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5/28/2020 1:30 pm  #1

Promos for Overdrive #44 (06/03/20)

- HWL Television Championship - Sami Callihan vs. Samoa Joe

- HWL Tag Team Championship - The Revival vs. The Briscoes

- HWL Cruiserweight Championship - Fatal 4-Way Match - TJ Perkins vs. Sammy Guevara vs. Petey Williams vs. Humberto Carrillo

- Lacey Evans & Charlotte Flair vs. Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross

- Aleister Black vs. M.V.P. vs. Andrade vs. Keith Lee


5/29/2020 6:59 am  #2

Re: Promos for Overdrive #44 (06/03/20)

(Scott Dawson)

You got the three names from the boss?

(Dash Wilder)

Sure do, but I'm telling you that we don't even need to look at the other two names on the list of potential contenders the boss gave us. The first one on the list is the one we wanted all along.


A tag match with Megan Fox and Scarlett Johansson?


Well, no. Sadly, I don't think that's an option.


But a guy can dream, right?

(Both stop and privately imagine the possibility)


Anyways, the lucky team, or should I say the unlucky team, that gets to step in the ring with us next is going to be The Briscoes.


A dream match to be sure. Or at least it would have been a few months ago. It's just a damn shame that they're not the team they were back then. They used to run this place, but now they're just a couple of Sandy Fork sissies.


Such a waste.


I was looking forward to matching up some Red Neck Kung Fu with Mark, but I just don't think the boy's heart is in it any more.


I guess "Dem Boys" just ain't what they used to be. So, I tell you what, Jay and Mark. Either y'all show up ready for the best damn tag team wrestling this company has ever seen on Wednesday, or else me and Dawson here are going to do the right thing and give your careers the respectful burial that they deserve.


Top guys out.

     Thread Starter

5/29/2020 10:13 am  #3

Re: Promos for Overdrive #44 (06/03/20)

* TJP *

Hello folks.....for those who know, allow me to introduce me to introduce myself. My name is Theodore James Perkins, but you can call me TJP. A former WWe Cruiserweight champion, a Cruiserweight Classic winner and your current 2x time HWL Cruiserweight champion. For many years, I have travel around the globe trying to perfect my skills in the ring. Sharpening my aerial strikes to heights no one has seen before. As well as becoming a well gifted technical wrestler. I have done many things in my career. But been your current champion, I wanted to elevate this division to it's glorious day. Sure, we got guys like Bray Wyatt, David Arquette, Velveteen Dream and even The Rock all bidding for that World title. It's great and all. But I didn't come to this company to make a name in the world title picture.

You all remember back at Starrcade, my journey I had to get this title belt. You all saw the climb to the top of the mountain. Facing a guy who's as hard as a worker as I am in Teddy Hart. We tore up the roof. And at the end of the night, I came as the victor. Yet, I relinquish the belt cause I had some "personal issues". Issues that I wish not to disclose at this very moment. Yes, I left the company. All for the greater good. To find my calling. And after months of hiatus, I made my way back here. Now that I hold this belt, the champion inside me is telling me to become what I was destined to be. A fighting champion.

A guy people could look up to. That's why I went and talk to the big man himself, Big Sugar. Went to his office and told him straight up that I wanted to defend this gold with pride and integrity. So he layed down the options on the table. And I saw the options...but what he never expected was my decision. Which is why, next week on Overdrive, I don't defend the title in a singles match. No. TJP decided to make this title relevant and that's why I picked all my options and threw the challenge. Making the title match a fatal 4 way.

Humberto Carillo, Petey William and Sammy Guevara. These 3 men, will all have a chance to showcase their skills against the Face of the Cruiserweight division. Sure, I might be at a disadvantage. Sure, I might not get pinned or submitted to lose the belt. Frankly I don't doubt my decision rashly. In fact, this is the adrenaline I need to showcase the world why I'm a fighting champion. So gentlemen, I'm looking forward for all of you 3 men to step up your game. If not, I only have one thing to say.....

And that's GAME OVER! May the best Cruiserweight.....WIN!


6/02/2020 9:30 pm  #4

Re: Promos for Overdrive #44 (06/03/20)

* Sami Callihan *

May I Have everyone's attention here! May I have everyone's God Damn attention here for just one sec. Allow me to indulge you guys, with some facts. It's been 7 weeks now. 7 WEEKS. That's basically 2 months now. And I have yet to found someone worthy to be called "A Challenger". But apparently, no one cares about Sami one bit. Everyone's focus is only on that World title. To the point that if you ain't talking about it, you simply didn't care at all. 

Even TJ Perkins, your Cruiserweight champion, lay a challenge to 3 other guys. And still.....the only noise you can hear in that locker room is the flies that lurk around the hallway. It's simply a disgrace I tell you. An abomination of extreme proportions. Now, I'm not here to lecture the locker room, or to give a rant. But, for fuck sake.....if the Big Man in the offices gives you a chance to become a champion, or even remotely gives you a chance to be the star of the company.....YOU FUCKING TAKE IT BY THE BALL AND SQUEEZE IT AS HARD AS YOU CAN AND NEVER LET GO. But no. We got people like David Arquette, MJF, Marty Scurll and many others talking about how they are going to end the Fiend's nightmare reign as your world champion or how they deserve to become your world champion. Day after day after day. Talk after talk. I'M TIRED OF IT.

But enough about that.....let's talk about Samoa Joe. A former HWL World champion, the longest reigning world champion this company had. The guy who put the name Violence on every body he lay waste. Now what? One day, you're choking people out and having them beg for mercy, then the next day, you disappeared without any trace. 3 to 5 months later, you suddenly my opponent for the TV Title? This isn't the Joe I wanted. The Joe I was looking forward was the guy who was ready to kill you for just having bad breath or having a funny look in their face. That's the Joe I want. Now.....all i got is Sloppy Joe's served on Wednesday night Overdrive. may have brought the nation of violence a long time ago to every household in America and across the world. But that's now in the past....And now, I'm the ruler of Violence and chaos. I'm your current, defending, undisputed freaking HWL Television champion. And tomorrow night, it's night night for you. See ya at Overdrive. And don't forget to bring that towel you carry around...cause you'll need it after the brutal beatdown that waits for you once the bell rings.

Last edited by Th3Rickst3r (6/02/2020 9:36 pm)


6/02/2020 9:45 pm  #5

Re: Promos for Overdrive #44 (06/03/20)

* Andrade *

Damas y caballeros. Permitame introducirme. Mi nombre es Andrade Almas. Or you can just call me Andrade. And for those who don't know, I'm Mexico's greatest gift. Now, it has come to my attention that tomorrow is my "Debut". Si si. And yes, a couple of months ago, I was schedule to appear in front of all of you, but that Big Turd in Big Show ruined that night. It was suppose to be my night.

However, lo perdonó. I'm not a man to hold a grudge. No no. I'm a man of action. That's why it's very fitting to have my debut in a Fatal 4 Way against the like of some familiar faces like MVP, Aleister Black and Keith Lee. Todos ellos son buenos luchadores. Great ones. But no one is like El Idolo Andrade. No one can touch me. I'm the next big thing to come out of wrestling. And tomorrow. Les voy a demonstrar lo que verdaderamente soy......UN GANADOR. A WINNER.

And don't forget, that I'm El Idolo. That's why when I come tomorrow night, you'll all show your respect to me. So hasta mañana perros estúpidos.


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