The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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5/11/2020 7:48 am  #1

Promos for HWL Payback (05/16/20)

- HWL World Heavyweight Championship - Steel Cage Match - David Arquette vs. Bray Wyatt

- HWL Women's World Championship - Lacey Evans vs. Mickie James

- HWL Tag Team Championship - OvE vs. The Revival

- HWL Cruiserweight Championship - Tomasso Ciampa vs. TJ Perkins

- Grab Bag Gauntlet Match ($10,000 entry fee, winner gets to challenge for their choice of any HWL title that they qualify for at the June PPV, including the Television Championship) - Finn Balor vs. Marko Stunt vs. MJF vs. Shayna Baszler vs. TBA

- Nick Aldis vs. Luchasaurus

- MJF vs. Mick Foley

- Brock Lesnar vs. Big Show


5/11/2020 8:06 am  #2

Re: Promos for HWL Payback (05/16/20)

(Mickie James)

Miss me?

I'm done sitting behind a microphone while all the other girls take center stage and get all the credit. I'm done acting like I'm happy for them to be standing in the spotlight, a spotlight that should still be mine. I'm through with people acting like I'm not still able to lace up my boots and beat the very best wrestlers in this division.

That's all done. That's all behind me. It's the past because I've had this wonderful new opportunity fall into my lap. What part of this division isn't currently distracted by other pursuits are apparently too scared of their own shadows to step up. They're afraid to take the bull by the horns, so to speak. Well, I'm damn sure not.

This division has let Lacey Evans walk all over them and hardly any even bothered to put up a fight. But I will put up a fight. You can be sure of that, Lacey. You're going to come to regret not having one of your friends in the back sign their name on the bottom line to lock up this opportunity because when they let opportunities like that slip through their fingers, just who comes along and picks it up is entirely out of your control. It just might be picked up by somebody like me, somebody that can bring your whole world crashing down around your ears.

This Saturday, at Payback, that is exactly what I'm going to do, Lacey. I'm going to bring this whole thing crashing down all around you. No more easy days for you, missy.

It's been a few years since I've had a good obsession. Unlucky for you, Lacey, beating you this Saturday is now it. I guess that just makes you the wrong lady in the wrong place at the wrong time. So enjoy what you have while you still can, Lacey, because your destruction is not only my obsession, but it's also going to be my pleasure.

     Thread Starter

5/11/2020 8:29 am  #3

Re: Promos for HWL Payback (05/16/20)

(Scott Dawson)

We heard there were these two nobody's from Indiana or Idaho or someplace running around here with some tag straps like they were top guys or something.

(Dash Wilder)

It was Ohio. They're from Ohio.


Wherever. Look, which little corner of nowhere and doesn't matter they're from makes no difference. The point is that these two nobodies have no idea what's in store for them this Saturday. It's real easy to talk the talk when you're running a raggedy little locker room of dinosaurs and club hoppers while the real top guys have been forced to sit on the sidelines.


Opportunity came knocking for us to get back in the game, so that's exactly what we're going to do. Now that we're free from the only company in the United States that doesn't know how to properly utilize the best tag teams in the world, the sky is the limit for The Revival.


Dave and Jake, I know you're a little confused right now, but the sky — that's the big blue thing you'd see if you and your meth cook ever left your trailer in the daylight.


Ooh, chemical burn. And while we're at it, I know you two bozos don't know what shampoo is either, but that's the stuff you put in your hair in the shower so that you don't walk around looking like a couple of greaseballs.


Do you think they even know what a shower is?


God, I hope so. If not, we'll have to wash those titles for a month to get the smell out.


Smelly or not, those titles deserve to be liberated and the task now falls to us to do it. Since the Sandy Fork sissies are having some kind of personal crisis and can't seem to get the job done any more, that leaves us as the only top guys around to re-elevate the tag team division here.


Don't take any of this too personal though, boys. It was always going to end for you sooner or later. You should just be happy that you'll be remembered for losing the straps to a couple of legitimate top guys like us instead of some of these other joke teams walking around in the back around here.


Top guys out.

     Thread Starter

5/14/2020 9:06 am  #4

Re: Promos for HWL Payback (05/16/20)

Brock Lesnar

*Camera shoots to the backstage, where it stops to Lesnar and Paul Heyman. Heyman is holding a mic in his chubby little hand*

PH:  My client, Brock Lesnar has requested that I make this short for Mr. Bigshow. This Saturday, The Bigshow steps into the ring with my client, “The Freak”, “The Next Big Thing”, Brockkkkkk Lessssnar!

Mr. Show, We know that you once had issues with my client in the past, but let us promise you this. Saturday night, We END the legend of BIgshow and continue to climb the ladder to the top! Stay out of our way.

*Camera ends*


5/14/2020 10:02 am  #5

Re: Promos for HWL Payback (05/16/20)

(Mickie James)

Your time is running out, Lacey. I hope you've enjoyed the past three months because your time holding that title has reached its final 48 hours.

For me, don't even think about calling this a comeback because I haven't been away. I've just been held on the sidelines so that with me safely tucked away the business of wrestling could go about creating new stars in the women's division. Because the reality of the situation was, if they didn't keep me on the sidelines, nobody in the division would ever be able to shine as brightly as me.

Rest assured though, that even though you haven't been seeing me on television, my skills have not deteriorated. My drive has not lessened one iota. I am the same all-conquering force that took down Trish Stratus at her zenith. Trish had been the WWE Women's Champion for 15 months and I snuffed it out in one night. A mere five months later, she was retired. I knocked her off her pedestal and she got her one final moment against Lita, but then retired rather than having to ever face me again.

Does that scare you, Lacey? It should. Like Trish felt back then, can you feel all that you've built here about to come crashing down? You should. Women's wrestling would not exist as it does today without Trish Stratus. Hell, women's wrestling would not exist as it does today without Mickie James.

Meanwhile, what the hell has Lacey Evans done? Any time you've had somebody really stand up to you, Lacey, they've beaten you. Your successes for the most part have come from challengers who were either too timid to give you their best shot or when they got knocked down just stopped coming back for more. But I don't stop, Lacey. Knock me down and knock me down and knock me down again, I'm going to keep coming, keep pushing back and push right through you to get back to where I need to be, to where I deserve to be — at the very top of this division.

Time is almost up. Two more days and it all ends for you, Lacey. Two more days and then... (A loud crash can be heard in the background)... then it all comes down.

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5/14/2020 10:13 am  #6

Re: Promos for HWL Payback (05/16/20)

(Scott Dawson)

Here we are, just a few more days until The Revival have the chance to call themselves champions again. Titles or not, we are the very best tag team in the world and everybody who's anybody in this sport knows it. But at the same time, it's always nice to have this nice tangible 20-pound reminder to carry with you through the airport so that even the people who wouldn't know a wristlock from a wristwatch can just take one look at you and know that you are the man.

(Dash Wilder)

OvE, personal hygience matters aside, you two have done quite well for yourselves. But the big thing here is that you've never done it anywhere where we were at.


That's right. You boys have been pretty good in the little fishbowls you've been swimming around in, but come this Saturday, we're going to dump you out of that little fishbowl and you're going to have to try to fend for yourselves in a shark tank with us.


It's simple biology, really. You take a little tiny goldfish living it up in his fish tank at home, eating the steady diet of food provided for it by others and then you take it out of that environment, make it try to start fending for itself, and drop it in with the biggest and baddest predators from the sea and it's not about to be pretty.


Just how long can these two little goldfish survive with the bigger fish? I guess we'll find that out on Saturday, but Dash, I'm already sensing some blood in the water.


Me too, Scott. Me too. Those of you watching at home, if you've got a weak disposition, you may not want to tune in for this one. It's probably going to get ugly.


Top guys, out.

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5/15/2020 10:26 am  #7

Re: Promos for HWL Payback (05/16/20)

* Bray Wyatt *

Hello there. It's me Bray Wyatt. And I know what you thinking? Where have I been? Where did I go to? Well let me tell you guys. After I lost to David Arquette, I decided to take a leap of absence in order to reinvigorate myself. And yes, many of you missed me....especially my fireflies. But don't you worry. I'm here to do everything right. And it starts tomorrow, and what an appropriate name for the Pay per view itself. Payback. Cause folks, let's face it. You all wanted to see "HIM" get back at Arquette. So "HE" waited patiently. Bidding his time and  lurked around until the perfect opportunity stroke. 

Last Wednesday, "HE" did just that. Arquette looked like he was about to claim another victory and another title into his decorated career. It was within his grasp. Then HE showed up. For unknown reason that you and I can't explain, HE decided to step in. HE dragged him down to the pit of despair, where "HE" did unthinkable things. Till now, I don't know what "HE" did, but now "HE" is ready to claim back something very dear to him.

At Payback, The Fiend returns. But not in an ordinary match or a whimsical adventure scene. No. Both "HIM" and Arquette, will be locked down inside a 20 foot high.....STEEL CAGE. Bare in mind, that this match is to make sure that both individuals don't escape with their sanity intact. This match, will decide the faith itself of HWL. And the fireflies know really well, that "HE" is not happy with you Arquette. Whether you're still unconscious, sleeping, hiding or even training. The Fiend will exact his revenge and much more.

Don't worry tho Arquette. Once all this ordeal is done, and "HE" gets his payback, he'll take that World title where it'll be safe back at the Firefly Fun House. With Ramblin Rabbit, Abby the Witch, Mercy the Buzzard, Husky the Pig and Evil Vinny. And of course with all of my fireflies.....we will all be happy. And all of you have to do Arquette is....LET ME IN!!!!!

Bye everyone. Be safe. Hope to see you tomorrow Arquette. Bye now.


5/15/2020 10:58 am  #8

Re: Promos for HWL Payback (05/16/20)

Finn Balor

*Scene opens with pitch darkness in a room. Suddenly, a spotlight turns on, showing Balor sitting on a steel chair, wearing a new all dark suit. Balor fixes his tie then relaxes back in the chair*

FB: Tomorrow night in our next pay per view, Payback. This pay per view is a great name for the mission im about to enter. I speak tonight only myself, and not the Bullet Club. I gave Gallows and Anderson the night off.  Let me give everyone a quick history lesson on my past, the history of Finn Balor. I was told to lay down on my back and take a fall for someone because they decided to toss on a mask.  My old boss, Vince, that stupid old man, told me to look weak against the one who put the mask on… Let the mask man look strong,then put me down. 

For those who are brainless, Ill fill you in on who this mask man is.   The man they call “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt.   Wyatt has his title match tomorrow, as I have my Gauntlet match, where the winner gets to face a champion at the next ppv in June. If all goes to plan, Itll be “The Fiend” Vs….. “The Demon”!

For those in this gauntlet match, I warn you to come strong, with your best  A game if possible.  Cause there’s nothing stopping me from getting to the top.  Balor Era starts NOW!

*Lights turn off, then suddenly turn back on As “The Demon” is sitting on the chair instead. Demon looks into the camera as it slowly fades*


5/15/2020 11:04 am  #9

Re: Promos for HWL Payback (05/16/20)

* TJ Perkins *

Well well....another opportunity just presented itself. A second chance at getting back that Cruiserweight title. However, my opponent is none other than the Black Heart himself, Tomasso Ciampa. Believe me when I say this, it will be an absolute honor to battle you for that prestigious title your holding. I'm sure that your time to get acquainted with "Goldie" will come.

But sadly, that title your holding has to come back to me. You see....I have busted my ass in this company. Been Mr. Aries right side man. Made that Cruiserweight title become a top prize here in this company. Then managed to win the belt before I departed outside the company. Now, I'm here to reclaim it. So Ciampa, despite all your beliefs and all your moral. The title has to be in my hands. It's the only right solution. Of course, it will be a difficult task. But at the end of the day, this division needs a guy like me to uphold it's reputation.

So nothing personal Ciampa, but this is just game over for you....and a whole new start for me. Just you wait and see.


5/15/2020 11:18 am  #10

Re: Promos for HWL Payback (05/16/20)

* MJF *

Why am I not surprised folks? Another schedule match against a guy who's way past his prime. More like an old dog, waiting to be brought back to shed to be killed. And that person who's going to be responsible is none other than me, the youngest and fastest rising star in all of  sports entertainment. Mick, you have had countless classic throughout your career. From your hell in a cell with the Undertaker and Triple H. To becoming a World Champion. To even losing a part of your ear by a freak accident. You have done it all. But Mick, your time has passed by. And it's time to look into the future.

The future is looking bright for MJF. The possibility are endless. So what better way to make my name be heard then to finally end your pathetic career. It's basically poetry in motion. So don't expect any special farewell after our match. Cause the only way your leaving tomorrow night is two ways. In a duffel bag or inside an ambulance. for that grab match, I heard Finn Balor inserted his name and has his intention clear. So I'll announce that not only will I be ending the career of Mick Foley, but I'll be participating in this gauntlet match with one goal in mind. To utterly humiliate any opposition that stands in my way. Whether it be you Finn, or anyone else. Destiny calls me. It's written in the stars above that I'll be the one to take that world title shot. And sure, I imagine your looking forward to getting your revenge on the man who permanently had scarred you. Sadly that won't happen. Cause at the end of the day. Everyone in HWL. Around the world. And even management knows....that I'm just simply better than all of you.

And you all know it. The MJF era starts at Payback. And boy oh boy, Payback will be oh so sweet indeed.


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