The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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5/15/2020 11:45 am  #11

Re: Promos for HWL Payback (05/16/20)

* Shayna Baszler *

Hold on a minute. Did you all think for one second, I was going to let this Grab match be won by some stupid men? Hell no. This is what's wrong with HWL. They think that just because you got a set of balls hanging between your legs, you can all just waltz in and make ridiculous remarks on why you all deserved to win a title shot. Let me all tell you, that I'm the only person here deserving of a title opportunity. If you all don't remember, I was thrown outside by Nyla Rose, where she pinned someone else to get that Women's title shot.

Basically what I'm saying, I was fucking robbed. But now, seeing all these pathetic amateur men competing without a purpose has led me to participate into this gauntlet match. Wait? You all must be wondering why would I, the queen of spades, want to be involved in a match with men. I'll tell you this much. The moment my music hits, all bets are off. Everybody who gets in my way is either getting beat up within an inch of their life or have a body part ripped apart.

My intentions are clear. To hurt people and to get back that women's title that I rightfully deserve. So to all you men listening out there. It's just a matter of time before you pass out....or you break down.


5/15/2020 3:14 pm  #12

Re: Promos for HWL Payback (05/16/20)

Finn Balor

*Scene opens up in the Bullet Club locker room.  Balor is sitting on the locker bench, wrapping his wrist*

FB:  Finally, someone spoke up. Someone finally put their name in with me in the gauntlet match.  MJF stands infront of the world and claims that he’s better then everyone. HE stands infronts of the fans and talks about ending careers.

You see MJF, wherever I went, people claimed to be better.  People told me what they would do, but ended up failing.  Tomorrow, youll be under the fate, youll be just another someone who fails. 

Tomorrow night is the night of Balor. Tomorrow night is when I start my path to the top, start the era of Balor. Nothing is stopping the prince from getting his crown. This is a warning and a promise to the locker room of HWL. Your time was in the past, my time is the present and future.

*Balor makes a GUN motion with his hand, as the lights turn off*


5/15/2020 4:10 pm  #13

Re: Promos for HWL Payback (05/16/20)

* MJF is seen backstage twirling  his glass of wine with Wardlow. As they watch from his monitor all the commotion running around the locker room. He's hearing several people inserting their names into the Gauntlet match. He chuckles for a moment. *

MJF - Hold it right there. Are you seeing this Wardlow. This is hysterical. Everyone is trying to take MY chance at the top. Throwing names left and rights. But who can blame them. The name of the match says it. A grab match. A one chance at getting your title of choice, any one of them. But we know what faiths plays for all of them. They can stop the inevitable. Destiny has called to me to shine some lights on this fools....

* He then takes a sip of his wine and looks into the camera. *

MJF- ....And Balor, I'm looking right at you. Your the first one on my list. So hope for your sake I'm not your first opponent. Cause I plan on showing you the truth. Showing the whole world what you truly are. Nothing more than the dirt on my shoe. You actually believe that you have a fighting chance? Haha. Don't make me laugh Finn. Your time has ended. And all you have been is nothing more than just an afterthought.

* He stands up from his chair and puts down his wine aside. *

MJF - But....You were to become the biggest box office attraction in all of sports entertainment, like I am right now. People like Paul Heyman saw the potential you had, to the point he indicated that you could potentially become the biggest threat to Brock Lesnar's world championship run.

* MJF grabs a pencil from a nearby table and twirls it around his fingers. *

MJF - Everything was going smooth. Giving the whole world something spectacular. Matches that would be rated 5 star. No one could stop you. You were simply.....amazing. Then one world title match afterwards....

* He breaks the pencil in half and drops it to the floor. *

MJ - ....It all came crumbling down. Had to leave wrestling for 6 months. And once you came back.....something was different from you. You change. The demon prince was broken. And try as you try, you could not find your rhythm back. Making up excuses. Having a chance a Brock and basically tapping for the first time in your career. Need I say more. Well let us. Then having to make fans cheer you again. Only this time, less crowd were cheering you on. Losing momentum, until you got beat up by The Fiend himself.

* MJF laughs. *

MJF - And boy oh boy. Did he ever break you. To the point that you went back to your root. And what happened? You got a less welcoming audience and you let yourself get dragged down. So face it Balor. No matter how you slice this cake that represent your chances at winning this Gauntlet match. I'm just going to come out taking more than you. And that's what makes me better than every one of you.....especially you Finn.

* He snaps his finger as it makes Wardlow Appear with A ring. The ring is fully blinged and has the logo of the company of HWL on it. Wardlow puts it on. *


* MJF leaves the lockeroom followed by Wardlow by his side as scene ends. *


5/15/2020 7:53 pm  #14

Re: Promos for HWL Payback (05/16/20)

* Bray Wyatt is seen sitting down reading a book of torture with a pair of glasses in an undisclose location, instead of his usual Firefly Fun House. He notices the camera pan in. He takes them off and puts it on his side pocket. *

BW - Yowie Wowie. I didn't see you there. Don't mind me. Reading this book I made myself. Sure, says torture. But it ain't least for my fireflies. Cause as everyone knows, I protect my fireflies. No matter what. Unlike Arquette, he's far far from been safe. Of course I forgave him for trashing my humble house. But The Fiend....didn't forget.

* He slowly stand up and closed his book on the side of the table. He turns aways from the camera. He paces outside the undisclosed location as the camera only can see the back of his face. *

BW - Not only did we agreed to make it a falls count anywhere, but you deliberately took that advantage and made every trick in the book, just to keep him down long enough for a 3 count. And became the World Champion. But not only that, The Fiend proved that he wasn't going to crawl away. He rose up and simply disappeared. So Mr. Arquette, I highly suggest you tend to your wounds like the mutt you are. Pray to whatever delusional God you believe on. Just remember, The Fiend will never forget the day you took him to his limit. And now.....

* He stops and opens a door, and inside the room is a whole closet of David Arquette's faces. All the faces has X on the eyes and a simple _ in between the mouth. *

BW - .....The Fiend will deliver on one promise. And one promise. That when the bell rings and the steel cage door locks behind him. All hope. All humanity. All faith.....Will be thrown out of the window. So the question for me to you?

* The Fiend starts to appear in and out with Bray. *

BW - Will your antics get you one more victory over Mua. Or will this be the last time we see Arquette happy? So many questions and so many possibilities. The probability are endless. the end of the match, all you'll see is The Fiend choking the life out of you. Whether it's committed murder or you simply passing out. The Fiend will make sure that you feel the same pain.....he felt at Spring Stampede.

* Suddenly Bray changes to The Fiend. *

The Fiend - LET ME IN!

* lights turn off and then you hear The Fiend's laughter echoes around the dark room. Scene ends. *


5/15/2020 8:40 pm  #15

Re: Promos for HWL Payback (05/16/20)

:The camera shows an empty HWL Arena, the ring is set up fora cage match inside David Arquette is sitting in the middle of the ring with the HWL World Heavyweight Championship:

David Arquette

Bray wyatt...David Arquette...One More time...But they made...well they tried to make it Interesting this time by locking us inside this structure...a Steele Cage...I know what this is supposed to do, its supposed to strike fear into, its supposed to make the odds even greatest against me, try and make me think that the "House" or in this case the "Fun House" is going to win...but honestly you think "He" has a chance? Listen the first time around there was probably a lot of money in Vegas placed on you...but I did something no one in the HWL was willing to do and that was...LET HIM IN...I opened the doors to my palace...I opened the doors of Breakdown Palace and welcomed The Fiend, welcomed HIM in with opened arms and I did what I promised...I became the HWL World Heavyweight Champion, I almost lost my life doing it, I talked a lot of shit doing it...but I got the job done and just like I told you, You just didnt walk out of Breakdown Palace did you? I didnt come out that match with rainbows and lollipops myself either I know...but I made damn sure you came out different then when you came in...and tomorrow night...this steel cage dont mean nothing to me...Just another day in Breakdown Palace...different day a repeat customer, because I serve anyone twenty four hours a day and seven days a week, and I will admit, You know what to expect this time around...You know the brutality that awaits inside my Breakdown much like Last time..there is going to be suffering, pain, blood,sweat...neither one of us are going to walk out of that cage physically...the only thing that will be different from last time is I walk into the cage champion, and by end of the match by hell or hight water, I will leave Breakdown Palace...and that cage still the HWL World Heavyweight Champion!!!


5/15/2020 8:56 pm  #16

Re: Promos for HWL Payback (05/16/20)

:The camera shows David Arquette still in the cage walking around running his hand around the cage walls as the title drags behind him:

David Arquette

Bray its funny isnt it...that you and I are meeting again...In a weird way, I wanted this match again. I am sure you and "Him" wanted a rematch...Hell I wanted a rematch, I wanted to see how much further I could push you inside my palace...that is of course you come inside again...but I welcomed Him...I welcome The Fiend inside so I dont see why he wouldnt come in again, but you have to admit it, whether you like it or not, I took The Fiend to town and back last time, you can say whatever you want to justify it Bray...But I am the one that crawled out Champion...yes crawled, I told you...when you experience Breakdown Palace first hand you dont walk out...I think Roderick Strong can agree with you on that as well...Inside these four walls tomorrow night...its only going to get worse for you Bray...Because not only is The Fiend going to come back to my Palace, but he is going to enter this Cage that is like pouring gasoline onto a fire all you are doing is making it bigger,and stronger and add on top that I am defending the HWL World Heavyweight Championship and the fire rages a little bit more, and that is going to make me fight, scratch, claw a little bit thought the falls counter anywhere was hell? Tomorrow night when that cage door locks, and they ring that bell, I am going to make that Falls count anywhere match look like a game of Candy Land this time around...The Fiend wants me to LET HIM IN....Oh buddy boy...I am going to let him in again...I am going to let him in like Puerto Rico lets in Earthquakes...I will Let The Fiend into Breakdown Palace and I am going to bounce him around this cage like a that falls count anywhere match...You saw I would do damn near anything to just win the world title....just IMAGINE What the hell I am going to do to keep the title? 

Tomorrow Night...Bray...Fiend...and hell even all your puppet friends if they want...can find out!!!


5/15/2020 10:39 pm  #17

Re: Promos for HWL Payback (05/16/20)

* The titantron turns on out of the bloom. And we see a countdown appear. Starting from 5. When the clock hits 0. The whole arena turns off except the titantron. A message appears on the board. *

Message: We Interrupt this Boring broadcast of "15 minutes of shame" to bring you a special news report brought to you by the Firefly Fun House.

* The monitor shows that we are back in the Firefly Fun House, except it's a news station. It's called Firefly News House or FNH-4 channel. Your anchorman is none other than Bray "The Ron" Wyatt all suited up. As he has a long mustache similar to Ron Burgundy. As he's ready from the teleprompter that Abby "The camera girl" Witch is holding.

BTRW - Welcome fellow fireflies...were live from FNH-4. But before we begin the news, I must first inform the following message. 

* He stand and screams "YOWIE WOWIE". Then sits back and gets the paper that are close to him and reads into it. But it's just drawing of The Fiend attacking David Arquette in different forms. From chainsaw, to chains stretching him. To even having him been dragged by horses. *

BTRW - On top of the news, we got the current HWL World Heavyweight champion currently attacking the commonwealth of the United states known as Puerto Rico. In this statement he posted and quote...

"The Fiend wants me to LET HIM IN....Oh buddy boy...I am going to let him in again...I am going to let him in like Puerto Rico lets in Earthquakes...I will Let The Fiend into Breakdown Palace and I am going to bounce him around this cage like a pinball."

* Bray looks disappointed and nods his head in disapproval. *

BTRW - We regret to inform you that the remarks the champion had made are completely false. That Puerto Rico number one disaster is not earthquakes, but that the number one threat is actually tropical storms and/or hurricanes. So we do apologize, in disregard to his following statement. Now to bring you up with the sports update, here's our sportscaster, Husky "The Champ" Pig. Take it away Husky.

* The camera pan into a room full of Different round balls but made out of food. From CheeseBall, MeatBalls, PuffBalls and many other ball related food. *

HTCP - Thenk yu Bray. As ye can see....we got te national CheezeBall Bowlig Tounament to begin in te upcoming weeks. As well as the 1st ever PuffBalls Throweng Contest. The top prize is A year Supply of Puffballs from the Vinny Mac Cheesiest Puffer Pout Balls. "If we ain't Puff, we ain't tough." Back to you Bray.

* before camera pan back to Bray, the camera catches Husky pigging out on the meatballs. Brays sees this from afar and somehow a meatball stain flung over to his nicely made suit. He then flicks it off cameras. *

BTRW - Anyway.....back to the current news, it seems as Arquette has yet to move from the steel cage inside of HWL Arena for whatever reason he has. We go  live to lead field reporter Ramblin "Fantana" Rabbit live at the cage Mr. Arquette is located.

* The camera splits into two different panel in which the 2nd one seems to be a big cornfield as Ramblin "Fantana" Rabbit is lost. *

RFR - Bray, I think this is not an arena dude. In fact, this is nowhere close to the arena. I'm trying to find out where we at now....oh no.

BTRW - What seems to be the problem Rabbit? You stop in your tracks.

RFR - Why am I here? No no. This can't be happening.

* the camera pans shows a sign and its says "Welcome to Iowa.". Suddenly Bray gets a message from his news conference room where Evil Vinny is in and starts to tell him to go to the weather report. *

RFR - Bray, what's going on? Fill me in dude.

BTRW - I Just received breaking news from our news conference. They are telling to go our meteorologist. So we go now live to Mercy "Tamland" Buzzard. Fill us in Buzzard. What report you bring to us?

* A third screen appears between the other two as Mercy is standing behind a green room with the map of the United states. *

MTaB - Thank you Bray. I have some reports of upcoming tornadoes alerts in the areas of Oklahoma, Kansas and.....

* We see Rabbit nervous as he is quivering on screen. *

MTaB - ......Idaho.

RFR - Phew....for a minute he said.

MTaB - Scratch that Bray, there seem to be a typo. I meant to say Iowa. That concludes with the weather report.

* Ramblin suddenly feels a gust of wind trying to sweep him away. As he tries to hold onto the nearby cornfield fence. *


* The fence breaks apart as the camera guy and Ramblin are sucked into the eye of the tornado. The screen on Ramblin side cuts off. Bray and the others have a shocked look in their face. *

BTRW - We sadly regret to inform you that.....our news live reporter and the camera man.....have been swept away. In signs for the unfortunate tragedy we just witness, we ask for a minute of silence.

* Everyone in the news room put their heads down as a respect to the tragedy that just transpired. After the minute pass, the camera scene starts twirling all around and the Firefly Fun House is back into it's normal self. We see Bray back to his normal self. *

BW - Well that's all the time we have for today. But before you go, I have one last important message for Mr. Arquette.

* Wyatt pulls out a handful of Corn Kernels *

BW - Just like what happened to Ramblin Rabbit, our matchup in this steel cage will be out of proportion. So try as you want. Believe whatever you want to believe. Hit me with everything you got. But just remember that The Fiend, has not forgiven you. In fact, you have let yourself wide open. Because inside that same steel cage your sitting on. Inside that same structure, lies the lasting memories that The Fiend will implant on you for years to come. So don't fight it. Just accept it and let me.....

* Bray Wyatt blows all the corn kernels out of his hand *

BW - ......swept you away from all your problems. You know you want to Arquette. What do you say you and I have one last dance. The question I have now for you? Are you ready? To truly let him in? The Fiend thinks not.

* The lights go out and come back in the Firefly Fun House. It comes back to show The Fiend holding the mallet with David's face on it. *

The Fiend - LET ME IN!

* He then swings heavily the mallet towards the screen as the titantron felt the impact of the swing and breaks into static. In the background you can hear The Fiend's Laugh echoes the wholes arena. The broken screen gets fixed and we see blood come out of the monitor but it's a message. It says. *

Message: Arquette. The fun is just begin.

* Scene ends as everything in the arena turns off. *


5/15/2020 10:54 pm  #18

Re: Promos for HWL Payback (05/16/20)

* Bonus clip. *

* Search team retrieved what seems to be the film camera that Ramblin Fantana Rabbit and the camera man where using. They take the footage of the incident. It shows what happened when the tornadoes swept them. *




* We see Ramblin trying to swim in the air close to the cameraman but the wind are blowing them further apart. *


* the cameraman disappeared and the camera is caught by Ramblin "Fantana" Rabbit. *


* Rabblin drops the camera as you hear him screaming as the scene cuts there. *

Last edited by Th3Rickst3r (5/15/2020 10:56 pm)


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