The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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6/26/2020 8:11 pm  #21

Re: Promos for MegaClash (06/27/20)

~Marty Scurll is kneeling in a flower bed~

Scurll: The cesspool that has come of the HWL lockerroom. Luchasaurs is on top of the company with the world. And the hatred that David Arquette and Bray Wyatt is the only thing that remains. When I took a hiatus from this company what feely like an ion, the two of you were fighting for my championship. And that hatred that you created in that moment has now caused one of you to be buried alive at MegaClash. It's really appropriate if you think about it. The weaker of the two of you couldn't stay with my return being eminent. However I would like to offer the two of you salvation. You see gentlemen, we shouldn't be fighting each other. Oh no no no.... you see we..... we should be standing together united in a front!

~Scurll pauses~

Scurll: Think of all the damage we could do! Think of all we could conquer. We would have this company on it's knees. The only thing you have to do, is bow......

~The camera cuts~ 


6/26/2020 8:17 pm  #22

Re: Promos for MegaClash (06/27/20)

* War Machine *

Hanson: The Revival.

Rowe: And Best Friend.

Hanson: Both of you guys stand in our way.

Rowe: For the last couple of months, we slipped out of the tag team division.

Hanson: Slowly and surely, we were fading off. That is until....

Rowe:.....we got serious. From competing in a 6 man tag match without my partner.

Hanson: To defeating 5 other tag team competitors.

Rowe: Me and my partner have crushed the tag team competition to the point that we became the #1 contender for the tag team titles.

Hanson: Revival, we see you at the top of the food chain. And we know from before how that feel. It feels good.

Rowe: Having to plow against guy who surely have lost all their motives. But we didn't. We stood here enduring the whiplashes of defeat.

Hanson: Now we stand here, looking to regain something that we lost a long, long time ago.

Rowe: And to Best Friends. Trent. Chuck. You may have won that battle royal. But you have proven nothing in this company to deserve a shot at the gold.

Hanson: Don't think for a second, that we are overlooking you. It's simply that we earn our chance. Instead of being lucky like you did 2 week ago.

Rowe: Enough of this talk. We must prepare for this match. As this match will indeed mark the best tag team in HWL. Now the question is?

Both: Who's ready to go to War. Us. War Machine. Off.


6/26/2020 8:35 pm  #23

Re: Promos for MegaClash (06/27/20)

~The Briscoe Brothers, pull up in their pick up truck mark having a smoke as Jay starts talking~

Jay: The Briscoe Brothers are back, and we're tryin to stay safe from all dis CO-VID SHIT. But in reality we needed to help pa during the first cut of hay season. But now that's all good and done and we have booked ourselves up till about mid August. we have booked our selves TO KICK SOMEBODY'S AAAASSSSS. 


Jay: We been whoppin eachothers ass to stay in shape to whoop the tag team divisions ass when we were ready. And now we ready. Listen Viking Raiders, Private Party, and Revival. Whoever gonna win dis match. We got you next, and you only holdin them straps till you face us.

~He then does a gun signal to the camera as he continues to walk~


~The camera cuts~


6/26/2020 9:07 pm  #24

Re: Promos for MegaClash (06/27/20)

Camera are back in the swamp, as it seems that the camera team got lost. Out of the bloom, you see Ramblin Rabbit hoppin towards the team. The team looks weirded out by the sudden appearance of Rabbit. *

RR: Wassup dudes. You look kinda lost?

* They all nod and look tired. *

RR: Lucky for you guys. I know the way out. All you have to do is follow me. It's that simple my dude.

* They all look very worried as they know Rabbit doesn't have the best track record in his resume. *

RR: I know I'm not much a good luck. But I'm telling you dudes, I know the way out. And looking and you guys, you must be tired and exhausted. Maybe even hungry.

* Suddenly one of the crew member's stomach gives a loud rumbling noise.  He tries to hold the noise, but gets louder. *

RR: Wow dude. That guy is hungry. Well. I have to go. So you guys either follow me or stay here. Your choice dude.

* They all look at each other and don't have much of a choice. They decided to follow him. *

RR: Awesome dudes. Follow me. Let's get out of here.

* Rabbit then starts to lead the way with the team. Couple of minutes of walking and they stop at what appear to be a real life Firefly Fun House. The team looks more worried than before. As Rabbit talks to them. *

RR: Here we are. My house. Oh wait. You guys wanted to go to YOUR homes?

* The team all nod at the same time. Suddenly we hear the door open as it makes a creaking noise. The team look scared. It's none other than happy Firefly fun house Bray Wyatt. *

BW: YOWIE WOWIE. GUEST. Oh boy oh boy. We never had guest Rabbit. Don't you guys stand out there. Come on in. And don't worry.....mi casa es su casa.

* They enter the house and all of the Firefly fun house voices cheer the team as they enter. *


* One of the crew ask if they are ever going home. Wyatt laughs and replies to him. *

BW: Ey, take it easy bro. You just arrived here. Let me serve you some drinks. On the house of course. Get it? On...the house? Ahhh I know you got it. I'll be right back.

* He goes into the kitchen and grabs a chainsaw and then camera only shows the shadow of screams and the machine running on. The team are flabbergasted by what they see. Bray then makes the drink and puts the ice and done. He presents the glasses on a plate. *

BW: It's is ready. Sir magnific. Your drinks are ready. It's a H20 with a splash of The house special. Drink up.

* They grab the glass and drink up. They all like it and drink the whole thing. *

BW: My my. Ya'll were thirsty as a camel. If you ask what was the House Special. That be easy. A little bit of Yours truly. Basically just a dash of my ever loving fun me. Blood.

* They gulped as they look horrified. But they actually love it. As Rabbit gets more for them. And he serves them some normal salted crackers. *

BW: Now don't you worry. I got you all covered up. Now, you came all this way to know what I think of Mr. Arquette. So let me.....

* One of them stops him for a second and raises his hand. *

BW: Well least you have manner sir. What is it you want?

CM#1: Weren't we....with you in the swamps?

BW: Huh? I don't recall me calling you to the swamp. Explain.

CM#1: Well, we actually talk to you, but not like this. More like your older self. The old Bray Wyatt I think....

* Out of nowhere, Wyatt pulls out the Old Bray Wyatt Face Lantern. As it spews out fogs and murmurs "Follow The Buzzard". *

BW: You mean....this guy? Don't be silly. Even if he came to talk to you, he's always been here. Maybe, just maybe.....he manage to project an imagery of his reincarnated soul so you guys could see. YOWIE WOWIE. CLEVER YOU.

* He looks at the lantern, and it murmurs some other words as Bray is denying everything he says. *

BW: STOP IT. Stop trying to convince me. It won't work. You had your chance. And you blew it. Because of you I'm stuck with David Arquette in a Casket Match.

* The Crew looks scared. *

BW: I do apologize here. Apparently Mr. Old Bray, tried to tell you that he's way is efficient.

* The voices around the house start to boo. *


BW: For the past 5 years, I'd endure every mistake I made along the way. But after "HE" came into my life. My life has change for the better. I have all my friends. From Rabbit, to Mercy, To Abby, To Husky. Even all my fireflies. Life for me was a complete 360. But now my life is trying to turn again the opposite direction. And it's all because of you...ARQUETTE!


BW: But all is forgiven. You are forgiven for all you have done towards me, my family, my fireflies and everyone that have let me in their lives. However, The Fiend is not so forgiving. In fact, right at this moment as we speak.....all he's been thinking is all the different methods and punishment he's going to do to you David. It's been like this for this couple of days. Stressing over how he's going to dish every pain imaginable to your body, soul and mind.

* Suddenly the light start to flick on and off. Rabbit sees this. He replies quickly. *

RR: Guys....this is not cool dude. Follow me. I'll take you back home. Cause we got to get out of here. Oh no......not now. I forgot the keys from the inside. Why me???

* They all try to open the door but it won't budge. They all quiver in the corner. As the lights keep flickering. *

BW: This casket match is a fitting end for one of us. Cause not only is The Fiend ready to enter your Breakdown well as you returning to the Firefly Fun House. Either at your place or my place. It won't matter. Cause once The Fiend grabs a hold of you......He is never letting you go. He'll hold you down, as he claws his hand toward your entire mouth. And drags you into the casket. Gasping for air, but to no avail, no angel will rescue you. Only the demons from beneath to Earth's crust will drag you to the depth of hell.

* The Room suddenly goes Red. The door finally unlocks as everyone exits in a rush and they keep on running and they see the road. One of the camera fell inside the house as it sideways covering the whole room. Every member of the Fun House is shielding behind maybe a painting, a piano or the rug. Rabbit is the only one not hiding as he is petrified. *

BW: MegaClash. The final battle. Who will come out alive? You, Arquette. Or....

* The light turns off. They come back on as The Fiend appears. *

The Fiend: MEE!!

* The Fiend has his hurt/heal hands extended. He sees Rabbit and grabs it. Out of the floor a casket appears. It has David Arquette written in the casket. The Fiend holding Ramblin Rabbit with the hurt hand, while retrieving his giant mallet with the Heal Hands. *


* The casket opens as he throws Rabbit inside the casket with a Thud. He closes the lid. Rabbit tries to exit but can't. The Fiend raises the mallet with all his might and clashes it into the casket with Rabbit inside. As the camera sees the moment it hits and splats all over the house. The lights turn off again. Then it turns on. And we see Regular Bray Wyatt again. *

BW: What have we learn kids? To always treat your guest properly, always to ask permission before speaking while someone is talking. And most of all, to remember that I'll ALWAYS be there for you to light up the way. But all YOU have to do is......LET ME IN.

* He suddenly smiles and starts waving goodbye. *

BW: Bye now. Don't you be a stranger. See ya tomorrow. Have fun. Bye bye now. Hasta la vista.  Adios.

* Camera fades off by itself as scene ends. *


6/26/2020 9:19 pm  #25

Re: Promos for MegaClash (06/27/20)

* Best Friend *

Trent: Yo Chuck.

Chuck: Wassup Trent my friend.

Trent: Do you think we stand a chance in this Triple Threat Match?

Chuck: What? For the tag team titles. I say Hell yeah my dude. We got this in the bag.

Trent: I don't know. The Revival and War Machine look to have the edge here. What if we fail?

* Chuck slaps Trent in the face slowly. Like friendly slaps. *

Chuck: What's the matter with you? Are you backing out now?

Trent: I'm sorry Chuck. Didn't know what came over me. It's the pressure. That tomorrow is the biggest match of our career.

Chuck: I agree. That's why we got these in the bags.

Trent: You really think so?

Chuck: As sure as this friendship is right now.

Trent: You friendship.

Chuck: Now you talking. Come here you.

* They both hugged it out. They turn around. *

Chuck: You see that folks. This guy right here is my best friend in the whole God Damn world. And I'll be damn to let Fisting Revival and Machine Viking take our way to the top.....

Trent: Actually....there names are The Revival and War Machine.

Chuck: That makes much more sense. Whatever Trent said. We are going to come to this ring. Give a 5 star tag team title match. And when the bell rings, you'll see me and my best friend holding together the tag team titles.

Trent: Really? Holy crap! I can't wait to have the biggest party celebration ever.

Chuck: not only our celebration will happen, but "Freshly Squeeze" Orange Cassidy will also need another party celebration once he becomes the new Cruiserweight champion.

Trent: About that? Where is he? Is he suppose to be preparing for his match?

Chuck: Probably. But don't sweat it. He's got this in the bag. Or in his his pocket.

Trent: Hope he tries. I hate if he doesn't try.

Chuck: You think Cassidy is backing out from a title shot. I know deep in my heart, HE WILL TRY. And you can bet your sweet candy ass we will be holding all the gold.



6/26/2020 9:19 pm  #26

Re: Promos for MegaClash (06/27/20)

:The camera shows an unknown house, from a distance we see someone through the window we see a female figure serving dinner,all of a sudden a white van pulls up in front of the house,the side door opens and its David Arquette:

David Arquette: Good evening Bray, here we are just a few short hours away from Megaclash, the Wrestlemania of the HWL...the same event I went one on one with Big Sugar and beat him...but after tomorrow it will be remembered for the event where David Arquette rids the HWL of Bray Wyatt, The Fiend, The Firefly Funhouse, and all your puppet friends...but Bray...can I ask you a question? Do you remember that cage match we had? We left a lot of each other in that cage, but Bray you left with something that belonged to me, something that was cherished by me, something I went through hell and back to get...and YOU Bray...You took it all away from me, you took it away from me like the Pureotan Ricans coming to America and stealing all the jobs from the hardworking took the HWL World Heavyweight Championship from me...and its time...Now its time for me to take something from you...

But Bray, the question was, what do I take from you? What do I take from someone who lost the HWL World Heavyweight Championship to a person who masquerades as a Dinosaur...but lets be real here Bray, underneath that firefly fun house happy fun time guy, and even underneath that demonic Fiend persona...there is a person...a person we don't see often...a person with feelings and thought...and most importantly Bray...a person...with a family....

I bet it just clicked on you exactly where I am, and you would be correct...This is your house...this where Jojo,Hyrie and Knash live when Bray Wyatt is on the road day in and day out...and where is Bray tonight? Training for Megaclash? Buliding a useless casket that is going to go unused...and here I am, Parked outside your house ready to do...

::Arquette looks at his watch and at that moment the lights at the house go out behind him and a faint scream is heard and then Arquette looks back at the camera and smiles:

This...and right on time too...:

the front door of the house opens and a man in a mask has JOJO OFFERMAN and is holding her and guiding her outside to the van, another man follows carrying two children, the men then come to the van and Arquette moves out of the way to make room for the three of them in the back of the van:

Bray...You took something from me...and now I am returning the favor Threefold...and tomorrow night when its you and I in the casket match...I end this for good...first...I'm gonna bury your lovely family here...and then I'll be coming to bury you...tomorrow night...Remeber....You may be able to beat David Arquette...but you Cant KILL David Arquette!

:Arquette then smiles and slams the van door shut, and the van quickly drives off into night with the brake lights fading into the distance:


6/26/2020 9:36 pm  #27

Re: Promos for MegaClash (06/27/20)

* The camera team that was running away from Bray Wyatt, finally saw the road. They find their truck and they speed out of the area. Thirty minutes later, they arrive to where MegaClash is going to be live this year. They enter through the backstage area. They all find somewhere to sit. But one of the guys who jump into one of the moving studio containers to sit down, sits on top of someone. He slowly gets off of him. *

????: What the heck dude. I barely got to sleep. Urghh.

* The image turns around and it's Orange Cassidy. Apparently he was sleeping in that box for a while. He wakes up and stands up.  He looks at them. Reaches into his pocket and grabs a pair of sunglass and raises it up. The team looks at it as he slowly puts it on. Grabs from his shirt pocket a toothpick and then he raises his arm. The team looks once more. And then he finally puts it in his pockets. *

OC: You know? I was minding my own business. Catching some zzz's in that little moving equipment and you guys popped out. That's not cool my dudes.

* They apologize. But he forgives them. *

OC: It's okay dudes. Relax. Your daily Vitamin C is here. Now you must be wondering why I was sleeping?

* They don't but they now wonder. *

OC: Glad you ask. And it's basic really. Sitting and watching TJ Perkins made me drowsy and bored. So I fell asleep halfway through it. But I heard him saying I dont deserve this. Well let me you guys, I deserve this dude. A hell of a lot more than any of your challengers. AND now that you got me as your opponent, you'll be sorry. Cause this time around.....I'll  actually try and beat you.

* They all look confused as to why Try? *

OC: Yes.....I WILL TRY. For the first time in a while, I could not take no one serious. They were just all too boring. But now it's a little bit personal. Cause you see....

* He takes out his old broken pair of sunglasses. *

OC: ....he TRIED to break my image. And now, it's time to ruin his one true love. Yes, I'm talking about his HWL Cruiserweight title. And no. I'm not looking at becoming the greatest Cruiserweight champion of all time. No. I'm looking at becoming the only freshly squeezed champion to ever grace this company. So trust me, whenever I actually put my mind into something, it does come true.

* He grabs a small orange out of his other pocket as the team looks more confused. *

OC: And just like this orange right here. At Megaclash, your time as the champion.....

* He squeezes it really hard with his hand as you see the juice come out. * going to be squeezed into nothing. See ya on Saturday. Chump.

* He drops both the broken sunglass and the orange and grabs the nearest hand sanitizer using it to his hands. Then he wipes it out moving his arm to the side. Then raising it one more....and doing his classic pocket hand and  walks out of frame. The team looks confused and call it a night. They all leave. Camera fades away. *

Last edited by Th3Rickst3r (6/26/2020 9:37 pm)


6/26/2020 10:12 pm  #28

Re: Promos for MegaClash (06/27/20)

* Bray Wyatt is seen in a dark room sitting in a chair all by himself. *

BW: Oh Aruqette...tisk risk. You shouldn't have done that. You should have done that. Now, your time in this world is been numbered. The clock strikes at MegaClash. And you have a one way trip straight into the depths of hell. How dare YOU, come to MY house. Kidnap my kids and my wife and say your going to bury them? It's unacceptable. Not even I would stooped so low to kidnap let's say your family. No no. I would never do that.

* He snaps his fingers, as the lights turns on. We see several people tied up by their hands and standing on a 2 foot stand. They have their faces covered in black bags. *

BW: However.....just this once. I decided to even the playing field. You see, I knew you would stooped to this level.....and you wonder, why your wife never called after the television title match you had. Hmmm?

* The strings attached to the top of the bag reveals all the members of Arquette Family except one. Starting from the right to left. We have Coco Arquette, Charlie West Arquette and Christina McLarty. And then camera pan to Bray Wyatt as he holds the smallest of the Arquette, Augustus Alexis Arquette. He laughs in joy. And spins slowly with the baby in hand, as you hear Christina pleading for forgiveness. *

BW: Excuse me? Do I hear a voice? Is that a cry for help? Oh goodness me. How will I be able to help. I'll show.

* He goes to a crane and pulls the lever close to it. The lever releases all the family of the Arquette. Christina is stunned at his actions. Bray slowly walks up to Christina as she is scared beyond her imagination. But Bray hands her little Augustus. Christina is so confused. *

BW: Go Christina. You are free. I'm not your husband. I'm just trying to make an example of his actions. However, you can ALL leave. But Your father. Your husband. I'm afraid he crossed the line. And I can't forgive him for that. You on the other hand, are just victim to his self destructive ways. Personally, I don't want any casualties. So go on. Your service is not needed.

* The door behind her opens as she kneels down and thanks her. The kids and her run away as far as they can. The door shuts close now. Out of the rafter of the undisclosed location we see a casket coming down. It has David Arquette name written. *

BW: This....this right here. Is the end of our chapter book story. And just like all great story, all good things must come to an end. Unfortunately for you, your story is not a happy one. Oh no no. Your story ends on a sour note, with the casket door opening and welcoming your body, soul and mind. Entrapping the demons that lurks and dwells beneath you. It all goes down under as the Australians would say. But fun and games are over. The Fiend is coming and he's not happy you touch the ones he cares for. And this match is not just between the both of us.

* He slowly walk around the casket. *

BW: It's for all the boys and girls that won't have to live in fear of your Breakdown Palace. Where the only thing you is broken glass, blood spewed around. No. The fireflies of yesterday, today and tomorrow believe in my mission to become a success. I can't let them down. Not now.

* He slams the casket hard with his hand. And looks around. *

BW: At MegaClash. Our rivalry ends. One of us gets out alive, while the other claws and scratches from the insides of a casket. Gasping for air and a way out. But all of this will be on your it won't be me screaming, clawing and scratching from that casket.

* Bray opens it to reveal a wax model of Davie Arquette inside of it. *

BW: ....It will be you. Who's going to be 6 feet under. Enjoy your life of fame. Cause it's been one hell of a ride. Too bad it comes to an end. See ya tomorrow, Big shot.

* Bray leaves the scene and the camera pan on the Arquette Wax model. Camera fades away but not before hearing.... *


Last edited by Th3Rickst3r (6/26/2020 11:13 pm)


6/26/2020 11:44 pm  #29

Re: Promos for MegaClash (06/27/20)

The Rock

*Scene opens up to The Rock, standing alone in the PEOPLES Hallway*

TR: The Rock heard what you had to say Adam Cole. The Rock knows about you being upset about us “old timers” coming back and taking the spot light from the younger generation. Well, The Rock says this, The Rock says if you weren’t so boring on television, The Rock would stay home.  The Rock gets Tweets, Dms and messages… bagging from the fans to come back to the ring. They tell The Rock how they are extremely bored watching people, like you, wrestler and do the same old crap week after week. Stomping around the HWL like a Cadet in the navy seals, Screaming your little

“Bay Bay”

and preaching about your little boy band called “The Undisputed Era”. The only  undisputed thing you monkeys did was put the WHOLE wrestling world to sleep. The Rock would rather sit on his ass and watch reruns of the spirit squad.

The Rock says you keep on running that big trap of yours. The Rock says you keep on making your comments, cause The Rock is a living legend, a world champion and the next man to slap your lips to china and back.


*The Rock raises his elbow as the camera fades*


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