The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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6/11/2020 1:31 pm  #1

Promos for Overdrive #46 (06/17/20)

- HWL Women's World Championship - Mickie James vs. Nyla Rose

- HWL Television Championship - David Arquette vs. Keith Lee

- Women's #1 Contender's Match (Winner to face Champion and Lacey Evans in Triple Threat at MegaClash) - Shayna Baszler vs. Nikki Cross vs. Tessa Blanchard vs. Bayley

- Tag Team #1 Contender's Match (Winners to face The Revival and Viking Raiders in a Triple Threat at MegaClash) - Best Friends vs. The Briscoes vs. New Day vs. The Goodbrothers vs. Forgotten Sons

- Cruiserweight #1 Contender's Battle Royal (Winner to face Champion at MegaClash) - Orange Cassidy vs. Pete Dunne vs. Marty Scurll vs. Pac vs. Drew Gulak vs. Xavier Woods vs. Jungle Boy vs. Marko Stunt vs. Roderick Strong vs. Sammy Guevara vs. Angel Garza vs. Fenix vs. Petey Williams vs. Jack Gallagher


6/12/2020 8:44 am  #2

Re: Promos for Overdrive #46 (06/17/20)

(Mickie James)

Nyla Rose, Nyla Rose, Nyla Rose, what can I say about Nyla Rose?

Big? Check. Tough? Check. Lots of attitude? Check. Struts around the locker room like the big bag wolf?

Well, you can huff and you can puff all you want, Nyla, but you ain't about to blow this house down honey. This little Piggy is built like a brick house and she's Mighty Mighty, ya dig?

I've been in the ring with the biggest and the baddest women in the business, women like Nia Jax, women like Awesome Kong, and let me tell you Nyla, that you can't even begin to measure up to either one of them.

You talked a big game over in AEW about how you were going to be a one-time champion because you were never going to lose the title, but look at what happened. You were handed a nearly four-month championship reign without ever having to defend your title because you were quarantined in a different state while the show went on without you. Then, once you finally showed back up to work, you got your big ass kicked when you actually had to defend the title.

Nothing against Riho, but the girl would need a couple of bricks in each pocket and then some to get north of 100 pounds. What a sad state of affairs when the only big win you've ever had in your career, Nyla, came at the expense of a champion that was indistinguishable from a teenage schoolgirl.

That's damn sure not what you are going to be facing Wednesday night when you step in the ring with me. I may not be all that big, but you damn well better believe I'm bad. I've ridden bulls a whole lot meaner and tussled with steers a whole lot tougher than the likes of you, Nyla.

Wednesday night, you can come and sit at the learning tree, but don't take it too hard when I walk out STILL the Women's World Champion and go on to MegaClash to once again defeat Lacey Evans, along with whoever else from the division thinks that they can step up and earn the right to share the ring with us on that night.

Step up and give it your best shot. This lady gunslinger's belt needs a few more notches in it yet.

     Thread Starter

6/16/2020 12:18 pm  #3

Re: Promos for Overdrive #46 (06/17/20)

Keith Lee can be seen entering the arena wearing a facemask he stops at the security desk and flashes his pass card as he states to security that hes here to kick ass

A few moments later Keith walks into his own private dressing room as he removes his mask and puts his bag down and wipes his hands with hand sanitizer and sits down on a chair with a tripod in front he takes his phone from his pocket and sets it up. Keith then touches the screen on his phone and begins to talk

Keith "David Arquette what can i say about you thats not already been said by everyone else trying to get under your skin by mentioning Scream or Ready to Rumble, Two of my favourite movies may i add. There isnt much you havent accomplished in and out of the ring. I mean you even survived being married to Courtney Cox. Ive watched you for a long time and im impressed David "

Keith then rubs his head

Keith" I wont be making the mistake of doubting your ability in our match, I know i have to watch my back for any and every opportunity that could arise from even the simplest mistake. I know you can be beaten and David although the TV Title isnt the title you really want but its a title that i want and i will be bringing my best to the ring on Overdrive and i expect you will too "

Keith then Smiles

Keith" See you at overdrive David "

The screen then goes black


6/16/2020 2:45 pm  #4

Re: Promos for Overdrive #46 (06/17/20)

David Arquette

Keith Lee...Big Boy...Allow me to return the compliment because you are a prime example of don't judge a book by its cover, I mean no disrespect but when the average person looks at you the first thought is probably not Professional wrestler, but when that bell rings you fight like a heavyweight and fly like a cruiserweight and I like that, and I like that you are the rare people that come out here and don't take me as a joke and I respect that, but Keith, I don't know if you have seen the year I have been having but there have been a lot of peaks and valleys in it, I have won the HWL World Title twice, I have had two to hell and back fights with Bray Wyatt and I even had to step into the cruiserweight division, that's the fun of HWL I guess you never really do know what's around the corner, and as we know Big Sugar and Dario would not grant me one more match against Bray Wyatt to take the HWL World Title away for the third time this year and what would have been my either overall, so they granted me the chance to stand in the ring with the Television Champion Sami Callihan and not only did I make him my medieval puppy dog bitch that night, but I became the Television Champion in the process...

And that leads me to you, Limitless Keith Lee I hear is what the kids on the street call you, Limitless, I like that, I like all these catchy names the kids are coming up with these days, but you see Keith, in order to have one those catch names, they should make sense, they should be truthful and sad to say that yours isn't truthful, again I am not trying to be disrespectful, I can do that to a man of your statue and was able to nab someone like Mia Yim that is commendable, but you arent really Limitless are you Keith? You have meet your limit and your limit is a man holding the HWL Television Championship since at this moment I cant compete for the HWL World Heavyweight Title...this...this title right here is MY WORLD Title, this title gets to be defended each and every week, and Keith you are just the first domino that is going to be knocked down and then that you lead to the next one getting knocked down, and then the next one and so forth and so forth...You are no longer Limitless Keith Lee, You have met your limit in the form of David Arquette and tomorrow night rather then just sit here tell you about, much like how I am not judging the book by its cover, I am going to let you read this book hombre when I break all the limits and retain the HWL Television Championship...

I hear all the titles will be on the line at MegaClash so once I am done with Keith Lee, I look forward to who will be waiting for me at Megaclash!!

Last edited by QuinnMallory (6/16/2020 8:38 pm)


6/16/2020 2:52 pm  #5

Re: Promos for Overdrive #46 (06/17/20)

(Mickie James)

Is the big bad wolf a little bit scared or is she stuck in another state due to COVID-19... again?

It's times like we've experienced this year that really lift the veil and show you what a person is made of. Some are made of grit and determination. Others, like Nyla, are made of excuses and jumping at the first opportunity to take the easy way out.

The easy way out, like being in the same division as Awesome frickin' Kong and never once calling her ass out. The easy way out, like picking on an 85-pound little girl to get the only championship win of your career. The easy way out, like sitting at home with your title and doing absolutely nothing for months.

But you can go ahead and ask Lacey Evans, Nyla. She'll tell you the easy way isn't going to cut it against somebody like me. If that answer doesn't suit you, you can go on and ask Bayley or Trish Stratus or Lita or Michell McCool or Madison Rayne or Velvet Sky. Any one of the long list of women I've put down along the way, just go ahead and ask them.

They'll all tell you the same thing. If you're going to have a match with me, you better bring your lunch bitch because I'm going to work your ass off.

I'm a country girl, through and through. I come from a people accustomed to waking up at the crack of dawn and breaking your back working all day long just to get by. The word easy might as well be a curse word with us.

From an early age, I've done everything hard. I work hard, play hard and fight hard and I don't stop there. So, as much as you might like to do things your way, Nyla, tomorrow night we do things my way. The hard way.

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6/16/2020 9:24 pm  #6

Re: Promos for Overdrive #46 (06/17/20)

* Orange Cassidy *

Not here to spill out the juicy story, but HWL is going to get freshly squeezed by the likes of me. So listen here you cool cats. Some of you have worked your butt off to make a name for yourself. Me? I'm here to look right and not lose my cool. You hear? And what better way to look the coolest than winning this battle royal. You heard me right here. So Orange Cassidy, that's me, is making sure that you cool cats know your place when you around a guy like me.

Come Overdrive, everyone going to get freshly squeezed. A little bit of the Vitamin C, a little bit of that Potassium and when you least expect it. WHAM. You won't know what hit you. And all while not lifting a finger and keeping my shades intact. Orange Cassidy. Out.


6/17/2020 4:30 am  #7

Re: Promos for Overdrive #46 (06/17/20)

* Shayna Baszler *

Looks like everyone has brushed off from me. They all think that just because I won the women's title once, that I can go back into obscurity....and folks. That's not how I want to end this storytelling. No. I want to make this a last stand against every wrong that HWL has had.

And right now, this fatal 4 way is my ticket to the top. Tessa, Bayley, Nikki. You all had some beef with both Mickie and Lacey Evan in your own respective ways. However, I don't have any beef whatsoever with any of them. All I want to do is break people's arm and hear people scream in the process.....and if that leads me into going for the women's title. Then so be it. Don't you all cry when the Queen of Spades is back where she belongs......IN HER THRONE.

Overdrive.......I'll make every bitch that stand in my way, pay for every sin committed. Then at MegaClash, I'll knocked out Mickie and Lacey Evans.....all while hearing them scream for mercy. Don't ever doubt me. Even for one second. Just you see.


6/17/2020 4:47 am  #8

Re: Promos for Overdrive #46 (06/17/20)

* Best Friend *

Trent: Chuck, I have a question for you?

Chuck: Sure thing. Fire away.

Trent: What is a friend?

Chuck: Well that's not so difficult of a question, but I'll tell you my honest opinion. For me a friend is like, when you are getting your ass kicked in the ring, while I'm on the apron. It gives me the urge to jump the ropes and kick his ass for ever trying to kick your ass.

Trent: That's a good way to put it. Or maybe, whenever you are cornered in the ring, and the opponent starts slapping your chest like a madman. Makes me wanna jump in and hurl that person to the outside with significant force.

Chuck: That's a good one too. But do you know what a Best friend is?

Trent: Say No more. That's when us two join forces to take on the world. Ready to deliver the asskicking of the century to everyone who dares to stand in our way.

Chuck: Exactly. That's why tonight at Overdrive. Whether be The GoodBrothers, The Briscoes, The New Day or the Forgotten Sons. We come out with the best intention. And that's to have fun and look cool doin it.

Trent: So our debut match tonight, will be oh so sweet, when we become the new #1 contender for the tag team titles.

Chuck: Yep. And also when Orange becomes the #1 contender for the Cruiserweight title. That will be a sight to three best friend holding the gold at the end of MegaClash. That's a sight to see.

* Suddenly Orange Cassidy pops into the frame. He gets his sunglasses, looks at both Trent and Chuck. He puts on the sunglasses. Then Orange raised his hand high in the air and finally puts his hand in between his pants pockets. They all strike a pose before camera fades away. *


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