The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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6/27/2020 5:35 pm  #1

HWL presents MegaClash (06/27/20)

Pyros light up the arena for the biggest HWL event of the summer. Tonight, the mighty battle. The ultimates have their showdown. The very best match up. It’s MegaClash.
Match #1 – HWL Tag Team Championship – Triple Threat Match – The Revival vs. Viking Raiders vs. Best Friends
Scott Dawson starts things out for The Revival against Ray Rowe from the Viking Raiders / War Machine and Chuck Taylor of Best Friends. The three men circle each other as the match gets under way and then Rowe and Taylor opt to work together and pummel Dawson from both sides, knocking him down to his knees. This alliance then takes Dawson over with a Double Suplex and Dawson rolls out to the ring apron. Taylor and Rowe then trade punches back and forth and Rows whips Taylor off into the ropes and takes a big swing, but Taylor ducks and bounces off the ropes on the other side of the ring and hits Rowe with a Flying Lariat. Rowe regain his feet and Taylor connects with Soul Food and makes the cover, but Dawson comes back in to break it up. Dawson then takes Taylor over to his corner and makes the tag to Dash Wilder and Wilder puts his boot up on the top rope as Dawson drives Taylor’s face into his partner’s food. Wilder comes in and pins Taylor back against the corner and hammers him with a series of clubbing blows and then a series of Knee Smashes to the gut. Rowe tags in Hanson and Hanson charges across the ring and Wilder moves out of the way as Hanson crashes into Taylor with a Big Splash. Wilder then takes Hanson down with a Chop Block. Wilder then starts working over Hanson’s left knee with a series of kicks to the hamstring and the back of the knee.  Wilder then tags back to Dawson and the two each grab one of Hanson’s legs and treat him like a wishbone, yanking a leg in each direction.  Taylor then comes flying off the ropes and goes for a Flying Crossbody on both members of the Revival, but they catch him. They then go for a Fallaway Slam, but Taylor lands on his feet and makes the tag to Trent Baretta, who charges in and Clotheslines Wilder out over the top rope. Trent then ducks a big right hand from Dawson and hits him with a Dropkick. Trent then bounces off the ropes and connects with a Running Knee Lift to Dawson and pins him in a Backslide, but Dawson kicks out. Trent regains his feet and walks right into a Discus Clothesline from Hanson. Hanson makes the tag to Rowe and then hoists Trent up in a Gorilla Press as Rowe comes in and drops down to one knee so Hanson can throw Trent forward, driving him down into a Gutbuster across Rowe’s knee. Rowe then covers Trent, but Trent kicks out for a near fall. Rowe puts the boots to Trent and then drags him slowly back up, but Trent counters into a Jawbreaker. Rowe turns and stumbles into a Spear from Dawson. Dawson makes the cover, but Trent quickly breaks it up. Trent drives Dawson back against the ropes with a series of big right hands and Wilder makes a blind tag. Trent whips Dawson off into the ropes, but Trent is then waylaid by a Flying Knee Smash from Rowe and Dawson hooks his arms on the top rope to stop his momentum and then throws a cheap shot at Hanson, which brings the big man angrily into the ring. Chuckie T then comes in as well, not wanting to be left out. Hanson takes a big swing at Dawson, but Dawson ducks and Hanson smashes Chuckie instead by mistake and Chuckie goes down to one knee. Wilder then comes in and shoves Rowe from behind knocking him into Hanson and knocking Hanson out of the ring. Chuckie then Clotheslines both members of the Revival out over the top rope, but both hang on and stop themselves on the ring apron. Rowe drives Chuckie back against the ropes with a flurry of punches and then hoists him up onto one shoulder and goes for a Running Powerslam, but Chuckie slips free down the back and shoves Rowe into a Superkick from Trent. Trent goes for the cover, but the Revival then come back in and Dawson breaks it up while Wilder takes Chuckie by the tights and pitch him out over the top rope and sends him crashing out to the floor where he lands on Hanson, wiping both men out. Dawson hoists Trent up and drops him Snake Eyes across the top turnbuckle. Trent turns and stumbles back to the middle of the ring where The Revival connect with the Shatter Machine and Wilder makes the cover for the three count.
The Revival are your winners and STILL the Tag Team Champions. They celebrate with the gold and make their way to the back and our cameras catch up with our broadcast colleague backstage for what was meant to be a scheduled interview with The Rock outside his locker room. Instead, it appears that our broadcast colleague is standing by with Adam Cole outside The Rock’s dressing room. Cole says he knows its been a long time since you’ve seen him, to which our broadcast colleague replies it actually hasn’t as we just saw Adam Cole getting pinned by Luchasaurus in the World Title Fatal 4-Way Match on Overdrive last week. Cole says, whatever, nerds, but the point is that he’s back after his absence and ready to finally take this place over, to which our broadcast colleague reminds him that Cole hasn’t been absent at all as we just saw him last week. Cole berates our broadcast colleague for interrupting, but then The Rock’s door suddenly starts shaking and it appears to have been locked from the outside. Our broadcast colleague slowly reaches over and unlocks the door. Cole tries to stop this, but is too late. The door flies open and Rock steps out, pissed off and wants to know if Cole tried to lock him in his dressing room. Cole mutters and backs away with his hands up. Rock says this, if Adam Cole’s monkey ass wants to lock The Rock in his dressing room and try to steal his interview time, then how about this instead. The Rock says he happens to know a couple of guys scheduled to be here no showed tonight, so there’s open time later on tonight in the ring. So, The Rock says he’ll see Adam Cole out there, and if he doesn’t, he’ll come looking for Cole later on and Cole wouldn’t want that. Rock stalks off, leaving Cole looking out of sorts.
Back at ringside, it’s time for our next championship match of the night as Orange Cassidy and TJ Perkins make their way to the ring for this next contest for the Cruiserweight Championship.
Match #2 – HWL Cruiserweight Championship – TJ Perkins vs. Orange Cassidy
The two men square off as the match gets under way and Perkins lands a series of kicks to the legs. Perkins then whips Cassidy off into the ropes and goes for a Clothesline, but Cassidy ducks out of the way and springboards into the ropes and hits Perkins with a Flying Tornado DDT. Cassidy quickly goes for the cover, but Perkins kicks out. Cassidy puts the boots to Perkins and then slowly drags him back up, but Perkins counters into a Jawbreaker. Perkins then Clotheslines Cassidy out over the top rope, but Cassidy hangs on and lands on the ring apron. Perkins then charges across the ring, bounces off the ropes and comes back and tries to Spear Cassidy off the ring apron, but Cassidy jumps up to the middle rope and spreads his legs out to either side of Perkins, so Perkins dives through the ropes and crashes to the floor hard without making contact with the challenger. Cassidy slowly gets down from the ropes and tucks his hands in his pockets as he walks down the stairs, stalking Perkins out on the floor. Perkins slowly regains his feet as Cassidy tunes up the band, but instead of going for a Superkick, he lightly nails Perkins in the shin with Sweet Shin Music instead. Perkins is flummoxed and angrily charges at Cassidy, but Cassidy catches him with a Drop Toe-hold, driving Perkins face first into the edge of the ring steps. Cassidy then puts Perkins back into the ring and heads up to the top turnbuckle, but Perkins dives against the ropes and crotches him on the top turnbuckle. Perkins then climbs up after Cassidy and sets up for a Superplex, but Cassidy blocks it. Cassidy then hoists Perkins up for a Suplex and jumps from the top rope, driving Perkins face and chest first into the mat with a Front Superplex. Cassidy then rolls into the cover, but Perkins gets his boot up on the bottom rope in time for a near fall. Cassidy drags Perkins up and to the center of the ring and goes for the Falcon Arrow, but Perkins counters with a knee to the head and then rakes his eyes. Perkins comes down on his feet behind Cassidy and rolls him up in a Schoolboy. Perkins is able to get his fingers into one of Cassidy’s back pockets and use that for extra leverage, undetected by the referee, as he gets the three count and steals the win.
TJ Perkins is your winner and STILL Cruiserweight Champion. He quickly scrambles out of the ring and snatches up his title and exits through the crowd as Cassidy’s buddies, Trent Baretta and Chuck Taylor rush to the ring and plead his case, but the damage is already done as Perkins makes off with the title. In the back, our broadcast colleague is now standing by with The Briscoes, who want to get another shot at the Tag Team Championships when they are interrupted by the reigning champions, The Revival. Dawson says if the Briscoes are done being Sandy Fork Sissies and are ready to find their balls again, it’s about damn time. Wilder stops Dawson though and says he’s remembering something that the Briscoes had to say the other day, something about them not being the real champions until they beat the Briscoes. Well, Wilder says they already checked that box on June 3, but it’s no big surprise that the Briscoes conveniently don’t remember it. After all, they did get hit pretty damn hard. So, Wilder says if the Briscoes want another title shot, they can sack up and earn it, and he and Dawson will be waiting.
Back at ringside, it’s time for the World Heavyweight Championship match as Finn Balor and Luchasaurus make their way to the ring.
Match #3 - HWL World Heavyweight Championship – Luchasaurus vs. Finn Balor
The two men circle each other as the match gets under way. The big dinosaur attempt to tie up with Balor, but Balor ducks out of the way and delivers a couple of Forearm Shivers to the lower back and then dances away before Luchasaurus can get ahold of him. Luchasaurus tries to tie up again, but again Balor ducks and lands a kick to the kidneys. Luchasaurus spins and tackles Balor backward into the corner, but Balor sticks his head out through the ropes and the referee intervenes to enforce a clean break. The two men warily come back to the middle of the ring and Luchasurus tries to tie up with Balor again, but this time it is a feint and when Balor tries to duck, Luchasaurus shifts his weight back and kicks Balor’s leg out from under him and Balor falls on his face and rolls out under the bottom rope and out to the floor and slaps the mat in frustration. Balor slowly gets back in the ring and this time actually ties up with Luchasaurus and goes to a Side Headlock, but Luchasaurus powers out of it and drives Balor to the mat with a Belly-to-Back Suplex. The big dinosaur quickly hops back up and delivers an Atomic Leg Drop across the face and goes for the cover, but Balor kicks out. Luchasaurus drags Balor back up and slams him head first into the top turnbuckle, not once, not twice, but three times and then knocks him flat with a Short-arm Clothesline. Balor is quickly back up, but on wobbly legs as Luchasaurus now bounces off the ropes and connects with a Running Big Boot to the face and Balor again rolls out to the floor. This time, the big dinosaur comes diving out over the top rope after him, looking for a Tope Con Helo, but Balor dodges and Luchasaurus crashes to the floor. He lands on his feet, but may have blown out his right knee as he crashes into the corner of the announce desk. Balor zones in on the target right away as Luchasaurus limps in a semicircle to once again face the ring and Balor connects with a Dropkick to the injured knee, flipping Luchasaurus over and sending him crashing to the floor. Balor quickly rushes up to the ring apron and dives off onto Luchasaurus with a Coup de Grace to the floor. Balor slowly drags Luchasaurus up, but has trouble putting him back in the ring. Balor leaves Luchasaurus leaned up against the side of the ring as Balor slides back in to prevent a countout. Balor goes back out after Luchasaurus, but the big dinosaur elbows him in the side of the head and then uses the ring apron to hold himself upright as he goozles Balor and Chokeslams him, driving Balor’s lower back into the edge of the ring apron. Luchasaurus slowly rolls back into the ring and has to use the ropes to drag himself back up to his feet only for Balor to reach in under the bottom rope and trip him up and the big dinosaur goes down hard. Balor slides back in and works over the knee as he stomps away at it and then lifts the leg straight upright and delivers a Snapmere, torqueing the knee in a way it wasn’t meant to bend. Balor then tries to lock in a Calf Crusher, but Luchasaurus fights him off with his good leg and kicks Balor backward into the corner. Luchasaurus pulls himself back up to his feet using the ropes again, but Balor takes him back down with a Chop Block to the back of the bad knee. Balor then stacks Luchasaurus up on his shoulders in a pinning predicament, but the big dinosaur kicks out. Balor puts the boots to Luchasaurus and rakes the laces of his boots across the big dinosaur’s eyes. Balor drags Luchasaurus up by the hair and tries to set up for a Double Underhook, but Luchasaurus counters into a Back Body Drop, but hangs onto one of Balor’s arms as he falls over backward onto him. With his other arm, Luchasaurus reaches back behind him and hooks a leg, but Balor kicks out. Balor rolls out under the bottom rope and regains his feet on the ring apron well before Luchasaurus can hobble back up on one leg and Balor kicks through the ropes, booting Luchasaurus in the back of the head. Luchasaurus stumbles forward, hunched over as Balor surges up to the top turnbuckle. Balor dives off, aiming for a Coup de Grace to the back of Luchasaurus’ neck, but Luchasaurus stands up straight and avoids the attack as Balor lands harmlessly on his feet on the mat. Luchasaurus then goozles Balor and Chokeslams him, but the big dinosaur falls backward against the corner and can’t capitalize by going for a pin. Balor slowly stumbles back up to his feet and Luchasaurus comes forward out of the corner and goes for the Tail Whip, planting with his left knee and throwing the right leg forward, but Balor counters with a Dropkick to the right knee, the bad knee, as Luchasaurus swings it forward and the big dinosaur crashes forward with groan. Balor now frantically stomps at the bad knee and then heads up to the top turnbuckle and jumps off with a Coup de Grace, landing not on the torso, but on the injured knee. Balor drags Luchasaurus back to his feet and then follows up with 1916. Balor then heads back to the top turnbuckle one last time and connects with the Coup de Grace down across the chest and makes the cover for the three count.
Balor celebrates with the title as we begin a new era in HWL here at MegaClash, the era of the Demon Prince. In the back, our broadcast colleague has caught up with Women’s World Champion Mickie James, who later on tonight defends the title against Lacey Evans and Shayna Baszler in a Triple Threat Match. Mickie has her head down, taping her wrists. She says there’s been enough talking about this match. Now it’s just about time for her to go back up all the talk.
Back at ringside, Adam Cole makes his way out to the ring and then the crowd erupts as The Rock’s music hits and the building is electrified by the people’s champion as he makes his way to the ring.
Match #4 – Adam Cole vs. The Rock
The match gets under way and Rock sends Cole reeling with a flurry of punches and then knocks him out over the top rope with a big upper cut and Cole spills out to the floor. Rock goes after him and puts the boots to Cole and then starts to pull him back up, but Cole hooks Rock by the front of the tights and propels Rock into the edge of the ring apron ribs first. Cole jabs his elbow into Rock’s ribs and then throws him back into the ring. Rock pulls himself up to his knees and Cole charges in from behind him and goes for the Last Call, but Rock ducks out of the way. Cole spins around and Rock hooks him up and drives him into the mat with the Rock Bottom. Rock then starts to set up for the People’s Elbow, but here come the rest of the Undisputed Era, running out to the ring. Rock meets Roderick Strong coming with a big right hand, knocking him off the ring apron. Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly come in the ring from the other sides. Rock prepares to take them both on at once, but everybody freezes as now Mick Foley’s music hits and Foley waddles down to the ring, steel chair in hand. O’Reilly and Fish work to pull Cole back up and revive him as Foley climbs into the ring and it’s looking like 3-on-2 as The Rock ‘N Sock Connection rides for one last time. Strong slides in behind Foley and Rock and Foley turns and blasts him with the chair and right back out of the ring Strong goes. O’Reilly and Fish then jump Foley from behind as Cole and Rock brawl in the corner and the referee finally calls for the bell, throwing this match out.
The brawl continues though as Rock whips Cole off into the ropes and plants him with a Spinebuster. Foley then whips O’Reilly toward Rock and Rock hits him with a Samoan Drop onto Cole. Fish then gets Foley from behind with a Low Blow and takes the chair. Fish rushes Rock with the chair, but Rock knocks the chair aside and hits Fish with the Rock Bottom. Rock then launches his elbow pad into the crowd and bounces off the ropes and hits Fish with the People’s Elbow. Cole and O’Reilly retreat to the floor and drag Fish out by the boot along with them as the Undisputed Era slinks off toward the back. Rock goes over to Foley and helps Mick back up to his feet as the crowd continues going nuts for the Rock ‘N Sock Connection standing tall in the ring. The camera fades and a video package promotes the HWL’s next Pay Per View event.
With the video concluded, we go back to ringside where it’s time for the Women’s World Championship match as the challengers, Lacey Evans and Shayna Baszler, and the champion, Mickie James, make their way to the ring.
Match #5 – HWL Women’s Championship – Triple Threat Match – Mickie James vs. Lacey Evans vs. Shayna Baszler
The three women prepare to square off and Lacey gets right in the face of Shayna. Shayna shoves her backward and Lacey responds with the Woman’s Right, knocking Shayna through the ropes and spilling her unconsciously out to the floor. Lacey and Mickie now circle each other and Lacey darts in a for a Single-leg Takedown, but Mickie dances away from it and instead hits Lacey in the side of the head with a Dropkick. Mickie goes to an Armbar, but Lacey quickly ties herself up in the ropes to force a break. Mickie goes back to the middle of the ring and waits for Lacey to recollect herself. Lacey slowly gets back to her feet, shaking her arm. The two then tie up in the middle of the ring and Mickie works around behind Lacey and cinches her around the waist, but Lacey fights her off with a couple of elbow strikes to the side of the head. Lacey then whips Mickie off into the ropes and goes for a Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker, but Mickie counters mid-twist into an Armdrag and sends Lacey spinning out under the bottom rope and out to the floor next to Baszler, who has slowly struggled back up to her feet, but then Evans pops her with another Woman’s Right, knocking her out cold on the floor again. Lacey gets back into the ring and squares off with Mickie again. The two tie-up in a collar-and-elbow and Lacey forces Mickie back against the corner and fires off some Knife-edge Chops. Mickie then turns the tables and fires off some chops of her own. Mickie then tries to whip Lacey across the ring, but Lacey counters and pulls Mickie into a Short-arm Clothesline, but holds her up and keeps her from going down so she can quickly follow up with a Sidewalk Slam. Lacey tries a cover, but Mickie quickly kicks out. Lacey puts the boots to Mickie and starts to rag her back up, but Mickie counters into a Jawbreaker. Mickie then bounces off the ropes, but runs into a Big Boot from Lacey and slides out to the floor. Shayna is slowly getting back to her feet again and Mickie blasts her with a Mick Kick, knocking Baszler back into unconsciousness for a third time in this match. Mickie slides back into the ring and Lacey fires off a Woman’s Right, but Mickie ducks and kicks her in the gut. Mickie then goes for a Leaping DDT, but Lacey counters into a Northern Lights Suplex and bridges up into the cover for a near fall. Lacey puts the boots to Mickie and drags her back to her feet in the corner and goes to work with a flurry of lefts and rights to the mid-section and the ribs. Lacey then whips Mickie across the ring into the opposite corner and charges across the ring after her, but Mickie dodges out of the way and Lacey crashes hard into the corner. Mickie springs off the ropes and takes Lacey down with a Flying Leg Lariat and makes the cover, but Lacey kicks out for a near fall. Mickie mounts Lacey and pummels her with right hand after right hand to the skull. When Lacey goes to block, Mickie cinches her arm and locks in the Fujiwara Armbar. Lacey struggles to reach the ropes, but Mickie holds her tight in place, just out of reach. Still, Lacey refuses to tap out and wrenches her arm horribly further as she keeps stretching for the ropes. Sensing that Lacey is about to reach the ropes, but Mickie temporarily breaks the hold and drops a knee across the back of Lacey’s head and drags her to the center of the ring and reapplies the Fujiwara Armbar. Lacey still refuses to give it up and Shayna now re-emerges from her slumber outside the ring and comes in to break it up. Shayna then grabs Mickie from behind in the Karifuda Clutch. Mickie struggles and bucks and Shayna is unable to wrestle her to the ground as Lacey slowly regains her feet. Lacey tries to throw a Woman’s Right at Mickie, but that was the arm trapped in the Armbar and she yelps in pain as she tries to throw the punch and can’t connect. Instead, she throws the Woman’s Left, but Mickie ducks down out of the way and Lacey hits Shayna, knocking her off of Mickie. Shayna stumbles back against the ropes, but doesn’t go down. Shayna bounces off the ropes and delivers a Big Boot to Lacey’s injured shoulder and Lacey is knocked out of the ring as Mickie boots Shayna in the gut and connects with a Leaping DDT and covers her for the three count.
Mickie James is your winner and STILL the Women’s World Champion. She hugs the title close to her chest as Lacey seethes out on the floor, favoring her injured arm. Lacey reluctantly begins to make her way to the back as the champion celebrates in the ring.  The camera fades out and a video package highlights the lengthy history between David Arquette and Bray Wyatt fighting over the World Heavyweight Championship and then just fighting for the hell of it after knocking each other out of the title picture. It all culminates tonight in our Main Event as the two men will settle it once and for all in a Casket Match. That’s our last piece of business for the night and it’s coming up next.
Back at ringside, the casket is slowly wheeled out to the ring and placed at the bottom of the rampway. David Arquette is then the first to make his way out to the ring, dressed as though ready for a Street Fight and carrying a steel chair in hand. Bray Wyatt’s music then hits and Arquette starts looking around the ring for Wyatt, ready in case the Fiend were to try a sneak attack. Instead, the lights go out and we see dozens of people wearing Fiend masks with lanterns to light up their faces begin making their way down from the concourse through the fans toward the ring. As they all reach the barricade, the lights slowly come back up and we see a hooded figure standing at the bottom of the rampway. Arquette goes out of the ring and smashes the figure with the chair, but it’s just a mannequin and it falls apart into three separate pieces with the head rolling away back up the rampway. The casket lid then opens and Wyatt climbs up out of the casket behind Arquette and Wyatt gets a running start and dives from the casket onto Arquette driving him to the floor. The two men roll around on the floor, trading punches and kicks as the bell sounds to officially begin this match.
Match #6 – Casket Match – David Arquette vs. Bray Wyatt
Arquette and Wyatt continue rolling around on the floor and Wyatt gets the upper hand as he drags Arquette up to his feet by the hair and propels him headlong into the ring steps. Wyatt pummels Arquette and then goozles him and drags him back to his feet and goes for a Chokeslam onto the steps, but Arquette blocks it and bites at Wyatt’s fingers. Arquette then tackles Wyatt backward into the casket, knocking it over as the two men skirmish on the floor some more. Arquette comes out on the better end and sets the tipped over casket backup, not on its stand, but directly on the floor. Arquette then stands in the casket and drags Wyatt in with him and Piledrives him into the bottom of the casket and Wyatt falls half in and half out of the casket as Arquette climbs out and slams the lid down across his back once, twice, three, four and five times. Arquette then leaves Wyatt laid out and half in the casket as he climbs up onto the ring apron. Arquette runs the apron before diving off with a big splash onto the lid of the casket, smashing Wyatt between the lid and the rim of the casket wall and the casket breaks completely apart into several pieces. With no casket substantial enough for Arquette to try to shove Wyatt into, Arquette contents himself with taking back up the steel chair and smashing the hell out of Wyatt as he lays in the wrecked pieces of the casket. Arquette continues with the chair until he wears himself out. He leans back against the barricade and starts waving to the back, calling for another casket. A second casket is slowly brought out and Arquette pulls the lid up and then starts kicking away pieces of the wrecked casket to get at Wyatt. Arquette clears away the last of the pieces, but Wyatt is gone, must have crawled away somewhere while the second casket was being brought down. Arquette lifts up the ring apron to check under the ring and a huge cloud of smoke comes shooting out from under the ring into Arquette’s face and Arquette goes down, having a coughing fit and Wyatt emerges from under the ring with a fire extinguisher. Arquette struggles to crawl away on his hands and knees and Wyatt drives the end of the fire extinguisher down across the back of Arquette’s head. Wyatt then pulls Arquette limply up off the floor and hoists him up onto his shoulder, but instead of taking him to the casket, he carries him around to the announce desk where he clears away debris and the monitors before laying Arquette out over the top of the table. Wyatt then slowly climbs up onto the barricade and runs along before diving off and driving Arquette through the table with a Running Back Senton. Wyatt then sits up and cackles to himself and picks up one of the discarded monitors from the announce table. Wyatt carries the monitor with him as he climbs back onto the barricade. He raises the monitor high overhead as he glares down intently at Arquette and slowly begins to fall forward from the barricade, intent on drive the monitor down across Arquette’s head, but Arquette rolls out of the way at the last second and Wyatt crashes to the floor. Arquette crawls over to the edge of the ring and pulls out a hatchet. Arquette starts crawling back toward Wyatt, unable to get back on his feet, but stalking his opponent nonetheless. Both men rise up to their knees and Arquette swings the hatchet, but Wyatt blocks his arm and then applies the Mandible Claw and Arquette drops the hatchet. Arquette flails back at Wyatt helplessly, but ultimately passes out from the Fiend’s stranglehold. Wyatt then slowly gets back to his feet and surveys the situation with a passed out Arquette and decides he’s ready to bring this saga to an end. Wyatt drags Arquette up and hoists him up onto one shoulder and picks up the hatchet with his other hand as he now carries Arquette back around the ring to the casket. Wyatt sets the hatchet down on the ring apron and drops Arquette down into the casket. Wyatt then goes to shut the lid, but Arquette reaches up to block it. Wyatt puts his weight behind it, trying to force the lid down, but Arquette is able to keep it from closing more than a third of the way. Wyatt then reaches over and grabs the hatchet and places the edge across Arquette’s scalp and begins sawing back and forth slowly, opening a gash along Arquette’s hairline and By God, Wyatt is trying to scalp him. Arquette now has to switch focus, fighting to push the hatchet away rather than the casket lid as blood gushes from the laceration on his upper forehead. Arquette forces the hatchet away and kicks the lid up and begins to fight back up to his knees inside the casket, forcing Wyatt to come around from the end of the casket toward the middle or release his grip on the hatchet. Arquette then jabs one hand out, thumbing Wyatt in the eye with it and Wyatt lets go and stumbles away. Arquette climbs down out of the casket, hatchet in hand and swings it at the back of Wyatt’s head, but Wyatt moves out of the way and Arquette drives the hatchet down into the ring apron where it’s stuck and he can’t pull it free. Arquette fights to loosen the hatchet, but is stopped as Wyatt hits him in the side of the head with a Big Boot. Wyatt then tries for the Mandible Claw, but Arquette blocks it and elbows Wyatt square in the nose. Arquette then goes back to the weapon he used at the start of the match and recovers the steel chair and smashes Wyatt over the skull with it, knocking him to the floor. Wyatt crawls over the casket and struggles back up to his feet over near the casket and Arquette cracks him over the skull with the chair again. Arquette then tries to lift Wyatt into the casket, but Wyatt fights him off. Wyatt then goozles Arquette and hoists him up for a Chokeslam, but instead of slamming him to the mat, drives him spine first into the ring post. Wyatt then puts Arquette’s carcass up onto the ring apron and climbs up alongside him as he holds himself upright with the ropes and slowly drags Arquette up by the hair. Wyatt then tries to Powerbomb Arquette from the ring apron into the casket, but Arquette counters into a Back Body Drop, sending Wyatt careening from the ring apron and down into the casket. All of Wyatt lands in the casket save for his right arm, which hangs out over the side as the lid falls nearly shut with just Wyatt’s protruding arm keeping it from closing all the way. Arquette now hops down from the ring apron and resolvedly pulls the hatchet free from the ring apron. Arquette leans down on the lid of the ring apron with one side of his body as he raises the hatchet over his head with the other and he’s going to chop Wyatt’s arm off to trap him in the casket. Arquette swings the hatchet, but Wyatt is able to punch the casket lid upward, throwing Arquette’s balance off and he misses his swing. Wyatt tucks that arm in out of the way, but continues to hold the casket lid up with his hands. Arquette swings the hatchet sidearm, aiming for Wyatt’s arms again, but Wyatt drops his arms out of the way and Arquette’s swing fails to connect again, but with Wyatt no longer holding it up, the casket lid falls shut and Wyatt is trapped in the casket, ending the match.

David Arquette is your winner, but he’s not intent there as he swings the hatchet down repeatedly into the lid of the casket, intent on getting at Wyatt still. It takes a few minutes for Arquette to chop his way through the casket lid and when he does, the hole reveals that Wyatt is gone, disappeared. Arquette, a bloody mess, slumps down to the floor, leaning back against the stand on which the casket sits. With that, MegaClash comes to an end. Thank you for joining us. Please tune in again once the HWL returns from its summer hiatus with more exciting episodes of Overdrive and pulse-pounding Pay Per Views as 2020 moves forward. For now, we are signing off.


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