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7/21/2020 4:12 am  #21

Re: Promos for Overdrive #48 (07/22/20)

" Bro"

" Brother!!"

The scene comes into life in a backstage area and we See Matt Riddle and Hulk Hogan going back and forth saying bro and brother.. The scene then pans around to Bayley and Sasha Banks staring at the two men, Sasha taps Bayley on the shoulder as they both turn around and walk out of shot


A Few moments Later Bayley and Sasha Are standing in front of the overdrive logo proudly showing of there prize assets there WWE Titles of course. Sasha flicks her hair back

Sasha "Oh Mickie, Mickie Mickie you stand there and speak about our names and you think that rattles us... Erm... No.. Yes i am the Boss and im called that for a reason"

Sasha then shows of her Boss Chain

Bayley " What everyone fails to realise is that we are dominant, We are successful and We are better than you.. So you can Wooo till the cows come home, Bring Charlotte back from whichever rock you found her but there is one thing you cannot deny and that will be proven this week on overdrive when we finally shut your mouths"

Sasha "Mickie you may be the womens champion and may of beat of many challengers but you havent faced the two of us.."

Hulk Hogan then walks in behind the girls placing a hand on each shoulder

Bayley "... And anything can happen when you least expect it"

Next to Hogan on either side walk in Mandy Rose, Toni Storm, Matt Riddle and Pac as the scene ends


7/21/2020 4:20 am  #22

Re: Promos for Overdrive #48 (07/22/20)

Due to injuries sustained at another company's show Rey Mysterio will sadly be unable to compete at Overdrive this week

Rey Mysterios spokesperson has stated that although he would of won this match his fans will have to wait a little bit longer for him to make an appearance in HWL Programming


7/21/2020 10:07 am  #23

Re: Promos for Overdrive #48 (07/22/20)

(Charlotte Flair)

Sasha, you can call yourself "The Boss" all you want and wave around your little chain, but that doesn't make it so. What have you really been the boss of? The boss of never once successfully defending a singles title? The boss of never being able to beat me in a Pay Per View match?

Like Mickie said a few days ago, the only thing you're the boss of is complaining about things on Twitter.

As to whether what she said rattles you or not... the jury is still out on that one. But I know something that rattles you for a fact and that's having any kind of pressure whatsoever to live up to. That's why you could never hold onto the Raw Women's Title against me. That's why you couldn't hang onto the Smackdown Women's Title against Alexa Bliss. That's why you couldn't hang onto the Women's Tag Team Championships at Wrestlemania 35. And that's why you couldn't beat Asuka for the Raw Women's Title on Sunday.

I have no problem with the tactics you tried to use in that match, but you can't even cheat properly. I don't know what the Hulkster is teaching you, "brother", but take it from the daughter of the dirtiest player in the game — you're going to have to do a lot better than that to get one over on me.

But we all know what to expect this Wednesday and that's for "The Boss" to take yet another Loss.

(Enter Mickie James)

Bayley, Bayley, Bayley. Dominant? To borrow from the immortal Inigo Montoya — "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

Dominant is elevating your division and beating everyone in it anyway. During your run over the Smackdown Women's division, instead of getting stronger, your competition has gotten weaker. Where has Charlotte Flair been? On Raw and on NXT. Where has Asuka been? On Raw. Up until her pregnancy, where was Becky Lynch? On Raw.

You've captained a sinking ship in a declining division while all of your best rivals enjoyed the spotlight on Raw and the up-and-comers in NXT passed you by.

Here in the HWL, the women's division is as strong now as it's ever been and that all starts at the top, with me, the Women's World Champion.

Since you apparently didn't take away anything useful from our last meeting, pay closer attention this time.


Well, don't ask too much of Bayley. It took her 30 years to learn how to grow up. It'll take her a while longer to learn how to get on our level.

(The two share a laugh as they exit)

     Thread Starter

7/21/2020 1:38 pm  #24

Re: Promos for Overdrive #48 (07/22/20)

(Darby Allin)

Without a single hold, the first domino falls.

Rey Mysterio, the Legend, eliminated from our match this Wednesday before he can even step into an HWL ring. It would have been an honor to share the ring with you, Rey. Maybe some other time.

That leaves just five more dominoes for me to knock over. Cuerno and Gulak, we know where you stand. Shelley, Devlin, Tozawa — that leaves just the three of you to ponder.

Shelley, newly reunited with Chris Sabin in the Motorcity Machine Guns. I wonder to where then does your attention owe the greatest portion of its loyalty. Is it here, to your old mentor Kevin Nash and the Old World Order he wants to play off as new? Or is it to Sabin, with whom you shared the only real success you've ever had?

Tozawa, are you too busy off playing ninja to worry about the rest of us? They called you the energy monster once upon a time, but now you are just a passé stereotype. Can we call that Tozawa back to the forefront or will you continue to be the butt of the joke?

Devlin, the devil inside. I could teach you a few things about devils and demons. They ride with me on my back and whisper into my ear, trying to pull me from my path into the infinite nothing. I push them aside every single day. I will remove you with quite a deal more ease than they.

None of you shall turn me aside from my path. Neither Cuerno nor Gulak shall succeed in doing so either. Unlike Gulak, I will not be led astray. I will not go mindfully to my own slaughter. Unlike Cuerno, I will not prey on only the weak and the feeble.

Instead, I will continue to blaze my own path and dance to my own tune. I will strike at the very heart of the largest, the fastest, the strongest and the most innovative opponents I can find, ending with my opportunity at TJ Perkins and the Cruiserweight Championship.

But then again, that will only be the culmination of the first chapter. I have many more pages left to be written at all of your expenses.

Woe is you.

     Thread Starter

7/21/2020 5:24 pm  #25

Re: Promos for Overdrive #48 (07/22/20)

~Drew Gulak is in a class room apparently teaching new members of "Eden's Gate" the ways of Marty Scurll, Jungle Boy and Mark Stunt sit in the front row the room is full of the purple mist~

Gulak: You see these are the ways of the father. Now class I would like to talk about sinners. Sinners need to be eradicated.... sinners such as 

~He writes something on the board as he turns around it reads "Darby Allin"~

Gulak: You see ladies and gentlemen, this man Darby Allin, is the epitome of a classic sinner. The tattoos, the face paint, the skate board. These are all signs of someone who needs to see the light. The tattoos define his lack of discipline, the face paint his fear of showing his true faith, and his skate board his lack of respect for authority. The problem my brothers and sisters, is that he is beyond saving. Darby Allin likes to ridicule me for turning into a follower. Well Darby Allin, all great leaders were once followers. However I don't look at it that way. I prefer to look at it as I am but a student and a teacher. I may still be learning from the Father Marty Scurll, however I am passing on the lessons he has taught me to all those who seek the light and the refuge that Eden's Gate can provide for each and everyone of you. Except the Crusierweights of the HWL. Darby Allin, likes to mask his sins as creativity, and individuality. However you are the same you and me....

~He points to the crowd~

Gulak: Don't you agree? We all breath, we all feel, we all smell, we all hear, we all see. We all see the father and his ways. Even these two pour souls in the front row.

Narrorator: The Jungle Boy and The Babysurus had been fighting up until this point but as those words leave Drew's mouth they stop and stare at him in wonderment.

Gulak: Yes even you my children are worthy of salvation in the eyes of The Father. We are all the same and we will all see the same fate.THE TRUTH IS MY FRIENDS..... Darby Allin's mean little to a man of my intelligence. I know he is trying to get under my skin, maybe cause a rift between myself and The Father Marty Scurll. But not even a heathen such as Darby Allin can break the bond that we all share together. Would you all like to know what Darby Allin's real problem is?

~He goes to the board and writes the word "Jealous"~

Gulak: Darby Allin is jealous of what we have and what we have become. That is why we all must fight. There are many more out there like Darby Allin. People that are jealous and are going to try and take what we have. The HWL locker room is full of them, but we are going to purge the HWL locker room of these sinners and purify the roster. But enough about Darby Allin, please open your books to page seventy two verse two of "The Fathers Bible" and we will continue with our lesson......

Narrator: As Drew Gulak turns back to the board the Babysurus loads up a spit ball and shoots it towards Drew Gulak's head. He misses wildly as Jungle Boy begins to let out and odd cackling laugh. Drew Gulak then turns around and walks towards the two of them, crouching down to their level. 

Gulak: The Father believes the two of you will change. I'm not too sure to be honest. However I think it's time for you two to have a bath........

~The Briscoe Brothers walk in and grab the two young boys taking them out of the classroom Gulak leads the rest of the class out of the room, Allie follows in the background and starts singing~

Allie: Let the water wash away your sins

~The rest of the class joins in as the camera cuts~



7/21/2020 5:31 pm  #26

Re: Promos for Overdrive #48 (07/22/20)

Samoa Joe

[Camera are backstage as they see Samoa Joe tapping his arms tightly and catches the crew while he looks on the floor.]

It's less than 24 hours since you guys last spoke to me. And during this short time of absence, the locker room has created quite the buzz. From Cruiserweights exchanging words to the females bickering at one another for supremacy. To even Adam Cole trying to understand the rambling R-Truth. Many things are been spoken all at the same time. While, I, have step aside from the chaos. Preparing to bring the Nation of Violence to it's peak. It won't be long now Sami. It won't be long until you get to experience my world

[He finishes taping up and looks to the camera crew.]

A world where the only inviting guest are pain. Agony. And suffering. A playground in which the mind constantly plays a survival game. And you Sami, are part of that action tomorrow night. So in less than 24 hours from now, we will do battle at Overdrive. And hopefully, your political group known as MAGA watches very closely to our matchup. Because I want to send a PERSONAL message to your ring leader known as JBL.

[He grabs the camera from the crew and ask them to leave. They do.]

JBL. If you're watching this. Listen carefully. Cause what I'm about to do to Sami Zayn is a little preview of what's to come. A little presentation of the violence that will be shed in a near future. So pay close attention, cause JOE IS GONNA KILL SAMI. And sadly, there isn't a damnn thing you could do about it, except just watch in horror. But until them, let's keep in touch. Ok? Good.

[He drops the camera into a side angle as Joe leaves the scene.]


7/21/2020 5:52 pm  #27

Re: Promos for Overdrive #48 (07/22/20)

~Adam Cole and The Undisputed Era are walking down the street and it looks like Adam Cole is looking for something as the other members look a little concerned, they stop and huddle up as Adam Cole keeps walking they then catch up to him~

Fish: Look Adam, I think you're starting to lose your marbles man. I mean, looking for R-Truths imaginary friends, what the hell has gotten into you?

Cole: LOOK I'M NOT A JOKE! I'm a man that needs to be taken seriously and a man that R-truth shouldn't be messing around with, and hell maybe this thing he's looking for isn't imaginary maybe it's real and maybe I just need to find this thing and end it so that R-truth will put his focus on me.....

~Cole keeps walking and the rest of the Undisputed Era follow, they get into the bad part of town as prostitutes roam the streets and windows are smashed on most of the houses. Bobby, Kyle, and Roddy are growing more concerned looks on their faces as Adam Cole seems to be oblivious to his surroundings. They walk past a crack dealer who starts following them.~

Dealer: Wanna buy some crack?

O'Riley: No buzz off loser!

~Adam Cole then turns around and stares in bewilderment  at this man who stands about five foot six looking like he's been wearing the same clothes he found in a dumpster six months ago~

Cole: You........ what is your name???

Dealer: Lil Ricky..... I got this good shit, you know I like to call it "Evil Lil Jimmy"

~Adam Cole looks at the man pausing in silence. He then slaps the Crack bag hes been holding out for the last five minutes and super kicks the man. The Crack Dealer falls to the ground unconscious.~

Strong: Whoaaa.....

Fish: Ease up dude.

~Adam Cole now stares into the camera~

Cole: You catch that camera guy? Look Truth, I dealt with your friend "Lil Ricky" how about now you focus on the task at hand? Because Truth, tomorrow night on Overdrive I'm going to kick those crack rocks down your throat. You see I like to keep myself calm cool and collected when I can but when my opponent can't even get my damn name right I begin to get a little pissed off. You clearly know who I am Truth, you clearly know what I have done, and I am not going to stand for you insolence any longer. You better hope that "lil Jimmy" becomes a "real boy" tomorrow night and grows legs and arms because HE'S GOING TO HAVE TO CARRY YOU OUT OF THAT RING! You may be a former NWA World Champion R-truth and we're all familiar with my resume but don't think that's going to stop me from mopping the ring up with your stupid f*cking hair! The last words you're going to hear tomorrow night on OverDrive is

~He points to Kyle O'Riley who puts on an over the top announcers voice~

O'Riley: And your winner of the match ADAM COLE!!!

~Adam point his fingers in the air as he mouths the two next words~

Fish and Strong: BAY BAY!

~The boys then walk off as James Mitchell and The Pope walk into frame. They dust the poor crack dealer off and help him up~

Dinero: Have you heard of "The Father" Marty Scurll?

~The camera cuts~


7/21/2020 7:24 pm  #28

Re: Promos for Overdrive #48 (07/22/20)

~Pope and James Mitchell walk the crack dealer down to the river bank that has a slight purple tinge to it as Marty Scurll is waiting for them.~

Scurll: Brother Pope, brother Mitchell, who is this poor soul?

Dinero: A crack dealer that Adam Cole kicked in the face.

~Pope hands the man over to Marty who takes a deep look into the man's eyes~

Scurll: My child, the bliss is going to make you see........

~Marty begins to slowly walk the drug dealer into the river as Drew Gulak shows up with the Briscoes who are dragging a kicking and screaming Jungle Boy and Mark Stuns with them~

Scurll: Brother Drew, Brother Briscoe's, what is it?

Gulak: Marty, I was teaching this poor young souls the light and about heathens like Darby Allin when they started acting out. I believe its time to show them the Bliss......

Scurll: Ah yes, Brother Drew tell me, are you amply prepared to cull the herd this week on Overdrive?

Gulak: Yes, Darby Allin is going to see the light along with the rest of those sinners. He speaks of his life and career as if it is a book, worthy of being published. Be we all know that there is but one book on this earth that is of importance.   

~Drew holds up the white book with Marty's symbol on it~

Gulak: This is the only book of any importance to my life Marty. This is the book that I will be teaching tomorrow night on OverDrive to the Sinnerweights of the HWL. By the end of the night, they will all know who you are and they will either refer to you as The Father, or they will be culled. I WILL PUT THE FIRST STAKE IN THE HWL FOR EDEN'S GATE!

~Marty smiles and looks down at the boys, then back up to Drew~

Scurll: Brother Drew, show these little runts how they shall repent their sins. 

~Drew grabs the man and walks into the water slowly, as Marty crouches down to Jungle Boy and Marko Stunt~

Scurll: This is what a true leader does, my children. You are next.

~He then stands up and follows them in and begins singing~

Scurll: I once was lost, but now am found, was blind but now I see.......

~Drew Gulak violently kicks the man in the back of the legs as he falls to his knees. Drew then puts his hands on the back of the mans head and dunks it in the water. While the man struggles Drew dawns a sadistic looking smile on his face as the camera cuts~


7/21/2020 8:19 pm  #29

Re: Promos for Overdrive #48 (07/22/20)

* We are live from an undisclosed city area, where David Arquette is. As he is looking around for someone. Most likely for Bray Wyatt. He continues looking through his surrounding. Kicking trashcans and searching dumpsters. To kicking doors wide open and invading people's apartment. Arquette is poised to find Bray Wyatt. An evil laugh is heard around the area. *


* Suddenly a red mist starts to appear. Arquette looks worried as he back slowly. But he's cornered in a wall. Arquette sees a nearby trash lid and grabs it. Then grabs a half broken broom. As he looks to be ready for a fight. *

Arquette - Oh I've been waiting for some time now. And now your here. SHOW YOURSELF YOU BASTARD. COME ON OUT.

* Out of the most we see a shadow resembling The Fiend. Arquette immediately jumps the shadow and starts swinging wildly. But to no avail it was no one. *

Arquette - FUCK. I swear I had the bastard cornered. Now where.....

* Then a hand comes out of the mist saying "Hurt". As he grabs Arquette by the mouth. Arquette is pulled by the hand into obscurity. *

* After a few moments later, we see that Arquette is tied up to the chair. And the moment he was waiting for finally arrives. It's none other than Bray Wyatt himself. *

BW - Oh Yowie wowie. Look who we got here. Why....isn't it Good ol the flesh.

* Arquette is struggling to untie himself. Bray gets a little closer, but Arquette sends a huge loogie into Wyatt's face. Wyatt just smiles and laughs as he wipes the loogie of himself with a napkin. *


BW - Now now now. Temper temper. You didn't say please. But since you're already here I'll tell you. You see Arquette....our match at MegaClash was suppose to be the end for this little chivalry rivalry we have going on. But, you made it more personal than I would have expected. So just after you "defeated" The Fiend. I decided to bide my time, and wait. And I waited for what seem to be an eterrrrnity. Until you fell into my trap......

* Arquette looks pissed and confused. *

Arquette - What the fuck you babbling about. WHAT FUCKING TRAP? I ONLY WENT BACK TO FINISH THE JOB.

BW - .....and that's when you fell for my trap. You see......I knew you would come back to finish me. But what you never expected....was for me to "HELP" you.

Arquette - FUCK OFF.

BW - OH.....but it true. You see that thing in your ear that beeps time and time again. Consider it a gift that keeps on giving.Now.....I know you have a Television title defense coming up tomorrow, and sadly I wish you could stay here forever and talk endlessly with me.....but you must do your duty as a defending champion. So I'll be releasing you in short time. To continue dishing out your Breakdown Palace to all those people that don't believe in you. Such as JTG.

Arquette - What about that delusional moron?

BW -'ll find out soon enough that thing you have in your ear, will be your guide to success. Cause not only am I 100 percent positive that you will retain the title. But...that thing in your ear, will slowly be getting just a little looser than you think.

* Arquette smiles for a bit. And realizes what Wyatt's plan is. *

Arquette - Oh I see now.....i see. So your telling me, that in order for me to get these stupid thing from my ear, I have to do your bidding. Beat a couple of guys in the process and once your will come off. Am I right?


* Arquette now looks confused. *

BW - All that you have said is completely right, but in order for it to be completely off.....there will be one mor task. In which I won't say at this time and place. But....yeah, you'll be free as a kite in the sky. And you'll be soaring like the free bird that you wish to be. Or....2nd options. Well....that is if you really want to take this off NOW....there is only one tiny little itty bitty thing you must do. You wanna know what it is.

Arquette - Ohh yeah. And what the fuck is that?

* Bray laughs for a bit, as the red dog starts to appear slowly though his feet. And Bray starts to slowly change into The Fiend. The Fiend appears in front of Arquette. *

The Fiend - LET ME IN!!!!

* The Fiend vanishes out of nowhere, and Arquette is untied from his chair. He looks at his arms and starts to crack some knuckles in his fist and he smirks. *

Arquette - Fat chance in me joining you sick fuck. But....I will take the bait in your challenge. For now. So JTG.....I see you talking smack about me. And this, this is nothing. This is just fuel to the fire that awaits you. So call on Shad. Hell....even call the Marine if you want. There is no heaven or hell to save you from my grasp. And once your in that ring with a celebrity HWL Legend such as myself....all you have to do is pray. Pray for me not to break every inch of your body. And who knows.....maybe I'll shed some light into what REALLY.....happened to Shad. But until then.....

* A nearby streetlight is on. Then Arquette saps his fingers and the lights went out. *

Arquette - .......LIGHTS OUT!!!

* Scene ends. *

Last edited by Th3Rickst3r (7/21/2020 8:24 pm)


7/21/2020 9:18 pm  #30

Re: Promos for Overdrive #48 (07/22/20)


Yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo....Yo....YO! HWL...Whats Really Hood? GYEAH! Check it, let me tell you whats hood...tomorrow night your boy JTG aka Just That Gangsta aka The Neighborhoodie takes on one of the biggest stars the HWL ever produced in David Arquette and not only that but that sweet piece of bling is on the line too that HWL Television Championship...but from what I can see on HWL's Days of our Lives, it looks like Hollywood has a separate problem of his own and a little bit of a potty mouth...Playboy keeps thinking tomorrow is going to be a walk in the park and I got to thinking to myself and I said self, Hollywood cant think I am walk in the park, do you know why? Because ya boy is straight of Brooklyn and I know for a fact there ain't even now parks in Brooklyn except for the Brooklyn Bridge Park...and if Homeboy thinks if wants to walk through that park with your boy then, grab your gate and roll your rollies playboy because I'll throw you off that Brooklyn Bridge playa...

Tomorrow night my homeboy Shad Gaspard will be in my corner and while you and your Bray Wyatt argue over who is the top or the bottom or the pitcher or the catcher...that just leaves a nice opening for ya boy to come in and win that blinged out title and become the NEW Teleivison Champion...and guess what Hollywood? I don't know if you heard or not, but The Sweet Man himself said anyone who defeats eight people in a row while holding the Television Championship can then challenge for the World Title...and Hollywood...What a way to debut, come to Overdrive and take out the biggest dog in the yard...take that sweet name plate on there melt that bad boy down and make that into a sweet grill...and then become the most dominant TV Champion the HWL Has ever seen and when its my time...when ya boy is rolling up in that MONEY MONEY YEAH YEAH...Thats when I become the HWL World Heavyweight Champion....GYEAH!

But Hollywood...whatever lovers quarll you are having with Bray may either want to :smooch smooch: Kiss and Make up before tomorrow because ya boy is STRAIGHT UP GANGSTA...and if you ain't focused,which you clearly arent ya boy will be the next TV Champion by tomorrow night!!



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