The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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6/26/2020 10:19 am  #11

Re: Promos for MegaClash (06/27/20)

Finn Balor
*Scene opens up to Finn Balor in a dark room, crutched over on a chair with a light on him.  Balor looks up into the camera *

FB: Every company I have been apart of, ive been to the top. Every wrestling company that brought “The Prince” in, I was ontop of the food chain. Everyone wanted a piece of me. We are 24 hours away from Megaclash, the grand daddy of pay per views in HWL.  24 hours away from one of the biggest match of Luchasaurus career. Regardless where he has been in the past, regardless of whatever company he has wrestled for in the past.. Tomorrow night is the big deal.

Luchasaurus had quite the month of being champion. I would say you had a impressive title reign, but you have yet to defend it. Tomorrow night is your first title defence of champion. You get to show everyone what kind of champion you really are, you get to show everyone if you’re legit or just a paper champion. Let me give everyone at home a spoiler alert and mark my words on this, it will be your last time walking to the ring as a champion. Your days of champion becomes extinct, like the dinosaurs.

After tomorrow night, The days of “The Prince” and the days of “The Demon” start.  I will take home that championship and give it the respect it deserves. The month of the dinosaurs comes to an end tomorrow.

*Camera fades*


6/26/2020 11:48 am  #12

Re: Promos for MegaClash (06/27/20)

(Mickie James)

Lacey, if you're worried about my broadcasting career with WWE Main Event, why don't you go ahead and take a look back on what I had to say on the matter for Payback. You remember Payback, yes, when you pulled a Tessa Blanchard and failed to show up to work to help promote our match? Ringing any bells?

Whether you were just too scared to face up to me and what I had to say then or whether it was just laziness on your part from 91, emphasize the one, days of being able to get by doing things the easy way, I'm not entirely certain. But wait, weren't you just bragging the other day about how hard you work. You were a Marine. You know all about hard work, right?. At least that's what you said. So, then it couldn't have been out of laziness, right? But then that just leaves... surely you weren't that scared of little ol' me?

I'm pretty badass, but there was no need to be so scared that you pulled a no show. After all, I don't bite. At least not in the ring. Since you're so busy sticking your nose into my home life, maybe that's something else you can call Nick and ask about.

And If you want to bring up the WWE part of our careers, Lacey, maybe you should be a little more concerned about how often they're letting you in the ring on Fridays and a little less concerned about how often they're putting me at the announce table on Wednesdays. Your ring time is getting fewer and farther in between and you're quickly falling so far out of contention that the Smackdown Women's Champion is more worried about the Women's Tag Team Titles and going over to Monday nights to find some competition that can actually challenge her.

Or maybe you should be concerning yourself with the big goosegg you have in the championship win column over there. I could announce my retirement tomorrow and they'd be knocking down my door to induct me into the Hall of Fame next year. I've made my mark on the company's history. Where's yours? I've proven time and time again that I can carry a division both when its at its very best and when its down in the doldrums and needs to be lifted back to greatness. The latter is what I'm well on my way to doing here in the HWL right now.

Who knows though, Lacey? Maybe they'll actually let you come out to the ring tonight on Smackdown. I guess we'll have to wait and see. Maybe if Mandy Rose slips and falls, you can step in and steal her air time with Sonya. Fingers crossed.

     Thread Starter

6/26/2020 6:17 pm  #13

Re: Promos for MegaClash (06/27/20)

~Renee Young is at the back of the arena where MegaClash is being held as Adam Cole walks in to frame~

Young: Adam, AHHHH.... ADAM.

Cole: Yes?

Young: Where have you been the past couple of months?

Cole: I was at home isolating because I didn't want to get infected. But now I'm back and I have interests in these matches. Hell I'm looking to be World Champion. You see Rene even before I went home to do the right thing, something has been missing. You see Adam Cole hasn't been very "Undisputed." And THAT RENEE! THAT....... needs to change. 

~Adam Cole just walks off as the camera cuts~ 



6/26/2020 6:25 pm  #14

Re: Promos for MegaClash (06/27/20)

Finn Balor

*Scene opens up with the HWL Megaclash arena front door opening up and enters Finn Balor with his gear bag in hand. Balor closes the door and starts walking in the hallway, towards the Bullet Clubs locker room. Balor nods his head at some staff members, then gets to the door of the Bullet Clubs locker room. Before going through the door, Balor turns around towards the camera*

FB:  It’s funny isn’t it? Someone stands in this jungle set and calls me out for lack of words, while they ghost the entire world themselves.  Tomorrow night is one of the biggest nights in HWL History, HWL Megaclash. Where superstars become legends and World Champions lose their title.

*Balor starts to chuckle*

FB: From what I said earlier this week, I mean it. The jungle with the swing nerds get burned down, the age of the dinosaurs goes into extinction.  This fact might be a hard pill to swallow, but it’s nothing but the truth.  Thanks for holding onto the title for this long, but now its time for it to come home to the Bullet Club.

*Balor makes a gun sign towards the camera*

FB: Now if you excuse me, I have a special night to get ready for. See you tomorrow night, chump.

*Balor goes through the door as the scene fades*


6/26/2020 6:30 pm  #15

Re: Promos for MegaClash (06/27/20)

The Rock

*The Rock comes into the scene after Adam Cole leaves. He grabs the Microphone from Renee Young*

TR: The Rock says this, The Rock says get your monkey ass out of here Young. You were just tested positive for Covid 19.

*Renee leaves the scene confused*

TR: Now, The Rock says this. The Rock says Adam Cole was at home, hiding under his blankets with his thumb stuck in his mouth because he was scared of The Rock. The Rock says you keep on walking away Cole, or The Rock will “shock your system” when he sticks his boot straight up your CANDY ASS!


*Rock tosses the microphone away as the camera fades*

Last edited by SweetChinMusic (6/26/2020 6:31 pm)


6/26/2020 6:44 pm  #16

Re: Promos for MegaClash (06/27/20)

~An employee at blank blank stadium in blank blank city of blank blank state where Mega Clash will be taking place, is throwing a bag of garbage in the dumpster out back. When Mankind pops up out and nearly scares the man to death.~

Mankind: Oh.... sorry friend, I just needed to find a place to sleep for the night.

~He climbs out as the employee steps back he then starts walking down the street scratching his arms a lot.~

Mankind: Things have been a little rough on old Mankind lately. I'm a little down on my luck. But I know the wrestling has continued without me. And I would like to see just whose going to win the HWL Women's championship, the tag team championship, even the cruiser-weight championship, the World Heavyweight Championship. But the match I'm most interested in.

~He sits down on a bench and turns to the side like hes talking to somebody, where there is but an empty seat.~

Mankind: Is Bray Wyatt vs David Arquette. And I think I know whose interested even more then that.

~He then gets up and starts walking again walking away into the distance, it's starting to get dark out as he continues walking a shadowy picture appears in the light, the camera zooms in and it's The Villain Marty Scurll who has looked to have ditched the mask and umbrella too look more like a cult leader~

~Scrull: Much interest indeed.

~The camera cuts on Marty smiling~


6/26/2020 7:21 pm  #17

Re: Promos for MegaClash (06/27/20)

~Adam Cole, is walking around the arena where mega clash is going on this weekend {BUY YOUR TICKETS NOW!} holding his hands out in front of him............ "EWWWW RENEE HAD THAT THING!" He shouts as he walks down the hall. Finlay running into the locker room. He comes back out an hour later after showering and cleaning himself up with a bottle of hand sanitizer in hand rubbing it through his fingers before he speaks.~

Cole: Morons! Listen Rock, I've seen somethings in this arena today, and one of them is a wrestling ring. And Uh, correct the "Bay-Bay" is he is wrong but. You and "the bay bay" have never gone one on one in the Udisputed ring. The fact is Rock, people of my generation don't appreciate how you old timers keep coming back and coming back to hog the spotlight from future talent such as myself. The better, more efficient, wittier, intelligent younger man, whose catch phrases are much better then his older counter part. Look you got IF YOU SMELLLLLL

~Adam Cole tries to do his best impression of the Rock though not a very good one by any means~

Cole: you got your, peoples champ, your pie, your FIIIIIIIIINALABAMNOA

~Obviously now trying to rub in the Rocks exaggerated catch phrases.~

Cole: You have a lot of catch phrases and names. But that's just it Rock, a lot. But there all just not good enough. Adam Cole...... on the other hand....... bay bay. Well I have many catch phrases Rock, but I only need one "Last Shot!"

~Cole continues walking down the corridor~

Cole: You know what my favorite catch phrase was? Die Rocky Die.

~The camera cuts~


6/26/2020 7:42 pm  #18

Re: Promos for MegaClash (06/27/20)

~Nikki Cross emerges from the deep dark depths of the arena where Megaclash is being held, holding a knife~

Cross: LACEY LACEY!!!!........

~She laughs and screams as she runs away. the camera pans down to the basement as it goes in. There is a candle nearly out and a message carved into the stone on the wall~

Message: Lacey Lacey..... it's been too long Lacey...... Lacey Lacey I hear you lost the women's championship again Lacey. But finally a true challenger! You see Lacey, when you last defeated me though I may have lost I have still beat you once to, and my longest Womens championship reign was still intact. But now, you have shown to be a worthy opponent and I would like to retrieve my HWL Women's championship. Lacey Lacey, I really do hop you can defeat Mikie James and Shayna Baszler this weekend. Because I would like to make an offer to you. I say we have one more match in this setting of the HWL. ONE ON ONE, WOMEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP, THE LOSER CAN NEVER CHALLENGE FOR THE WOMEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP AGAIN. But only if its you Lacey Lacey. I know I can beat you Lacey, And I'm willing to be my career on it!

~The candle goes out and the camera cuts~


6/26/2020 7:55 pm  #19

Re: Promos for MegaClash (06/27/20)

* Cameras are live, as we are in a swampy dark area deep in the bayou. In the distance, it looks to be a wooden house with a barn. Around the area you see thousands upon thousands of Tombstone. Cameras pan into some of the Tombstone as they read all the wrestler that have lost to Thr Fiend. As it slowly pans out all the names, the only one not appearing there is David Arquette. A guy in a brown robe, completely covered, signals them to follow him. Camera follow the man, and along the way you see crocodile creeping around the swamp, raven crowing loudly and beats flying around the area. Camera arrive to the destination as we encounter Bray Wyatt. Only these time, he's dress with his old gimmick of the Wyatt Family. He's sitting in Sister Abigail's rocking chair. Around the area you see Luke Harper's Vest and both Eric Rowan's Mask and Braun Strowman's mask laying around the chair. Bray has his head down. He speaks. *

BW: I've been expecting you. Come closer don't be frightened. This whole thing is about one thing. And one thing only. And that's the man who's responsible for all of this. David Arquette. This is it. The final curtain call. And you see....we both knew this was coming. Only this time, it all ends here.

* He stands up as we see flocks of raven fly out. *

BW: Arquette. Both of us have endure pain beyond our wildest dreams. Ripping each other's flesh. Dripping each other's blood. Only to have us divided by our anarchy. We both have won and lost equally. And soon enough, The Fiend will rise once again. I'm just hear as a messenger to warn you that our last two encounter.....was nothing but kid's play. A stroll in the park as they say. This time...the games are over. The question I ask you is simple. Are you willing to sacrifice everything you have accomplish here, just to shut down everything I have worked so hard for since arriving here. I'm sorry to inform you Arquette. That this is your final call.

* Suddenly we see a bright full moon shine above the head of Bray Wyatt as he extends his hands out. He's smiling and spinning around the beam of light. And then he stops and looks to the camera. *

BW: This casket match is a befitting end to the life and career of David Arquette. In less than 24 hours, Arquette will pull every trick in the book to stop the Nightmare. But the sad truth is.....The Fiend knows everything. The Fiend sees everything. And The Fiend feels everything. Meaning, The Fiend will never die. Not now. Not tomorrow. Not ever. So say your prayers Mr. Arquette, cause come will Let Him In. And you will be locked away inside a casket.....for the rest of your life.

* The lights from the beam fade off as he sits back in his chair, as he sing a song. *

BW: He's got the whole world in his hands. He's got the whole world in his hands.
And it's a cold world that takes the heart of a man.
And it's a cold world that takes the heart of a man.
So go as hard as you can,
as hard as you can.
Cause soon you'll be long gone.
Cause soon you'll be long gone.
He's go the whole world in his hand. He's got the whole wide world in his handdddddd.

* Camera fazes off as scene ends with his evil laugh. *

* Suddenly you hear in the pitch dark. *



6/26/2020 8:04 pm  #20

Re: Promos for MegaClash (06/27/20)

* TJ Perkins *

Here I am, minding my business at the final Overdrive. Retaining my title. Basking with all the fans, hearing them cheer and all. Then out of the bloom, here comes Orange Man, otherwise known as Orange Cassidy. And what does he do? He tries to steal MY spotlight. Couldn't wait for MegaClash. He had to ruin my night. And not only that, he embarrassed me in front of the whole world. That's just not acceptable.

Ever since I won this belt, I have given everybody nothing but opportunity after opportunity. Trying to light a fire in this division. And now, the only one guy that seems to be ready, is a guy who's catchphrase involves been freshly squeezed. Like come on folks, are you guys going to buy into his BS act. Nah dawg. At MegaClash I'll prove to the whole world why I'm the greatest Cruiserweight champion of all time. And Cassidy....I'm afraid I have some bad news for you. And that our matchup will just see me winning and you sitting on that corner hearing me give you an L Dance and saying MY catchphrase.....



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