The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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8/19/2020 10:04 pm  #1

Overdrive Episode #51 (08/19/20)

Pyros light up the HWL Arena and it’s time for Overdrive as we come to you hot off the heels of Four for Gold where we crowned three new champions, including a new World Heavyweight Champion in Marty Scurll.
As always though, we are kicking off the show by getting right to the action as we start off with tag team action as Breezango and the New Day’s Big E and Kofi Kingston make their way to the ring.
Match #1 – Breezango vs. New Day
Fandango and Kingston start things off and Dango swivels his hips and motions for Kofi to bring it. Kofi responds with a little twerk action. Dango then does a little breakdance and ends with a spin into a side layout position with his elbow propping up his head. Kofi then shrugs and hits Fandango with the Boom Drop while he’s down and goes for the quick cover, but Fandango kicks out. Kofi drags Fandango back to his feet and Fandango fires back with a series of Forearm Shivers to the jaw. Fandango then makes the tag to Breeze and Breezango together press Kofi back against the ropes and whip him across the ring, but Kofi springboards off the ropes and connects with a Flying Crossbody on both opponents. Kingston then make the tag to Big E, who comes in and goes for a Big Splash on Breeze, but Breeze rolls out of the way and Big E crashes to the mat. Breeze then follows up with a Running Snapover Neckbreaker and then an Asai Moonsault. Breeze tags Fandango back in and Fandango comes off the top rope with a Flying Guillotine Leg Drop and makes the cover. Kingston comes in to try to break up the hold, but Breezango ties up with him and forces him back into the corner as Fandango scores the three count and the win.
Breezango celebrate their victory and in the back, our broadcast colleague was expecting an interview with the new World Heavyweight Champion, but is instead joined by Pope D’Angelo Dinero. Pope says that he knows you all are disappointed to not be hearing from our World Champion right now, but the fact of the matter is this – why would Marty Scurll let anybody else control his message. Pope says you will only hear from Marty Scurll on his own terms, if and when he wants you to hear him. Pope says other people have controlled the narrative before, but no more, now Father Marty controls his own story. With that, we’re going to take a quick commercial break.
Back from the break, Dominik Dijakovic is making his way to the ring, when he’s jumped from behind by his opponent, Baron Corbin. Corbin pummels Dijakovic and then stomps his face into the steel rampway. Corbin then retreats into the ring where he is admonished by the referee, but the referee can do nothing as the match had not yet begun. Dijakovic slowly regroups and tries to shake the cobwebs loose. He then slowly crawls into the ring and is checked on by the refere, but Dijakovic wants to fight and the referee reluctantly starts the match.
Match #2 – Dominick Dijakovic vs. Baron Corbin
Corbin connects with a Running Boot to the side of the head as the match gets under way, capitalizing on his pre-match attack. Corbin then follows up with the End of Days and covers Dijakovic for the three count.
Corbin is your win, albeit by dubious means in this one. With the match ending so quickly, we are going to forgo a commercial break and go right into the next match as Dijakovic is helped to the back. Dexter Lumis and Karrion Kross make their way to the ring to settle their beef from last week.
Match #3 – Dexter Lumis vs. Karrion Kross
Lumis stands breathing heavily, but doesn’t moves as Kross paces on his side of the ring. Kross then comes at Lumis and Lumis knocks him flat with a big Clothesline. Lumis then pummels Kross and then delivers a Knee Drop across the throat and Kross spits up some blood. Lumis then locks in a Reverse Sleeper and chokes Kross out and the referee calls for the bell.
Lumis is your winner and with that, we’re going to take you to another word from our sponsors. When we come back, the Television Title will be on the line.
Back from the break, it’s time for our weekly Television Title match as the defending champion, Heath Slater, makes his way to the ring. We find out that his challenger this week will be Fallah Bahh.
Match #4 – HWL Television Championship – Heath Slater vs. Fallah Bahh
The two men tie-up and the bigger Bahh overpowers Slater and shoves him down to the mat. Slater sits up and scoots slowly back to the corner, looking at Bahh like he doesn’t know what his next moves should be. Slater wipes his mouth with his forearm and slowly pulls himself back up to his feet using the ropes. Slater then circles Bahh more warily this time and then points up to the rafter and Bahh falls for it, looking up at the lights and Slater kicks him in the gut and then rolls him up, but Bahh kicks out.  Slater pounds on Bahh with a series Double Axe-handle Shots and then goes for a Swinging Neckbreaker, but Bahh slips out of it and knocks Slater down with a Belly Bump and Slater goes down and rolls out to the floor. Bahh boes out after Slater and tries to run him over, but Slater counters into a Drop toe-hold, driving Bahh face first into the steel steps. Slater helps guide Bahh back into the ring and Bahh stumbles back up to his feet and can’t recover from the head shot from the steps as Slater comes in behind him and connects with the Jumping Neckbreaker and covers him for the three count.
Slater manages to hold onto the other gold for another week and he makes his way to the back, yelling into the camera with a message for his kids at home that daddy did it again. In the back, we see a split screen of Eddie Edwards and Jake Hager, each preparing to make their HWL debuts. They square off in our Main Event, coming up next after this final word from our sponsors.
Back from the break, it’s Main Event time as Jake Hager and Eddie Edwards make their way to the ring.
Match #5 – Eddie Edwards vs. Jake Hager
The two men square off and Edwards goes on the attack with a Running Dropkick to the knee. Edwards follows up with a DDT and goes for the cover, but Swagger kicks out. Swagger tries to transition into a Side Choke, but Edwards fights him off with a series of Elbow Smashes right behind the ear. Edwards gets back to his feet and goes for an Atomic Leg Drop, but Hager rolls out of the way and Edwards crashes to the mat. Hager bounces off the ropes and knocks Edwards flat with a Running Boot to the chest. Hager then follows up with a big Elbow Drop and makes the cover, but Edwards kicks out. Hager picks the ankle and tries to lock in an Ankle Lock, but Edwards rolls through, pitching Hager face first into the middle turnbuckle. Edwards then scores a Schoolboy rollup from behind, but Hager kicks out for a very close near fall. Edwards then ducks a Clothesline and springboards off the ropes and hits Hager with a Springboard Stunner. Edwards then hooks Hager by the legs and puts him in the Texas Clover Leaf and Hager howls in pain, but is able to gradually use his long upper body to pull himself to the ropes and force a break. Edwards delivers a series of Knee Smashes to the lower back and then crouches in the corner as Hager tries to regroup and pull himself back up to his feet. Edwards then goes for the Boston Knee Party, but Hager cuts him off with a Big Boot to the face. Hager then hits Edwards with the Red, White and Blue Thunderbomb and goes for the cover, but Edwards kicks out at the last possible second. Hager pounds the mat in frustration and then goes for the Ankle Lock again, but Edwards rolls over and lands a series of kicks to the face, knocking Hager back against the corner. Edwards then kips up and charges into the corner, hitting Hager with a Flying Lariat. Edwards then follows up with a Running Bulldog and Hager quickly starts to pull himself back up and Edwards goes off the ropes again and connects with a second Springboard Stunner. He calls for the Boston Knee Party again as Hager slowly stumbles back up, but here comes Pope Dinero running down the rampway and Pope climbs up onto the ring apron and distracts the referee as Edwards connects with the Boston Knee Party on Hager. Dinero has the referee distracted as Scurll comes in through the crowd and slides into the ring as Edwards goes for the cover and Scurll drives the World Heavyweight Championship down across the back of Edwards’ head and reverses the cover, putting Hager on top of Edwards. Scurll then scrambles out to the floor and  hides as Dinero drops to the floor, releasing the referee, who makes the three count.
The assault does not stop there now as Scurll and Pope get into the ring and put the boots to the downed Edwards as Hager slowly regroups. Hager then applies the Side Triangle Choke until Edwards passes completely out. Scurll, Hager and Dinero then stand tall over the fallen Edwards as we go off the air.


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