The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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5/14/2020 11:01 am  #1

Promos for Overdrive #42 (05/20/20)

- HWL Television Championship - Sami Callihan vs. Drew Gulak

- World Heavyweight Championship #1 Contender's Match (Winner to face champion the following week) - The Rock vs. MJF vs. Velveteen Dream

- Women's World Championship #1 Contender's Match (Winner to face champion the following week) - Sasha Banks vs. Allie vs. Bayley

- 6-Man Elimination Tag Match - Jungle Boy, Ray Rowe & Karl Anderson vs. Jay Briscoe, Marq Quen & Wesley Blake


5/16/2020 9:46 pm  #2

Re: Promos for Overdrive #42 (05/20/20)

:A camera is shown walking and then stops at a door of hanging beads for a moment and a voice is heard:

Come on in...I have been expecting you...

:The camera walks in and the lights suddenly change to purple, and we find The Velveteen Dream laying on a couch, and e then looks up and sees the camera:

The Velveteen Dream

Ah Yes...I have been waiting for you to show up...I know exactly what you re doing here, you want to hear what The Dream has to say about this Menage-a-Trois fora shot at the HWL World Heavyweight Championship. Well let The Dream tell you, you see I have had my chance at The Fiend, I did something that only Myself and one other person have done and that is Let The Fiend In, and sadly The Dream came up short and on Overdrive, The Dream has another chance to get a shot at not only The HWL World title, but The Fiend...and Look who stands in the way...In one corner, The Man, The Myth, The Legend, The Star of Stars...The Star that everyone wants to be...Oh Wait, Thats The Dream and then we have The Rock...what has he done again? I know he used to be popular in his heyday, but this is a new day, and this is no longer his era. and then we have...Maxwell...The embodiment of a spoiled child in a grown mans body...Maxwell, you may have a grown mans body, but you have the brain of a simple-minded and spoiled little child who thinks he should always gets his remind The Dream of the little boy who asks his mother for a candy bar at the grocery store and when she looks at him and says "No"...Its not just no to him...its like an Earthquake just devastated Puerto Rico...and then that little boy falls to the ground kicking and screaming until that mother gives in to what this child has asked for...

But you see Maxwell...come Overdrive, you can kick and scream all you want, and you can ask and ask for what you want but Mother in this case being The Dream is not going to give in to your demands, Mother is not going to give you your candy bar...what Mother is going to do is what she should have done when you started kicking and screaming on that floor at the store and that is pull you up, walk you around the corner and spank that hiney of yours like you deserved....and when The Dream is done doing that...The Dream is going to be ready for another visit to The Fun House...and this time...The Fiend isnt going to wake up so easily from this Dream....Rock...Maxwell...Come overdrive....


:Dream snaps his fingers and all the lights shutoff instantly: 


5/17/2020 3:05 pm  #3

Re: Promos for Overdrive #42 (05/20/20)

The Rock

*Camera opens up to The Rock and Mick Foley chit chatting.  Foley then whips out his phone as the two start watching a video on the HWL twitter feed. Foley slaps Rock on the chest, as The Rock has a quick chuckle. The two legends shake hands, as The Rock starts walking away*

TR: We are only three nights away, from one of the biggest match of the month, or maybe.. just maybe the biggest in the spring season.  The match where, The Ro…..

*Rock stands on the spot and thinks..*

TR: Something doesn’t feel right! Feels like I forgot to do something.*

*The Rock thinks, then starts to smile*


*The Rock stares into the camera ater, raising his eyebrow*

TR: Like The Rock was saying, in three nights, The Rock is involved in a triple threat match for a shot at the World title. The Great one goes against two baby jabornis, MJK and Velveteen Dream.  Let The Rock get straight to the point. Himself and his good old buddy Mick Foley were over there earlier, sharing some laughs about the past. Then, Foley shows me a video of Velveteen Dream running his damn mouth to the world.  You asked “What has The Rock done again?”  Well,  this is what The Rock has done. The Rock got Mick Foley to open up google and type in “Velveteen Dream” and then got Foley to click that search button because The Rock has no clue who in the blue hell you are!

*The Rock starts to laugh alittle*

TR: “What has The Rock done again?”  Since you want to lay down and look like a love child of Hulk Hogan and Prince, The Rock will give you a history lesson. The Rock PAVED the way for new talent in the wrestling business. The Rock, The Peoples Champion has won more championships then you have matches.  The Rock layth the boots to Stone Cold, Chris Jericho, Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, Triple H, and the list goes on and on and on.   Come Wednesday Night, The Peoples Champion is going to layth.. The Smackdown on you two candy asses, then click The Rocks ticket to The Fiend  for the World Title.


*Rock marches away from the camera*


5/19/2020 1:11 pm  #4

Re: Promos for Overdrive #42 (05/20/20)

* MJF *

Hold on there. Wait a God damn minute. What is this? A chance at the World title match. Heck yeah. Who are my opponents? Velveteen Dream and The Rock. Velveteen Who? Ahh Mr. Dream. Same guy who got a world title shot. And same guy who blew up his opportunity. Literally a nobody next to me. But.....we do have the Icon himself. We got none other than the Hollywood superstar....we got Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. I'm a biggggg fan of your movies and shows. I've watched every Fast and Furious movies. All of your great adventure movie. Just try me. hard as it seems that I could love every movie and role you played. I can't be behind a guy who has a split persona. That's where I draw the line between fame and wrestling for you Mr. Dwayne.

For the last 2 years of my career, I've done nothing than showcase my skills and talent throughout the world. Showing everyone why I'm the fastest and youngest superstar in all of sports entertainment. At Payback, I made it to the very end. Only to get kicked right in the nuts by the crazy bitch known as Shayna. And best believe, she ain't out of the woods just yet with me. I'm still got my eyes on her. And not on her, if you dig me dawg.

Anyhow, tomorrow night, I get the chance to become the Number one contender for the World title against Bray Wyatt. Now Bray, you may be sitting comfortably in your little "Fun House". But the time for yours truly has indeed arrived. And whether I got to go to the ends of the world just to get a lick at that title belt....then By God as my witness, I'll implement every inch and ounce of my body into doing just that. Dream. Rock. You may have had opportunities shine on you throughout your career. But now.....destiny is calling at my doorstep. And I'll I have to do it take the keys from your hands. Pinned you guys in the middle of the ring. And simply open that door.

Where behind it lies Bray Wyatt with MY World title. It won't be long now, before everyone kneels before greatness. To be fair, this could potentially be the biggest irony of all time. Cause when I defeat The Fiend and win the World title.....then Finn Balor would become my next opponent. Poetic justice I might assume. Seen all his effort he put against me....all go down the drain. This is truly justice at it's highest peak. But best believe that all of you know that I'm simply just better than you.....


Last edited by Th3Rickst3r (5/19/2020 1:27 pm)


5/19/2020 3:12 pm  #5

Re: Promos for Overdrive #42 (05/20/20)

The Velveteen Dream

Oh Rocky...While The Dream loves it when you sing the classics, The Dream really wishes you would sing some new stuff, you can only get back so long on that "most electrifying", "Finally", and "If you smell" stuff for so long...and The Dream believes when it comes to wrestling the clock has finally struck fifteen minutes on your fame, when it comes to the HWL what exactly have you done? You were the Television champion for what...the span of a Goldfish's memory?  And you think that qualifies you to be in line to take on The Fiend for the HWL World title? The Dream has starred across the ring at The Fiend and knows what he is about, The Fiend has let him in...and as we all know The Dream didnt walk out the champion that night but when The Dream goes back to the Fun House it will be a different story, and I can tell you Rocky, that is what is coking!

Oh and look who decided to show up, Maxwell, I am afraid you arent aware of who The Dream is...I would take the time to introduce myself...but there will be plenty of time for introductions tomorrow night in our Menage-A-Trios, but Maxwell I like your enthusiasm you believe that you are better than me although you have never even stepped between these ropes with The Dream I will admit is a little previously stated, I have stood eye to eye with The Fiend, is that something you are prepared for Maxwell? Is that something you are ready for? Are you willing to let him in? You may believe you are better then myself or anyone for that matter, but I have seen The Fiend face off with David Arquette...and they are some of the most hellish I have ever witnessed, and I dont think you are ready for that tomorrow night I am going to defeat yourself and Rocky like an Earthquake beat Puerto Rico...and then I am going to face The Fiend one more time and this time, while I may go through hell...I will at least walk back through the ashes with the HWL World Heavyweight Championship!



5/19/2020 8:03 pm  #6

Re: Promos for Overdrive #42 (05/20/20)

* Sami Callihan *

For the first a very long time. I feel good about myself. Not only did I dispose of my so called brothers in arm. The Christ Brothets. But tomorrow night Marks the beginning of a new era. An era filled with violence and pain. Full of screaming and agony. And the first person to witness this carnage is you, Drew Gulak.

Mr. Technical himself. For all your worth, you could give me a difficult fight. But where's the fun in not accepting it right? That's what I love about holding this television title. Its changes people. Whether it be humane or not, it change my way of thinking. Just have the thought that one week you hold this. Then poof. Some random fella takes this away from you. That's why now, I'm dedicating only for this belt and just this belt. So Gulak, prepare yourself. Cause



5/19/2020 10:28 pm  #7

Re: Promos for Overdrive #42 (05/20/20)

* MJF *

You think you are a riot? Aren't you Velveteen. You're truly are a one of a kind. A one of kind asshole I might add. Giving people something to tremble about. I don't care what Puerto Rico or your earth shattering belief the end of the day all that matter is what awaits behind those locked doors. Both you and Rocky hold those very keys to that kingdom. And all I need to do is beat the pansies out of you two and I'll be on my way there.

Just admit it Dream, you lost the title opportunity long ago. So what makes you think otherwise? The fact that you faced him before. OH MY. Someone better call a police on him. We got ourselves a bad one on the loose. So newsflash Wannabe Captain Morgan, that title shot belong to me. And only me. You got that. I worked my ass off just to get to this point. So if you know what's good for you. Just back out.

All of you know that I'm better than ya'll. The truth is in front of you and it's waiting to blow the hinges of the door wide open. It's just a matter of time before destiny shows them the way. Because I'm simply much better than all of you....

And you all know it!!!!


5/19/2020 10:57 pm  #8

Re: Promos for Overdrive #42 (05/20/20)

* Ray Rowe *

Hello's one half of the Vikind Raiders. Here to let everyone know of my upcoming 6 man tag team match. As I team with Karl Anderson and Jungle boy to take on the team of Jay Briscoe, Wesley Blake and Marq Queen. To be fair....this is just a huddle up of all the tag team available into different teams. Whichever be the case, the Viking Raiders will stand in top triumphant.

So to everyone.....bring it on. Me and my brothers will show the world why we truly are the most vicious tag team in all of HWL. And tomorrow, we do just that. The Viking era has started....and to those who oppose. Prepare yourselves for the beating of s the viking hands.


5/19/2020 11:36 pm  #9

Re: Promos for Overdrive #42 (05/20/20)

Bayley is seen jumping out of her car she grabs her case from the boot of the car and runs into the arena she is stopped by cathy kelly

Cathy "Bayley can i grab a few words from you"

Bayley  "Sure.. Im sure i can spare a few minutes for you"

Cathy "This week on Overdrive you take on Sasha Banks and Allie...."

Bayley "Let me stop you there Cathy. Sasha may be one of my closest friends and Allie... I dont know enough about but that wont change my stance and my determination and i heard Lacey ramble on about something or other... BUT... I WILL WIN.. I WILL DOMINATE and then i will go on to take on the champ and recapture the title"

Cathy ".. Bayley I.."

Bayley " I dont have anymore time"

Bayley then walks out of shot as Cathy looks annoyed


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