The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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7/29/2020 6:43 pm  #1

Overdrive Episode #49 (07/29/20)

Pyros light up the HWL Arena where tonight we have no frills, no interviews and no commercials. Tonight, it’s solely about the action, rapid-fire, starting with women’s action as Rhea Ripley, Bayley and Hikaru Shida make their way to the ring.
Match #1 – Women’s World Championship Qualifier – Rhea Ripley vs. Bayley vs. Hikaru Shida
The three women square off as the match gets under way and Ripley challenges both opponents to come at her and they oblige with a double dropkick and Ripley rolls out to the floor. Bayley hooks Shida for a Reverse DDT, but Shida spins out of it and counters into a Northern Lights Suplex and bridges up into the cover for a near fall. Ripley now pulls Shida out by the boot and rams her shoulder first into the ring steps. Ripley goes back into the ring and goes for a Running Knee Lift on Bayley, but Bayley dodges out counters into a Backslide for a near fall. Bayley then goes for the Belly-to-Bayley, but Ripley powers out of it and counters into a Bear Hug. Shida now returns to the ring and nails Ripley in the back of the head with a Spinning Heel Kick and Ripley goes down hard, dropping Bayley onto the back of her head and Bayley rolls to the corner as Shida stands back while Ripley struggles to pull herself back up and Shida connects with a Superkick and covers her for the three count.
Next up, it’s out other women’s match as Asuka, Allie and Lacey Evans make their way to the ring.
Match #2 – Women’s World Championship Qualifier – Lacey Evans vs. Allie vs. Asuka
The three women face off as the match gets under way and Lacey ties up with Allie and forces her back into the corner and delivers a series of Knee Strikes to the gut, but then Asuka charges over and connects with a Running Hip Attack, smashing both opponents in the corner. Asuka then pulls Lacey backward into the Asuka Lock, but Allie breaks it up with an Elbow Drop. Allie then takes Asuka by the hair and ragdolls her head up and down off the mat. Lacey recovers and bounces off the ropes and knocks Allie flat with a Running Big Boot. Lacey drags Allie back up and delivers a Powerbomb into the middle of the ring and goes for the cover, but she shes something coming out of the corner of her eye and lifts her head up just in time to get caught with a Buzzsaw Kick to the side of the head. Asuka then bounces off the ropes and goes for a Running Senton onto both opponents’ heads. Lacey moves out of the way, but Allie doesn’t and Asuka lands with all her weight on Allie’s face and Allie rolls out to the ring apron. Lacey pulls herself back up as Asuka charges her and Lacey goes for the Woman’s Right, but Asuka ducks and dives past Lacey, rolling her up in the process and Asuka rolls through deep, stacking Lacey up high on her neck and scores the three count.
Next up, our focus turns to the World Heavyweight Championship qualifiers as R-Truth and Matt Hardy make their way to the ring.
Match #3 – World Heavyweight Championship Qualifier – R-Truth vs. Matt Hardy
The two men warily circle each other and then randomly turn to the outside like they expect a sneak attack. Hardy and Truth both back up to the middle of the ring and bump into each other. Hardy whirls and swings, but Truth drops down low into the splits to avoid the blow. Truth then pops back up and chops Hardy across the chest, but Hardy shrugs it off. Hardy then grabs Truth by the back of the head and rams him head first into the turnbuckle. Hardy then pulls Truth into position for the Twist of Fate, but Truth spins out and counters into a Reverse STO Takedown. Hardy immediately starts to get back up, hunched over, as Truth bounces off the ropes and connects with a Scissors Kick to the back of the neck. Truth makes the cover and scores the three count.
Next up, it’s Triple Threat action as Samoa Joe, Cody Rhodes and JBL make their way to the ring.
Match #4 – World Heavyweight Championship Qualifier – Samoa Joe vs. JBL vs. Cody Rhodes
Cody and Joe come face to face to start the match and JBL is upset with the lack of attention and shoves both men. Joe and Cody then turn and knock JBL flat with simultaneous chops. Cody then motions for Joe to be his guest as JBL stumbles back up and Joe hits him with a Headbutt, knocking JBL through the ropes and out to the ring apron. Cody then bounces off the ropes and nails Joe with the Beautiful Disaster Kick and makes the cover, but Joe kicks out for a very close near fall. Cody puts the boots to Joe and then drags him back up and connects with the Cross Rhodes. Cody then makes the cover again, but JBL breaks it up. Cody stumbles back up and JBL hits him with a Big Boot, knocking him through the ropes and out to the ring apron. JBL then stands back and waits for Joe to slowly roll over and start pulling himself back up while Cody tries to regroup on the apron. Cody then starts to get back in, but now Sami Zayn, Cesaro and Nakamura rush to the ring and pull him down off the ring apron to the floor and hurl Cody backward into the barricade. The three of them work Cody over on the floor as JBL bounces off the ropes and turns the lights out on Joe with the Clothesline from Hell and covers him for the three count.
Next up, it’s our final World Heavyweight Championship qualifier as Marty Scurll, Keith Lee and AJ Styles make their way to the ring.
Match #5 – World Heavyweight Championship Qualifier – Marty Scurll vs. Keith Lee vs. AJ Styles
Keith Lee sends both Styles and Scurll reeling with alternative big right hands as the match gets under way. He then launches Styles across the ring with a thunderous Belly-to-Belly Overhead Release Suplex. Lee then flattens Scurll with a Discus Clothesline and goes for the cover, but Scurll kicks out. Lee puts the boots to Scurll and then to Styles and then drags AJ up and delivers a Spirit Bomb, aiming to drop him onto Scurll, but Scurll rolls out of the way. Lee goes for the cover on Styles, but Scurll breaks it up. Scurll now puts the boots to Lee and drags him back up by the arm and tries to whip him into the corner, but Lee puts his weight back and blocks it. Lee then tries to pull Scurll into a Sidewalk Slam, but Scurll hooks his arm tight and takes Lee down into an Armbar. Scurll holds on from the bottom as Lee struggles to pull himself up and to the ropes, but Scurll holds on tight like a bulldog with a bone and starts to crank the arm back. Styles then comes in from the ring apron off the top turnbuckle and hits both men with a Fossberry Flop, breaking up the armbar. Styles then covers Scurll, but he kicks out. Styles then covers Lee, but he kicks out. Lee stumbles back up and Styles connects with a Pele Kick, knocking Lee through the ropes and out to the floor. Scurll then cinches Styles in the Chicken Wing from behind and scores the submission.
That concludes our qualifying matches. Our final match of the night is for the Television Championship as champion David Arquette and challenger Heath Slater make their way to the ring.
Match #6 – HWL Television Championship – David Arquette vs. Heath Slater
The two men square off as the match gets under way and Arquette flails wildly, driving Slater back against the corner. Arquette then tries to whip Slater across the ring into the opposite corner, but Slater counters and whips Arquette hard into the opposite turnbuckle and following him in with a Stinger Splash. Slater then sets up for a Brainbuster, but Arquette counters into an Inside Cradle for a near fall. Arquette then kicks Slater in the knee and bounces off the ropes, but then runs into a Back Elbow Smash from Slater. Slater then follows up with an Atomic Leg Drop. Slater makes the cover, but Arquette kicks out for a near fall and rakes Slater’s eyes. Arquette then goes to bounce off the ropes, but is stopped as Bray Wyatt appears from under the ring and trips him up by the boot. Arquette looks like he’s seen a ghost as Wyatt makes his first appearance since their casket match at MegaClash. Slater then catches Arquette from behind with a Jumping Neckbreaker and covers Arquette for the three count.
Slater is your winner and the NEW Television Champion and he quickly scrambles to the back with the title as Wyatt climbs into the ring, stalking Arquette with a bullwhip. Wyatt cracks the whip hard next to Arquette’s ear and Arquette flinches and begin to roll over. Wyatt cracks the whip again and Arquette stops on his hands and knees as Wyatt then cracks the whip down across his back and Arquette drops back to the mat in pain. Wyatt then wraps the whip around Arquette’s neck and drags him back up to his knees and Arquette seethes in fury and confusion as Wyatt now drops to his knees in front of Arquette and lets loose a laugh before pulling Arquette into a hug and says Arquette belongs to him now. Wyatt pulls Arquette back up to his feet and takes away the whip and throws it out to the floor, turning his back on Arquette. Arquette rears back like he wants to hit Wyatt from behind, but then instead droops back down to one knee. Wyatt turns back around to Arquette, who is kneeling before him and then the lights go out and Wyatt’s laughter echos throughout the arena. When the lights come back on, both men are gone and it is time for us to be signing off.


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