The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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5/06/2020 3:04 pm  #1

HWL Overdrive Episode #40 (05/06/20)

It’s that time of week again as HWL brings you Overdrive and the show returns to the HWL Arena in St. Louis this week for three championship encounters with the Television, Tag Team and Cruiserweight Championships all up for grabs tonight.
The cruiserweights will be up first as Tomasso Ciampa and the defending champion, Humberto Carrillo, make their way to the ring.
Match #1 – HWL Cruiserweight Championship – Humberto Carrillo vs. Tomasso Ciampa
The two men tie-up as the match gets under way and Ciampa goes to a Side Headlock. Humberto tries to shove him off into the ropes, but Ciampa holds on and forces the champion down to one knee and then snaps him over and down to the mat while keeping the Headlock applied. Humberto slowly battles back up to his feet and tries to counter into a Side Suplex, but Ciampa blocks it and pops Humberto a couple of times in the ear. Ciampa then whips Humberto into the corner and follows him in with a  Flying Lariat and then a Running Bulldog. Ciampa then goes for the Sharpshooter, but Humberto counters into an Inside Cradle for a near fall. The two men rush back to their feet and Humberto connects with an Enziguri. He then springboards off the ropes and goes for an Asai Moonsault, but Ciampa boots him in the face while he’s hanging in the air upside down and Humberto crashes to the mat, landing on the back of his head. Ciampa then follows up with the Fairy-tale Ending and covers him for the three count.
Tomasso Ciampa is your winner and the NEW Cruiserweight Champion. That’s just the start as we could potentially crown two other new champions tonight. In the back, we see Television Champion Sami Callihan heading for the ring. It’s all OvE the rest of the way as Callihan prepares for his title defense and Dave and Jake Crist will defend the tag team titles later on in the Main Event. Find out who the next challenger for Sami Callihan is right after this word from our sponsors.
Back from the commercial break, it’s time for the Television Championship as Sami Callihan makes his way to the ring and then we find out that his challenger will be the Women’s World Champion, Lacey Evans.
Match #2 – HWL Television Championship – Sami Callihan vs. Lacey Evans
Sami is dumbfounded by this development and can’t shake of the surprise as the match gets under way and Lacey boots him in the gut. Lacey then bounces off the ropes and connects with a Running Knee Lift and then pins Sami with a Backslide, but Sami kicks out for a near fall. Lacey hammers Sami with a flurry of clubbing blows and then sets up for a Neckbreaker, but Sami powers out of it, forcing her hands apart. Sami then turns her around and knees her in the gut and then slaps her viciously across the face and Lacey goes down to one knee. Sami then takes Lacey by the hair and rams her head between his legs into position for the Piledriver, playing it up for the fans. He then changes his mind and sets her up for a Pump-handle Slam instead, overplaying it as he grinds up against her from behind and Lacey catches him with a Hip Toss and then a Running Snapmere. Lacey then bounces off the ropes as Sami regains his feet and she takes him down with a Lou Thesz Press into the cover, but Sami pulls her into a kiss and she has to slap him away and break up the cover on her own in order to get away from him. Sami then rushes back up to his feet and Lacey goes for the Woman’s Right, but Sami ducks and counters into an Inverted Atomic Drop and then takes Lacey from behind by the tights and launches her out over the top rope. However, Lacey hangs onto the rope and skins the cat back in while wrapping her legs around Sami’s head and then pulling him out over the top rope and dumping him to the floor. Lacey then springboards off the middle rope and nails Sami with an Asai Moonsault to the floor. Lacey then slowly drags Sami back to his feet and rolls him back into the ring. Lacey then heads up to the top turnbuckle as she prepares for another Moonsault, this time into the ring, but Sami dives against the ropes, crotching her on top turnbuckle pad. Sami then pulls Lacey by the hair, leaving her legs draped over the top rope as he pulls her head and torso away from the corner and then drops her to the mat with a Neckbreaker. Sami then finishes the job with the Cactus Piledriver and covers her for the three count.
Sami Callihan retains the title here tonight in an unexpected encounter with the Women’s World Champion. He will survive to defend the title once again next week against a fresh challenger. Before that though, we have to get through tonight and we have one more match left to go. The Tag Team titles will be on the line in our Main Event, coming up right after one final commercial break.
Back from the break, it’s Main Event time as Jungle Boy and Marko Stunt from the Jurassic Express make their way to the ring, as do the defending champions, OvE.
Match #3 – HWL Tag Team Championship – OvE vs. Jurassic Express
Jungle Boy and Jake Crist start things off and Jungle Boy backs him up against the ropes with a series of flailing punches as Jake covers up to block most of the damage and then knocks Jungle Boy down with a Headbutt to the chin. Jake then tags in Dave and OvE delivers a Double Suplex. Dave then springboards off the middle rope into a Guillotine Leg Drop and makes the cover, but Jungle Boy kicks out. Dave tags Jake back in and Dave drops Jungle Boy across his knee with a Backbreaker as Jake comes off the middle rope and drives his Elbow down across Jungle Boy’s throat. Jake then makes the cover, but Jungle Boy kicks out again for a near fall. Jake then puts the boots to Jungle Boy and sets up for a Powerbomb, but as he gets him up, Jungle Boy fires away with a series of punches to the skull and Crist drops to the mat with Jungle Boy landing on top of him. Dave then comes charging in, but Jungle Boy dives to his own corner and makes the hot tag to little Marko. Marko comes in off the top rope and knocks Dave flat with a Spinning Heel Kick. Marko then hits Jake with a Running Dropkick to the side of the head. Dave grabs Marko from behind, but Marko squirms free and connects with some Sweet Shin Music and then follows up with a Hurricanrana, driving Dave face first into the mat and Dave rolls out to the floor. Mark then heads up to the top turnbuckle and goes for a Corkscrew Senton, but Jake drives his knees up into Marko’s back. Jake then catches Jungle Boy coming at him with a Superkick and then picks Jungle Boy up and drives him onto Marko with the Falcon Arrow. Jake then heads up to the top turnbuckle and Davies pulls Jungle Boy out to the floor and hurls him headlong into the barricade and Jake hits Marko with a Senton Bomb and covers him for the three count.
OvE retain as Sami Callihan charges out to the ring to join in their celebration as the three of them all retain their gold and another episode of Overdrive comes to a close. Join us again next week for more great action, but for now, we are signing off.


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