The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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7/20/2019 3:45 pm  #11

Re: Promos for Inauguration (07/27/19)

The Goodbrothers

*Camera goes to a locker room door with the name “Bullet Club” on it. The door stays open from AJ going back in, as Anderson and Gallows both exit the locker room*

LG: Another team down and one more team to go.. until brother Anderson and I become the N..N...N New Tagteam champions of HWL! Goodbrother and I have been taking the tagteam division by storm.

KA: We grab the division right by the ball, and we aren’t letting go until we have that gold around our waist!

*Gallows slaps Anderson on the back while he smirks*

LG: That was excellent saying my brother “Machine Gun” Anderson! We beat the Brisco nerds, we destroyed The Revival  geeks and now, the last team in front of us for the gold is the A-Team...

KA: Um, Brother Gallows, don’t you mean the B Team?

*Gallows starts thinking*

LG: Oh right, the B Squad.  Next Saturday, on the 27th, the B Squad or B team or B Nerds are the last team standing in the way of us bringing home the gold to our Club!

KA: That’s right Brother Gallows! Now, we know the B Squad back from our WWE days. They’re not as good as The Revival and them making it to the finals is truly Magic.. But Brother Gallows and I are in HWL to K I L L The Magic! See you Saturday!

*Goodbrothers “Too Sweet” , then head back into the locker room*


7/21/2019 7:11 pm  #12

Re: Promos for Inauguration (07/27/19)

* A bouncy castle is shown. It seems like somebody is in it as it is moving around a little. All the sudden Nikki Cross pops her head out with a grin ear to ear. She then looks to the side as she pulls out a blow up doll with what appears to be Lacey Evans hat strapped to its head. The doll also appears to have something red on its cheek as Nikki signals the camera man to come in. He obliges and when he does we can see that this red substance is covering what used to be a multi colored floor. There also seems to be fleshy parts scattered about bouncing up and down just as Nikki does blow up doll in one hand..... knife in the other. Grinning from ear to ear she shouts "LET NIKKI PLAY" over and over again as well as some "PLAY LACEY PLAY" added in every now and then. The camera man runs out of the bouncy castle and Nikki pokes her head out looking confused then upset. The upset look in her face then turns to rage as she pierces the knife through the blow up doll she tackles the now deflating doll to the ground and stabs it a dozen more times she then kisses it on the cheek. The same cheek with the red substance on it, as she looks up at the camera man with a now red grin from ear to ear. She jumps up the camera man steps back a couple more feet, she then turns around and stabs the bouncy castle and as it deflates she runs around it tearing the knife through the whole thing during which she sings 

"Ring around the roise
a pocket full of posies 
Lacey Lacey

She then falls to her back and starts laughing maniacally as she stands up a paper falls out of her back pocket and she runs away still laughing and screaming as always. The camera man picks up the paper and in red liquid it says*

Message: Lacey Lacey.... you and Joey are cute Lacey. I told you before Lacey..... playing and fighting are the same thing to me Lacey. And it saddens me Lacey..... it saddens me Lacey..... LACEY IT SADDENS ME! It saddens me Lacey that you don't want to play.... that you don't want to BE FRIENDS!!!!  WHATS WRONG LACEY!? Do I scream to much?????? Do i shout LET NIKKI PLAY too much?????? Am I too violent for you Lacey????? Lacey Lacey are you afraid???? Lacey Lacey do you fear me????? WELL GOOD! You see Lacey, I no longer want to be your friend..... oh no no no..... what I want to do with you now Lacey..... I want to give you a little make over..... I'm going to make you look more beautiful then ever Lacey..... your going to look like the whore that you are Lacey..... I'm going to grab that lip stick you love so much and smear it all over your face..... I'm going to grab the eye shadow and brush it all into your nose..... I'm gong to take your eyeliner and pour it into your eye balls..... I'm going to take a razor and shave your eye brows, lashes and your entire head..... Joey Ryan wont even be able to recognize you when I'm done...... this will all be after I beat you Lacey..... and after I am done all of this I am going to stand over you holding the HWL Women's Championship high above my head..... and even higher above yours.......

* The camera cuts*


7/21/2019 8:30 pm  #13

Re: Promos for Inauguration (07/27/19)

The camera shows Lacey Evans in her Locker room,Lacey Adjust her hat and turns to the camera:

"The Lady of HWL" Lacey Evans

Nikki Darling, so you no longer want to be my friends? Well Awe shucks, thats good because I never wanted to be your friends to begin with, I am only friends with Gentlemen and Ladies and as I have already declared, you Nikki are no where close to being a lady, and you jumping around inside my analogy and even your interior decorating skills are horrible. On top of all that you have resorted to the most childish thing imaginable, Name Calling? Calling me a "Whore" on top of all of that? Please Nikki, of all the women on the HWL Roster, I believe I am the furthest thing from that word.

Next Saturday, You and I for the HWL Womens Championship,and you can bring all the cheap make up you want and try and shove it in my face,up my nose, down my throat, but that is the key word there honey, TRY, you can Try all you want,because Saturday there will be no Try, only Do, and I will shove that make up right up your As...

:Lacey places her hand over her mouth in shock:

Excuse me,..

My My My, Pardon my Manners,but Nikki you have really buttered my Biscuit!

:Lacey takes a deep breath:

Nikki,Saturday evening,a Little Girl and a Lady will step into the ring, and one wants to play one wants to fight, and trust me honey, the one who comes to fight,is going to be the one who leaves at the HWL Womens Champion...

Now Mr. Camera Man, I do believe I have allowed you to stay in my locker room, longer then you should. Any longer and I would have to ask you to stay the do me a favor and....Get Out!!!



7/22/2019 11:20 pm  #14

Re: Promos for Inauguration (07/27/19)

"The King of Dong Style" Joey Ryan

Six Days,Six More days until the match of my life,the match that could make Joey Ryan "The Guy",I have waited my whole life for this moment, it kind feels like...The First Time all over again...Everyone remembers their first time TC you know? I remember mine, Her name was Anna and we were out on a date in her Daddy's car and we havent driven very far, we decided to park...and you know what happens when you decide to park...We started making out...And I started to cop a feel...and she didnt stop me..Mind you, this is before I had hair on my chest,This gorgeous Stache, and The Dong became stronger then both my arms, but she was digging me, and one thing led to another and we had our way with each, I shagged her pink ass and she LOVED it!

And TC, in a STRICTLY Metaphorical sense, You are Anna all over again, Right now this, this song and dance right now is us making out, Saturday is when we park and when that Bell rings is when I whip this out and have rough,trashy,hateful love making except...that Money Shot is not going to be me blowing it all over Anna's stomach, its going to be that bell ringing and declaring me the HWL World Heavyweight Champion...TC I am so close to blowing this load, and there is nothing that is going to stop me...

When the bell rings and that "Love Making" begins and that blood starts pumping that Black Heart faster and Faster, I am going to wear you out TC, you eeked your way through this tournament where as I had to fight my way through and at the end there can only be one and I am going to standing there....

:Joey snaps his fingers and a Large inflatable penis inflates behind him:

As The HWL Heavyweight Champion!


7/23/2019 1:01 pm  #15

Re: Promos for Inauguration (07/27/19)


Cameras come into focus on Ciampa, in an undisclosed location backstage, a light flickers above the stool he is sitting on.

Ciampa: Joey, I admire your courage. It takes a hell of a man to be able to admit his love affairs in that graphic of a sense. Don't misunderstand me though pal, this is not a good thing.
Your self exposé was uncalled for. Relating it in a lyrical sense to the musical masterpiece by J. Frank Wilson later covered by Pearl Jam makes me sick, but music was step one for me. I put down the cover artist, the shameful self plug before anyone else in this tournament.
You are the final step for me pal. The money shot of my own to bring myself to your inappropriate level of dribble. You were villified as a piss ant, the "Dick Guy" and come Inauguration, it will stay that way.

That is the only guy you...

Suddenly, a penis inflates beside Ciampa, cutting him off. Once it fully inflates, Shayna Baszler comes out of the shadows. Ciampa turns and simply nods downward. Shayna takes a pin and pops the penis.

Baszler: Joey. Believe in your emasculation. The Black Heart Beats.

Baszler and Ciampa then stone face stare at the camera as it fades


7/23/2019 3:54 pm  #16

Re: Promos for Inauguration (07/27/19)

* Nikki Cross is in a kitchen baking something by the looks of it, it would seem that this may be the messiest kitchen in existence as their is batter and oddly that same red substance all over every inch of this kitchen. She pops up from the counter as she smiles and laugh*


*Nikki pulls up a bake tray with what looks to be biscuits on biscuits*

Cross: BISCUITS!!!!

*She rubs her stomach*


*She laughs as she picks one of the pan..... for some reason it sticks the red liquid becoming stringy like cheese. She takes the whole thing down in one gulp and burps*


*She laughs again and through her joy she puts her hand back on the stove, which is still on. She immiediatley jumps up screaming she starts throwing stuff around the kitchen the tray of biscuits goes flying and she screams and storms off the camera pans down to the floor where she was standing and in a mixture of flour and..... that red liquid a message is written on the floor*

Message: Lacey Lacey..... do you like my baking skills Lacey? See Lacey, I can be a lady! I can be the first lady of HWL..... BUT YOU WOULDNT LET ME HAVE THAT! YOU WOULDNT BE MY FRIEND!  SO NOW..... now I have to out do you.... Lacey Lacey.... now I have to make you look bad.... Lacey lacey..... I'm sorry for name calling.... Lacey, I'm sorry I hurt your feelings..... BUT I AM GOING TO RIP YOUR ARMS OFF AND BASH YOUR FACE IN WITH THEM!...... at Inauguration this weekend Lacey..... I am going to bash your face in and become HWL Womens Champion. Lacey Lacey.... keep being a lady.... keep being proper.... keep being the first lady of HWL..... it's not going to help you.... it's not going to help you win the HWL Womens Championship.... and this weekend when you and I get in the ring..... it's going to be TIME TO PLAY..... MY WAY.....

*The camera cuts* 


7/23/2019 7:26 pm  #17

Re: Promos for Inauguration (07/27/19)

CM Punk is seen standing watching MJF’s most recent promo with MJF standing next to him.

MJF- So CM…I mean Mr. Punk, what did you think?  I just would like some advice as a young rising superstar of this business from The Best In The World.

Punk- I’m not gonna lie kid…when you came to me for advice, I thought you were just another young kid who was so full of himself that you thought maybe just playing nice would get you my attention.  Here’s lesson number one…sending a statement like THAT, that’s something people pay attention to.  The fact you got into Joey Ryan’s head before you’ve stepped foot in the ring?  When the guy is fighting for the HWL World Heavyweight Championship?  That’s impressive.

MJF- Which by the way…how does THE DICK GUY make it to the Finals?

Punk- Simple kid…he hasn’t faced THE BEST IN THE WORLD.  Also here’s my biggest complaint in your little talk here…”Dick Guy” while funny, it’s funny but inaccurate.  DICK BOY is more appropriate.  The kid runs around like a damn fool making dick jokes and people applaud this?  How can parents allow their children to cheer for a guy who sticks suckers down his crotch and actually puts it in his mouth?  Like what values are we teaching our children to say this guy is going to be the potential face of HWL?  Joey Ryan, you were not the reason why I stood up for the boys in the back, you were exactly what I was fighting against.  The lame ass dude who uses childish humor and over the top gimmick to try to get over.  There’s nothing REAL about you.  You’re a fake human being and in time, I’ll show the world that.  If I was in this tournament, you’d be in a hospital bed watching ME win the HWL World Heavyweight Championship at Inauguration.  In a way…you owe me for my busy training schedule to get back into the ring.

MJF- The fact he’s in the Finals to show the shit show that HWL is.

Punk- You’re half right kid…it is a shit show, right now.  It’s only because we haven’t arrived.  Also you need to remember, Dick Boy doesn’t have an easy challenge unlike his previous challengers.  The Black Heart himself, Tomasso Ciampa.  And look he’s even found himself a little girlfriend in Shayna Bazler…weird dynamic, but hey it’s your life man, I’m not here to judge.

MJF- Oh come on Punk, you know you want to…

Punk- You’re learning quick kid.  Of course I’m going to judge.  Here’s the thing Ciampa, out of everyone in HWL who owes ME for their opportunity, YOU OWE ME THE MOST.  If it wasn’t for me standing up for the boys and making my statement to “The Game” himself, he doesn’t go out and try to make me look foolish by stealing all of my ideas for the business and builds NXT in the image that I DREAMED OF AND WAS CREATING.  You were Hunter’s golden boy…the ultimate wrestler who can do it all that Hunter could mold in his image.  The true face of NXT.  If I don’t leave this business the way I did…you don’t exist.  You say to “Believe in the Black Heart”, Ciampa…I created the Black Heart.  The fact that you even have the opportunity to win the HWL World Heavyweight Championship only proves that if I was in this tournament, I would’ve easily walked out Champion.  My message to the both of you is clear.  Whoever wins it doesn’t f***in matter to me.  That belt is rightfully mine because both of you owe it to me and my greatness.  This entire roster owes it to me and my greatness that I…CM Punk save the wrestling business from the likes of all of you.  I gave you the opportunity to do something greater when I walked away, but you failed to finish what I started because nobody had the balls to do it.  That’s fine…I’ll do this myself.  The reality is I’m the only one to finish what I started and that is to save it from the ungrateful, young superstars who don’t understand what wrestling is about.  I’m here to save it from the Joey Ryan’s who make a damn mockery of this business who make me sick that this is what wrestling has come to.  I’m here to save it from the Ciampa’s who don’t understand who truly made them who they are today and are ungrateful.  The truth is I’m the true uncrowned HWL World Heavyweight Champion…but don’t worry everyone, I’ll be there soon enough.  And when I arrive, HWL will finally no longer be a shit show.  It will be the BEST SHOW IN THE WORLD.  Why?  Because it’s Champion is, has been and always will be…THE BEST IN THE WORLD.


Punk- Kid…don’t get ahead of yourself.

Punk grabs the microphone and drops it

Punk- You already know…


Last edited by Halestorm727 (7/23/2019 7:27 pm)


7/23/2019 9:25 pm  #18

Re: Promos for Inauguration (07/27/19)

"The Lady of HWL" Lacey Evans

Tsk Tsk Tsk, Nikki darling, there you go again imitating me trying to be a lady, trying on a different hat other then...crazy. When I was a little girl like yourself, every Sunday I would go to my Grand Pappys house for Dinner and after every dinner he would put on this record of his favorite song and there was a spot on the wax that was broken, and Nikki you remind me of that spot on the record, its always the same song, always repeating. First the imitation, then its the ripping off of a body part and beating me with them, you're the embodiment of a Number one song that gets overplayed on the radio and you Young Darling have hit overplayed status, when your song comes on the radio,when the record starts to skip on that same spot...

I change the station, and I turn off the record...and Saturday not only do I change the Stationand Turn off the Record...I am going to crush the radio, I am going to Shatter the record. You see Nikki,honey Saturday you can bring all the weird red liquid you want, bring all the crazy biscuits, bring your deranged Interior Decorator, because I do have a couple lessons I want to teach him...and of course bring your lunatic self, because Honey I have a Right Hand...a Womans Right with your name all over it Little Girl. 

You can keep doing that song and dance of "Bashing my Face In" and while I enjoy the "Hits" I would enjoy some new material, and on Saturday, trust me Honey I am going to bring the Hits to you and I am going to bring you the New Material...and the New Material is going to be a song called "NEW HWL Women's Champion The Lady of HWL Lacey Evans!"


7/23/2019 11:59 pm  #19

Re: Promos for Inauguration (07/27/19)

- PAC stands alone backstage as the camera fades in looking directly into frame -

 PAC: “LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! My name is… PAC… and I have ta air out sum grievances with my fellow mates here. Let me ask ya’s… simply...  what is it wit ya half wit, loony tune, inbreds here in te HWL? Ya’s worried all about the past but yet don’t even look at the NOW! See the now is simple… I have beaten every man to step foot in me way. The now is that PAC is the KING of cruiserweights here in the HWL and now that I am up against Austin Aries for that title I guess that makes the future even simpla… You see Danny Boy… you might be a Starr, you might be a Sexon, but its garunteed ya’s on a Suicide mission coming into Inauguration cause ya can’t stop lookin in the rearview mirror. I don’t care what ya used ta do or what ya used ta be. All I care about is RIGHT NOW! And Right now I am the rightful PROPA bastard to own that cruiserweight belt. I am the destructive, deadly, despicable bastard and I will not be stopped by the ASSHOLE APPARATUS himself. I'm sorry is that not what AA means. Ya’s so focused on the names I can’t figure out if ya can even focus on the ring!   

- PAC flips his wet long curled hair out of his face - 

PAC: “Austin… what matters is what yas done now. And I’ve seen it. I’s seen ya lay ya opponents out bloody… and I’ve seen they boys lay ya out for an easy win. I won’t say either way how I think dis match might go down but I promise ya’s a thing or two. If I go down bloody… so will you. If I go down bruised and battered so will you. But now… now I stand tall… THE KING of the cruiserweights and I don’t care what kind of lads ya have at the ready here… SWANN TRIED TO INTIMIDATE ME TOO! Der’s a simple fact that I must remind ya’s of Danny boy… I don’t care what ya say or what ya do, who ya high five or who ya talk to… I only care about the clout. The kingship… and once I lay ya’s down for the final bell…there will be no more debate. There will be no more discussion. PAC WILL BE KING!”

- PAC exits frame as it fades to black - 

Last edited by JayVic (7/23/2019 11:59 pm)


7/24/2019 12:46 pm  #20

Re: Promos for Inauguration (07/27/19)

"The King of Dong Style" Joey Ryan

Oh Look what we have here, Good old TC went out and found himself a Tag Team Partner,I mean you guys..

:A stage hands steps in and whispers in Joeys ear:

What? Are you serious? THATS A CHICK? No? Are you serious? I..I.. Well...Ok then..

:The stage hands exits frame,Joey takes  off his glasses to show a shocked face and places his glasses back on his face:

Well That is certainly a surprise there TC, you like them a little...erm...Mannish...Hey I dont judge,Everyone has a type,I just didnt see that type with you, but anyway I digress. TC You are right about one thing, I am was villified, every where I go there is always some one there telling me im not good enough, telling me im nothing more then the "Dick Guy", despite my ability, despite my skill there is always a metaphorical Eskimo standing my way...

Get that confused look off your face and ill explain, An Eskimo notorious for being able to withstand the cold for large amounts of time, and me, I am always being treated as being left in the cold. Every where I go...there has always been an Eskimo in my way, an Eskimo in my way singing "I am warm, and you are cold HEY!", and TC this time around you are my Eskimo, you are the one who is nice and warm and treating me like I am just standing in the cold, despite my skill,despite my ability, despite that I am one of the most infamous wrestlers in the world, Im standing in the cold till Saturday TC...

Saturday TC, Much like I have done before moving Eskimos out of my way before, and on Saturday I am going to move the biggest Eskimo in my life out of the way and thats you TC...Left out in the cold I will be no more! I am going to get heated up and move you out the way TC and that Black Heart will no more and I will finally be The Guy and prove You and everyone Wrong and I will become...

:Joey Snaps his fingers and large inflatable penis inflates behind him:

Thats right, I have more then one. I will become The HWL World Heavyweight Champion!

:Joey then pulls out a Klondike Bar and takes a big bite and removes his glasses, and winks at the camera as it fades:


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