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6/17/2020 2:12 pm  #1

HWL Overdrive Episode #46 (06/17/20)

Welcome to the HWL Arena for another episode of Overdrive where tonight, the last required Women’s title defense takes place as Mickie James is challenged by the Native Beast. Also, David Arquette begins his reign as Television Champion by putting the belt on the line against Keith Lee. We are also expecting to hear from Bray Wyatt here tonight as he plans to address the actions of David Arquette, which cost him the World Heavyweight Championship here on the program one week ago. But that’s not all as members of the women’s, tag team and cruiserweight divisions all have the opportunity to earn their way into championship matches at MegaClash, which is now just 10 nights away.

We are starting things off with the women as Shayna Baszler, Nikki Cross, Tessa Blanchard and Bayley each make their entrances for this Fatal 4-Way Match. The winner will compete against Lacey Evans and whoever leaves tonight with the Women’s Championship in a Triple Threat Match for the title at MegaClash.

Match #1 - Fatal 4-Way #1 Contender’s Match - Shayna Baszler vs. Nikki Cross vs. Tessa Blanchard vs. Bayley

Shayna and Tessa trade punches in the center of the ring as the match gets under way, but then both are knocked aside by simultaneous Dropkicks by Cross and Bayley. Cross and Bayley then tie up and Cross backs Bayley into the corner and delivers a flurry of Knife-edge Chops. Baszler then grabs Cross from behind and drops her on the back of her head with a German Suplex. Tessa springboards off the ropes and goes for the Magnum on Baszler, but Baszler catches her and counters into a Powerslam onto Cross. Bayley then charges out of the corner, but gets knocked flat by a Clothesline from Baszler. Baszler then drags Bayley up by the tights and pitches her out over the top rope and out to the floor. Baszler drags Blanchard up by the hair and sets up for a Powerbomb, but Blanchard counters into a Back Body Drop and Baszler comes down onto Cross with an Atomic Leg Drop. Blanchard then hits Baszler with a Running Dropkick to the side of the head and makes the cover, but Baszler kicks out with authority and cinches in the Carifuda Clutch and Blanchard is forced to tap out.

Shayna Baszler is your winner and advances to the championship match at MegaClash where she will face Lacey Evans and either Mickie James or Nyla Rose. In the back, our colleague catches up with Television Champion David Arquette, who faces Keith Lee later tonight in our Main Event in his first defense of the Television Championship. Arquette says they weren’t going to give him another shot at Bray Wyatt and the World Heavyweight Championship, so last week he took matters into his own hands, he secured the Television Championship and he made sure that if he had to be out of the World Championship picture then so did Bray Wyatt. Arquette says he would be happy to let it end there and bide his time until their paths crossed for the title again somewhere down the road, but Wyatt doesn’t feel that way and Arquette says he’s not going to be looking over his shoulder every time he walks into this arena from now on, so whatever Wyatt wants to say, whatever type of match he wants, whenever he wants it, he’d better think long and hard about it because there is no way that David Arquette is backing down and this time it will be the end of Bray Wyatt. With that, it’s time for a word from our sponsors.

Back from the break, it’s time for our next contest as Best Friends, The Briscoes, the New Day, the Goodbrothers and the Forgotten Sons make their way to the ring, each with a chance to join The Revival and the Viking Raiders in the Tag Team Championship match at MegaClash by securing a win tonight.

Match #2 - Five-Way #1 Contender’s Tag Team Match - Best Friends vs. The Briscoes vs. New Day vs. The Goodbrothers vs. Forgotten Sons

All out chaos ensues the Briscoes and the Forgotten Sons battle outside the ring and up onto the ramp way. Big E and Luke Gallows are out on the floor and go over the barricade and out into the crowd, trading punches back and forth while in the ring Kofi Kingston squares off with Trent Barreta and Karl Anderson backs Chuckie T into the corner, but Chuckie turns the tables and delivers a flurry of Knife-edge Chops. Out on the rampway, Mark Briscoe lays out Wesley Blake with a Redneck Kung Fu Crane Kick. Kofi Monkey Flips Trent across the ring, but Trent lands on his feet and then nails Kofi with a Pele Kick and Chuckie follows up with the Falcon Arrow onto Kingston and makes the cover, but Anderson breaks it up. Mark Briscoe now charges down to the ring and up onto the top turnbuckle and hits Kofi with the Froggy Bow, but then Best Friends pitches Anderson into Briscoe and Anderson uses the momentum to take Mark down with a Spear. Anderson then pops back up and pumps his fist, but then turns into a Double Superkick from the Best Friends. Chuck and Trent then finish Anderson off with the Strong Zero and Chuckie makes the cover for the three count.

Best Friends are moving on to challenge for the Tag Team Championships at MegaClash in a Triple Threat Match with The Revival and the Viking Raiders. They make their way to the back in celebration and we see Women’s World Champion Mickie James making her final preparations. After this commercial break, she puts the title on the line against Nyla Rose. That match is next.

Back from the break, Nyla Rose and Mickie James make their way to the ring and the Women’s World Championship is on the line.

Match #3 - HWL Women’s World Championship - Mickie James vs. Nyla Rose

The two women square off as the match gets under way and Mickie ducks a try from Nyla to tie-up with her and kicks Nyla squarely in the ass before following up with a Dropkick that knocks Nyla through the ropes in the corner and out to the ring apron after bouncing her shoulder off the ring post. Mickie then springboards off the ropes into a Missile Dropkick, knocking Rose from the apron and she lands on her back across the corner of the ring steps before crashing to the floor. The Native Beast slowly battles to regain her feet and Mickie comes flying out over the top rope and connects with a Tope Con Helo, again knocking the Beast to the ground. Mickie drags the bigger woman back to her feet and throws her back into the ring. Mickie then heads up to the top rope as Nyla stumbles back up to her feet and Mickie dives from the top rope into a Lou These Press and hooks the leg for the cover and gets the three count and the win.

Mickie James is your winner and STILL the Women’s World Champion. She makes her way to the back after assuring her place in the title match at MegaClash where she will defend against both Lacey Evans and Shayna Baszler. After she goes through the curtain, the arena goes black and Bray Wyatt’s Firefly Fun House begins playing on the JumboTron. Wyatt says that he’s glad David Arquette is willing to play one more time, though he wishes he’d simply asked for it instead of going to the trouble of making Luchasaurus the World Heavyweight Champion first. However, Wyatt says for all things there is a season and the time between he and David is now drawing to an end, and when you reach the end of the journey, there is a ceremony that people hold for you. They send flowers and speak fondly of the memories they shared with you, but in the end they shove you down into a box and sooner or later they forget all about you. Wyatt says it is time to start forgetting about David Arquette and for that to happen, Bray Wyatt says he first has to shove him down into a box, so at MegaClash, they are going to have one last match, and it is going to be a Casket Match. With that eerie proclamation, we owe you another word from our sponsors.

Back from the commercial break, it’s Battle Royal time as the ring has filled up with a variety of Cruiserweights as they prepare to do battle for the chance to challenge TJ Perkins for the Cruiserweight Championship at MegaClash.

Match #4 - Cruiserweight #1 Contender’s Battle Royal

Bodies begin flying left and right as Drew Gulak gets rid of Angel Garza and Fenix in quick succession. Petey Williams makes a go at lifting Marko Stunt out over the top, but Marko counters into a Leg Scissors and falls backward out over the top rope, dumping Williams to the floor as he lands on the ring apron. Stunt then does the Fortnite Floss Dance on the ring apron with his back turned to the ring and pays for it as Sammy Guevara knees him in the back and sends him crashing to the floor. Jungle Boy then charges at Guevara, but Guevara Back Body Drops Jungle Boy out over the top rope and sends him crashing to the floor. Guevara doesn’t get back away from the ropes in time to avoid a Running Clothesline from Pete Dunne, however, and Guevara is sent out over the top rope and out to the floor. Across the ring, Marty Scurll and Xavier Woods are exchanging punches as they climb together up to the middle rope over top of Orange Cassidy, who is seated in that same corner with both hands in his pockets and then Scurll and Woods go crashing out over the top, but both men catch themselves on the ring apron. They continue trading punches, but then Cassidy hauls himself up to his feet out of the corner and gently shoves them both to the floor before sitting back down and tucking his hands right back into his pockets. Pac has both Roderick Strong and Jack Gallagher in a Headlock under both arms, but has bitten off more than he can chew as the two men counters into an Atomic Drop and then work together to toss Pac out over the top rope and eliminate him. Strong then quickly turns on Gallagher, dumping him out over the top rope from behind and eliminating him as well. That leaves just Cassidy, Dunne and Strong as the last three men remaining in the match. Cassidy starts to rise back up to his feet, but then drops back down in the corner as Dunne ambushes Strong with a flurry of Double Ax-handle blows. Dunne then tosses Roddy out, but Strong hangs onto the apron and hangs from the rope as Dunne claws and bites at his fingers and manages to pull one hand free from the ropes and snap the fingers in opposite directions and Strong finally gives way and loses his grip, falling to the floor and leaving just Dunne and Cassidy. Dunne stalks over to Cassidy’s corner where the slothy one rises back to his feet. Dunne takes a swing, but Cassidy ducks and then charges across the ring and knocks Dunne off his feet with a Flying Shoulder Block. Cassidy then heads up to the top turnbuckle and hits Dunne with the Shooting Star Press. Cassidy then stands back, hands in pockets as Dunne struggles to pull himself up using the ropes and Cassidy charges in with a Double Dropkick to the back, propelling Dunne out over the top rope and sending him out to the floor and Cassidy wins it.

The last piece of the puzzle for the four championship matches at MegaClash now falls into place as Orange Cassidy will challenge TJ Perkins for the Cruiserweight Championship, The Revival defends the Tag Team Titles against the Viking Raiders and Best Friends, Mickie James faces Lacey Evans and Shayna Baszler for the Women’s World Championship and new World Heavyweight Champion Luchasaurus faces the challenge of Finn Balor. We also now know that David Arquette will face Bray Wyatt in a casket match in 10 nights on Pay Per View. Speaking of Arquette, we have one last piece of business to finish tonight. He defends the Television Championship in our Main Event after this final commercial break.

Back from the break and we are with you live without further interruption until the completion of our program as Keith Lee and David Arquette make their way to the ring for this Television championship match.

Match #5 - HWL Television Championship - David Arquette vs. Keith Lee

The two men tie up as the match gets under way and Lee applies and Side Headlock and immediately takes Arquette down and attempts to wear him down by making Arquette breathe against the force of Lee’s bulk pressing down on his chest and lungs. Arquette does slowly battle back up to his feet and nails Lee with a couple of shots to the kidneys. Arquette then shoves Lee off into the ropes, but the big man bounces back and runs Arquette over with a Running Shoulder Block. Lee then goes for an Atomic Leg Drop, but there’s nobody home as Arquette rolls out of the way. Arquette then springboards off the ropes and connects with a Flying Lariat onto a downed Lee who remains in a seated upright position until Arquette knocks him flat. Arquette then drives into the cover, but Lee kicks out immediately and with authority. Arquette puts the boots to Lee, but Lee pulls himself back up to his feet over against the ropes. Arquette lands some kicks to the hamstring and then bounces off the ropes and takes flight at Lee again, but Lee pie-faces him in midair and drives Arquette into the mat. Lee then follows up with a Running Back Splash and makes the cover, but Arquette counters into a Crucifix Rollup and scores a near fall. Arquette then races up to the top rope, but Lee catches him and Ric Flair’s him from the top rope to the mat with a thud. Lee then follows up with a Running Knee Lift as Arquette struggles to regain his feet and then Lee follows up with a huge Spirit Bomb and makes the cover, but Arquette kicks out for an incredibly close near fall. Lee pulls Arquette slowly back to his feet and hoists him up onto one shoulder for a Running Powerslam, but Arquette slips free down the back and Dropkicks Leee in the back, knocking him chest first into the corner. Arquette then tries to set Lee up for a Reverse DDT, but Lee powers out of it and back into position for the Running Powerslam, but as he starts to slam Arquette forward, Arquette is able to throw himself forward as well, overrotating beyond what Lee was trying to do and thus Arquette counters into a Stunner. Lee bounces back against the ropes and then drops down to both knees as Arquette connects with the SlingShot. Arquette then heads to the top rope and connects with the Eight-legged Freak Splash and scores the three count and the win.

David Arquette is your winner and STILL the Television Champion as he turns back the challenge of tremendous up-and-comer Keith Lee. He will defend the title once again next week before walking into MegaClash to face Bray Wyatt in a Casket Match where the title will not be on the line. As Arquette continues to celebrate in the ring, the lights in the arena go out. A spotlight then shines down on the top of the ramp way where a black casket now sits. Seemingly of its own volition, the casket is slowly rolled down the ramp way to the ring. The lights come back up and Arquette has retreated out the other side of the ring and stands atop the announce desk with a steel chair, ready to fight off the Fiend if he should appear, but the Fiend appears to just be sending a message instead as we go off the air.


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