The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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5/20/2020 7:51 pm  #1

HWL Overdrive Episode #42 (05/20/20)

Welcome to the HWL Arena for another episode of Overdrive where tonight two new #1 Contenders will be crowned to determine who will challenge new champions Bray Wyatt and Mickie James for their respective men’s and women’s world championships next week.
We start things off this week with the Television Championship on the line as the champion, Sami Callihan, and challenger, Drew Gulak, each make their way to the ring.
Match #1 – HWL Television Championship – Sami Callihan vs. Drew Gulak
The two men tie up as the match gets under way and Gulak goes to a Hammerlock, but Callihan fights him off with a flurry of elbow strikes to the side of the head. Callihan then whips Gulak off into the ropes and connects with a Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker. Callihan then puts the boots to Gulak and bounces off the ropes and goes for a Running Knee Lift, but Gulak dodges and counters into a Backslide for a near fall. Gulak then takes a wild swing, but Callihan ducks and counters into an Atomic Drop and then plants Gulak with a Double-arm DDT. Callihan then slowly drags Gulak back up to his feet before squirting a big loogie into his eye. Callihan then finishes the match off with the Cactus Piledriver and covers Gulak for the three count.
Sami Callihan is your winner and STILL the Television Champion and now a man that walks alone as a video package highlights his destruction of his own OvE underlings this past Saturday at the Payback PPV. It has done nothing to halt his momentum though as his record Television Title reign continues another week. With that, we’ll take a quick commercial break and then it’s time for the women’s division to take center stage.
Back from the break, Sasha Banks, Allie and Bayley make their entrances for this next contest with the winner advancing to face Mickie James for the Women’s World Championship next week.
Match #2 – Women’s #1 Contender Match – Sasha Banks vs. Allie vs. Bayley
Sasha and Bayley work together from the opening bell, beating down Allie and then delivering a Double Suplex and then the Hart Attack. The two then drag Allie up and Sasha pitches Allie out over the top rope and sends her crashing to the mat. Bayley then rolls up Sasha and deeply hooks a handful of tights as she picks up the three count.
Bayley steals the win and advances to be the first challenger for new Women’s World Champion Mickie James right here next week. We owe you another quick word from our sponsors, but when we come back, the tag team division finds itself with some strange bedfellows in a 6-Man Elimination Tag Match.
Back from the break, Jurassic Express’ Jungle Boy, War Machine’s Ray Rowe, the Goodbrothers’ Karl Anderson, Jay Briscoe, Private Party’s Marq Quen and the Forgotten Son’s Wesley Blake make their entrances.
Match #3 – 6-Man Elimination Tag – Jungle Boy, Ray Rowe and Karl Anderson vs. Jay Briscoe, Marq Quen and Wesley Blake
Rowe and Blake start things off and Blake goes for a Superkick, but Rowe catches him by the leg and trips him to the mat before quickly locking him in a Knee Bar and forcing him to submit for the first elimination. Quen then comes in off the top rope and Rowe catches him in mid-air and slams him into the mat with a Running Powerslam and covers him for the three count and now Jay Briscoe stands alone. Briscoe and Rowe trade punches back and forth and Briscoe kicks him in the gut. Briscoe then sets up for the Jay Driller, but Rowe counters out of it and connects with a Leaping Knee Smash to the side of the head. Rowe then plants Jay with Powerbomb in the middle of the ring and then drags him back up to his feet and connects with a second Powerbomb and then a third before finally making the cover, but Briscoe kicks out for a near fall. Rowe then slaps Briscoe across the face a few times and starts to drag him back to his feet, but Briscoe fires back with a series of punches to the mid-section. Briscoe then bounces off the ropes, but runs into a Spinning Heel Kick from Rowe. Rowe then grabs Briscoe by both wrists and pulls him into another Leaping Knee Strike and this time turns the lights out on Briscoe for good as he covers him for the three count.
Ray Rowe sweeps the entire opposition in rapid fashion to pick up the win. Jungle Boy and Anderson offer their congratulations to Rowe, but Rowe pushes right past them and makes his way to the back and we’re due for our final commercial break of the night. The World Heavyweight Championship #1 Contender’s Match is due up next in our Main Event.
Back from our final intermission of the night, it’s Main Event time as The Rock, MJF and the Velveteen Dream make their way to the ring.
Match #4 – World Heavyweight #1 Contender’s Match – The Rock vs. MJF vs. Velveteen Dream
The three men circle warily around the ring as the match gets under way and MJF charges in at Rock, but Rock beats him down with a series of clubbing blows and then pitches him out over the top rope and sends him crashing to the floor. The Rock and Dream now stand toe-to-toe in the middle of the ring in a staredown. Rock and Dream start trading haymakers and Rock whips Dream off into the ropes and snaps off a thunderous Spinebuster. Rock then launches an elbow pad into the crowd as he calls for the People’s Elbow early, but as he bounces off the ropes he’s met by MJF, who throws a big right hand, but Rock blocks it and fires back one of his own, knocking MJF flat on his ass on the ring apron. Rock then turns back to Dream and walks right into a Superkick. Rock stumbles, but stays on his feet as Dream hoists him up and connects with the Dream Valley Driver. Dream then makes the cover, but MJF comes diving in to break it up at two. MJF then puts the boots to the back of Dream’s head and pulls him up into position for the Double Cross, but Dream counters out of it and connects with a Facebreaker. The Rock then kips back up to his feet as MJF stumbles his way and Rock connects with the Rock Bottom. Dream then comes off the top rope and hits MJF with a Macho Man Elbow Drop. Dream then stands back out of the way as Rock launches his other elbow pad into the crowd and then bounces off the ropes. On the way back, he hops over MJF and hits the ropes on the other side before dropping the People’s Elbow. MJF rolls back out to the floor, leaving The Rock and Dream to square off again. The two start throwing big punches once again and Rock whips Dream off into the ropes again, but this time Dream catches himself against the ropes to stop his momentum. Rock then charges at Dream, who drops down and pulls down the top rope and Rock spills out to the ring apron. Dream then springboards off the middle rope and tries to hit Rock with a Missile Dropkick, but Rock drops to the floor to avoid it and Dream crashes into the ropes and then to the mat on the back of his neck. Rock slides back into the ring as Dream stumbles back up to his feet and staggers to the middle of the ring and Rock boots him in the gut and drops him with a DDT. Rock then goes for the cover, but Dream kicks out. Rock lays in some stomps to Dream’s chest and then drags him back up to his feet and sets up for the Rock Bottom, but Dream counters with a series of Elbow Strikes to the side of the head. Dream then spins out of Rock’s group and connects with a Leaping STO, driving Rock face first into the mat. Dream then heads up to the top turnbuckle, but MJF climbs up onto the ring apron and crotches him on the top rope. MJF then climbs up in front of Dream and delivers a Superplex from the top rope. MJF then makes the cover, but Dream kicks out for a near fall. MJF then drags Dream up by the hair and sets up for a Piledriver, but Dream counters into a Back Body Drop. Dream then flattens MJF with a Superkick and dives into the cover, but Rock breaks it up and now MJF rolls out to the ring apron. Rock hits Dream with a series of clubbing blows and again goes for the Rock Bottom, but again Dream fights out of it. Dream then follows up with a second Dream Valley Driver to The Rock and goes for the cover, but he senses something coming and moves out of the way as MJF comes off the top rope and with Dream out of the way crash lands onto Rock with a Knee Drop across the throat. Dream then clears MJF out of the ring with a Clothesline out over the top rope and MJF lands on his feet, but the velocity carries him into the barricade where he crashes over the rail and out into the crowd. Dream heads up top and hits Rock with a Macho Man Elbow Drop and makes the cover, picking up the three count.
Velveteen Dream is your winner and next week we will have a rematch of the Fearless Main Event for the World Heavyweight Championship as Dream earns another opportunity at the champion Bray Wyatt. Will he fare better against The Fiend on the second attempt? Find out next week, but for now it’s time for us to sign off for the night.


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