The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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9/02/2020 8:31 pm  #1

Overdrive Episode #53 (09/02/20)

Pyros erupt throughout the arena as we kick off tonight’s episode of Overdrive and while we would usually take you right into the action, tonight, we take you to a situation going on in our parking lot as a white unmarked van with the windows blacked out pulls up to the back entrance of the arena. The license plate reads 4C4NDY. The driver exits and goes around to the sliding door on the passenger side and opens the door to reveal The Briscoes, who exit the van. They are followed from the van by Jake Hager, Drew Gulak, and then Allie and then The Pope. After a brief pause, one final figure emerges from the van, the World Heavyweight Champion Marty Scurll. Scurll is here after Eddie Edwards issued a challenge last week for him to show up. Our cameras follow the group from Eden’s Gate as they enter the arena and make their way to a private locker room a short way from the entrance where a baptismal font has been prepared. Hager and the Briscoes block the door to prevent our cameras from following the rest into the locker room, but then Scurll sticks his head back out and motions for them to step aside and let the camera in. We watch from our backup camera as our lead cameraman follows Scurll into the locker room. Hager and the Briscoes then shove our backup cameraman back against the wall and make it cler that he’s not invited. They then follow the rest into the locker room and slam the door.
We then cut to ringside and it’s time for our first contest as Johnny Gargano makes his HWL debut and he faces a tough task in his first match as he takes on the former World Heavyweight Champion, Finn Balor.
Match #1 – Johnny Gargano vs. Finn Balor
The two men circle each other and Balor lands a kick to the thigh. Gargano shakes it off and they circle each other again. Balor goes for another kick, but this time Gargano catches it and then piefaces Balor, shoving him to the mat. Gargano tries for a Heel Kick, but Balor counters into an Inside Cradle for a near fall. Gargano then goes for a Clothesline, but Balor ducks and connects with an Atomic Drop. Balor then bounces off the ropes and takes Gargano down with a Flying Leg Lariat. Balor goes for the cover, but Gargano kicks out and tries to transition into the Gargano Escape, but Balor quickly ties himself up in the ropes and forces a break before pulling himself out to the floor. Balor tries to regroup, but Gargano slides out right after him and takes Balor by the head and slams him into the ring apron. Gargano then goes for a Belly-to-Back Suplex, but Balor flips over and lands on his feet behind Gargano and shoves Gargano face first into the ring post. Gargano tries to shake the cobwebs loose, but he turns and walks right into the Pele Kick from Balor. Balor then tosses Gargano back in and heads up to the top turnbuckle, but a masked guy comes through the crowd and climbs up onto the apron and tries to grab Balor, but Balor sees it coming and jumps over his hands and lands back on his feet on the ring apron. Balor then fights him off and kicks him in the face. Balor gets a handful of the mask and pulls it off as the guy falls to the floor and we see that it’s Roderick Strong from the Undisptued Era. Balor points at Strong and Gargano capitalizes as he knocks Balor’s legs out from under him and Balor crashes hard to the ring apron. Gargano pulls Balor back in under the bottom rope and covers him for the three count.
Gargano gets a huge win in his HWL debut as he scampers to the back. AJ Styles comes running out to the ring to check on Balor. Once he figures out Balor is okay, he starts to go after Strong, but Strong has escaped back through the crowd and we owe you a word from our sponsors.
Back from the break, we rejoin our main cameraman’s feed in the back as he is in Eden’s Gate’s locker room and we watch as Scurll finishes his own version of baptism on Hager and Mark Briscoe and the camera pans around to see every member of Eden’s Gate has their hair wet, having received Scurll’s blessing. Scurll then invites the cameraman to receive the blessing also. Pope relieves him of the camera and turns it on our cameraman, who is reluctant. The Briscoes don’t give him a choice, however, as they take him by the arms and lead him up to the baptismal font and we see Scurll perform his ritual, blessing our cameraman against his will. Perhaps the Briscoes are a bit too eager in their desire to help him accept this blessing as they hold him under the water afterward. They then pull him up and the cameraman spurts water directly into Scurll’s face as he coughs roughly as a result of his near drowning. Allie hands Scurll a towel and he slowly and angrily dries his face and says it’s time for the cameraman to go. The Briscoes rougly manhandle the cameraman some more as they hurl him out the door into the hallway and slam the door back shut. The door then reopens as Hager emerges with the camera and spikes it on the concrete, shattering it. Hager then slams the door shut again.
Back at ringside, it’s time for our next contest as two women both prepare to make their debuts and Tegan Nox and Zelina Vega make their way to the ring.
Match #2 – Tegan Nox vs. Zelina Vega
The two women tie up as the match gets under way and Nox quickly transitions to an Armdrag Takedown and then a Wristlock. Vega slowly battles back up to her feet and tries to shove Nox off into the ropes, but Nox hangs on and takes Vega down into another Armdrag and keeps the Wristlock applied. Vega slowly battles back to her feet again and hits Nox with a series of Elbow Strikes to the gut. Vega then goes for a Swinging Neckbreaker, but Nox spins out of it and pulls Vega into a Facebreaker. Nox then follows up with a Brainbuster and then stands back and waits in the corner as Vega tries to regain her feet and Nox connects with the Shiniest Wizard and makes the cover for the three count.
Nox celebrates her debut win as she makes her way to the back. We then cut to our broadcast colleague back at Big Sugar’s office and the boss is flanked by a team of HWL lawyers. Sitting across his desk are TJ Perkins and Fallah Bahh and a lawyer representing Perkins. Perkins says because of the actions of Darby Allin, he didn’t feel safe coming to work since their match at Four for Gold. Perkins says the HWL has been very lucky so far that he hasn’t sued their asses off as a result of what happened. Big Sugar stops him and says that’s enough of that horse shit. Big Sugar says there have been wrestlers stuffed into caskets, lit on fire, buried alive and much worse and none of them ever successfully sued their employer as a result of those incidents, but here Perkins is complaining about having a body bag draped over him, a body bag he didn’t even get placed inside. Big Sugar thinks it over and says he has something in mind. Perkins wants a rematch for the Cruiserweight Champions, correct? Perkins agrees that he does. Big Sugar says he can have it on one condition, and we’re going to find out how much Perkins can rely on his partner. The boss says Fallah Bahh is going to face Darby Allin this Friday at Hard Labor and if Bahh is victorious, Perkins can have his rematch later this month at Fall Brawl. Perkins then jumps up and gives Bahh a big hug and says this is great news. However, the boss wasn’t finished as he now informs Perkins that if Bahh loses, Perkins will spend the night stuffed into a body bag overnight. Perkins freezes in his tracks and turns pale before slumping back down into his seat. With that news, we are going to take you now to a commercial break.
Back from the break, the Briscoes and Dez and Trey of the Rascalz makd their way to the ring for some tag team action.
Match #3 – The Briscoes vs. The Rascalz
Jay and Trey square off as the match gets under way and Trey nails Jay with a series of Forearm Smashes to the chest and then goes for a Discus Clothesline, but Jay knocks him flat with a Big Boot to the face. Jay then pulls Trey back to his feet by the ears and throws him into the Briscoes corner and delivers a flurry of kicks to the gut and then tags in Mark and the Briscoes execute a Double Suplex. Mark then goes into Redneck Kung Fu mode and Crane Kicks Dez from the ring apron to the floor and then heads up to the top turnbuckle, but Trey cuts him off. Trey tries to send Mark to the mat in Ric Flair fashion, but Mark fights him off and bites his fingers. Mark then connects with a Tornado DDT out of the corner. Mark makes the tag to Jay and then dives out to the floor, wiping out Dez on the floor with a Suicide Dive. Jay finishes Trey off with the Jay Driller and makes the cover for the three count.
The Briscoes pick up a convincing win and now Scurll leads Allie, Hager, Gulak and Pope to the ring to join in the celebration. Pope then calls for a mic and is prepared to say something, but is immediately interrupted as Eddie Edwards comes out to the top of the entrance ramp, holding his singapore cane, Kenny, and a microphone. Hager and the Briscoes duck out of the ring to go stand at the bottom of the rampway and block Edwards’ path. Scurll then takes the microphone from Pope and invites Edwards to c come to the ring. Edwards said normally he might take Scurll up on that, but not tonight. Edwards said he’s glad Scurll showed up, but knowing that he’s going to own Scurll in two nights when they meet in a 6-Man Tag Team Match with No Holds Barred, Eddie says he decided to give Scurll a pass tonight. Instead, Edwards said he’s here for more of what you might consider foreplay before the big night on Friday when Scurll and Kenny get to go on their first date together. However, Eddie said he did bring a little something along that he thinks Scurll ought to see. A video then plays on the Jumbotron, showing a few of our crewmen working to install the baptismal font in the Eden’s Gate locker room earlier today. Eddie says we may need to fast forward a bit. We get to the point where the crewmen finish the installation and exit to go eat lunch. Shortly thereafter, we see Edwards sneak into the locker room. In the ring, Scurll starts to look confused and then angry as he realizes that nothing good is going to come of this. On the Jumbotron, the video continues as we see Edwards take a chair over to the font and then climb up onto the chair and proceed to urinate into the font. In the video, Edwards then slowly climbs down from the chair and replaces it before sneaking back out of the locker room and the video ends. In the ring, all of the members of Eden’s Gate look sick and Scurll drops down to sit on the mat with his legs crossed as he holds his hands over his mouth in horror. Edwards laughs and tell them to take that, pissheads. Pope takes the mic and tries not to wretch as he promises they’ll get even on Friday. Edwards continues to chuckle as he exits to the back and we take our final commercial break of the night.

Back from the break, it’s Main Event time as Television Champion Adam Cole makes his way to the ring, preparing to make his first weekly defense after knocking off Heath Slater for the belt last week. We then find out that Tommaso Ciampa will be the challenger as he makes his way to the ring and Cole appears not very happy about it. Before the match gets under way, Cole bails out to the floor. He says he and Ciampa have gone to war so many times and if they’re going to do it again here tonight, they might as well hold nothing back. Cole says he doesn’t even want the champion’s advantage for this match and suggests they make it No Disqualification and No Count Outs. Ciampa immediately nods his head yes, that suits him fine. Cole warily climbs up onto the ring apron and unbuckles the title and hands it into the referee. He then gets back into the ring and our Main Event gets under way.

Match #4 – HWL Television Championship – Adam Cole vs. Tomasso Ciampa

Two familiar rivals face off in this Main Event with the gold on the line and Cole and Ciampa waste no time tearing into each other with a half tie-up and punches flying. Cole then shoves Ciampa back and goes for a Superkick, but Ciampa ducks and tackles Cole’s plant leg out from under him. Ciampa then goes to a side mount and pummels Cole with straight right hands and the two men roll out under the bottom rope and to the floor with a thud. Cole ends up on top of Ciampa now, pummeling away. Cole then gets back to his feet and reaches over the barricade and steals a steel chair away from somebody in the front row. Ciampa tries to get back up and Cole smashes him over the spine with the chair. Cole then takes Ciampa’s hand and lays it across the top of the ring steps and then tries to smash that hand with the chair, but Ciampa pulls his hand out of the way and Cole drives the chair into the steps. Ciampa then kicks Cole in the knee and then regains his feet and drives Cole down onto the chair with a DDT. Ciampa then tosses Cole back into the ring and slides in after him. Ciampa slowly drags Cole back up and sets up for a Cactus Piledriver, but Cole counters into a Back Body Drop. Cole then tunes up the band in the corner and Ciampa slowly gets back to his feet and Cole delivers a little Sweet Chin Music, but Ciampa doesn’t go down. Ciampa is out on his feet though as Cole hooks him up and follows up with a Brainbuster. Cole goes for the cover, but Ciampa kicks out at the last second. Cole puts the boots to Ciampa and then goes back to the corner and pulls down his knee pad as he calls for the Last Shot. Ciampa struggles back up to his knees as Cole has him right where he wants him and goes for it, but Ciampa ducks at the last second and Cole flies through the air without making contact and crashes to the mat. Both men now regain their feet at the same time and Cole tries to fire off another Superkick, but Ciampa pulls the referee in the way and Cole has to stop short. Ciampa then hits Cole with an Elbow Smash to the face and follows up with the Fairy-Tale Ending and makes the cover, but the rest of the Undisputed Era arrives at ringside and O’Reilly pulls Ciampa out to the floor by the boot and he, along with Strong and Bobby Fish beat down Ciampa on the outside and now we see why Cole wanted the stipulation changed, having his cronies on standby. The UE throws Ciampa back into the ring as Cole perches on the middle rope and calls for the Panama City Sunrise, but now here come Finn Balor, AJ Styles and Alex Shelley of the nWo down the rampway as Balor looks to get even and Spears Strong out on the floor. The three of them neutralize the rest of Cole’s crew, but Cole looks away from that and turns his focus back to Ciampa as the challenger regains his feet, stooped over and Cole dives from the turnbuckle and connects with the Panama City Sunrise. Cole then looks right into the hard camera and says that’s how it’s done, but before he can go for the cover, he is waylaid by a massive Clothesline. The camera pans back out and we see Cole has just been leveled by Brock Lesnar. Lesnar drags Cole back up and plants him in the center of the ring with the F-5. Lesnar then goes out to the floor and watches as Balor, Shelley and Styles chase the rest of the Undisputed Era to the back. Ciampa slowly rolls into the cover on Cole and scores the three count as Lesnar watches from the floor and grins. 

Tomasso Ciampa is your winner and the NEW Television Champion. As Ciampa sits up in the corner and collects the title, Balor returns and joins Lesnar and pulls him away from the ring, patting the Beast on the back. Lesnar and Balor leave together and Ciampa isn’t sure what to make of the situation, but he’s not going to argue with how it turned out in his favor tonight. Thank you for joining us tonight for Overdrive. We will see you again in 48 hours as HWL presents Hard Labor, only on Pay Per View.


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