Spear from Reigns. Zayn climbs back up on the ring apron and Reigns drills him with a Superman Punch, knocking him back down to the floor. Ziggler stumbles back up to his feet in the middle of the ring and Reigns nails him with a Superman Punch as well and covers him for the three count.

Holy cow, Roman Reigns is your winner and the NEW World Heavyweight Champion, taking this match in what has to be almost record time. Reigns is presented the championship and celebrates in the ring as Zayn looks on in disappointment from the floor where he sits up against the barricade. The celebration continues as we cut to a video that highlights Bayley’s run to the top of the women’s division as she looks to continue her reign tonight in our Main Event.

Back at ringside, it’s Main Event time as Toni Storm, Becky Lynch, Shayna Baszler and Bayley make their entrances and stand in opposite corners and the lights go out with a spotlight shining down on each participant in the match as our ring announcer takes the time to introduce them to the crowd one by one. The lights then come back up and it’s time to get this match under way.

Match #7 – HWL Women’s World Championship – Fatal 4-Way Match – Bayley vs. Shayna Baszler vs. Becky Lynch vs. Toni Storm

The four women get it on as the match gets under way and Bayley tackles Lynch back into a corner and delivers a series of Shoulder Thrusts to the gut as Baszler takes Storm down into a Side Headlock. Storm counters into a Head Scissors, but Baszler battles back up to her feet with Storm hanging upside down from her neck by her legs and now Bayley whips Lynch out of the corner and sends her crashing into Baszler and Storm with a Flying Crossbody and all three women are down as Bayley goes up to the top rope and goes for a Moonsault, but all three roll out of the way and Bayley crashes to the mat. Lynch then fights off both Storm and Baszler with a flurry of punches and then kicks Baszler in the gut and pitches her out to the ring apron.  Lynch then goes for a Roundhouse Kick on Storm, but Storm ducks out of the way and hits Lynch with a German Suplex and bridges into the cover, but Bayley dives over and breaks it up.  Baszler now comes back into the ring behind Bayley and locks in a Rear Naked Choke and tackles the champion backward to the mat and Bayley struggles to get to the ropes, but is unable and hoovers near tapping out, but then Storm breaks it up with a kick to the side of Baszler’s head. Storm then takes Bayley by the tights and sends her sliding across the mat and out under the bottom rope, crashing to the mat with a thud. Storm then pulls Bazler back up, but Baszler sends her reeling with a series of Forearm Shivers and then follows up with a Sidewalk Slam. Lynch then takes Baszler from behind and goes for a Pump-handle Slam, but Baszler slips free down to her feet behind her and pins Lynch in a Backslide for a near fall. Storm then takes both Baszler and Lynch down with a Double Clothesline.  Storm grabs Baszler as she pulls herself back up and goes for an Impaler DDT, but Baszler counters into a Northern Lights Suplex and bridges up into the cover, but Bayley slides back into the ring with a kendo stick and smacks Baszler across the stomach with it, breaking up the cover. Bayley then nails Storm in the side of the head with a baseball swing from the kendo stick and Storm drops through the ropes and out to the floor. Bayley then takes the kendo stick and uses it as a Clothesline as she charges into Lynch, driving the side of the kendo stick into her throat. Bayley then kicks Baszler in the gut and hits her with the Belly-to-Bayley Suplex onto Lynch’s head and Baszler rolls over to the corner as Bayley takes the Kendo Stick and places it over Lynch’s eyes as she applies a Crippler Crossface and pulls back on her head, forcing Lynch to submit.

Bayley is the winner and STILL the Women’s World Champion as she continues to hold the women’s division on lockdown against all comers. Thanks for joining us tonight for Halloween Havoc. Join us again next month for HWL presents Golden Ticket and every Wednesday for more episodes of HWL Overdrive. For now, we are signing off. Good night.


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